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Fantasy Hideout (Accepting Again)

uzoma sterk

uzoma smiled lightly as she recollected her day's meals. it still seemed as though she didn't have very much, but at the very least, it had been something. something she especially liked, if they remembered right.
"that's... good," they say, almost to themselves, as lean against the wall near the door, as if waiting for something. at the mention of using her power, they uncomfortably shift position, but they don't really say much about it. if she was feeling well enough to use it, it was her prerogative, but... well, the problem was, she'd probably use it whether or not she was, in their mind.

they relax again.
"it's no trouble. really." they were being honest - for as sore as they were, what tired feeling they had had pretty much evaporated with jun and vera leaving for the night. it wasn't that unusual for orphans to do so - as they all had learned, nobody else seemed to dare. and they were surprisingly successful with it. but lately, they had become expected. extra guards had been set out just for their capture. not the capture of the criminals that seemed to rule the streets, just young children trying to eat their share. it was likely pretty embarrassing. and if they found vera and jun... they worried the guards would try to make a point about it.

they tell aliana as much.
"i'm a little antsy, anyway. it's good we didn't go. but it would have been even better for if no one had. obviously." they let their words sort of simmer for a moment, feeling the sort of childish resentment they'd bore sink in. they know the two had to go. they needed the supplies especially now that people were on the lookout for them. they shake their head. everyone felt a little on edge about the redoubled efforts, so there was no need to bother someone else with petty nonsense like this.

they finally realize, after having been so focused on aliana, that one of the smaller children were awake. they grit their teeth, realizing lucian had probably heard their whole conversation.
"lucian?" they frown, realizing even in the incredibly dim light of the room that he didn't seem to look well. maybe it was just their imagination. "you ok?"

@VioletShadow @Hana Koen
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Aliana Sithu

Aliana sat quietly as she listened to Uzoma's replies. Her mind was fully awake now, and she knew, no matter how hard she tried, she was not going to be able to go to sleep for a while. Especially since the sugar rush of the jam had finally kicked in. Calmly, she re-tied her hair using her torn, red ribbons, as she thought of a reply, a simple silence in the air. "Okay," she began, "Let me re-phrase my earlier reply. Would you like to go outside with me? As a group, our food supplies won't be able to last us very long, and the dark of the night makes it easier to sneak around." She had considered the rations earlier, counting everyone's share, especially for the little ones, who have not grown up yet. At most, the food they had left was only going to last 3-4 days, regarding their numbers and stacks of food in the supply area. In the past, it was much easier to balance food for a long time, with a little number of orphans and not many guards on their tail.

Bread was preferably needed right now, as it's filling attribute, large store of energy and the fact that it was usually in loaves was very pleasing in their situation. "Relying on only one group of people heading out to find food, isn't exactly safe. For instance, if that one group is caught, highly likely in the situation at hand, we are in deep trouble. If you would prefer to not go out, I'll go on my own, or if anyone would like to accompany me, let me know now." The earlier part of her speech was spoken quietly, as to not worry the others about the situation. However the latter, was spoken louder, in order to alert any possible companions.

As she gave time for the others to think, she calmly stood up and began stretching her limbs one at a time, preparing for her future journey. Her bright green eyes shone with a powerful resolution; to not let anyone here starve.


Lucian glance over at Uzoma before nodding his head slowly and grabbing a cushion to put his head against. He held his shaking hand behind his back as he tried to get comfy. "I'm fine. You guys were just a bit loud. So...I got startled." Responded Lucian as he tried to get comfy once again. Don't want them to get worried again he thought as he remember the conversation that he overheard. He knew everyone had it hard enough and he didn't want to be any more of a burden to them. It was hard enough taking care of him since he wasn't as strong or helpful as everyone else. "Just keep it down, okay? I'm feeling pretty tired is all. It was a long day."

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The head imperial guard wanted to search inside the castle to find their little thieves. But in order to do so, he would have to get permission from the Empress herself. That...woman... might take it as a personal offense if the guards were searching the rooms in her castle. But he needed her permission if he was to carry on with the task. And he didn't want the Imperial Overseer to ask for him. He tended to avoid Phillips as he was always trying to undermine the head guard's power- even though technically the head guard didn't work directly under him and was part of a separate division.

The head guard signaled for two of his men to come with him to the castle. "The rest of you stay put and be on the lookout for activity," he ordered.

They walked inside the castle doors, and headed straight to the courtroom. The Emperor himself was away as always, having a meeting with some foreign dignitaries. But the Empress was sitting right at the court throne with a haughty expression on her face.

The head guard thought for a minute about how to approach the problem. It seemed ridiculous indeed...asking to search the castle for a group of thieves barely out of puberty! But they were more dangerous than they seemed. Last year, a lieutenant guard had died in a fight with one of them, stabbed in the stomach. The head guard didn't care about the lieutenant on a personal level, but on a professional level he had been highly offended! No one messes with his officers!

The head guard cleared his throat and knelt down before the throne. "Madam Empress, I'd like to request permission to search the castle for a group of ...thieves, who may be hiding in the castle."

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Afya held onto the small basket tightly as she made her way into the castle. The precious herbs she held were a pain to pick and sort. And they were to go into the Empress's herbal tea. If she lost hold of them her punishment from her mentor would be a stern lecture. And she would have to repick and sort new herbs. That would mean no time for wandering. 'Last job of the day!' she thought cheerfully. Her list was shorter today, as she finished early. 'Just make it to the kitchen.' Her bare feet made little noise as she slipped across the gardens and into the castle, the cold stone contrasting with the soft grass.

The overseer looked over at the past daily reports and lists of past recorded incidents, whilst also thoroughly inspecting a new reconstruction of the supremely old construction plan of this old castle. He was trying his utmost best to piece together all the information, and find out who this hidden assailant actually was, although he never killed anyone, except for a few guards here and there, but which was also considered a serious threat to the security of this kingdom and the future of the empire itself. One of the most stupidly difficult roadblock had to be that this kingdom was built ages ago, and the reconstruction of its building plans were mostly made out of several trial-and-error techniques
and failed to prove any hidden transportation routes or secret chambers in this old castle, since the original plan was torn beyond recognition, possibly by that very same assailant. Reports said that the perpetrator was possibly a juvenile, because of multiple sights and slight confrontations, and that many actually existed. Reports also assumed that the many 'misplaced' food products were actually the work of this clever thief.

Of course, Jack had to be the only face of authority who, unfortunately, was ordered by his superiors to undertake a individual operation to take down this very potential threat to her majesty.

All efforts to catch them were proven fruitless due to their simultaneous double operation techniques. Though most reports clearly stated that one of the numerous thief were killed and their body was recovered. Although there was insufficient evidence that they were actually the same ones.

"This is a very outlandish yield of reports, I may have to try a more radical approach to this matter." Jack silently muttered to himself before moving out of his office room before going down the hallways, all the while pondering to himself about any possible solution to this baffling yet curious case.

He was seemingly lost in his thoughts, when he was abruptly snapped out of it by a very nervous corporal who seemed to be in great haste. He was blabbering our incoherent and deformed words before he too, was snapped out of his thoughts by his superior.

"What's going on? Did you find that Thief yet?" He questioned him before the corporal stammered a bit, finally speaking out coherent words.

"There's a massive conflict outside the city gates and near the outskirts, concerning a battalion of our soldiers and a moderately massive group of elven rebels. There's men stationed out there, and the gate has been locked for the safety of the citizens. We have to intercept the rebels before more of our men get hurt." He hastily explained as drops of sweat went down his forehead. He decided to continue on again.

"Most of our garrison reserves are currently deployed at the twin peaks canyon outside dendra, and our units are to stand by at the kingdom, for the priority isn't that high, but we were told to perform an individualistic operation to intercept and defeat them quickly." He finished as he looked at the now sceptical Jack.

"Shall we roll? Cause we're going to go ever there." He replied before the duo hurried off to the stables to get their respective horses and quench this guerrilla attack.
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Jun climbed down the side of the tavern that formed a dark alley. Half way down he placed his foot on an unstable piece of rubble jutting out from the side of the wall. As he put his weight on it, it crumbled and sent Jun crashing to the ground. He hit the stone with a loud thump. Jun lay on his back for a few moments, taking a few painful breathes. He glanced up at Vera and guessed that she was most likely cursing at his clumsiness and gave her a sheepish smile and a thumbs up. He stood up and looked to see if anyone had heard his fall, but the tavern was booming with loud, drunken laughs and shouts of anger and he was confident he went unnoticed.

The caravan was just around the corner of the alley he was currently hiding in and he could see the bundles of bread, fruit, and coin purses that lay inside. He subtly leaned his head out onto the main road to see check for guards or any late-night wanderers. As he crept out from the shadows of the alley, he peered inside the tavern window and noticed two guards who had obviously visited the tavern while on duty. A smile broke across his face and he shook his head as he stepped carefully toward the caravan.

He picked the lock and snuck in the caravan. Jun heard them before he saw them. The clang of armour, pounding of horses and shouting of imperial guards filled the air. He shut the door of the caravan and ducked behind some of the barrels in the furthest markets corner he could find. Seconds later the troop of guards passed him yelling about a group of elven rebels. His heart was pounding and sweat started to drip down his back as the guards passed for what seemed like forever. At the back of the troop was the Imperial Overseer himself, as menacing as ever.

@Elephantom @StoneWolf18
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uzoma sterk

uzoma rubbed their temples. so that's what she meant. as they listened to her, and watched her carefully count the shared supply of food, she knew what she said rung true. it would be easier if both of them went out now for add to the share, but it also seemed like a disaster waiting to happen. but aliana wasn't exactly putting them in a good position. if she was this gung ho about going, there was very little they could do to stop her, and she was likely to need someone to go with her. uzo steps closer to her, speaking quietly.

"sure it isn't, but realistically, we'd just be trading one risk for another." they said whisper fimly, tapping their foot as they thought about her proposition. sure there were more people around to avoid failure if one person gets caught, but what would happen if they both got caught? they'd just be in an even worse position. and then what? uzoma gives her a serious stare, their frustration apparent.

but they eventually sighed.
"fine. i can go. ...we'll go. but let's keep it limited. we're already flirting with disaster." they blow a piece of hair out of their face as they move away from aliana, and looked over to lucian.

"we're sorry." a pause. they seem to look over somewhere else for a moment as they think, gathering their things in a rush. "we'll keep out of your hair, then. we'll be back soon - just get some sleep, and we'll be back before you wake up." they think about it, for a moment, and then very gently place their hand on lucian's head, trying not to make them uncomfortable but still reassuring them. they crouch down slightly, speaking to them in quiet whisper. "with something good. just for you." they slowly get back up, and turn back to aliana, a tired, expectant look on their face.

@VioletShadow @Hana Koen

the empress

elianys watched with bemusement as the guard knelt down before her throne. this had oddly become a very interesting time of the day - during the day time, she was met with requests on mundane courtly matters. there were many foreign matters left to the emperor, but the home court had almost become soley her own with the current state of activity. some things of interest happened during the day, and little happened late during the night unless there was a state of emergency. but occasionally, in the evening, she was met was this specific problem.

"madam empress, i'd like to request permission to search the castle for a group of ...thieves, who may be hiding in the castle." her bemusement suddenly flashed away from her face, a moment of surprisingly pensive thought dawning it. she had expected news of thieves - she personally had approved the request to up the guard forces at night to combat a certain sort - but it was surprising to hear that some were supposedly here. she quickly flashed a wide grin.

"is that so?" how interesting! how bold! the guards knew damn well not to bother her with things they didn't have some certain degree of certainty about, which meant there must be a certain degree of evidence to support his claim. "just under your noses, then? how laughable!" she looked almost carnivorous as she sat up in her seat. "if that's true, guard, you and your subordinates' incompetence is almost so unbelievable, it's something to be admired! and if it isn't true, it's even more so." she takes a breath, probably one of the smuggest even taken, and then shrugs.

"but i suppose that can wait. you're free to go ahead. depending on the result, afterward, you'll have your due." she finishes, taking a final huff of her pipe and blowing it off.

"that will be all. for once, don't disappoint me."

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Lucian paused as he felt their hand on his head and reached out his hand before pulling it back quickly. He let out a sigh as he lifted up his hands to touch where their hand had been as he stopped himself from shaking it off. He found it strange still and yet he kind of liked it not that he would ever admit it to anyone else. "Just... watch your surrounding and.." He paused as he glanced away so that they would not see the concern in his eyes."Don't do anything stupid..." He warned instead of saying be safe knowing that was not always possible.

He only hoped that they were talking about food because he was trying very hard to act normal and he knew that they would do anything they could for their sake. He pulled the tattered cushion closer as he hugged it to his body with his face giving nothing else away. Everyone will be okay he reassured himself as he closed his eyes pretending to go to sleep when really he was thinking hard about the problem. How could he help he wondered as he came up with things that he knew would be stupid in execution.

"I'm going to sleep. See you soon?" He responded to Aliana and Uzoma as he tried to keep his voice steady pretending he was unaffected. He was reminded of how everyone told him that he was still a child and he should enjoy his childhood. But wasn't everyone also a child when they found him?

@rusticyawn @VioletShadow
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Vera had dived downward to join Jun. But as he made his clumsy way into the caravan, she caught the nearby conversation with the guards. Hovering midair, she angled her ears to catch what was said.


Rushing inside the caravan and transforming back, she hissed in Jun's ear. "The guards know where all the orphans are camping out. We have to move now!" She was dangerously low on blood though feeding was going to have to wait.

@Khaz @Pashpu
Jun stared at Vera with wide eyes.

"We can't go anywhere right now with those guards just outside." He peered out the window and saw the guards still hovering around the city gate. But he knew she was right, the guards weren't at full force which meant there were others somewhere around the kingdom. He knew they couldn't escape by running on the rooftops again, he would be sighted for sure.

"Well we can't go back the way we came." His eye was drawn to a drunk couple who had just stumbled out of the bar. The guards noticed but didn't seem to care.

"We might be able to fool them if we act like we just left the bar," A sudden smile burst across his face, "or we could actually go into the bar."

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"Children..." She muttered before transforming once more(which was a bit slower this time considering her lack of blood)and flew above Jun and warped the shadows around him to deflect any light, thus rendering him invisible. Gesturing towards the door, she prayed he was smart enough to remain as silent as possible.

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Cafurn smelled a human close by, a few hundred meters away from him. The creature quickly but quietly sprinted towards him. Cafurn hid behind the bushes and camouflaged with the darkness. "Ruun." He whispered as he went a few feet back and hid behind a tree. To Cafurn, everything is about hunting humans, and toying with them gave him pleasure. The creature was 20 feet behind the human, making noises as he circled him. "Ruuun." @deadpool42
Rosenkreuz' abject level of apprehension had risen from "something's off" to "something is seriously and gravely wrong here." Whatever loot may have been in the cave, it wasn't worth risking his life over-- the youth began to retreat towards the edge of the clearing when, in the distance, he heard a vague sound that spinal-tapped him with a transfusion of liquid nitrogen; "Ruuuuun." That could not possibly be could, whatever that was... however, Rosenkreuz hesitated in regards to following through with the advice being uttered from the throes of the forest. Was flight the right choice here? Many predators didn't give chase until they saw their prey fleeing. Maybe... maybe if he stood his ground...
Cafurn stayed back as he followed the human. He could smell his fear. "Ruunnn..." The creature whispered again, this time louder and in a more roaring tone. The creature circled the human, sprinting loudly at 30 feet away. (Does your character have a torch with him, [just say yes do I don't edit the post :P ]) The 7 foot tall creature would go slightly into the fires light for a second before disappearing back into the darkness, this was to scare his prey. Of course the human would not have seen Cafurn fully, but he could make out the shadow. "Close your eyes!" Cafurn whisper yelled in a slithery voice.
"Alright... alright, enough of this crap."

Rosenkreuz tossed down his torch against the soil, and stomped out the flame, and then dropped into a crouch. This time, he did follow the abomination's commands, squeezing his one eye tightly shut, and waiting. Was he really going to leave himself like this, out in the open, defenseless? It appeared so. Long, tense moments dragged by; his breathing was tense, panicked. He was afraid, almost shivering with the terror.
Jun's face lit up and crawled stealthily out of the caravan. He pulled his hood over his face and walked into the tavern. The tavern was loud with many drunks that seemed like they were having a good time. He walked over to the corner of the bar and sat down at a dimly lit table.

"Never seen you around, want anything?" The barmaid walked over to Jun and leaned over the table. Jun smiled and ordered a small meal in order to not seem suspicious. He furrowed his brow and thought about how he was going to warn the others and evacuate them before the guards found them.

Aliana Sithu

Aliana was slightly ticked off at his reluctant reply, but kept her face emotionless, and nodded quietly. "If we don't go now, when? As we rest on the verge of starvation? Not to mention how much weaker we will become over time." She spoke quietly, but impatiently, as she tied her worn leather boots up, ragged with small tears here and there. Black string crossed multiple times through the center, despite the fraying areas. The soles of the boot were soft, in order to prevent loud noises when she ran. "It's not as if we're aiming for something grand, only a little gold to buy food, or preferably food itself."

Within her mind, she studied where their destination should be. It's not as if food will just be lying on the stands in the dead of the night. She sighed exasperatedly, where should they head to? A few thoughts spiraled here and there, and she shared them politely as Uzoma re-entered her view.
"We could steal from a noble's room, I heard there's some sort of late night meeting/party going on, I'm not too clear on details. A house might be a good idea to rob, it is late at night after all, but we would have to be really quiet." She bit her lip as she struggled to remember any other places they could head to. But none come to mind."If you have any other ideas let me know" She waited with her arms crossed as she continued to ponder slightly, but more focused on Uzoma's reply, whether it be a reiteration or a new destination.


uzoma sterk

'when we don't have two people out doing the exact same thing,
was my point,' uzoma thought to themself, as they waited as she pulled her boots back on. there was really no point in fighting among family, anyway, so they kept their final comments to themself. there would be no real reason in airing frustrations if they were just going to go anyway. they had always been taught family was important, that you made concessions for their sake. the platitude didn't really help uzoma's unvented frustration with the situation, though, which they decided to instead tried to let go by digging into their own palms.

they smiled softly as lucian's hand reached up to meet their own. uzo wasn't quite sure how to treat him - it seemed as if he was the hardest of the group to figure out, sometimes. but they did their best to accomodate him, the best they knew how.
"see you soon?" he asks, and it's at least this they can answer certainly. "see you soon," uzoma confirms, subtly moving one of the unused cushions a little closer to him, before turning back to aliana.

when they both were finished, uzoma nodded.
"i guess. stealing from the palace would at least be quick either way - stealth takes time, and i..." they weren't exactly sure of themself. "if we're not clear on the details, we could try the kitchen first? if it's already over, then there's plenty there left to take. if it isn't, then we could visit a noble's room instead..." they sort of trail off. they weren't exactly sure if that'd be feasible, per say. uzo wasn't overly familar with the layout of the castle, and it seemed enormous. if they were more far of then they had expected, they'd end up wasting a lot more time...

"honestly, it's not important." it definitely was, but the longer they spent debating it, the more uzo actually considered their plans, the worse they felt about them. "just lead the way, wherever you think is best. it was your idea, after all."

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Khaz said:
Jun's face lit up and crawled stealthily out of the caravan. He pulled his hood over his face and walked into the tavern. The tavern was loud with many drunks that seemed like they were having a good time. He walked over to the corner of the bar and sat down at a dimly lit table.
"Never seen you around, want anything?" The barmaid walked over to Jun and leaned over the table. Jun smiled and ordered a small meal in order to not seem suspicious. He furrowed his brow and thought about how he was going to warn the others and evacuate them before the guards found them.
The head guard listened as the Queen unleashed her stupid tirade on him, and then finally agreed. He was fuming inside of his head as he and his companions walked outside the castle door. That woman already had a lot of enemies, someday someone would put her in her place surely. Maybe it would even be him. But right now, it was time to focus on searching the castle.


The Imperial Guards stationed around the caravan and tavern were bored. They had been waiting a while and still no signs of activity.

"I'm gonna go inside the tavern and get some ale," said one of the guards.

"Hey!" replied another. "We're supposed to be watching out for the thieves. They should be out here any moment."

"Oh relax," said the first guard. "There ain't anything going on."

"Well even if there was, you would miss it cause you aren't looking properly! Remember we were told they would be moving on the rooftops?"

"They're jumping rooftops now?" snorted the first guard. "You kidding me?" He laughed, and opened the door to the tavern.

He walked up to the barmaid. "I'd fancy a standard cup of ale." He drummed his fingers as he waited for the barmaid to fill his glass, and looked around the room. Then he noticed someone suspicious. A young man...or boy..? Dressed in haggard clothes, clearly stolen.. looking around the room anxiously as if to look for guards...

"Hey! YOU!" the guard yelled, and charged forward with his sword drawn.


Silently Oliver walked through the crowd. He had been called to the castle again. How many times was this? He was loosing count. He moved surpassingly quick as he held his knurly staff up of the ground. He looked around watching thieves and pickpockets. He knocked one out who tried to steal his purse. Bad idea sorcerer! Did no one see the staff? Sighing he looked at the castle guard who stopped him. His green eyes seemed to pierce the man. He growled, "Move aside I've been summoned."

"Have to see your papers." He didn't have any it was just a messenger who should have left papers....Odd. Spinning his staff he landed the guard a hefty blow to his skull downing him quickly. He had to move he had no time to go home and get more papers.
Jun looked at the the guard barrelling down on his position. He gave a brief glance over possible exits, of course there were none that he could reach before the guard eventually caught him, and for Vera. Out of the frying pot and into the fire he thought to himself, but even this made him smile. He had told the Uzoma that he had never been caught and that they would be fine if they went on a run tonight. While that pipe dream seemed to be rapidly fading, Jun was determined and optimistic that he could somehow get out of this situation. He was practically shaking from the excitement that was already spreading throughout his body at the thought of the thrilling story that would become of this night. Of course it was more likely adrenaline coursing through his body from the intensity of his... predicament.

Suddenly he remembered that the guard was still coming towards him. His best bet was to do what he always did, smile and put on a good show. He pulled his hood off and greeted the man with a large smile.

"My good man, you seem troubled. Why don't you sit down and have a drink with me?" He leaned over and pulled out one of the chairs at his table.

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The guard charged at the young man, expecting him to try to flee. But instead he just continued sitting down and smiled a huge smile at him, as if nothing had happened. The guard abruptly came to a halt in front of him and withdrew his sword.

Strange...maybe he wasn't their thief after all. They would have surely run away without a second thought. Maybe he had made a mistake. Still, the boy seemed awfully like the description his fellow guards had given him of the boy climbing down the castle walls. Bold hair, tall, long hair, AND he had raggedy clothes. But there
were many people who could fit that description...And the guard wasn't a particular fan of picking on innocent civilians.

"Nah thanks, I'd prefer to drink alone," the guard said in response to the young man's question. "But you look a little young to be at the bar at this time of night. You know there are some dangerous criminals out there right now, who we are searching for. Why don't you head off home?" he said pleasantly.

Vera rolled her eyes and transformed back before entering the bar. She was a bit unsteady with her mind a bit slow though there was no doubt in her mind that shit was going down. Walking in she spotted Jun and made her way over to the table before giving him a sharp cuff on the ear. "What on earth are you doing in this disgusting, rat infested pub! Out! We were going to see your father not stop in for a drink!" Whilst grabbing her supposed son by the arm she looked to the officer. "I'm terribly sorry for the trouble he caused...children these days don't know how to listen to their mother."

@Khaz @Pashpu
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"Well, how about I keep mine open?"

A man dressed in black stepped into the side of the beast's vision. A cocky, smug look plastered on his face. "Or should I keep my eyes closed as well? I wouldn't need them to impale you." The moans of his coat carried a hint of annoyance. "A lot of good men... A lot, apparently, have died to a "voice in the forest", so the rumor mill goes. Not much I care for rumors, but a few coins here 'n there never hurt. You seem to be sentient, so, how about we stop playing games and get down to business."

The buster sword held on his back, along with a rapure, a longsword, and a katana, all gleamed in what little moonlight was able to wedge itself between the trees. What would the man choose for this sorte?

In particular, he chose the Katana and Longsword, both edged in silver, of course.

"Because all you are is business to me. So, it's been a pleasure to chat."

The blades fell from Derik's backside, the katana to the left, the longsword to the right, their handles dropping into place with his hands as he reached for them. Left leading, he took his body body and aimed it to the last source of sound.

Just like with any combat, Derik liked to analyze how he got into the situation at hand. It started within a small pub. Drinks flowing, and men needing mercenary's never came in short supply at a shady establishment like this, when he heard a man, in a drunken stupor, yell about how his merchant friends have been missing, only their carts remained. It was his opportunity! With a couple of coins here and there, a glass or two, and Derik learned of a string of travelers becoming missing at night. He told the drunk merchant that he would take his case, for a nice chunk of change, of course. Initially, the man turned him down, but after his very own wife went missing, he changed his mind.

From then on, Derik searched for any leads he could gather. What in the world could he find about merchants missing, he wondered. First, a trip to a few more pubs. Men and women tell of tales that which talk of a creature, some describing it as a bird, others a horned creature called a "rhinoceros", whatever the hell that is, others still say like a horse. In any capacity, it was relatively simple to understand otherwise. Mostly black in color, it's claws sharp as razors, with the ability to dissolve flesh with every stroke. It's cry is loud and strikes fear into even gods themselves. Or so some drunken men and women should say.

Good thing Derik was anything but a God.

He canvased the forest for weeks on end, searching for this thing. Of course, it would be the last place he would check, near the front of the forest itself. This evening, in particular, the odd hoof-like footprints finally lead him somewhere. He grinned, with a small chuckle. My, how much time had passed.

Sandrew stood in the Audience chamber of the Queen, cloaked as is always, when a man in armor rushed in, claiming of "Thieves in the castle". It took him a mere moment to realize what had happened. In no time, Sandrew scurried out of the room and begun to let down his cloak. The hideout was only a small jog away, he would probably return to being visible in time... He hoped.

He ran. As fast and as hard is he could. His mind flashing back to the earlier events of the day. Like normal, Sandrew took to his reconnaissance from the moment he woke. He awoke at the precise moment dawn broke, as per his usual daily grind went. He cleaned the rooms, made whatever meals for those going out on the town as he could out of their small supplies, and off he went. First, he went to the shadiest part of town, he often managed to snag a few good bounty-given crooks' locations, reporting them for a few gold pieces here and there, like usual. It was never enough, though. So many of the Orphans had to go without food out of necessity rather than on desire like Sandrew or Ali at times. My, he wished he could find the food his family used to rely on when they were in need: little white flakes, oval in shape, and about as big as an ant. They weren't the most flavorful, but they always filled one up. It was cheap where he grew up at, and as a result, a very often-eaten meal. He sighed. Life wouldn't let it be easy.

He snapped back to reality. Almost to the room. He hoped he would make it in time. But everything happened so quickly around him. He just hoped he would make it. The gorgeous red carpets down the halls would see the slightest impressions of boot marks lay on them for mere moments before they moved ahead as Sandrew ran. he ran.

His mind then went back to the flashback. After getting a decent haul for the day, about twenty copper pieces, he cheered himself on. It was not every day he actually managed to snag so much coin, it wasn't as profitable as the other Orphan's actions, but he did what he could for them. He returned home, the place was trashed again. Silently, and as usual, Sandrew tidied up once again, before taking off to roam the castle as he so did, eventually he had snuck into the Queen's chamber when a man requesting of some sort of aid, opened the door, but it failed to shut after. He snuck in there as often as he could, it gave him the ability to get some tips on potential jobs that might be of use to the Orphans. Today, he was lucky, he caught that they were caught.

Back in reality, his breath was hard, and his heart was pounding.

Just down the hallway. He might make it in time.

But he might not...
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