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Fantasy Hideout (Accepting Again)

uzoma sterk

"uzo and ali snagged a lot of food last night, so doing that was dangerous and unnecessary..." uzoma breathed an internal sigh of relief as sandrew mentioned what they had wanted to say. they know it isn't her fault for making the assumption that it had been necessary, though - since when had they ever had an excess of food? they wait patiently as the gathered group all state their opinions on their current situation, and raise an eyebrow at jun's cryptic words. he had a plan? gods, that could never be anything good. especially with the devious grin he was giving. they try to think of something to say, to make him think better of it, whatever it is, but suddenly, he whips around, and uzoma follows suit, too, jumping up when they see the man at the entrance.

uzo's mind immediately goes blank, the look their face just as confused as the guard's, but jun immediately reacts.
"uzoma," he says, bringing them back to reality. their legs suddenly get moving before their brain has a chance, their arms spreading out protectively as they start to back up in front of the rest of the group. "please take the others through the other entrance while I sort out our little misunderstanding." they start to do exactly that, turning toward the rest of the group. "this way," they say stiffly, trying to use their small body to protect the rest of the group and corral them to the entrance. their head was turned toward slightly toward the ground, hiding the fear in their eyes. there was so much going wrong right now, but their mind focused on the only thing that mattered to them - making sure everyone gets to safety.

@Khaz @NeverBetter @Yuffie Kisaragi @Hana Koen @Pashpu

Aliana Sithu

Aliana had woken up too late. Much too late. As soon as she had awoken, she was taken through one of the entrances to a different area, away from her home. Her mind was still idle, tiredly remembering who she is and the past events. Eventually, her eyes widened in surprise about her current situation. "Jun! If you need help, call for me! You know what I can do!" Her words were in their most simplistic form as she struggled to comprehend the whole event. Luckily, she was alert enough not to shout across the room about her magic. The surprised guard was likely to be using an illusion dispelling magic, how else would he have found this place? Despite her powers being futile, she was still a decent fighter, hopefully her agility would be helpful if the need arises. However, Jun was a good fighter, she would rather not help and protect the others instead. But she was ready just in case.

Looking around at her fellow orphans also ushered to safety by Uzoma, she smiled softly at them, assured that they were safe and all accounted for. As they continued their little evacuation, Aliana was extremely alert, emerald eyes darting towards every direction in case of possible reinforcements. Her mind was still in a bit of a muddle, but she hoped her sudden alert attitude would wake her up. Her long hair was swaying timely towards the side, waiting to be tied up again. However, she knew that being off-guard now, would be a grave mistake.

@rusticyawn @Khaz

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Whilst everyone began to leave, or just stand in the way, Sandrew stood his ground. "No! I won't let you fight this one alone!" He was in no shape to fight, he was exausted from the evening before. But that didn't matter- Jun was gonna fight, there was no way he could win on his own. He was tired of watching people hurt, die, be afraid. He was tired of being weak and useless.

A pillar of earth raised with Sandrew's command between Jun and the Officer as he dove for the first weapon he could find- a rusted, old, longsword that wasn't quite that well for wear. "Jun! We gotta move, this isn't a good spot to be fighting in, it's too cramped!" He yelled, beginning to move. If they could get out to a more open area, Jun could use his mobility to his advantage. He kept his focus on the earth pillar he rose to hopefully give Jun some more time to prepare.
So much was happening at once, Ali was shouting something at him that he couldn't quite make out and a giant pillar of earth erupted between him and the guard. He glanced back at the cause, Sandrew, and gave him a grateful smile as he was finally able to breathe, which he realized he hadn't been doing at all since he sprung to action.

"Thank you, but I need you to bring this wall down, the guard could be going to get reinforcements as we speak, and we can't fight anyone else without drawing attention to us." He pushed back his hair that kept falling in his face and plastered it there with sweat.

"It's ok, I'll be fine, I got this. Use your energy to protect the others." He winked at his friend and shot him a smile. It was strange for Jun to be saying this, he was used to being the younger one that was ushered off to safety, but now he was acting as the defender of their makeshift group. Although this would normally be a heart-warming moment for him, he didn't have time to reflect as had to prepare to fight.

@NeverBetter @VioletShadow @rusticyawn @Hana Koen @Pashpu
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The stupid, filthy children! They had been here all along! Enraged, the head guard surged forward with his sword, but one of the older boys lunged out and blocked his way. He was shouting at the others to escape, that he would hold him off. They were all going to leave...Ugh! He yelled and tried to sidestep the boy, but he blocked him again, this time with a sword.

The head guard narrowed his eyes. So he wanted to fight, huh? He would be no match for a real, trained guard. He took a vicious slice towards the boy, when suddenly... BOOM. A pillar of earth rose between the guard and the boy. Another boy, with sandy hair, had created it and was yelling at the first boy, Jun. So he's the magic user, huh? Found you.

"I'm willing to fight whoever," the head guard growled swirling his sword. "Just don't think your friends will escape. I'll be sending reinforcements, make no mistake about it. After I kill you." He was a bit angry that the others were escaping, but he had still made good progress. Sent them on the run, infiltrated their base, and was now gonna take out their leaders. The head guard charged at Jun and took a huge cut with his sword.

@NeverBetter @VioletShadow @rusticyawn @Hana Koen
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"Would you like to come in?" Carita said, inviting them straight into her room.

Kane almost laughed, as they walked in. He couldn't believe that people could be so un-paranoid. "Well to answer your question," he said, "I am a Lord from Zulla, and this is my...servant." He ignored the glare Nightingale gave him. "Why we are here...well..." he thought for a second, then decided to go with the honest approach. "I'm sure you know that your kingdom right now, is currently under great stress. I would say, even close to falling apart. The Emperor is missing, most likely dead, thieves are making their hideouts in the castle wall itself, and a terrible disease is sweeping everywhere with little chance of a cure." He paused for a second, allowing her to take that in, and took a breath. "In times like this, we need strong, effective leadership, not like the current ones. We need a new order- I know how to fix all the kingdom's problems, and I can be the new, strong leadership the kingdom needs. When I come to power, for it is inevitable, I'm gonna need allies. Like you. You are a smart politician, and I would be very grateful to have you on my council." He paused again, studying the reaction on her face. "Will you join me?"

@Hana Koen
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Pashpu said:
The stupid, filthy children! They had been here all along! Enraged, the head guard surged forward with his sword, but one of the older boys lunged out and blocked his way. He was shouting at the others to escape, that he would hold him off. They were all going to leave...Ugh! He yelled and tried to sidestep the boy, but he blocked him again, this time with a sword.
The head guard narrowed his eyes. So he wanted to fight, huh? He would be no match for a real, trained guard. He took a vicious slice towards the boy, when suddenly... BOOM. A pillar of earth rose between the guard and the boy. Another boy, with sandy hair, had created it and was yelling at the first boy, Jun. So he's the magic user, huh? Found you.

"I'm willing to fight whoever," the head guard growled swirling his sword. "Just don't think your friends will escape. I'll be sending reinforcements, make no mistake about it. After I kill you." He was a bit angry that the others were escaping, but he had still made good progress. Sent them on the run, infiltrated their base, and was now gonna take out their leaders. The head guard charged at Jun and took a huge cut with his sword.

@NeverBetter @VioletShadow @rusticyawn @Hana Koen
Sandrew lowered the first pillar , and then raised a second right under the Guardsman's feet. He made sure it wasn't too thick, so he could follow this up: he ran forward and jammed the blade through the pillar and pushed upward: it broke the sword, and his arms hurt from it, but the pillar broke in two. Even if it had missed the Guardsman, he would have to pull away from the two of them to avoid the falling pillar. It wouldn't stay solid for long: when damaged like that, the earth turned to sand quickly, but it was something, at least. "Now, Jun!"
Jun listened to the guards threats, and tightened his grip on his swords. Though he would rather not kill him, there was no way that this man would be allowed to live. He watched as Sandrew lowered the first pillar and raised a second and waited for Sandrew to break the pillar in two. The guard was force to step back and for a brief second was off balance. But that was all he needed. "Now, Jun!" He heard his friends cue and acted swiftly. He could see the pillar crumbling to sand, but before it could collapse Jun sprinted and leapt of the pillar with his bare foot. The moment his foot left the pillar it turned to sand. Mid-air, Jun held his right sword in front of his body and extended his left arm to the side before swinging his sword across his body, under his right arm as he sliced at the guards chest.

@Pashpu @NeverBetter @VioletShadow @rusticyawn @Hana Koen

This is the position i was imaging Jun is in midair

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Lucian froze as he saw the scene in front of him no matter how much uzoma tried to rush him. He could feel what would happen next and it scared him greatly and he didn't want it. The boy didn't want to see Jun kill the guard no matter how illogical it was in their current situation. He didn't want Jun to bear that weight because Jun was bright. He could feel his hard thumping erratically in his chest as he contemplated something stupid and reckless.

If only his manipulation magic wasn't so hard to control he could... he shook off the thought as he remembered how cruel his magic could be. Once was one times too many. It was a horrid thing that he didn't want to know.

He slowly walked backwards as he contemplated trying to put the man into a coma but if he messed up...the repercussions would be bad. His hands shook as he held them. Lucian eyes met the guards. Jun wasn't allowed. No one was allowed... but did he have the right? Mouth forming a grimace as he ran after the others but not before glancing back one last time. Don't do anything stupid.

@Pashpu @NeverBetter @VioletShadow @rusticyawn @Khaz
Carita paused in sipping her tea as she regarded the two with a serious look. "Do you want some tea with that request?" She then grinned as clicked tongue together before hugging herself as she suddenly began to laugh. "When I let you two in. I knew it would be good but never thought it would be good." Her eyes amused even as she composed herself from her laughing fit.

"How inappropriate of me. You must excuse my manners from this fine lady." Wiping away tears as she took another sip with an awkward cough. "But isn't it strange that your lordship would come to my chambers upon your visit? How scandalous that would be if it got out. I'm red cheeked by the thought."Carita poked a little more fun at the two before sighing. "But really you should be more honest. I almost feel disappointed that you would hide your daring romance with your servant from me." Her eyes sharpening as she kept the easy grin.

"The quiet way you move makes me think that you have practice sneaking out for alone time. If I didn't know any better, I would say you were a combat mage." She joked easily ,subtly.

Carita knew the signs of a combat mage as she had once been one in her early days. Right up until the day she had run too much magic through her arms. That magic was unusable but so were her once prominent weapon skills. Her arms not moving as they once had with the dying nerves.

"The lords probably cry at the fact that you didn't go to my all powerful husband. Yet you come to myself. A poor figurehead of a women. Who does what she must to please." Her eyes soften as she holds her hand to her chest. "But really. Doesn't a cup of tea sound great."

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The head guard stumbled as the second boy summoned another huge pillar out of nowhere right at his feet. He tried to dodge but the boy broke the pillar, causing it to split into two and fall towards him... He stumbled back again, this time totally losing his balance and collapsing on the floor.

The pillar turned to sand and the guard rose, swearing, but he was imediately attacked by Jun. The sword cut into his lower chest. He howled with pain, but didn't let up, countering the next blows with defensive sword blocks. Only a flesh wound. Then he lunged forward suddenly before the boy could react and managed to connect the blade to his side..

@NeverBetter @Khaz

"Yes, tea would be wonderful," said Kane, smiling. Although on the inside, he was irritated by the woman's refusal to get straight down to business. "And I can assure you, there is no romantic relationship going on here," he chuckled, gesturing to Nightingale. "Purely professional...although I haven't been entirely honest with you. She's not a servant-" "I'm his bodyguard," said Nightingale, cutting him off. "Right." That part was honest. God, telling the truth felt strange. He clasped his hands together. "About why we wanted you, not your husband...well I think, you're a much more interesting person," he said. He hoped he wasn't laying on the flattery too heavily. These next moments would be crucial...

@Hana Koen
Jun stumbled back and looked down at his side. The guard had managed to slice a deep gash in his side about halfway down his ribcage. He looked down at his fresh wound that seemed to be breathing profusely, and suddenly it seemed as everything turned into slow motion. Sandrew, the guards, and his movements all seemed to be moving at an incredibly slow pace. He used this strange and frozen state to analyze the situation. The guard was much better at combat than he was, in fact Jun was no match with only a few years of experience, however Jun was significantly taller and had a longer reach. He was also quicker and more agile, which was usually more advantageous in open spaces, however he would have to make do with the space he had available to him. The walls could prove to be useful as he scanned the room for ideas. Just as he managed to scrape together a... questionable plan, time seemed to return to it's appropriate speed.

He parried two of the guards attempts and responded with a few of his own. Although they were half hearted and not meant to land, they seemed to be doing their job of bringing the guard to an area of the corridor that was solid brick and not a door or cell bars. Finally, Jun had the guard exactly where he wanted. The pair ended up their swords locked in the air between them. With a powerful shove, Jun knocked the guard off balance yet again and took two rapid steps back, however he lost one of his swords in the process. As the guard regained his balance and turned his sword back to the boy, it was already too late. Jun ran at the wall on an angle, stepped sideways off the wall, and launched his momentum so he landed behind the guard. With a swift slash of his remaining blade, Jun cut the guards hamstring tendons.

@Pashpu @NeverBetter
Carita seemed to pause as she finished pouring the tea. "You flatter me, your lordship. A bit heavily I must say." Her eyes taking in the two with a glint that spoke of interest. "I just have one simple question I was wondering. As I can be a bit slow, you see." The tea cup she held dropping and smashing as the remaining liquid spilled out. "What do you think of spiders? Of beetles?" She laughed as if she was embarrassed that she had asked one too many questions. "Excuse me once again. I seemed to have gotten off topic. I never do learn, do I?" The soft smile seeming more intrusive when compared to her body posture to how she picked up a piece of glass watching as it bleed.

"I cannot help but find it so strange that someone would flatter my husband over I. It just interests me the way..." She trails off in a way that seems as if she was contemplating life deeply while something seems to click. A piece she never knew she was missing to the puzzle only now sliding into place within her mind. "That people do what they must."

The underlying words telling that she knows too many things about this conversation. The teasing stops suddenly as she pulls back. "Sadly, what you speak of is not the light chit-chat that most guests make. So I came a little under prepared. The guards I have stationed are a fine example, no?"

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Khaz said:
Jun stumbled back and looked down at his side. The guard had managed to slice a deep gash in his side about halfway down his ribcage. He looked down at his fresh wound that seemed to be breathing profusely, and suddenly it seemed as everything turned into slow motion. Sandrew, the guards, and his movements all seemed to be moving at an incredibly slow pace. He used this strange and frozen state to analyze the situation. The guard was much better at combat than he was, in fact Jun was no match with only a few years of experience, however Jun was significantly taller and had a longer reach. He was also quicker and more agile, which was usually more advantageous in open spaces, however he would have to make do with the space he had available to him. The walls could prove to be useful as he scanned the room for ideas. Just as he managed to scrape together a... questionable plan, time seemed to return to it's appropriate speed.
He parried two of the guards attempts and responded with a few of his own. Although they were half hearted and not meant to land, they seemed to be doing their job of bringing the guard to an area of the corridor that was solid brick and not a door or cell bars. Finally, Jun had the guard exactly where he wanted. The pair ended up their swords locked in the air between them. With a powerful shove, Jun knocked the guard off balance yet again and took two rapid steps back, however he lost one of his swords in the process. As the guard regained his balance and turned his sword back to the boy, it was already too late. Jun ran at the wall on an angle, stepped sideways off the wall, and launched his momentum so he landed behind the guard. With a swift slash of his remaining blade, Jun cut the guards hamstring tendons.

@Pashpu @NeverBetter
Sandrew saw the gash. God, that had to hurt, Jun was probably the strongest of them, no way could any of the others keep fighting so diligently and effectively after such a blow. Or at least, Sandrew definitely couldn't. Whilst the Guard was busy with Jun, Sandrew dashed back to the exit area and began using a healing spell on Jun in hopes of at least dulling the pain. "Please, just survive, Jun!" He muttered, pouring energy into the spell.


Contact! The head guard smiled triumphantly. He had wounded the boy on the side. He angled in for the final blow, but his opponent was still alert. As the head guard swung his sword at Jun, once on either side, Jun managed to block both of the blows. As they were locked into place, Jun shoved the head guard back, knocking him off balance. Dirty fighting! Still the guard kept his position and advanced forward, but the boy had somehow rebounded off the wall, and all of a sudden a sword came crashing down right into his hamstring! "AAAAAAA!" the head guard screamed. This was no flesh injury- the wound was deep and the pain tremendous. He tried to keep standing, but his leg felt numb and woozy...he staggered back, seeing the blood drip from his upper leg...

He couldn't go on, he knew...he would certainly die. The head guard backed up, walking slowly out of the tunnel, mostly hopping on one leg. Every step he took, he felt as if his whole leg was splitting apart..."This isn't over!" he hissed menacingly, and walked out of the room. Hopefully the boys would be too stupid to follow. They would probably rather catch-up to their friends than go after him....hopefully.

@NeverBetter @Khaz

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Pashpu said:


Contact! The head guard smiled triumphantly. He had wounded the boy on the side. He angled in for the final blow, but his opponent was still alert. As the head guard swung his sword at Jun, once on either side, Jun managed to block both of the blows. As they were locked into place, Jun shoved the head guard back, knocking him off balance. Dirty fighting! Still the guard kept his position and advanced forward, but the boy had somehow rebounded off the wall, and all of a sudden a sword came crashing down right into his hamstring! "AAAAAAA!" the head guard screamed. This was no flesh injury- the wound was deep and the pain tremendous. He tried to keep standing, but his leg felt numb and woozy...he staggered back, seeing the blood drip from his upper leg...

He couldn't go on, he knew...he would certainly die. The head guard backed up, walking slowly out of the tunnel, mostly hopping on one leg. Every step he took, he felt as if his whole leg was splitting apart..."This isn't over!" he hissed menacingly, and walked out of the room. Hopefully the boys would be too stupid to follow. They would probably rather catch-up to their friends than go after him....hopefully.

@NeverBetter @Khaz

"...I don't want to do it, but...I have no choice."

Sandrew raised his fingers, calling forth another pillar in front of the entrance, and one from the way the Guard took in. The guard was trapped in the exit tunnel out. He walked over to the tunnel entrance, and knocked on the rugged stone, and then began to yell to the man inside.

"I don't want to do this, I know you'll never forgive me in the afterlife, but these people here took me in when I had no other place to go, so I owe it to them, and not to you... It's not fair. I'll live with the guilt for the rest of my life. But I won't let you harm any of us. Rest be your soul!"

The floor the guard stood on began to rise, Sandrew's body shaking. Fear, disgust, sorrow, they sat in his heart, mixed with the exhaustion he felt, and the longing he held to be stronger than he was. The desire to have saved people, to not have to take a life. But if he didn't, he would get them killed.

No matter his distaste for some of the others, he wouldn't let that happen to them. And the ones he cared about... Couldn't bare to even consider the thought.

His knees buckled, body hardly able to stay up right, as the stone floor rose. His heart sunk and his head hurt. The ground, it rose, and rose, till the sound of a loud crunch could be heard from the area and his screams silenced. His body gave in then and there, dropping to the floor. Sandrew passed out, his body unable to keep going anymore.

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry....!

Why couldn't I have been better? Why couldn't I have gotten more money, why couldn't we have just made a home for ourselves...?

Why were we hunted?"

Those thoughts swirled in Sandrew's head before he became incapacitated.
Kane was getting extremely impatient at Carita's inane chitchat. Beetles...spiders... who cared? This woman clearly had no head for politics. He had made the wrong decision approaching her.

He walked up to Carita, smiling. "Goodbye, Carita." With one swift motion, he drew his sword, and plunged it deep into her chest. She was dead in instants.

Then he and Nightingale walked out of the room. Their work was done here. They walked down the hallway and back down the stairs to the throne room.

Kane walked towards the Empress steadily. Time for Part Four of his plan. Before any guard could do anything, before the Empress could even glance at him, he flew towards the Empress at top speed using his levitating magic....and plunged the sword into her chest.

She dropped down, dead.

Everyone was screaming. The guards moved quickly, surrounding them, but Kane and Nightingale had already disappeared. They had blitzed out of the castle using Nightingale's newly acquired speed-force magic.

"Job accomplished," said Kane, a wry smile on his face.

"Indeed...," replied Nightingale (whose real name was Kyla Sithu). "But I have one more target I intend to eliminate...my sister, Aliana." And with that, the duo made their way to the hideout.

@Hana Koen @rusticyawn @VioletShadow
uzoma sterk

they knew they couldn't stop sandrew from rushing in, not while they had to make sure everyone else got out safely, so they let him go. the others shouted, most of them looking on and thinking of what they could offer, too, but uzo quickly tried to rush the rest of them away, hoping they could deter anymore of them from taking action. once they all got through the entrance, uzo left through it, themself. uzoma had successfully gotten (most) of them away from the action. all they could do was wait.

they do their best to comfort the others in whatever way they can, but they aren't the best at offering comfort. not even to themself. as much as they tried to avoid it, they start to think of them. jun was the best fighter of all of them, the oldest... and was incredibly impulsive. sandrew probably had the best grip on elemental magic, was incredibly clever about employing it... and was young, and easily impressionable. uzoma was comforted by considering the pros and cons, just as much as they were disgusted by them. this was an atrocity. no matter who 'won' this battle, the orphans will still have lost. the fact they were forced to go to such an extreme to defend the small piece of the world they had claimed for themself, one that nobody else cared enough for to even look for them in, was unforgivable. those responsible for this deserved... deserved-

"i'm sorry.... i'm sorry....!" even though it was faint, they could very distinctly hear the sound of sandrew's voice, and it immediately sent a chill through every part of them. "aliana!" they whisper forcefully, immediately getting up to go and survey the scene. they wouldn't normally do this, but uzoma had heard a mourning in sandrew's voice - whatever was going on, they needed to make sure he was okay, no matter what was waiting for them when they arrived.

not that they expected anything
good, but they immediately stopped once they reentered the hideout, a sharp breath of air hissing through their teeth once they saw what had unfolded. it seemed like the guard was... dead, at least. they would ask someone who knew how to confirm this for them, but considering the state of the body... it seemed unnecessary. they turned to the two fighters, who both looked to be in bad shape. "someone get the medical supplies!" they shout, wincing at the sight. their attention immediately went to sandrew, and they rushed over, confirming that he, at least, had a pulse. uzoma knew they had a pulse, at least - they could hear their own beating like a drum. once they found sandrew's, they gave an audible sigh of relief. alive. exhausted, probably. "sandrew's okay." they loudly confirm. "get him some fluids, somebody, please."

to jun. they rushed to his side, focusing in on the nasty gash on his side. they tried to keep their attention on that exclusively, and forget the body it belongs to, as hard as it was.
"lay down," they request, flatly. they move his hand away from the injury and place their own there, their hair in their face, preventing them from looking up to at him. they didn't want him to see their look of fear at this admittedly bad injury. they didn't want to see his normally bright face contorted in pain. they could bear it everyday, on the faces of strangers, people who didn't matter to them. jun mattered.

@VioletShadow @Khaz @Hana Koen
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Jun brushed Uzoma away and smiled at them trying to mask the pain.

"It's ok, we can worry about it later. We have to get out of here first." Not only was it unsafe because it was likely someone heard the noise of the fight or felt the vibrations of the earth moving, but because Sandrew had just killed someone, violently, and Jun didn't want him to wake up in the very place he did that. He walked over to an old shirt lying in the corner and ripped apart before tying it tight around the cut. He winced in pain and could already feel the blood soaking into the shirt, but that wasn't important right now.

"Besides, it's only a scratch." He winked at them and walked over to where Sandrew was lying.

In just one night, guards had been alerted of there presence several times, and just when they thought the danger was over, a guard found and nearly killed them. Their home wasn't safe anymore, especially now that one of their members had mortally wounded a guard and the other had finished him off. Jun didn't know when it happened but it seemed that he had become the leader of their family. It was up to him to choose the lesser of two risky paths. After a moment of contemplation, Jun strapped his two swords to his side, put on some shoes, and with as much strength as he could muster, gently threw Sandrew over the shoulder opposite to his wound, knowing he would be the only one who could carry the limp boy. He collapsed his free hand and applied pressure to the deep cut across his rib cage.

"Uzo, gather as many supplies and food as you can, and tell the others the good news. We're moving." Jun told them through his teeth as he managed a forced smile. His breathing was ragged and harsh but they were no longer safe and had to move quickly.

@rusticyawn @NeverBetter @Hana Koen
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Lucian closed his eyes momentarily at the scene with hardening eyes as his fists clenched behind his back while taking in the scene in front of him. How Jun forced out the smile and how... everything just went wrong. His eyes tracing over the scene as he tried to engrave this moment into his mind. They could have died and it would be nothing but his inability to do what he must. He couldn't help but blame himself no matter the illogical aspect of such an act. Running forward as he began to rip a blanket apart in hopes of creating decent bandages. Eyes glued to some of the kindest people he knew. Lucian swore that next time he would act. Jun and Sandrew will not die he told himself as he glanced at Uzoma who he noticed hadn't realized he followed close behind.

"Here. I'll start gathering things." He announced in such a quiet voice that it could be considered solemn. "Try not to move too much, Jun. I know it's dangerous but... we're here for you." The words felt awkward against his lips as he recalled that not so long ago he slept against him. The uninjured Jun.

His mouth shut as he began to pick up supplies specifically less perishable items. Posture guarded and tense as he assisted Uzoma to the best of his ability. This was the least he could do.

@Khaz @VioletShadow @rusticyawn @NeverBetter

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