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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

YoungX said:
"Well in any case, I'm gonna go patrolling. Hero duties and what not. We're still part of the Heroes of Tomorrow and all, but well to live differently than the rest is a bit getting used to."
"Eat some food first. I might tag along if that's alright." He put a plate of food on the table, then getting his own.
Otakubeats said:
"Eat some food first. I might tag along if that's alright." He put a plate of food on the table, then getting his own.
Hibiki nods and sits down to eat his portion. Feels sort of weird to be away from the other heroes, but this apartment would do fine. In any case, he wonders if everyone else is back at the apartment. Bolt hasn't been here for a while either, and not to mention the others.
YoungX said:
Hibiki nods and sits down to eat his portion. Feels sort of weird to be away from the other heroes, but this apartment would do fine. In any case, he wonders if everyone else is back at the apartment. Bolt hasn't been here for a while either, and not to mention the others.
Ty finished his food, and waited for Hibiki.
Black nodded and grabbed his wrist, he jumped off as they flew towards the ground. He curved going back into the air, he followed his directions and stopped when he found the warehouse "This your place?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

Otakubeats said:
Ty finished his food, and waited for Hibiki.
Hibiki finished his food and put his plate away. He then looked to Ty and said, "Well let's go then shall we?" He prepares to head out of the apartment.
Psycho gripped his wrist at the same time to hold on and smiled as they flew over to the wearhouse. He looked at Black and nodded at his question before going to open the door. He grunted when he found it was locked and turned his head to Black. He heald up a finger before phasing through the wall. After a moment there where a few screams of agony before the door was opened. 5 bandits, all with wedgies ran out the door as fast as the could trying to fix their undergarments. Psycho waved at black to come in.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Black thought about it with a face of terror 'Oh god......I should really wipe my feet before entering,' he thought before going inside. He smiled "So you have powers, what are yours," he said floating to the ceiling, walking as if it were the floor.

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"I don't do the superpower bit. I've just got my two friends here to keep me company."

He unzipped his parka to reveal his cold and heat guns.

"Professional thief. You think of it, I've probably either stolen it or have thought about stealing it."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Psycho tilted his head at him and thought for a moment. After a couple seconds he heald his arms straight out, making a t with his body. The edge of his sleeves hung down twoards the ground. After a second a small table was lifted into the air and brought infront of them. He walked under it and dropped it on his own head. Instead of knocking psycho out he phased through it. He then teleported being Black and tapped his shoulder.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Annie reached into her pocket and took out her wallet "My line of work pays a lot." She said pulling out a 100 dollar bill and lighting it. "I burn through money," she said giving a fake laugh and smile. "Challenges don't come often so I get bored easily, haven't really smiled like ever since my job has just become dull," she said stopping the burning dollar out, a bored look in her eyes.


Black swerved and created a ball of energy, he put his hand down. "I basically have flight, teleportion and every Dragon Ball Z move you can think of," he said vanishing and reappearing behind Psycho. He ruffled his hair and went back up to the ceiling.

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"Now, that's a waste."

Morgan watched the bill as it burned.

"I wouldn't expect someone of your line of work to be bored, given you fight supers."

He leaned back farther into the chair and sighed, zipping his parka back up.

"A life without laughter is not a life at all. Though, technically speaking, any life is a life no matter what."

He was silent for a while, listening to the muffled music, and sat up, smiling.

"Why don't we make some fun, then?"

@Shammy the Shamrock

Psycho tilted his head at the ball of energy and clapped his sleeves together. He saw him disappear and looked around when he feels something in his hair. He turns around and smiled under his mask to see Black returning up to the city. He looked up at him and rubbed the glass of his mask to get a better view.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Black vanished and appeared behind him "Boo!" He yelled crossing his hands behind his back, he then frowned hearing his stomach growl. "Do you have anything to eat, I haven't eaten since last week and would really enjoy food," he said looking around before locking his gaze on Psycho.


Annie sighed before getting up "Sure, I'll follow along for a bit. The problem with supers are what they believe, most will try and keep a good figure. It makes it a hell of a lot easier to kill them," she said creating a rifle and putting it on her back.

Annie thought about it "Well we could.....um, maybe we can. I have legitimately never hang out so this is all new to me, all I could think of is go to my place or take a walk. You can choose the destination if you want, it is fine by me." She said before going out the door, she tucked her hands in her pockets.

Louis woke up at the warehouse yawning, shaking his arms a little as he woke up walking the streets looking around, for something to do. (ANyone open for interaction)
Annie nodded and showed her way to an apartment, she went up and opened her door. "Welcome to my home, AKA crap," she said kicking a raman bag away. She sat on her couch, the table in front of it littered with guns, grenades and melee weapons. She sighed and put her hair back into a bun.


Psycho looked behind him when black tried to scare him. He shook his head and giggled a little. He thought for a mental on where food was and nodded. He walked over to a mini fridge and opened it. He moves out of the way to let him look in.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Black flew down and ran to the fridge, he took everything and went back up to the top. Everything was gone in under a minute, he came back down with a apple "You want it?" He said wiping food from his face, extending his hand with the apple.

Annie shrugged "This is temporary, I have a small manor out of the city but use this so I am closer to my job." She kicked away a box and grabbed a slice of pizza. "People say I am a slob....I kill those people," she said dusting it off and eating the slice. Gesturing towards her side at the couch, she leaned back.


Psycho watched the man chow down on about everything in the fridge. He frowned under his mask and shook his head. He waited for the man to finish what he wanted. Psycho took the Apple and lifted his mask above his head revealing his face. Burn marks and scars were spread out all-over his face and he was obviously younger.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_n702dxGraf1qh68emo1_500.jpg.952a722c8319094d181d57f66a42b2e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136291" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_n702dxGraf1qh68emo1_500.jpg.952a722c8319094d181d57f66a42b2e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ((imagine him but the face of a 12-14 year old. I couldn't find a good picture ;-
;) )



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