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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Bolt stroked her head "Hey I'm here," he said in a soft voice before looking at Quill. "I'm not referring to you by anything except recruit," he said feeling sick at the thought. Bolt kissed her head and tried to calm her down, his eyes becoming purple with shock.

@Echo Dreamsong @Quillicious
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra wiggled around some, making odd whimpering noises. IN THE AWFUL MIND OF ASTRA: She had been walking past the toy shop, walking home when bam! Sharp fiery pain hit her head. It was nearly as bad as the first time she created a flame, not quite but almost. A quick yank pulled her head up with her hair and blue eyes met harsh green. The chubby baker had probably figured out which kid it was who stole every last piece of bread he had. Ha, guess who it was. "So brat, you're the little bitch who's been takin my food huh?" He raised an eyebrow, tossing his spatula. Astraea simply growled in response, glaring back. The man suddenly pulled up on her hair, bringing a sharp cry of pain to her lips. "Speak rat!" He shouted, getting his awful saliva in her face. Still, Astra refused to blink. In less than a second, the metal utensil had become a weapon, smacking the seven year old across the cheek. "I SAID SPEAK!" Astra clenched her teeth and rubbed the side of her face until the awful man smacked her hand away, creating the start of a spark. The crazed baker dropped her and stepped back. "Oh god, you're one of those fucking freaks... Well," A devilish grin crossed her hideous face, "I know just the place for you..." Careful not to touch her flickering hands, the baker dragged Astra by her hair into an empty steel bunker. Tossing the girl like she weighed nothing, the man slammed the door shut, leaving Astra to burn.

(I have no idea to be laughing or shocked xD )
(Um, I think I was aiming for both)

(I can't tell if the house is exploding or if it's star wars with really loud sound effects...)

Astra took a few deep breaths and clung to Bolt's neck, closing her eyes as though afraid of reality.

"Crazy kid has weird dreams, huh..." Stella sighed and nodded. "I'll go get a room ready, I bet she hasn't had one for a while..."
Suddenly a piece of rubble hit saitama's head as he is about to say something and gets knocked out (going to exam, peace!)
I began happily whistling some happy bird songs i knew, not exactly sure what to do over all the hustle and bustle of the headquarters. "Hey uhh... I really need to get some destructive energy out of my system" i said, tapping my feet and constantly looking around, really wishing something would happen, i kept on whistling though as it seemed to be the only thing i could do at the moment
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Bolt glared and vanished as he pinned him against a wall "One more word and I'll burn you to a crisp. I ain't going to say another word, NEVER DO THAT SHIT AGAIN' he said holding Astra with the other hand. His lower body pulsed with energy, his anger rose before cooling and he dropped him, he put her in his arms. His eyes still a dim red but he felt better, he stared at him making sure he didn't hurt her.

@Quillicious @Echo Dreamsong
Quillicious said:
((Why are mommy and daddy fighting?))

Astra looked up nervously before signing, 'Mommy? What does shit mean?'. With a confused look on her face. She'd heard it before, but never really learned what it meant... Bolt was in deep trouble now, teaching curses to kids. xD
Bolt growled and teleported in front of them "You'll know when you're older, never say it again" he said petting her head. He looked back at Quill "She ain't yours either, if anything you've know her less. Hero's are something that I hope she'll become, I won't enforce it but if anything she's ours. Don't hog her," he said crossing his arms and letting out a sigh, looking down at Astra.

@Quillicious @Echo Dreamsong
Astra shook her head, extremely confused. 'How was I over there too?' She signed to Quill in confusion before scampering over to look at where her other self had been.
Ray smiled and looked at the struggling Ty "Will you stop yelling." She said moving him around a bit, Ray let him go and crossed her arms, waiting for a answer.

Bolt teleported to the couch and lied down "Doesn't know shit, thinks he's better for that kind of job. He's just like the damn thing," He grumbled to himself and looked up at the ceiling, his energy caused the lights to flicker and soon they went out. They came back on and he grabbed his head with one hand, thoughts rushing through his head.

Quill smiled sweetly to her.

'That's my power.'

He made her see a unicorn trot into the room, neigh, then it dissapated.

'I can make people see, hear, feel, think, smell, taste, and dream anything I want.'

Another Astra appeared in front of the real one, waving.

@Echo Dreamsong
Astra screamed, ducking behind Quill's legs as she tried to hide from the illusion. "N-nooo!" She cried, clinging to her daddy's legs.
"H-hey B-Bolt..." I said erratically, tapping my talons against the ground. "C-can w-we d-do s-something?" I asked pleadingly "i just can't STAND being inside for so long!" A small bit of anxiousness flickering through my eyes, every couple of seconds flapping wings a little, similar to how a pet might run around before a walk @Shammy the Shamrock
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The illusion immediately went away, and Quill picked her up.

'It's okay. It isn't real. I'm here, and I'm controlling it. I would never think of hurting you, Astra. Never. Understand?'

He hugged her close, patting the back of her head.

@Echo Dreamsong
Stella walked past and plucked Astra up, heading back towards Bolt. "Hey mom! I got your kid!" She dropped Astra onto the couch next to Bolt. "Seriously, feed her something though." She rolled her eyes and flew away on her magic fish chariot. (Kidding, it was a water chariot.)
Ray glared "No! You want me to kill you, I mean I have the death touch," she said removing her mitten, revealing the blacked charred hands. She decided to mess with him by lifting her mask, revealing a skeleton jaw.


Bolt saw Astra and smiled, he picked her up and made a pb&j "They you are," he said kissing her head. He looked at Lucy "I can take you for a walk, if you really want to. Would you like to go for a walk, my little one," he said sitting next to Astra, and leaning back on his chair.

@Echo Dreamsong @Trust

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