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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tommorow OOC

I remind me of me. And don't do no 'nostalgia' and 'you should change your ways' shit, cause uh... And I quote:

Quillicious said:
It's already been done on me before and it's already old. Plus, it only furthers my point that you're being immature.
And quote.
I couldn't care less if you change your ways. You mean absolutely nothing to me and you probably won't. It's only detrimental to you. It'll rot your relationships with people, and I won't be there to laugh in your face. The statements you just made make zero sense, by the way. Miya knows who I'm talking about.

Lemme just say this. If it gets to a point where I am fuming, then don't bother retorting cuz ive already ignored chu. for future reference, DO NOT PISS ME OFF
From, and I quote:

Quillicious said:
Look, I know I'm a douchebag 99% of the time. I'm a prick. I'm a double dog fucker that sucks horse dick for fun. I suck total ass. I'm a fucking figlord and a real dick. I get it, I suck. I'm arrogant, pretentious, a total Nazi for grammar, spelling, and coherent writing, along with stuff that makes sense scientifically. To be brutally honest, that's pretty stupid when I'm in an RP with super powers. I literally suck when it comes to accepting weaknesses or shortcomings, especially mine. You really should just tune me out most of the time, and just ignore the literal shit that comes out of my mouth or keyboard. I really, sincerely want to apologize and ask forgiveness for the shit I've put all of you guys through. Especially you, Otaku. And Blank. I know you guys want me to fuck off, and if that's for the best for the RP, I'll do it ASAP. As long as you guys are happy, I'm fine. I'll stop the douchey banter and whatnot, once and for all. Just wanted to get that out there.
Regret than to, and I quote:

Quillicious said:
I couldn't care less if you change your ways. You mean absolutely nothing to me and you probably won't. It's only detrimental to you. It'll rot your relationships with people, and I won't be there to laugh in your face. The statements you just made make zero sense, by the way. Miya knows who I'm talking about.
Anger. Figure out yourself! Quote.
My dogs luckily have a way of making me feel all warm and fuzzy. Dat and minecraft youtubers. Some mlp reviewers and such. Do not judge me for my entertainment and shit.
Disappointed? Let me read out YOU'RE? YOUR? Words.

Quillicious said:
I couldn't care less if you change your ways. You mean absolutely nothing to me and you probably won't. It's only detrimental to you. It'll rot your relationships with people, and I won't be there to laugh in your face. The statements you just made make zero sense, by the way. Miya knows who I'm talking about.
'You mean absolutely nothing to me and you probably won't.'

Is that disappointment or anger? Words mean everything! I guess I don't mean one little piece of semen to you.
It's a statement of fact. If you didn't get so salty all the time about everything, me could've had a chance at friendship. Also, it's a drop of semen, and no. My regret goes fully to everyone but you, Blank.
In my mind, your starting to sound like Onision. The Cuck Lord. Well, since your regret goes to everyone else but me, how about you make your lies or apologies or whatever the fuck you try to do. Cough Cough 'Bend The Rules To Your Liking' Cough Cough. Whatever, I'm stuck doing SFM Poster Thumbnails for my friend so...

Butt fuck it.

Firstly, what rules?

Secondly, I'm not racist against other white men, I don't blame them for the world's problems, I'm not liberal shit, I hate feminism, and I'm not Onision. Obviously.
You do know what 'Cuck' means... Right?

Bending and adding rules. Like the rules to only have one power, of course you'd take advantage of it and say... Well... Telekinesis much?

You do know what it means, right? That's what the Urban Dictionary says. Enlighten me, then.

How is that taking advantage of a rule that, might I add, was JUST A SUGGESTION? It's one power. Totally in the guidelines of this hypothetical rule. I meant for it to force creativity and thinking outside of the box.
I'm not using Urban Dictionary, but rather what I go by. 'A man who enjoys watching other men have fun times with their wife and/or husband. Gender and Sexuality Equality.

Creativity.. Thinking outside the box.. How about you go think about the possibilities of Telekinesis, than report back to me.

You do know you just basically said you have no life and no love, coming from you and back.

And never meant for it to be creative? And I quote:

Quillicious said:
You do know what it means, right? That's what the Urban Dictionary says. Enlighten me, then.
How is that taking advantage of a rule that, might I add, was JUST A SUGGESTION? It's one power. Totally in the guidelines of this hypothetical rule. I meant for it to force creativity and thinking outside of the box.
Quote. Love the part where it says, and I quote:

Quillicious said:
I meant for it to force creativity and thinking outside of the box.
Quote. The power was never creative but you and I spent a 30 or even more minute rant on each other's powers. Talking about how you had to be Creative and think outside the Box. Now go levitate the box and hide in it like Solid Snake.
One char has telekinesis and I'm automatically basic? How about all my other chars' powers? Most chars here have basic powers like super strength, speed, teleportation, flight, telekinesis, mind reading, etc.

I wouldn't want a girlfriend, much less a wife. They're a distraction for me. And I didn't say that at all. I may love someone, and I have a life. I've got girls that I'm close friends with, but no interest in fucking them. You don't a ball and chain to be happy, kiddo.
Ever learn what Basically means?

Telekinesis is the most un-basic power there is. Actually, scratch that, if someone in real life had Telekinesis, it'd be the easiest thing to control. And the most OP. See, that's why basic things pop up, hacks, are basic. Which give you an upper hand in the game. Same goes with powers. Telekinesis is OP, as it can do anything without any restrictions, literally, it's the power of powers. Super strength goes into account as displayed in many comics and shows, super strength also builds up your resistance to things, not just your strength... Oh. Super speed is taken into account as it can be used the same way I imagine telekinesis is used too. To snap thousands of necks in under 5 seconds. Flight coupled with any power is OP. Mind reading is OP, depending on how you take Mind reading and what you define it by, than it is OP. The guns that shoot fire 12 ft, boom. You can couple that with Eagle Eye as the scout and basically tell the shooter where to fire, and as you said before. Eagle Eye is smart, of course he wouldn't be the one doing the kill.

And if I meant that and I said that. Your really gonna need a mindset like mine to understand how OP powers are, not just my opinion, but facts.


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