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Fantasy Heroes of Driesen(CLOSED)

Amber KB

distant and confused



Brave and Fearless Warriors, Healers, Mages and Adventurers!

Man, Woman, and Beast are all Welcome to try their hands at becoming one of the most powerful beings in all of Driesen!

Driesen is a new-found land, just above the Empire of Wolke. Heroes will fight in a tournament to discover the bravest, strongest, and most strategic beings in all of Wolke, a civilized and populous country. The winners of the tournament will be offered an exclusive spot in a new work-for-hire team, The Heroes of Driesen. Driesen is largely uninhabited because of the massive, savage creatures living there, as well as the difficult, mountainous terrain. But it is a beautiful land that many (rich) men and women want.

The Heroes of Driesen will conquer and tame these lands, opening up a world of new opportunities to their country.


A massive crowd of people stands outside the Tournament gates. Monsters and men alike await their entrance into the Grand Arena of Lobaiser. This was their Fate -- their Destiny. Pedestrians swirled around them, either ignoring the challengers or staring, awestruck, at the intimidating beings that stood before them.

One little girl screamed at her mother, "Mommy, look it's an Orc! It's gonna hurt us!" The embarrassed mother apologized to the hulking Orc, picked up her daughter, and scurried away like a frightened mouse.

The challengers knew the entrance process, as it was explained in the invitation: An introduction of oneself as well as experience in battle and training. The stewards there will decide if you qualify for entrance into the Tournament.

Thalia'Sur stood in line. She was used to large cities and being stared at. Elves weren't usually welcome in cities. They were outcasts, just like every other race except the humans.
Fuck the humans she thought. She didn't hate all humans, but they've got some really pretentious pricks in their ranks. So did every other race, though.

Deltown was much older than Lobaiser, but was built with much more care and excellence. It was the known as the "City of Artisans," and it looked as much. Lobaiser was lovely and huge, but it had nothing on Deltown in terms of architecture or history.

Thalia peered ahead of the giant that stood in front of her, only to have some rude pedestrian run into her,
"Hey! Watch it, Elf!" Thalia sighed and waited a little longer in the line. Only 20 or so people stood in front of her. She hoped her qualifications were enough to grant her permission...
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Jack sighed and drummed his fingers on his side. He wasn't one for lines. His eyes scanned around the surrounding area. There were quite a few... interesting characters, to say in the least. He couldn't honestly say he wasn't among the ranks, though. Luckily, he only appeared a commoner. Hopefully it'd be enough to cause waves of underestimatIon to ripple through his enemies. Jack stretched out, raising an eyebrow at some ghostly pale guy wearing a sort of fur coat. He groaned. This line didn't appear ending anytime soon.
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There was a foul smell looming in the air, scented perfumes of the rich intermixed with the garbage scent of the poor. Ziegel was still awakening, rays of light hitting his iris's followed by a short growl. The pillow he sat on had a weird texture that rubbed against his rear end, Being isolated in a cavern for the most of his life made him very claustrophobic and the small cage was not helping. Prior to waking up to the polluted smells and blaring sounds of the city Ziegel recalled being struck over the head by a group of tin men. Ziegel thought he was hovering in mid air when he heard the sound of feet scraping across the dirt accompanied by two voices "Oi! These guys look pretty tough, eh? What's so special about this guy that you hired those stuck up Royal Knights for?" Shouted one man trying to be heard above all the noise. "You kiddin' me? This here creature was bred for fightin'! And furthermor', once he wins this 'ere tournament I'll get all the riches!" Blasted another voice. Ziegel started screeching and jumping up and down to get the two's attention, He had started a scene very quickly as one of the men tried to shush Ziegel while the other tried to persuade the crowd to keep moving "Gripes!!! Go on 'bout yer' bus'ness! Ain't anythin' you needa' see!!!" Shouted the other man.
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Shrio Date

Go - 100% / Shiro - 0%

Location - In Tournament Line

The crowd had roared, the busy air was polluted with buzzing and chatter. The area was relatively compact and tensions were quite high. Which was understandable, considering the array of creatures that had stood before him. Some of the other competitors had looked absolutely primal, they were beings barely intelligent enough to communicate, monsters that often were not allowed within the city gates. Yet here, they had gathered, so it was to be expected that the overall atmosphere would be somewhat chaotic. The one called Go was not much different, he was lucky enough to have a shell to mask his terrifying visage, so he rarely caught the attention of others.

He stood not far off from the front of the line, adorning simple leather attire with a fur cloak. His expression was relatively placid, though the corner of his lip was upturned to form a soft smile. He had held a dark bag over his shoulder, which gave off a peculiar scent. The material was relatively robust, the bag nearly three feet long from end to end, and was stretched to its seams. From the outside it seemed to have carried circular objects of varying sizes. The size of the bag was even more exaggerated when compared to the short stature of its wielder. He had to hunch somewhat to balance its immense weight on his shoulders, having to wait in line whilst carrying his bag was proving to be a true test of stamina.

But he had still managed, he partially regretted not waiting until he could lure someone of more notoriety in to lair. His present body was not as capable as he would like it to be...

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It was pure chaos, beings of all races and species yelling on top of each other; either to sell their wares, to advertise their own betting pools, or things that should not be shouted about for all ears to hear. Lyarra fought her way through the crowd, even going as far as to pull a few insipid maidens out of the way of the idiot who thought it'd be a great idea to drive a cart down through the streets on the busiest day of the year. Smart. The maidens barely have enough time to squeak out a mere 'thank you' before Lyarra's already on the move, pushing her way through the crowds. It's not much longer before she sees the line that's meant for those entering the tournament.

Work was already drying up in these parts for her, so she decided that trying her luck in a tournament to get herself on a team of heroes would be a good thing for her. It'd give her something else, broaden her horizons; maybe refer her to a keep where she could spend the rest of her life as a guard or swordsmaster. A good ol' comfy job, right after she avenged the death of her family.

She waits in lie, taking a moment to size up her potential opponents.
Jack groaned once more and decided to check around, scanning the area for potential allies and enemies. He spotted an elf with a bow, and, reasoning that an archer would be a decidedly useful ally to have, sauntered over. He put on a charming, but not over the top smile and stopped a foot and a half away from her front, nodding politely.

"Hello. I'm Jackson Montgomery. And that would make you...?"

@Amber KB
Marcus couldn't take his eyes off of the orc. The massive beast hulking over nearly every other warrior standing in the line with him, most of whom were also quite large. Marcus felt small. He was used to living in the city, used to the tradesmen desperately pushing there's wares into people's faces.....these actions made it so much easier to grab a bite to eat out of their sack.But regardless being around this many warriors made him restless. Not quite as restless as the person standing directly in front of him in line however. The man was only slightly taller than him and almost as skinny but still there was just something about the man and his fur coat that just made Marcus feel ready for battle. A sort of cold. Marcus hated the cold, Especially with the circumstances......But he pushed his feelings aside and continued to wait patiently in line, with his hand resting readily on his sheathed dagger....
Levi had been standing in the line for a while. He actually didn't mind it. He could drown everything else out pretty well if he didn't move much. He was looking ahead and noticed a man that was trying to engage in conversation with an elf. He appeared extremely powerful and put Levi a little on edge. He had only practiced his techniques for 4 years now which is probably a lot less than everybody else. Not to mention he fact that he never had anything like a sparring partner. As he waited a little while longer he noticed that a strange source of heat had been hitting his back for a while now. He turned around to find the source and saw a slighty shorter man about his age standing behind him. His eyes were reassuring and kind, but there was a ferocity behind that. Something Levi couldn't unveil. Levi had been staring at the man for a short while before the man opened his mouth to say something. @jabronie

When he was a boy, the lands now part of the city of Lobaiser were covered in forest, home to no more than a hundred people, and a minor Wood Elven clan. Cailan could not remember the name of it, though he could vaguely remember visiting their little castle with his father during his youth. The castle was abandoned some years later for reasons Cailan also could not remember, but it was soon resettled by humans and the city only grew from there. Now, Lobaiser was a metropolis, stretching as far as the eye could see. Inns, houses, warehouses, and granaries clustered tightly together, today adorned with colored pennants and flags to welcome those seeking to prove their worth in the tourney.

Speaking of which, contestants from all races, all corners of the known world waited anxiously for their turn to enter the arena. Only about a dozen of them would pass the entrance exam. Cailan took his place in line, covered head to toe in plate armor. The banner of his house was tied to the head of his spear, and it whipped to and fro as the wind blew. The wait would be dreadfully painful, he knew. The colosseum was still blocks away, the line was moving at the pace of a crippled snail, and the less he said about the stench of the dwarf in front of him, the better. Under normal circumstances, Cailan would have given up and left hours ago.

And yet here he remained, too stubborn to leave after all he went through to get here. Cailan only hoped that he would be accepted.
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The humans had not removed Ziegels iron nails, a slight grin formed from ear to ear as he tore his fingers through the tarp above him. Ziegel burst out through the tarp like a demon from hell,one of the two men who had custody of him tried to grab him but was greeted by a serious punch to the jaw which felled the man. When the other man saw this he took off in a full sprint towards the city gate, a man in front of him who seemed like a common swordsman stared down at the goblin "What in th~" he was stopped mid sentence when Ziegel started climbing on top of the man, the man not wanting to end up like the wealthy man behind him allowed Ziegel to carry out his mischievous behavior.

Sitting atop the mans head he saw a line of different creatures stretching out towards a small table where sign ups where. Ziegel started hopping from one persons head to another as fast as he could, After hopping atop a Golems head he used his hind legs to thrust himself to the sign up table. Ziegel scratched the cloth on the table when he stuck his landing, he looked up towards the nobleman in charge of sign ups. "Me Ziegel.... Where is Ziegel?" croaked the Goblin, The Nobleman responded with "You're in the city of Driesel, the city is hosting a tournament." The nobleman continued with his explanation of the city and details of the tournament.

"So if you want to be involved I'll need you to spell out your name for me." Ziegel wasn't very familiar with how to spell but his Ma and Pa always told him to sound it out. "Z-GAWL" He blatently told the nobleman, he shook his head and asked him to do it in all letters. Ziegel thought long and hard, he knew what he would say next would determine how everyone would think of him, this was a test of intellectual superiority and if he couldn't accomplish this task everyone would ridicule him forever! And so Ziegel began shouting out letters "S-E-A-G-U-L-L" Ziegel spelled out proudly. The nobleman stared at the parchment and nodded his head, he scratched that out and wrote down Z-I-E-G-E-L, "Alrighty then, you're set..." the nobleman told Ziegel. Ziegel still didn't know where to go next so he waited for the next person signing up to see where they would head to.
Thalia was a tad unsettled by the man who spoke to her. He was no typical man and she could sense that something was "off" with the man, but she couldn't quite name it. She turned her body towards him and tucked a loose piece of copper hair behind her ear, "My name is Thalia'Sur o-of the Wood Tribe Unber. Is there something you need... Mr. Montgomery?"

As the words departed from her mouth, a strong pressure landed on her head and pushed off again. She looked up to discover that it was the foot of a Goblin heading directly for the sign-up table.
A foot?! A foot just landed on my head!? Lia was appalled, but she quickly brushed it away to stare back at the nicely-dressed man, attempting to size him up. It was difficult to read him, impossible even - perhaps that was why she felt so perturbed around him. @LordOfThePitch
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Everything had been going well, entering the city, nobody minded, fully armored woman, no one would bother, after all, she was going to sign up to this big tournament, nothing special. Well, everything -was- going well.

Fayde peered silently as the one in front of her left after signing, being early was always a trait master Roliskall accredited to her, she had come several days earlier, several days of not trying to attract attention, not that it worked, what with standing in the same place for a whole night, who would have thought the coins she had wasn't useful anymore?

Not that it mattered, she had waited a little while for others to assemble a line before joining it, now she was next, she thought about all the others she saw.. Orcs, humans, elves, dwarves and a whole league of everyone. Well it could have been more? Fayde thought, peering behind her, quickly again, she was interrupted as the speaker called her forth, Fayde felt excitement build up inside of her, first seeing a city like this, incredible, then seeing so many living people! Amazing and now she was to par- If Fayde could blink in astonishment, she would, a short creature just jumped over her and to the signing table. ...Rude, I was.. Eh.. Fayde stopped her thoughts, she wasn't one to complain, preferably not.

The creature.. Goblin as some of the others in line called it.. A derogatory term? Fayde pondered as the goblin spoke it's name, Seagull? Zi-ghoul? Zeegal? What an odd name, Fayde stepped forward as the caller waved to her, she was given the standard questions she heard everyone else get.

Fayde stood somewhat anxiously, even though she was not a living being, she had learned much during her time at home, and she felt anxious, a weird feeling, it was safety though, a feeling that gave awareness, what humans call flight or fight, that's what she f- Her thoughts was interrupted by the man sitting by the table, he looked tired, possibly from asking the same questions over and over, Fayde calmed slightly, right she had to sound human-ish.. Or at least not as hollow as she normally did.. She had practice, listening to all the different people talking and shouting, a little bit helped, they wouldn't think of it as weird.. Right?

"Name and age."

"Fayde Roliskall...Uh, I mean, twenty one?" That's normal age for a human, right? Fayde peered at the goblin, why didn't it move away?

"Occupation.. Race.. Would be easier lass if you removed that helmet, but whatever."

Fayde fussed a bit, removing her head? How barbaric. "Previously guard at castle Skall, now.. Uhm.. Wandering ...Adventurer, yes." Fayde nodded slightly, the sword at her side and the tower shield on her back, she got the looks down.. Probably. "..Human." Fayde said with a few moments of hesitation. Would they.. Maybe? The thought only appeared now, would they remove her for not being human? So many other creatures and people behind her.. Would it matter?

"Previous experiences.. Apart from guard duty.."

Fayde nodded again. "Heavy duty training.. Years of being assistant to Wizard Roliskall." Would they know his name? Of course, he was famous! Who wouldn't have heard of the grand wizard Roliskall.. Right? "And some time wandering around.. Doing odd-jobs, body-guard.. Bandit hunting, I'm very good with the sword and shield, yes." Fayde spoke again, firmly and still keeping her best attempt at sounding less hollow-ish.

For what felt like an eternity was over far quicker than she thought, the man nodded and waved her off to the side, shortly before yelling next.

That was.. Easy?.. I'm in now.. Why is the goblin still there? Fayde looked at the table, or rather stared at the general direction of the goblin, then at the line she had just been part of, without a word, Fayde simply turned and moved into the Arena, somewhere in there must be available for participants to join in, surely.. Or at least the guards in there might help.

Everything was going well, yet Fayde felt all these new sensations far differently than a living being might, the magic, essence, everything alive, it might just make her go over some breaking point, her very essence was moving erratically, nervous.. Excited? Something of a mix, so much change had happened..

All she wanted was to find a quiet place.. Or maybe it might be best to go numb for a while, relax a bit.

Fayde shook the anxiety off and went to find the nearest guard for direction.
"I just wanted to start a dialogue with another Tournament competitior. We'll certainly need at least somebody to not be trying to constantly kill us."

Jack chuckled, adjusting the timing and length perfectly to seem natural before raising a carefully calculated eyebrow.

"Thalia, I have? Well, Thalia, consider Jack Montgomery among the ranks of your allies from this moment on."

He smiled charmingly.
His smile was, indeed, charming. Maybe he wasn't in the Pretentious Prick category of humans... "O-okay. WHat does that exactly mean though. I mean, I thought this competition wasn't about killing each other, but about beating them into submission," Lia smiled confidently at Mr. Montgomery. She didn't really want to "beat people into submission," but it was sort of the point of the Tournament. A rather brutal point, nonetheless.

The line moved forward and she took a single step, only to trip over her own treacherous feet. She began to fall, only to have the giant in front of her catch her. "You must be careful, Missus," he said in a deep, gravelly voice. "Pretty girls like you'self don't wanna take a fall just before your big tournament." He crouched next to her and wished her luck. Then the large, friendly giant turned around and shuffled forward a bit toward the table. Only about 10 stood before her now. She turned to Mr. Montgomery with a soft smile on her face and shrugged.
Jack adjusted his expression to quiet amusement at the situation before perfectly timing the next look of concern.

"Things can go very badly sometimes. Oftentimes, even the most good-hearted of fighters can have an accident. Regardless of its intent, I'd rather not have an arrow pointed at my neck."

He smiled once more, calculating the angle of his lips to a point.

"Even the best of us need allies."

He laughed charmingly, cutting it off precisely.

"And I'm certainly not among their ranks, making it far more urgent."

(Isn't it fun trying to see an sociopath act charming in an utterly calculating and emotionless way?)
Now entering the lines, there was a figure seeming to speak to himself. His voice was low, as though trying not to bring attention to himself. On his fingers, he seemed to count, but he was not calling numbers. Beneath his murmurs a trained ear would catch his mumblings.

"Klaus.. Klaus.. Klaus.. Klaus.." every finger he counted as Klaus. Eventually.. He ran out of fingers, and began counting imaginary digits on the hand.. still calling them by 'Klaus'. This was enough to earn some odd stares, particularly from those trying to quote "size him up."

What would greet them was a tall and lanky man, whose features were concealed behind his hat mask and robes. The mask was the most bizarre thing about it.. it was a solid white with rose lenses. It resembled a bird's beak in some ways. On the lanky man's back was a mace, covered in pegs and spikes. Engraved on the handle was a name. Mr. Spanky.

When he finally reaches the registry, he hadnt stopped counting his fingers.. still murmuring that K word.

The one up front quirked an eyebrow at this strange behavior, but soon grew tired of the shenanigans as they snapped their fingers, which brought the man to his senses with a jump.

"Ooh! Oh, oh Klaus.. I lost myself there for a moment." the man scratched the back of his head, letting out a high pitched giggle.


"Oh, my name? It is Klaus. Heinrich Klaus."

"Occupation age, and race..? I take it by the mask you're a doctor of some kind.." the one at the registry held a hand to their forehead.. Seemingly annoyed.

"Ah yes.. About that." Heinrich reached into his robes, pulling away two different papers. "Official documentation! I am not only a doctor with a license to practice medicine, but also a Cleric under the Inquisitive Church of Saint Cuthbert, God of Knowledge and Common Sense. Oh! And, I am quite Human.. twenty seven years of age."

"....mmhm. And.. what were you doing before you arrived here?" As they asked.. Klaus let out a sinister laugh, rubbing his hands together.

"Oooh. I... I was carrying out religious missions, sir! Torturing heathens, peeling the flesh from their bones, caving in the skulls of the unconsecrated dead, and spreading the wealth of Earthly Knowledge!" Even just by his voice, his body language.. This "Heinrich was sending signals of having a few screws loose.. or perhaps something far worse. The man took time to write all of this down, quickly motioning with his hand to Klaus.

"Okay.. Great, go away. Next."

With a simply nod, Heinrich moved along, cracking his knuckles, groaning in satisfaction at the sounds they made. Aimlessly, Klaus looked around.. Maybe there was a waiting period before the kill time began, he thought. With a shrug, Klaus retreated to the nearest wall, within view of the mountain goblin.. Heinrich had been absent as Ziegel signed up.. and thus didnt know anything about what had happened previously. Everyone here.. everyone who Klaus saw.. indifferent to the lot of them.

Shrio Date

Go - 100% / Shiro - 0%

Location - Inside the "waiting room"

The line nudged forward, slowly, but progress was still being made. He could see the front of the tournament area, and he watched as a nameless farm hand and novice swordsmen were dismissed one after the other. It would appear that anyone with a dash of sense did not want to participate in this tournament. Driesen was without a doubt the most dangerous known region and it showed. Though he had no choice but to push forward, for reasons only he knew. He was not arrogant enough to think he could brave the land without aid...

He was too caught up in his thoughts to notice the goblin come leaping forward, from head to head showing an impressive amount of agility. He could only hope that he would not be a victim and be set off balance by the creature. Luckily, the goblin opted to use the gentlemen who stood in front of him as footing. He chuckled silently watching the goblin stumbled over his words and misspelled his own name. They were primal creatures certainly, but they were still formidable foes and sometimes even made good allies. It only took a few more moments before it was his own turn.

He stepped forward cautiously nearly stumbling forward. The interviewer eyed him hesitantly, clearly losing his patience. The nobleman sighed, predicting another suicidal farm hand who was trying to make a name for himself. When he was asked for a name, Go responded promptly, giving the name of the one who was the former host of this body. Then came the tricky part, in reality the previous host of this was the son of a blacksmith called Shiro and nothing more, so Go had developed a lie...

"What are your qualifications?" The steward inquired with a bored tone.

"I'm a monster hunter, though I have not killed any game nearly as big as what I hear is up in Driesen." He spoke rather humbly, in an attempt to not come off as boastful. The interviewer looked absolutely skeptical, he looked at Go up and down paying attention to his stature and his lack of a weapon. "Do you have any way to prove that? You understand I am not letting certain people in not to spite them, but to keep them from getting slaughtered?" The noble instructed, a moment from dismissing Go. Before he could dismiss him, Go loosened the strap around his shoulder and allowed his bag to hit the floor behind him.

He unzipped the bag and allowed the contents to become visible to the steward, inside he had a few pairs of clothes, but the most prominent objects were three smaller black bags. The material was thinner and nearly see-through but the contents were still obscured. The top of the bags were firmly secured by string. One of the bags in particular was curious, as it clearly had small horns that stretched the thin material. He loosed the string that had contained the items and displayed his trophies, there stood the head of a young minotaur with two small horns and the heads of two smaller imps.
"A young minotaur and two imps were terrorizing a village, so I took care of them free of charge." He lied, in reality he wandered in to their nest and skewered them with the surrounding rocks.

The steward stood there taken a bit aback before he waved his hand.
"Very well. But leave your belongings here... Those "trophies" will be disposed of... But everything else will be secured. They have no place in the arena." The steward murmured. Go wiped the dust from his hands and stepped forward awaiting any further instructions.

Marcus was startled as he he realized the man eerily staring at him and he almost drew his dagger. The man terrified him, although he had no real reason to be terrified. The man didn't really look like much. If anything he looked pale and sickly but his mismatched eyes seemed to peer into Marcus soul. " you can turn around now" he told the man. He felt guilty because he usually wasn't impolite to people the he couldn't stand to have the man look at him with those eyes for another second. He saw saw shock in the man's face and immediately felt guilty. "Sorry, my nerves are just on edge right now, my name is Marcus Diverri " the man's face softened but yet again Marcus felt regret because he didn't want any form of interaction with this man. He wanted to put as much distance in between them as possible.
Sigismund said:
Everything had been going well, entering the city, nobody minded, fully armored woman, no one would bother, after all, she was going to sign up to this big tournament, nothing special. Well, everything -was- going well.
Fayde peered silently as the one in front of her left after signing, being early was always a trait master Roliskall accredited to her, she had come several days earlier, several days of not trying to attract attention, not that it worked, what with standing in the same place for a whole night, who would have thought the coins she had wasn't useful anymore?

Not that it mattered, she had waited a little while for others to assemble a line before joining it, now she was next, she thought about all the others she saw.. Orcs, humans, elves, dwarves and a whole league of everyone. Well it could have been more? Fayde thought, peering behind her, quickly again, she was interrupted as the speaker called her forth, Fayde felt excitement build up inside of her, first seeing a city like this, incredible, then seeing so many living people! Amazing and now she was to par- If Fayde could blink in astonishment, she would, a short creature just jumped over her and to the signing table. ...Rude, I was.. Eh.. Fayde stopped her thoughts, she wasn't one to complain, preferably not.

The creature.. Goblin as some of the others in line called it.. A derogatory term? Fayde pondered as the goblin spoke it's name, Seagull? Zi-ghoul? Zeegal? What an odd name, Fayde stepped forward as the caller waved to her, she was given the standard questions she heard everyone else get.

Fayde stood somewhat anxiously, even though she was not a living being, she had learned much during her time at home, and she felt anxious, a weird feeling, it was safety though, a feeling that gave awareness, what humans call flight or fight, that's what she f- Her thoughts was interrupted by the man sitting by the table, he looked tired, possibly from asking the same questions over and over, Fayde calmed slightly, right she had to sound human-ish.. Or at least not as hollow as she normally did.. She had practice, listening to all the different people talking and shouting, a little bit helped, they wouldn't think of it as weird.. Right?

"Name and age."

"Fayde Roliskall...Uh, I mean, twenty one?" That's normal age for a human, right? Fayde peered at the goblin, why didn't it move away?

"Occupation.. Race.. Would be easier lass if you removed that helmet, but whatever."

Fayde fussed a bit, removing her head? How barbaric. "Previously guard at castle Skall, now.. Uhm.. Wandering ...Adventurer, yes." Fayde nodded slightly, the sword at her side and the tower shield on her back, she got the looks down.. Probably. "..Human." Fayde said with a few moments of hesitation. Would they.. Maybe? The thought only appeared now, would they remove her for not being human? So many other creatures and people behind her.. Would it matter?

"Previous experiences.. Apart from guard duty.."

Fayde nodded again. "Heavy duty training.. Years of being assistant to Wizard Roliskall." Would they know his name? Of course, he was famous! Who wouldn't have heard of the grand wizard Roliskall.. Right? "And some time wandering around.. Doing odd-jobs, body-guard.. Bandit hunting, I'm very good with the sword and shield, yes." Fayde spoke again, firmly and still keeping her best attempt at sounding less hollow-ish.

For what felt like an eternity was over far quicker than she thought, the man nodded and waved her off to the side, shortly before yelling next.

That was.. Easy?.. I'm in now.. Why is the goblin still there? Fayde looked at the table, or rather stared at the general direction of the goblin, then at the line she had just been part of, without a word, Fayde simply turned and moved into the Arena, somewhere in there must be available for participants to join in, surely.. Or at least the guards in there might help.

Everything was going well, yet Fayde felt all these new sensations far differently than a living being might, the magic, essence, everything alive, it might just make her go over some breaking point, her very essence was moving erratically, nervous.. Excited? Something of a mix, so much change had happened..

All she wanted was to find a quiet place.. Or maybe it might be best to go numb for a while, relax a bit.

Fayde shook the anxiety off and went to find the nearest guard for direction.
Ziegel was waiting for the next person to sign up and make words to the nobleman, What seemed to him as a woman of tin made her way forward taking quick glances of Ziegel. There was a distinction in her voice that made her seem different, it was very hollow, now one could normally rule this out as ones voice echoing through armor but Ziegel was establishing this as a normal human voice. The nobleman waved the woman of tin off after she took another glance at Ziegel. The tin woman started to make her way to the Colosseum, it's dome like structure towering over Ziegel. The tin woman would turn around and see Ziegel just a few feet behind her, she started to pick up her pace and so did Ziegel, she started jogging and Ziegel started hopping, at this point they both were running at break neck speed.

They passed under a long archway and were running in darkness, lit torches could be seen at the end. Ziegel was struggling to see where he was going before Ziegel was abruptly stopped when he ran into the tin womans back, "HALT!!!" Shouted a guard as Ziegel started rubbing his head followed by a painful croack. "Tournament particapants only! Otherwise scram!!!" Ziegel found this man an absolute genius, the way he casually put words together was marvelous and impressive. While Ziegel was daydreaming endlessly about being able to make complete sentences the tin woman and guard were discussing something together, "Very well then..." said the Guard as a latch opened and another person was revealed on the other side of the door. The other person was a male of elderly age who placed the participants in the "Barracks" the area were participants awaited battle. The tin woman and the old man started walking toward the Barracks and Ziegel followed.
Marcus's words sent a shiver down Levi's spine, but he continued to look him in the eyes and replied, "My name is Laomedon. People generally call me Levi though because it's pretty hard to pronounce." He could tell that he put Marcus pretty on edge so he turned around and scanned the area. Who is that! He just got a glimpse of a mysterious looking man before he walked through the entrance. It wasn't his stature or presence that had put Levi on edge. It was the mask that gripped him with fear. The mask... the same mask that they had! I only saw him for a second before he disappeared. Maybe it was just my imagination...
"I wouldn't like an arrow at my throat either, Mr. Montgomery," she said, feeling confident in her words for once. "Especially not one of mine." Lia smiled. She knew this man was more than met the eye, but she figured he could be a suitable ally. After a ponderous pause, she stated, "You may call me Lia."

She took a step forward and bumped into a table. The table. "Oh. hello." She looked over the tired steward. Poor fella, she thought. It was well past midday and he had been speaking to strangers and assholes since the beginning of the day. "Name, Thalia'Sur. Age, 19," she said, hoping to ease his pain "Qualifications...? Um, I was trained in archery by Osirin'tath, a battle-hardened Wood Elf of the Unber tribe. I fought invading Essandil tribesmen when I was very young, and got my injured father out of our dangerous homelands. Um... Oh! I've also practiced archery and fighting with a dagger since moving to Deltown at 15. I go hunting bi-weekly. I'm skilled at killing - I can shoot a deer in the eye from 50 feet. Though... I've never fought in any man-on-man - er, woman - battles."

The man sighed rather audibly. "Fine. You're accepted," He waved her by. "NEXT!" She smiled at Mr. Montgomery and moved along, heading towards the "Barracks" where other challengers went to wait before the Tournament.
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As Klaus maintained his lean, he kept his eyes focused on people watching. His eyes were mostly trained against the people at the registry. As his ears caught "Next!", his eyes followed the person leaving the registry. His mind was still set on that whole waiting period thing. As he saw her leave though.. he had an epiphany.

"Ooooooooh.." left his lips, as he followed behind the woman to the Barracks, a spring in his step. Klaus didnt give a fig about seeming like a creep.. and he followed as closely behind as he could, aiming to eventually overtake Thalia's pace on his own way to the barracks.
Eventually the line before him had become nonexistent and he was finally able to progress toward the steward. The steward seemed slightly drained and his speech was a little slurred as he ran down a memorized list:


"Laomedon Fury"



The basic questions continued for a while then the steward asked a slightly more complex one.

"What are your qualifications?"

"Ummm... I learned some katana techniques from my dad before he left. I've been honing them for about 4 years now."

Levi stopped talking for a bit and the steward just... stared at me for a couple seconds. Did he want more? I didn't really want to talk about any of my other abilities so I just continued talking of mainstream fighting methods.

"I also know how to throw daggers pretty well, I guess."

The steward could tell that I was running out of things to say. Then he said,

"Alright, you're good."

He pointed me in a direction and I continued on
Thalia stumbled once more just after she noticed the masked man following behind her. She stopped abruptly and turned around. Her hand moved toward her dagger as she addressed the creepy man, "Y-y-yes... sir?" She looked him up and down and prayed to the Gods not to let her die here, like this. This man seemed dangerous and brutal. His movements were quiet and calculated. They reminded her of a snake, like the one on her family sigil. She closed her eyes and listened to the snake-man speak. @DemetrioMachete
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