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Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

"Oh, that's a good reason. But if people just wouldn't hate in the first place... No, that's not the problem. The problem was fear. During the first war, back before even ancient Greece, fear came into this world. It corrupted my people, stole what they where, and turned them against us. Or, them. I guess I can't say us anymore." She sighed. "The shadows of fear, the greatest threat to all the realms in the starfield. They want me on their side. Apparently I'm supposed to choose who lives and who fades. But what if I could save the corrupted? How can I destroy them knowing it wasn't their fault?"
"That is a hard decision to make..." He said as they stepped into center park, eyes averting from her.
Echo looked up at him, confused at the sudden change.

"What's wr-"

The CRU emerged from the bushes on all sides. "Good work Steel Falcon. The girl will come with us now." Agent G said. Echo looked at the CRU, a terrified expression on her face. She looked back at Richard, anger crossing her face.

"Y-you said we where going to evacuate the city! You told me you where going to help! Why! Why would you just give me to them!?" She glared at the man whom she had trusted, her hands glowing darker by the moment. "I decided to trust you! You have made a grave mistake, I'm not just a little girl. I'm far older than any human. I've seen more than you could imagine! I'm not just something to be used!" She glared at anyone who dared near her. "You all have doomed your city. The shadows draw near. They will not stop for a mer mortal. Steel Falcon. I have tried to warn you, but it is too late. They have taken the first building." As if on cue, a large glass skyscraper collapsed, followed by many others. "I WARNED YOU!" In the distraction, a CRU agent stuck Echo in the head again, this time with the end of a rifle. For good measure, he shot her motionless body a few times.

"Alright men, we can take her back to the lab for testing. I suggest trying to merge her with an animal once more. Maybe use the knife once more. Remember, she's immortal, we can make her feel however much pain we wish without killing her. Move out men!" Agent G said, ignoring the collapsing buildings.
Steel Falcon stood there for a moment, regretting his decision before quickly flying to the tower he was talking to Echo about.


Octavian looked out his company's window, seeing the whole ordeal, a expression of pure hatred on his face that would make the strongest men shake in fear. He turned around sharply, putting on his lab coat, and picking up papers of a transfer request sent to him the other day. " Well, it's never too late to take up an offer like this.." He said in a wicked voice as he left the building.
The CRU grabbed Echo and tossed her into the van before heading off to their underground lab.

When Echo woke, she found herself chained to a wall with steel bars. Her hands where encased in metal, and her wings where stuck through the wall. She groaned in pain before looking around. Several CRU agents where watching her, and a clear human sized tube sat in the corner. The agents stood and managed to undo the chains before dragging her across the room and into the tube.

The first scientist/agent spoke. "Subject is being tested in the ability of immortality. First test, water." Echo looked around her small tube prison in confusion when water fell from the top, starting to fill the tube. Panic filled her and she tried to use her powers. Yet of course she had overlooked the cuffs still of her hands.

"Help! P-please stop!" She screamed, trying to swim above the rising water while the chains held her down. She had never been completely under water, and had no idea what to do or what would happen. She shut her eyes and wrapped her wings around herself as the water went above her head.

Echo couldn't hear anything except the water. It's sound roared in her ears. How long had she been in this tube? She had no idea. Echo only knew that she was terrified. Some creature would probably eat her in a moment. That's when another sound entered the tube. The water went below her head, and Echo finally opened her eyes and dared to breath. She was shaking in her skin, terror pounded through her as the agent spoke once more. "Test two, acid." Echo had time to think 'Acid? What is that?' before she got her answer. A burning pain scorched through her as the tube began to fill once more. Hiding behind her wings didn't take away the pain, it simply clung to her. Her skin burned as though she where fading, she didn't dare try to look. Outside the tank, only faint whimpers could be heard from her as the people continued their 'safe' testing.
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Octavian entered the building, and went up to the front desk, giving the man his papers. "Go on ahead." The man said as he read over the papers, pointing into the direction of the testing chambers. Octavian gave a slight nod, muttering "Thank you..", as he walked away, into the testing chambers.
The agents walked out of Echo's testing room, placed a DANGER note on the door, and then walked away for lunch.

Inside the tube, Echo was crying in pain, it felt like she had been thrown into the volcano once more. She kicked weakly at the glass, trying to stay awake.
The men walked past Octavian, practically ignoring him as he walked down the hall, passing many glass windows, showing many horrible experiment, causing him to cringe slightly. He continued walking, until coming across a certain window. He looked inside, quickly turning to face it, and tapped on the window with his fist to get her attention.
Echo heard the noise, but figuring it was just another scientist, she kept pulling against the chains in the tube. Echo kicked at the tank again, keeping her eyes closed tightly.
Octavian stopped knocking and came up with another idea. A green mist surrounded his fingers, then the chains as he used his powers to remove them.
Echo felt them come off, and she opened her eyes for a moment. Bad idea. She felt a searing pain in her eyes after she closed them, she kicked at the glass still, crying at the pain in her eyes.
Octavian had a look of fear on his face as he quickly used his powers to unlock the latch on the front of the giant test tube, causing it's contents, including Echo to spill out onto the floor.
Echo curled up on the floor, rubbing at her eyes in a feeble attempt to get the pain out. "Owowowowowowow. Oh great stars ow!" She struggled to stand up once more, a few feathers filled with holes falling away from her.
((Okay, talk to you later I guess)

Octavian forced the door open with his powers and ran over to her. "Are you okay?!" He asked, kneeling down next to her.
Echo opened her eyes, trying to blink away the blur that had become her sight. "W-why would you care!" She yelled, mistaking him for a CRU agent. "You CRU people are evil!" She stood up shakily and tried to run, promptly falling over on her face.
He got back up, running over to her, helping her up. "I'm not one of them, Echo. It's me, Octavian."
Echo threw her arms around him, squeezing as tightly as she could while she cried.

"T-the metal bird man gave me back to them! H-he lied to me!"
"Shh, it's okay. It's okay." He said as he picked her up as he stood, her legs wrapped around him as he rubbed her back like he would a toddler. "Let's get you out of here..."
Octavian walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He looked left and right down the hallway, choosing to go right as the men left through the left.
Echo tried to blink away the blurry sting in her eyes. She shuddered a bit, remembering what they would do to her if she escaped again.
Octavian kept walking until he found a door labelled "Rooftop". He opened it, and held onto Echo as he walked up the flight of stair leading to the roof.
"Well, that depends, what did they put in your eyes?" He asked, pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket, rubbing her eyes with it.

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