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Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

"They said ackle. I think. It was hard to hear anything." She tried to see the words on the wall as they reached the top floor.
"Ackle? Hmm, I can't think of anything that sound like that. What did it feel like?" He said, opening a door, then walking out onto the roof.
"Well, it really burned, kinda like the time I got thrown into a volcano. That hurt." She blinked a bit more, her sight beginning to come back.
"A volcano..?" He asked as he thought of a pain like that. "You mean acid?!" He asked in a mad tone, his face contorting into a face of anger to the scientists.
"Yeah! That's what they called it! Did you know that I apparently don't have to breath? They filled the thing with water first, and I thought I was going to die. I've never been in water taller than I." She blabbered on and on, probably in shock.
The longer she went on, the more anger consumed him. He made a metal note to slaughter every person working there as he wrapped an arm around Echo, then used his powers with his other hand to make them float away from the building.
She pointed at the park that Steel Falcon had brought her to.

"Metal bird said that I would be able to speak to the city there. He lied. If I had spoken, maybe the buildings wouldn't have died." She looked down sadly.
Octavian sighed. "He probably thought he was doing the right thing. On the bright side though, he did order the city to evacuate." He said, pointing at the many cars, and people driving, and running out of the city.
Echo smiled, cheering up quite a bit. "Yay! That's good. Now the people won't die when the shadows come. I won't have to feel bad for that too!"
Octavian chuckled slightly. "Yeah, that is good." He said as he lowered them onto the roof of his company.
Echo looked at the clouds beginning to block out the sky. "If I go calmly, I leave my people to destruction. If I fight, I leave the earth to destruction. How am I meant to choose when I can't find the third option..."
((Sorry, I had a reunion on google+. I hadn't been able to get past my parents security for 2 months.))

Echo shook her head. "We tried. But the enemy would not listen. They destroyed many of my people then... I cannot forgive myself for that."
(( It's okay, I understand))

"What if there was a way to make them good?" He asked, thinking of a project the company was working on.
Echo's eyes lit up. "T-they where corrupted. I-i'm the only one who understands both sides... I-i have the power of light and dark. I can bring them back!"
Echo opened her wings and took off. On the horizon, thousands of shadow figure stood, their eyes fixed on Echo. All at once, they charged. Echo turned and smiled at Octavian before her hands glowed brightly and she charged towards them.

She drew upon her own memories of the City, using them to fuel her light. Bright light surrounded the city and the shadows fell. Their pale grey color slowly faded off, leaving stunned creatures with large feathered wings in all colors but white and black. ((That includes gray)) They looked around, very confused until the 'leader walked over to a limp figure. She knelt down beside the figure and whispered. "Thank you Echo. You have saved us all. You will be remembered as a hero. You always have been. Thank you." She sobbed, tears streaming off her cheeks.


Echo smiled weakly up at Cinder the Dreamling. She had saved them. She had used the last of her inner power to save two worlds. She had saved the Starfield. She could fade happily for that reason. She closed her eyes and let the blank emotion claim her. ((She's dying.))
(( Welp, you were right... I should of stopped..))

Octavian stared at the scene before him, quickly filling up with panic and dread as he realized what had just happened, he hopped off the building, using his powers to fly over there, tears threatening to roll down his cheeks.

Cinder smiled at Echo sadly, continuing to cry. "You're a hero Echo... You are perfect..."

Echo managed a few words. "I-i'm sorry I couldn't save you... Y-you taught me more than I could know. C-cinder. Please watch my kingdom. Lead them with the compassion I know you have." Cinder nodded, not bothering to stop crying. "Echo you can't go! You have to stay! I can't lead your kingdom like you do! Please!"

Echo smiled, a single tear crossing her face before she neared finishing fading.
(( I am on the verge of tears myself, also should I wait for your turn? As to not disrupt your plan of the story.))
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Octavian landed near Echo, crying as he pulled a syringe of some sort from his pocket that was filled with a white and yellow substance. He shakily walked over to her, and hoped to the gods this would work. He kneeled down next to her, taking the syringe, and putting it in her arm, injecting the unstable substitute substance
Echo winced at the pain altho is wasn't much.

"I-it's alright. I traded my life for my own. I can fade in peace now."

Her eyes started to close, but she struggled to stay awake. She looked a bit less transparent now, but the substance didn't seem to be holding against the loss of power. Cinder waved her hand to reveal the full moon. "Hang on Echo! We're gonna get you help. It's gonna be alright!" Cinder gently picked up the frail girl and opened her flame colored wings. She looked up at the moon and whispered a few words. "Come on Scientist. I need your magic formula to keep her here long enough." She took flight, carful to not disturb the sleeping Echo.

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