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Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

"A bit out of it, but fine..." She shrugged, stretching. "I'm still not sure how I lived though... Normally my energy would have faded away. Odd."
(Okay, bye!)

"It was a close call.." Octavian said, remembering what had taken place earlier. "Do you need anything, food, water?"
(Nevermind, false alarm!)

"No, I can live without them... But do you have any paper?" Echo asked, tilting her head. If she could write down what happened, ahaps she could help others find out how to save her kind.
(Ah, okay.)

Octavian nodded. "Yes, just give me a moment." He said, walking back over to his desk, picking up a paper and pen, as well as a book for her to write on before going back over to her, giving her the items.
Octavian looked at the paper, attempting to understand what she was writing, but ended up getting a headache, and stopped. He returned to his desk, sorting out random papers and other items. He quickly hid a few thinks in his desk drawers, waiting for her to finish. "You know those scientists from earlier? Who were they?" He asked, not getting a chance to earlier.
Echo cringed, honestly rather offended by the so called 'hero'. "It's a human, whats the word, governenmement agency. Did I say that right?" She asked, mostly to herself. "Well, they experiment on creatures for their own gain. I happen to be of interest with those awful peoples. Wait, thats not right.... Oh! The word is people! Both singular and plural!" She announced proudly.
Octavian's eyes slightly widened. "That's horrible!" He said, although he must admit, he had done experiments before, but he was just trying to help the person he did them on. "You can hide out here until you're able to come back home, you just have to stay on the upper floors during business hours."
"Really?" Echo gasped, her eyes widening. Octavian was truly her favorite human, so she did what most humans would do. She hugged the dangerous villain. "Thank you!"
Octavian was a little surprised, but soon returned the hug before pulling away. "It's no problem. I couldn't live with myself if I done nothing to help you."
"Well, I've been told that sometimes the best people think the worst of themselves." She said with a beaming smile. Echo was rather clearly happy... To say the least.
Octavian looked down at his watch. "Let' get you up stairs." He said before he led her to an elevator, pushing to go to the 9th floor, which was for microscopic slides.
"Really? Your people have these type of things?" He asked, a smile lingering as he finds her excitement amusing. The two step into the room, the elevator shutting behind them.
"Of course! How else would we all get into the top levels of the History building? It's my home normally. Unless I'm here, then I just stay in a tree." She paused and looked around. "Wow! What is this place?"
Octavian stuffed his hands in his pockets as he glanced aroun the room. "This is the room my company uses to look at microscopic versions of DNA and other small swabs." He paused for a moment. "So it's basically to look at really tiny organisms up close."
Octavian nodded. "Some fish, like minnows." He thought about it for a moment. "When I was five, all that I remember is that it tasted bad." He let out a smile chuckle. "Why?"
"One time a big fishy tried to eat me! Then Jerry the bear ate it~! Then her tried to eat me so I banished him to the void!" She squealed, bouncing around the room.
"That's...interesting. What kind of fish was it?" He said, his tone a mix of joy and confusion. "Be careful by the way, don't want anything to break."
"It was a whale!" She cried with joy, stretching her wings. Of course (Seeing as I control her) her wings knocked over a few vials. Both onto her wings and everywhere else. "Oops..."
He sighed, although he didn't seem angry. With a flick of his wrist the vials levitated into the air, then flew to a trashcan, falling in. He then used his powers to make a wash cloth fly into his hand before walking over to her, attempting to get the gooey substances out of her wings.
Octavian chuckled. "Why don't you just go take a shower? You look like a dog trying to chase his own tail." He said, dropping the cloth in the disposal bin. "I'll clean the rest of this up while you do. The showers-" He pointed to a door, a hazard sign attacked. "Are in there."

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