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Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

Octavian walked at a semi-fast past with his head dipped low for a while before going into a full sprint, running, and running until he made it quite a ways away, at his company's research lab to be exact. He went inside, and up to his office, changing into his normal clothes, and bandaging up any wound he might have.
Echo stood up, her wings limp as she staggered out to the street, hoping to find the metal bird man. She didn't care who they were, she did not want anyone hurt. So she stumbled blindly through alleys and streets, the pounding in her head growing worse.
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Steel Falcon flew down the streets, still searching for Dr. Conjure and his family, a not so happy expression on his face.
Echo fluttered her wings and tried to climb a building, the throbbing in her head growing stronger. And unfortunately, Echo knew it was not from the car. When she made it to the roof, she quickly crawled into the light, avoiding all the shadows.

"I will not be like her. I am not like her, and I never will be!"
Octavian sat at his desk, chin in hand as he looked at papers in his other one. Reports of genetic experiments, good, and bad from his building, and many others. He sighed, laying them down on his tabled, taking off his glasses and cleaning them off, a banging heard on his door.
Echo peeked over the edge, her wings spread. In an instant, a strong gust of wind had sent her over the edge. She desperately called on her powers, both light and dark, to help her. The dark probably wasn't a good idea.

Cinder lifted her head, her silver eyes gleaming. "Call in the searches. I've found her." The shadows instantly followed her orders, preparing for the 'catch'.

Echo hit the ground, creating a large crater in a road. Oh, and a large cloud of dust, and some pain for Echo. And a terrified pedestrian. Don't forget the pedestrian who called the cops.
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Steel Falcon heard the loud crash, and flew to it as fast as he could, finding the crater as he coughed up the dust.
The pedestrian ran, to who knows where.

Echo how ever, just tried to get out of the annoying crater that had trapped her. There where far too many shadows in there, fear might pop out at any moment. "H-help!"
Steel Falcon flew in, grabbed Echo by her arms, and flew out, gently putting her on the ground a feet or two away from the crater. "You okay, kid?"
Echo wobbled a bit before falling to her knees.

"Y-you need to evacuate the city. T-they will stop at nothing to get me back. Please! You have to get the people away, I won't be able to draw them away in time. They are almost here! Please!"


[/media] ((Watch this while reading the next thing))
((Echo backstory from an actual story! Yay!)) Dumb chapter took me an hour to decide how to write it

((The battle around me was awful. I heard every cry in slow motion. Silver blood, my people’s blood was on the ground. I had lead them to this. And now they would suffer due to me.

The shadows had surrounded us on the march, taken us by surprise. All this could have been prevented if I had listened to my senses. It is all my fault.

I heard the sound of arrows firing, swords clashing, and pain being taken. How could I save them all? The darkness was stronger than us, and even I, the lead dreamling, the strongest could not defeat them.

I reached for the heavy marble handle of my sword, preparing to save my people. Then pain lodged itself in my head, and the world fell into black.

I remember the awful stench. It was the awful heat, like a molten volcano filled with burning death. Only later would I know that’s exactly what it was. As my eyes struggled to open, the throbbing ache of pain came back to me.

“What happened? Did I fade? Is this what it’s like?” Staring into the darkness, I grew aware of another sense. A cold heavy chain was wrapped around my arms and legs, pinning me to the oozing table I was on.

“Boo.” A face appeared in front of me, completely out of no where, her blood red hair, maniac grey eyes with black instead of white, and grey skin. She was the worst image I could never dream up. She was a shadow. Naturally, I screamed. She had appeared out of nowhere, and her voice sounded like iron nails on old wood. And her eyes. Her eyes, no matter how awful, held a sort of intriguing knowledge. The black seemed to be like a floating liquid as it pooled away from her eyes. The most terrifying part, was that I could see a bit of myself in them. That was the most horrific part.

As the shadow paced around me, I could feel its power. Dread, fear, horror, all pulsed through me, forcing me to cower. I could feel cold sweat running down my face, and warm hot fear in my veins. But still, I felt drawn to the creature.

“We have been waiting for you… Echo.” She said the name with such admiration, it scared me more than what she was. “I’ve wanted to speak with you for some time. You see, we had to hold you hostage so we can… talk. You know you are different, but do you know how?” She purred, pacing around my prison. “Of course not, but why would those winged ones tell you. They need you as a pawn, if you knew, it would ruin their plans.” It sighed, shaking her head in a way that said ‘I’m so sorry for you’. “I know why you have no wings. The truth. What they have kept from you.”

She whipped around and faced me, her piercing gaze cutting through me. “Echo. You are not a Dreamling.” Her words where just another punch to the face, she had to be lying. Of course I am a dreamling. But she saw my confidence waver. “Poor little one, you have so much to learn, yet they force you into battle without the right knowledge. Knowledge that could have saved them if you had it.” Tears threatened to flow, she knew just how to get me. I was just another toy in her hands. Her eyes. Those eyes, the ones I saw myself in. I knew what she was about to say, I didn’t need her to say it, I heard it inside myself.

“I’m part Shadow.”))

Steel Falcon helped the girl back up to her feet. "It's okay.." "Man, what did he do to her..?" He thought as he pressed a button on his watch like device, sending a signal to a certain ((government??)) agent.
((Oh snap)) ((The central research unit! Their comin to destroy the world and take it over with alien tech, yeah!))

Echo looked around, terrified that the shadows would come at any moment. She'd escaped twice, but they were quick to create new containment. "I-it's not ok! Please don't doom your people like I doomed mine!"

Once the CRU had been notified, they moved out from their base, armed with weapons and helicopters.
(( Sounds like the plot to a block-buster movie. By the way, sorry for being inactive, we went to visit our grandparents))

Steel Falcon nodded, pretending to believe her words. He began guiding her away, helping her walk. "I'll notify them to evacuate as soon as you get some help."
"I'm taking you to see a doctor to check out your head wound, then with me to notify the civilians of evacuation so you can explain to them what's going on."
Echo nodded, glancing around nervously. She was certain that something would jump out at any moment.

Agent G of the CRU sent a message to Steel Falcon, 'Bring the girl to the center park. We'll take it from there.'
Falcon looked away from the message. "It's just over there." He said, picking up the pace in a slightly different direction.
"There's a broadcasting building on the other side of center park, there you'll be able to announce what is happening to the Civilians."
"Oh, ok." Echo nodded. She was a bit wary of this man, but everyone deserved a chance. "Say, why do you dress like that? It seems different from the other humans."
"It's just something metahumans do, weather they do it for bad or for good. They dress up in costumes of sorts to hide their real identity from the commoners when they use their powers."
"Oh." Echo looked down then up. "Does that mean I should be wearing a strange costume too? Wait, why do you want to hide who you are?"

The CRU waited patiently, guns and cars at the ready.
Steel Falcon chuckled slightly. "No, you do not need to wear one. And we want to hide who we really are because there are people who want to hurt us, or our families."

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