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Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

Of course the little girl had fallen backwards, through the roof and landed perfectly in her bed, everything still intact(including said roof and bed) She is now sleeping
Echo stood shakily, before trying to run away. For a tiny bleeding kid, she can be quick. She ran into the crowd of cheering people, trying to blend in. Except that never works when you have wings. A few people started shouting 'Holy Angel' and bowing. She ran away from those people and pushed her way through the crowd, trying to escape the medical people who would give her to the governlement. She tummbled out of the crowd at the news people's feet.

"Seyore! Noyaso! Please don't kill me!"
The news people quickly turned their attention to the little girl with wings, as did Steel Falcon. They all went silent for a moment before everything went loud, questions were screamed, ect. Steel Falcon did some quick thinking, helping the child up. "This child is obviously a victim of Dr. Conjure, just look at her! Poor thing," ((Yall should know that Dr. Conjure, or Octavian has a past of experimenting with genetics, causing some...freaky creatures to be made))
Echo quickly hid behind Steel Falcon, he seemed like the least likely to give her to the governlement.

"W-who's Dr. Conjure? A-and why would I be his victim?"

The Agents had shoved their way through the crowd so they stood before Steel Falcon. Pointing at Echo, the head one spoke. "That child is a property of the Government. She is coming with us." The showed their badges before grabbed Echo and easily dragging her away despite her screams for help.

"Mr. Octavian! Help me!" Echo cried before they tried to inject her with a needle and throw her in the van.
Dr. Conjure heard the little girls screams from inside the van, raising his stress level as he began to force his powers to work. All of a sudden many objects, such as cars lifted off the ground and were smashed into the agents, critically injuring them.
Echo didn't waste anytime, she got the agents off of her and ran to her favorite human. She ran to the van, several deep cuts on her wings, arms, and leg as she tried to open it. Echo dove under the van when she saw the news people, she most certainly did not like this earth. If the bridge of stars would get here quickly, he would take Octavian with her to the city, making him the first human in their city. But no, instead there was lots of camera's and people. She crawled further under the car, hoping no one would recognize her for what she was. Humans would abuse that kind of power. Or most would.
Steel Falcon herded the people out of the way of the van as Dr. Venture passed out, most likely from brain swelling. "Back away! There is a dangerous villain in there, willing to hurt anyone!"
Echo glared at Steel Falcon before crawling out. She fixed her dress and healed the minor cuts and wounds.

"Then why did he save my life. Actually several times. And if you're so good, why didn't you stop those awful people from taking me! They run awful terrible things on people! Even though I'm not a person! I'm older and wiser than any human on this awful planet! My kingdom will never grant another of your evil wishes!"

She kicked him in the leg and tried to break the door.
Steel Falcon ignored the kick, it not hurting at all, and went to move the girl, a look of hatred laced on his features when all of a sudden a force field went around Echo, and the van. "YOU LEAVE DADDY ALONE!" Yelled a little girl wearing a dark purple and black spandex suit, with black boots, mask and gloves, her mother wearing a similar suit, but with red and orange, and her older brother wearing a shorter dark and light blue spandex suit, with a dark blue mask, boots, and gloves standing behind her.
Echo closed her eyes, drawing from her inner powers she had yet to try, she vanished and reappeared behind the girl.

"You should be carful when messing with anceint forces. My kingdom has grown for all of humanity, we have guided you, and now you betray us! You sided against us! You welcomed the shadows! You have doomed us all!" Echo screamed, her wounds healing almost instantly. She raised her hands, gathering light from everywhere she could, flying upward she spun before turning the light to a thin ribbon. Echo stared at it in amazement which quickly turned to fear. She dropped the ribbon and stopped flying, landing on the ground while shaking.

"Nonononono! I-i can't do that! I-it's impossible!" She screamed at everyone and no one. "I can't be the one! No! I-i can't be like them! I WON'T DO IT!" Echo sobbed. "I'm not like them! I'm just normal!" She stared into the sky, a look of horror on her face. "Why did it have to be me..."
The common people, and metahumans stared at her alike for a few moments before Wildfire(Dr. Conjures wife) took this as an opportunity. She quickly lit the ground ablaze underneath the people's feet, causing them to scream, and run away as their shoes painfully melted to their feet. Steel Falcon flew at them quickly, only to have Static(Dr. Conjures daughter) put a force field around them so he couldn't get to them and Cypher(Dr. Conjures son) to punch him through the force field, sending him flying.
Echo cried out in horror, seeing what humans would do to one another. She flapped her wings and flew upwards before tackling Wildfire in an attempt to save the other humans.

"Don't hurt humans! That's what kills everything! It destroys everything!"

She flew to the van and pulled open the door to get to Dr. Conjure.

"Mr. Octavian! A-are you alright?"

Taking him being knocked out as an answer, she pulled one of her feathers out and placed it on him. A blue light engulfed him, quickly healing his wounds.
Wildfire put out her fire as the humans ran away, her and her children running over to the two. Dr. Conjure moaned as he opened his eyes, seeing mostly black, he began looking around to see who was around.
"Echo? Are you okay?" Dr. Conjure asked as his wife helped him up, holding onto her shoulder for standing support.
Cypher picked her up, afraid she would fall over, when sirens began blaring in the background. "Here comes the cops!" Yelled Static as she pointed into the direction of the sound. "Lets go!" Wildfire yelled, as she began running, practically dragging Dr. Conjure as the others followed.
((Okay, chat you up later))

The group kept running until they went and hid inside a closed mall building, taking cover in a small shop inside.

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