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Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

Echo stood up, brushed of her wings, and then bowed.

"I should formerly introduce myself. My name is Echo Dreamsong. Fifth Star of the Dreamlings, and Queen of the City of Stars."
Octavian stood up, bowing. "It is an honor to meet you, Queen Echo." Octavian stopped bowing, replacing his posture with a straight back. "I have heard stories about your kind, although I only believed them to be ones of children fairy tales."
Echo smiled a bit at that comment, she had heard it for quite some time. "I've gotten that comment for 250 human years. I find it funny. Yes, that's the correct word."
Octavian nodded, a warm smile on his face before he looked over at the unconscious other Venom. "We should leave before he wakes back up."
"That is true. Altho I am confused. It tried to take me into a human containment center. You are human. Correct?"

Echo had been puzzling over this for years, and though she wanted to trust humans, she struggled too after the lab incident. Octavian was the first one in her life span to not gawk. Which unnerved Echo a bit, he seemed similar to the human who ran those awful tests on her.
"Correct, although I am a sub-species of sorts known as metahumans, or humans who have special abilities. Why?" He asked, one eyebrow up in confusion.
She looked up at him, something darker swirling under her brown eyes.

"Why do humans insist on using others to their gain. Why do they hate one another. I have seen war corrupt humans. But it hurts far more than you know. My soldiers grew to something darker because of humans. They became lost in the void of fear. Chaos. So why do you insist on harm."
Octavian stood there for a moment in silence, a confused expression that soon fell, replaced with a someone saddened expression. "There is no real explanation for it, it's just something humans do, almost like an instinct. There are people that are not like that, but they are few."
Echo sighed, her thoughts saddened.

"I've heard it all before. But they don't realize just how much harm they cause. Humans used to be pure. Then came the shadows. Fear and chaos corrupted a few. And that's how war became."
Octavian's expression saddened more as he looked at Echo. He sighed as he strained to think of something to say to cheer her up, but failed. He put a hand on her shoulder. "It's best not to think about it." He looked down at his watch. "You must be hungry anyway, we should go get you some food.."
"No, you're all skin and bones, and I'm not taking no for an answer. I'll take you to my house, dinner should be ready by the time we get there."
" Fine, but you at least need some new clothes, those things are greatly torn up." Octavian said as he looked at her raggy and torn up clothing.
Echo looked at her dress and then at Octavian. "Oh no. I will fix it up, but I'm not getting ride of it." She flicked her wrist and it began to change back to a purplish white dress with one shoulder. "It's a symbol of the Dreamlings. I'm not taking it off."
((I wont be able to get back on until sometime tonight, so yall can continue on without me and i'll catch up))

"Ah, I see, that's interesting." Octavian said as he examined the dress.
"Well, you best be on your way then, don't want to be late now do we?" Octavian said as he exited the building through the giant hole in the side of the wall made by the fight from earlier with Echo.
Echo spread her wings and jumped into the sky, she made it about twenty feet before crashing.

"Soren yo te! That was the fifth time this moon." She sat up and dusted off her silver wings.
Octavian quickly ran over to her, bending over and helping her up. "Are you alright?" He said, examining her to check for wounds.

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