Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Aurora sighed," Idiot,"She waved at Leon as he was wheeled out, not too concerned with his place at the school. She walked happily into her drama class, her spirits instantaneously being lifted by being surrounded by her'people'.

'I'm not sure whether I should take offense to that. I think I'm pretty good in human form as well.' Abel said, huffing slightly, but none the less he still licked her face.

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Dimitri smiled softly as the bell rang. "Welcome everybody. You can call me Mr. Belikov," he said in his thick Russian accent. He stood up, grabbing a bunch of scripts. "This is going to be our first play we'll be working on. Read it thoroughly and study the part you want. Of course only one person per part and those not good enough to get in will have a different project." He seemed very direct.
Ira laughed a bit more. "Ok ok! What gives ? Do i taste that good or what?" She asked sitting up and wiping the siliva off.
'Nahh, just your reactions are fun to watch," Abel replied, snuggling up to her, careful to keep his spikes down.'Why do I feel like I'm in a Twilight movie?'he let out a chuckle that reverberated deep in his chest.

Aurora was instantly into the script, memorizing her lines and analyzing the storyline, bunches of expressions passing onto her face as she read and reread the parts.

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Dimitri said "now find a partner to work on a scene with and I'll walk around." He looked around and asked "where is Leon and Abel?" He seemed concerned. He knew Leon from last year and knew how good at acting he was. One girl said "he went on a psychotic rampage and attacked a student. They are talking about kicking him out." Dimitri frowned, running a hand through his hair. "Alright."
Achilles sighed. I'm no good at acting he thought to himself. Laying his head on his desk he began to lick his hand like a cat would do licking his paw. He looked over the script a little bit. " I have not heard of this play before sir, what is it about and what is the name of it, it seems the title on my copy was scratched out" he said in a Greek accent. Looking around he saw some of the other students looking at him, is it because of my accent or did I say something wrong he wondered.
Ira laughed softly. "Because these moments only seem to happen in those sappy love storries. I read enough of them hoping one day I'd be the princess that was carried away... unfortunately it hasn't happenedyet..." She smiled softly watching him contently. "Would you ever imagine a girl being this accepting of you?"
Aurora giggled rather loudly," A play is a play. Its name doesn't matter, as long as the stories well written," She said, her words lilting with her Romanian accent. She giggled again,this time at herself for being sucked into the 'accent game' as she called it. Everyone was from so many different places and had such beautiful accents that every once in a while she let loose and allowed hers to flow freely. Aurora walked over and sat next to the boy." Hello, Mr.Cat. Haven't seen your face around, I'm Aurora."

Abel sighed," No, not in a million years."He said. He laughed again, his body giving to violent quakes."Maybe I was wrong, maybe this is like Beauty and the Beast or that movie with the frog prince. A kiss will seal the deal."He said, half jokingly half serious.

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Ira looked down at him and raised her eyebrow. "Are you asking me to kiss you?" She asked curiously. She actually wanted to try it. To see if he'd do anything. Ira shifted making him move to a sitting position."I'll never kissed an animal before... well besides your head." She giggled and looked into his eyes.
Achilles laughed " Well I guess your right there, The name is Achilles, and the hand licking thing is an old habit. Its a pleasure to meet you..." he said pausing for a moment before leaning in close to her and whispering " Mrs. Vamp" he said before leaning back smirking at her. He then looked down at his play and started to read it over, licking his hand once again.
"Its Hamlet, one of my favorite plays by Shakespeare." He smirked and walked over to Aurora. "You seem very intune. You kind of remind me of Leon. I wish he could come today." He frowned, running a hand through his hair. "Oh well. We can't change what happened and we all know his temper."
Abel sat still, wagging his tail in excitement. For once his previous headache was gone and he was thinking clearly.

Aurora flashed a smile at the two of them."Drama is kind of my thing." She said. She perched herself on the table next to Achilles, sitting Indian style. Aurora frowned at being compared to Leon."I'm not nearly as popular as Leon, or as rebellious as him." She stated . Aurora found herself laying on her stomach, kicking her feet in the air thoughtfully. She leaned in to whisper in Achilles ear." Oh and you're only half right," She smirked.

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Ira smiled softly. "Don't get to excited. " she said softly. Her heart skipped a beat as she leaned forward. Her lips pressed against his muzzle gently. Her eyes slowly closing as she waited to see what happened.
Abels body shook and heated up, his bones cracking as they reformed into his human form. Soon enough he was carrying her in his arms, in the typical'princess hold' , his muzzle turned into lips quirked up into a smile as he kissed her properly." Tada!"He said. Abel shifted a bit and held her in one arm while with the other one he shuffled his pants on.
Ira bit her lip. She looked around and scratched her head. "Woah! That was so cool! I love it! You're so different i love it!" She said with a fascinated look. She blushed a bit noticing he was shirtless but leaned up kissing his lips again anyway.
The second kiss caught him off guard , causing him to laugh." Feeling better? Have you thought differently about cursing the male population?" He asked , playfully tossing her up into the air before catching her. "Or am I just an exception?"

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Ira laughed a bit at his comments. "Maybe maybe not... i guess you'll never know." She gasped when he tossed her and growled. "You scared me! I thought you would drop me!" She huffed and crossed her arms looked away. She was only playing but wanted his reactions.
"As if I could drop you!"He said, exaggerating his shock." I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you in any way!" He was being half serious and half mocking. Abel lifted her and wrapped her up tightly in his arms, placing a kiss on her forehead.

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Ira smiled softly. "Does this officially make us a couple? " she asked resting her head on his chest. She let out a hopeful sigh as she looked back up at him.
"Only if your ready, babes," Abel said, sitting down on a nearby rock.He cradled her in his lap as he sat cross legged on the rock

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Ira giggled as she looked around at nature. "Trust me... I've been waiting for you for years." She said and got comfortable in his arms. "I could get used to this..." she said lookingup at him.
"Years ,huh?"He said. Some thing made him uneasy, but he chose not to ruin the moment with his s, probably, nonsensical worries.

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"Yeah... at 15 romance really kicked in for me but i only had Leon..." She looked away. "I've been alone for a while. Everyone seems to see me as a friend... i think part of it was that Leon cared so much about me... " she sighed and moved her hair in her face to hide.
"Seems to me like you guys should have been together for a while now. But I'm glad your not. I wouldn't have stood a chance." Abel said with a small half smile.

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Kalypso said:
Aurora flashed a smile at the two of them."Drama is kind of my thing." She said. She perched herself on the table next to Achilles, sitting Indian style. Aurora frowned at being compared to Leon."I'm not nearly as popular as Leon, or as rebellious as him." She stated . Aurora found herself laying on her stomach, kicking her feet in the air thoughtfully. She leaned in to whisper in Achilles ear." Oh and you're only half right," She smirked.

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Bumpers on Aurora
Dimitri chuckled but just then Leon flung open the door, panting. He was shirtless and his hair was a mess. "Wh-What did I miss?" Some girls seemed happy to see Leon especially without a shirt on. Dimitri tossed him a black shirt to slip on. Leon smirked and replied "you always know what I like?" Dimitri laughed slightly and told him "show everyone your 'to be or not to be' speech." Leon grabbed the script and looked over it quickly. He stood in the center of the room. He started the monologue. For a moment, his eyes met with Aurora's but he quickly broke the stare. His technique was flawless. Dimitri then interrupted his monologue saying "your lacking! How many times have I told you not to bring your personal life into drama!" He stood up and told him "go sit down!" Leon nodded as he went to sit down, not hurt that Dimitri yelled at him. He knew he messed up and even forgot some lines.

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