Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Ira returned to choir and glared at the clock waiting for it to hit the right time freeing her from this cage. She sang until her jaw hurt and popped it. "Almost. .." she thought only hearing the ticking of the old painfully slow clock.
When he got up, he smiled happily. "Yes!" The headmistress said "Leon, can you stay for a few minutes." Leon face palmed and said "damn it!" He walked off. He walked over to the headmistress and it was quite suspicious how she touched his cheek and kissed his forehead. He smiled kindly at her and said "I'm sorry. I really am. Please forgive me?" The headmistress was normal cruel to everyone but she seems kind to him for some reason.
When the bell finally rang she jumped up and dash out of the room. She ran right into Abel making her gasp and stumble backwards. "Sorry! Oh. Hey Abel... i never told you but Leon isn't my boyfriend... he never will be."
"Are you alright?"He asked, at the news Abel found himself grinning," Then there's still a chance for me," He said with a chuckle." You seem a bit better than earlier, not much but, some." He noticed

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Aurora hummed as she walked leisurely down the hall, her thoughts wandering about.

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After his talk with his mother, he walked out of the room. He groaned but was excited for Gym. He practically ran to the gym. He didn't speak to anyone. He quickly changed in the locker room. When he was done, he went to the pull up bar which he mastered. The reason he loved gym so much was because it was the one class humans weren't in. Every class made him sick because of the stench of human. Humans still had Gym but they had their own gym class. They just did sportsy stuff while this gym class they did martial arts and magic training. It was a lot more fun
She wasn't much of a gym person but she enjoyed being able to go all out on things without having to hold back. She quickly changed into something gym appropriate and instantly started stretching, wondering what today's class would be on, hopefully sparring.

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The teacher told them they can get into partners. All the girls wanted to be Leons partners but he said no to all of them. They eventually left him alone, disappointed. He sighed. Most people wondered how he kept his fit body despite how much he smoked but he always told them it was his secret. He seemed only slightly upset over Ira. He tried not to let it bother him.
Aurora wasn't the social butterfly such as most people in the class so she stuck to herself. She scanned the room, her eyes falling on Leon. "You have a partner? "She asked curiously, at this point all she wanted was a partner before she got scolded.

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"No. Want to be partners?" He asked kindly. For once he wanted to be partners with an actual friend. He needed to clear his head and if that meant kicking the crap out of Aurora then so be it. He was jealous of Abel and Ira and he needed to clear his head.
"Sure, but just let it be known that whatever baggage you have troubling your mind will not be a valid excuse to attempt to murder me, 'Kay?" She said, half serious half playful.

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"Lets just say I'm not going easy on you." He got into a ready position. "Better know how to hold your own." He smirked at her.
"I'm not like your fan club girls who want to be your sparring partner just to get some kind of skin to skin contact. I just want a powerful opponent." She stated. Aurora did some last minute stretches, her back cracking. "Okay, come at me."She said, standing straight up.

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He threw some very skillful punches and kicks that only a master at martial arts would be able to do. He was very fast and precise. He didn't hesitate either. He wasn't aiming to kill her but he could if he wanted to.
Ira smiled. "Yeah... hey do you want to ditch? I mean i just got call a fangirl for my best friend... and now i just want to leave... i bet Leon won't even notice im missing from gym and our other two periods together... " she looked down with a sigh before peeking back up at him. "So what do you say Romeo? Take Cinderella away from her prison?" She asked with begging eyes and an evil smirk.
Aurora blocked and dodged, very light on her feet. She was all for agility, flexibility and speed. She was in a constant stream of motion, demonstrating some acrobatics as she landed a spinning tornado kick that hit its mark(s) along with a few punches."Not bad,"She panted.

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Abel was facing a mental battle, his self conscious was saying no way, while his wishy washy outer self was being... well wishy washy. The only clear part of him that said go for it was his inner self who was exhausted."Sure why not. Only if you spill the details of you and Leon. I can be a good listener."

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"Same goes for you." He let out a light laugh. He smiled. "Your much better than a lot of the other girls at this school." He then looked around and asked "where's Ira?" He seemed concerned but looked back at Aurora.
She smiled somewhat sadly," I dunno. What's up with you two? Lovers' quarrel?" She asked curiously.

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"I honestly don't know. I think it's because she's only my close friend but I don't get it. I love her more than anyone in the world. I really don't understand women. Please enlighten me." He looked at her halfheartedly.
Ira smiled and took his arm. She let him escort her out and breathed in the fresh air. "What do you want to know?" She asked looking up at him. "Oh... can we go to the forest... i hear there's a river and i want to see it"
"Well have you told her your feelings? And if so did you do anything remotely assholey to her? Cause that overrides everything and gives her a fair reason to be pissed." Aurora explained.

Abel's lips quirked up,"Anywhere you want."He said. They walked through the forest and a few moments passed." Well first off, what's his offense. What did he do for you to avoid him?"He asked.

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"I didn't do anything. Not that I'm aware of. She's everything to me but I don't want her to end up like... I love her but I can't lose her." He looked down. It was obvious that he was distressed.
Ira sat on a log and sighed. "He is my closest friend and i love him then he completely friendzones me like im not good enough for him but he has the audacity to be jealous at the thought of you taking his place in my heart! I hate men ! There all stupid idiots that dont understand! " she stood and paced for a moment holding her head in her hands.
"There's a saying that if you love one then you should let them go. Maybe you should test that theory. But first apologize. Cause girls are like boomerangs, if you throw them around, not literally of course but emotionally, they'll come right back. But apologising always helps. Almost." Aurora said with a small giggle.

"My apologies for those who have made you think that way, but I must take offense to that. But I think I can see where your both coming from. I'm sure he has a perfectly good reason, in his mind, for why he friend zoned a girl like you. And he should really take in consideration your feelings. Communication is everything." Abel said, rubbing soothing circles on her back.

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