Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Ira looked up at him. "Sorry... I'm just angry i guess... at least i didn't scream at you." She said and sat back down. "So what are you? I'll tell you my secret if you tell me yours!" She said trying to cheer herself up a bit.
Leon looked at her and said "thank you! I'm so glad I met you. I'm going to go find her and apologize." He kissed her cheek and ran out of the gym, not caring that he was in his gym clothes.
Aurora couldn't help the blush that sprang across her cheeks." I'm such a good person," She sighed sadly as she made her way to the nurses to tend to some nasty bruises that were turning a deep purple

Abel frowned at the question." Aha, uhm, I'm a hellhound." He said somewhat shyly, running his hand through his soft wavey hair.

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Leon looked all throughout the school for her. He finally texted her: where are you? He got outside the school, panting. He looked around frantically.
Ira giggled at how shy he was. "Can i see?" She asked in a way that didn't sound pushy. She felt phone vibrate and looked at it. She groaned a bit and texted him back: leave me alone. I'll see you at the dorms she put her phone on silent and turned her attention back to him. "I'm a banshee... as boring as it seems. Apparently i can take on a spirit form but um... i haven't learned how yet..."
"Sure and Cool! Wait, what's a banshee?"He asked with a slight frown.

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He sat against a pole and texted her back saying: Come see me after playing with your boy toy. I need to speak with you. He walks back to class. He sounded like an ass but he didn't want to lose her. He knew their friendship was only going to get worst and worst.
Ira laughed a bit. "I think it's better if you just hear it." She took a deep breath and without a moments notice she screamed. Her wail echoed throughout the woods making her location very notable. The cry seemed painfilled and sorrowful. The loud ringing however made any near by double over and cringe in pain. Ira soon stopped though not wanting to harm him to bad. "My history is kinda depressing. Are you sure you wanna know?"
Abel held his ears and cringed, forced onto a knee."Damn!"He said loudly." Just in, better than a rape whistle and comes with ultimate protection, your very own banshee!" He said in an over exaggerated announcers voice

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Ira laughed and helped him up. "Are you ok? Oh and I'm not for sale... not to the public anyway." She said and crossed her arms. "The banchee is a woman who mourns the dead... that why I'm always sad or angry because someone is always dieing. I see them... the spirits... technically i am a spirit but... as i said before i don'tknow how... we are said to clean the bloody clothes of those who have died and weap for them..." she sighed llooking down. "Leon knows im not human but i refuse to tell him what i am. I don't like it. I feel alone all the time even when I'm not. Like no one but me can feel their pain."
"For once, I actually truthfully know what your talking about. My job as a hellhound is to chase down the souls of the wicked who attempt to escape their fate." Abel elaborated." My true form is....hideous."
"Beauty is just something that attracts us... it's our job to look deeper and see what we like. She check her phone again and replied to Leon. Stop being a jerk! At least he's hear to comfort me cause clearly you're laking at your job!
He smirked warily and began to undress. He stopped when he was down to his boxers, his body naturally unnaturally thin and lanky but still he had a fair amount of toned muscles. He closed his eyes and steadied his heart, only to have it speed up painfully so. His outline began to blur and a loud popping and cracking sound could be heard as his bones broke and reformed themselves, breaking skin in some places as he morphed into something extremely large. When he opened his eyes they were glowing red, and sharp fangs filled his mouth.

Like this but with black fur

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/hellhound_01_by_no_life94-d4k2bne.jpg.ed2fff4079f220159c27066567ef4715.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13135" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/hellhound_01_by_no_life94-d4k2bne.jpg.ed2fff4079f220159c27066567ef4715.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ira looked at him. She was scared at first but trusted he could control it and reached out her hand to him. "It's amazing... I've never seen anything like it. " She slid off the log and onto her knees. She sat there a moment and slowly attempted totouch his fur.
He huffed and shook his fur out somewhat proudly. He was careful not to move when she reached out to touch him, so as to keep from hurting her.

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Her touch was gentle and slow. Her hand carressed his cheek and she couldn't seem to break eye contact with him. She smiled at him softly and rested her forehead to his carefully. "You're amazing... why are you so shy about it? " She chuckled a bit to herself. "Guess you can't talk huh? But look at the bright side. You can sneak into my dorm now." She winked at him.
I can, just not verbally. His voice flowed gently through her mind. He sighed, his breath hot(hellhounds breath fire BTW). With out thinking he licked her face and grinned wolfishly. I don't think Leon will like that very much.
Ira laughed and kissed his head."i don't think he'd like you licking me but you're doing it anyway huh? Don't worry. I think he'll get over it. Besides im not crazy enough to let you in my dorm! " she said and laid back relaxing. "I like you as a hellhound. You're sweet... to me anyway. "
When Leon walked into gym class, he got the text and texted back saying: I tried to be there for you but you won't let me. He walked over to Aurora and swore in German. He ran a hand through his hair. "I need a smoke but I promised myself I would smoke less. Not going well for me I can tell you that much. Especially with Ira purposefully avoiding me. I'm afraid I'll lose my temper when I speak with her." He looked down.
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Zea walked up in front of the school. Her legs quivering and her toxic DNA urging to come out. She shut her eyes, took a deep breath, and walked in. Kids teeming with a sudden curiosity. "Who is that?" They would ask, and probably avoid her just by the looks of it. She walked around, to just get the feel of the place. Eyes shifting to her position at all times. "This is gonna be a long year..."
Ira let the hounds head rest on her stomach. She continued to stroke his head and texted Leon look i told you to leave me alone. I need my space but if you really have to talk I'll be there soon. Ira let out a sigh and looked down at the spikey dog. "Comfortable? Since you're being a good boy i guess I'll let you get away with more. " She smiled softly.
Leon felt his phone buzz and he answered it. He growled with annoyance. He texted back: And I will give you your space. Your my closest friend and I don't want to lose you. Not now. Not ever. But if you can't tell me anything because you don't 'trust' me than why should I tell you the truth? I wanted to tell you everything but I don't think I can anymore. What's a friendship without trust from both parties? He leaned against the wall. He found a girl to train with. She blushed, excited but in seconds, she was on the floor and he was on top of her, grabbing her throat. His eyes were blood red in fury and his fangs had sharpened. The girl's eyes started to tear up in fear. His skin started to grow scales but before he could fully transform, he was stuck with a needle. He slowly passed out, transforming back. They took him out on a stretcher. He was in and out of consciousness but he couldn't fight against it. He heard them talking about how they might finally kick him out despite how he was the headmistress's son. He was definitely out of class for the rest of the day. The girl Leon attacked was also being rushed out of the gym. 
The bell rang and Dimitri walked into the drama room. He saw some students already in there and he waved to them. The girls blushed. He sat Indian style in a chair and he waited for the second bell to ring. He ran a hand through his thick brown hair. He had just gotten back from the weight room and had taken a shower so his hair was wet which made it look longer and more luxurious.
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Achilles walked through the woods whistling. He carried a small knapsack and a electric guitar on his back. Late on the first day he thought to himself, shaking his head. He walk through the woods, and he suddenly started to smell the scent of people and monsters. he tilted his sunglasses over his eyes so that people could not see that his eyes were red. He continued walking until he stopped at the steps of the school. He sighed. He walked up the steps and into the building. He went to the headmistress's office and came out again after quickly speaking to her. He had a key to his room in one hand and a scheduled in the other. He looked at it seeing that he had drama next and he sighed yet again. He walked down to the drama class and he spoke to the teacher before taking a seat near the wall, leaning his guitar on side of it.

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