Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Lizzie whispered a little with Violet but eventually Violet went back to the school. Lizzie sighed and went over to Raphael. "I tried convincing her but nope. She hates men. She's not a lesbian. She's the straightest girl I know. She just doesn't like men because she thinks all men are cruel, uncaring a*******. No matter how hard I try to convince her that not all of them, she won't listen." She sighed, worried about her friend.

Leon laughed and kissed her passionately. "I love you so much."
"Well, I hate to be self deprecating, but we are. I'm a heartless bastard who lies to get what I want." Raphael admitted, pulling her to him and staring down at her."And right now, I want you. What do I gotta do to get that?" A smirk lifted the corners of his mouth.

" Shit, Ira!" Abel sprinted to her side, his whole body shaking as he stressed his self control to the limits. He would be useless in his true form , so he willed himself to keep it together. He knelt down beside her and picked her up and held her tightly, hot tears tumbling down his cheeks and raising steam in its wake.

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"You haven't lied with me, have you?" She wrapped her arms around her neck. "Lets go somewhere more... Private." She looked around a bit before kissing him deeply.
"I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't, but I can't think of any particular times right now." He smiled into the kiss and turned to leave." C'mon. We still have that spa to go to."

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Lizzie followed him obediently. She stayed pretty close to him. She loved him. It was such a strange feeling. She never wanted to leave his side.
Soon they arrived at the spa and once again he opened her door for her. Leading her in Raphael pointed to the attendant to take her to the locker room while he negotiated with the clerk.

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After getting into a towel, she smiled at the attendence and went over to Raphel. She looked at him curiously and asked "you ready?"
A female soul knelt next to Ira, she moved her hair out of her face and looked at Ira's pale sickly skin. It looked as if life was being removed from her body and the only thing left in color was her edgy purple lip stick. "You must help her... This is her first shift you must help her. When a banchee dies for the first time they turn into a soul until their body heals. Only you can help her, no other can see souls" she said to him and began to push him away.
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