Helsing Academy [Inactive]

"Now I'm curious. " she said seductively as she moved closer. "Besides, i don't have to leave unless it's an order but, what's the fun in that?"
Sarah giggled softly and kissed him back. "I love you to. Please, don't let your brother tear us apart, i know he's trying. "
Raphael shrugged and took a bite and moaning as flavor erupted onto his taste buds. He glanced over at her, "Sorry if I get a bit..... savage." He said, chewing and swallowing his food. Being Hellhounds, both Raphael and Abel have a few issues with self-control-- They have close to none. So when placed with food they tend to stuff their faces. Raphael began shoveling food into his mouth, occasionally wiping his face with a napkin before continuing. Sooner rather than later he ordered two more dishes. He isn't fat or even chubby, actually both of the brothers are on the abnormally skinny side. But they always have inhumanly large appetites and extremely high metabolisms.

" Brave enough to put aside your insecurities." Abel replied, running his thumb over her bottom lip.

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Ira looked away. "I don't know if I'm that brave." She said and sat back. When she looked up Ira froze. Her eye's widened slightly as a older looking man slared back her. He seemed to be alone and Ira blinked a few times. "No.... he can't, but how...." she muttered and suddenly a look of fear took of her face as he smirked at her and walked away. With terrified gulp she pushed as far away from the open side of the booth as possible. Ira looked look away almost panting while her hands shook a bit.
"Ira...What's wrong?"Abel asked, immediately going into protective mode and scanning the area.

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Ira didn't respond immidiatly. She had to leave. She couldn't breath here, she felt trapped. "He found me..." she answered finally and shoved Abel out of the booth to let her out. Ira threw her high heels off and ran for the doors. Once outside she saw him again. He stood right in front of her with a scummy smirk and a wwoman next to him. That pissed her off. Ira ran again but this time she wasn't running away. In a flash the older woman was on the ground with Ira choking her. Souls blocked anyone from interrupting the girls fight and it seemed like Ira was doing it without knowing.

(Totally ruined the date but it was going reall slow at the restaurant and I've had this idea for a while.)
Abel was out and caught up with her in seconds. He growled at the souls in annoyance as his eyes flashed red."Ira! What are you doing?" He yelled, pulling her up by the back of her neck like one would do to an animal. The souls didn't bother him since his very presence struck fear into them. Abel glared at the lady and man before him, stepping on the woman's stomach and gathering the mans collar in his free hand." Explaining time. Don't any of you dare to run."He growled.

Raphael straightened up and scanned the restaurant and saw Abel and Ira run out." Dammit," He muttered, dropping his fork." C'mon, let's go get front row tickets to whatever drama those two are stirring up."He said as he stood.

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Ira yelped at his sudden tug on her neck. The older man looked at Abel seeming very calm. "I didn't even say a word. I swear." She said. Which was true and Ira couldn't deny it. The looked up at Abel seemingly scared for her life. Ira wasn't open to speaking to any one at this point. "Let me go Abel! I want to go home!" Her words caused the man to chuckle and Ira got that terrified look again as she tried to move away.
"Answer me. What. Is. Going. On."He bit off every word."I want full details an--"Abel stopped suddenly and sighed, feeling drained." You know what, fine. I don't even care enough anymore. This is so annoying." Abel released Ira roughly with a shove and did the same with the other two. He shoved his hands in his pockets and began walking in a random direction.

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Ira looked at Abel. The distraction giving the other man a chance to sneak up behind her and choke her out. A soul rushed past Abel and pointed back at Ira trying to tell him before it was to late. "Help her! Don't let her father take her!" A breathy voice called giving him one piece of the puzzle.
Abel swatted the soul away in annoyance but the smell of fear and killer intent made him stop. He whirled around and as soon as his eyes fell upon the scene he was over there in an instant." What the hell? "He growled to himself as his fist came down with a sickened thud as it hit the man in the face.

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Ira hit the ground and coughed roughly. She took a while to get her air back but when she did she looked up. "I thought you wouldn't come back..." she said in a shaky voice. "I'll explain, it's the least i can do before i leave Helsing for good." She said and stood. She wiped away her tears and became very serious. "I'm sorry Abel... I didn'tthink hhe'd find me here, but now that he has... I can't see you anymore. After i explain everything don't call me anymore, just forget i existed. It makes everything easier." She muttered and beganto walk to a bench. She wwould be ok now since her fathers girlfriend ran off with him. "What do you want to know first?"
Lizzie watched the scene unfold from the shadows and clenched onto Raphel's arm. She bit back her fear of similar memories and when she saw a familiar face step out of the shadows, she walked over to her. "What are you doing here?" The girl whispered something to her and Lizzie smiled a little. "Go into the restaurant and I'll talk to you then." She walked back over to Raphael and asked "what should we do? I don't want to interrupt the two but..." She looked over at them. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. "I hate Ira with a blinding passion and have no desire to talk with her so I'm going back inside. Violet is waiting for me. She needs to speak with me about something." 
Leon chuckled and said "oh yeah. He's determined. Not to steal you away but to make me miserable." He smirked.
"Because he's crazy. He has the illusion that I was the one who killed my parents because I somehow survived but it wasn't me. It was the drunk driver and want to know why I survived? Its because my mother threw herself in front of me. She protected me by giving her life. Adrian is a terrible person. I'm surprised he's not in an asylum yet but Uncle Dimitri loves him despite his flaws. Its all in his head." He looked away, not taking any of the fault. Not only that, he refuses to take any of the fault.
Abel's mind reared." You can't go. I won't let you."Childish were his words but his expression was serious." Whatever it is I don't care, I'll protect you."

Raphael frowned slightly but melted into Lizzie's kiss, deciding to let the two of them sort things out." Who's Violet?"He asked.

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"My closest friend... She's one of the only people who can stand me and my temper." She grinned at him before going inside. As soon as she went inside, Violet hugged her tightly. She was very attractive and didn't seem to care what people thought of her.
Raphael watched them from a little ways away, blinking hard as he took in the sight of the two ridiculously beautiful girls." Damn, now there's two."

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Lizzie dragged over Violet and said "this is my..." She didn't seem to know what to call him because she has yet to know if they were official yet. She looked at him for help and Violet looked at them curiously.
Sarah sighed and hugged Him from behind. "It's ok Leon, it's not your fault and at least you know that." She said and kissed his neck gently.

Ira shook her head. "No Abel, it's not that i don't have faith in you... but i can't let you kill him. I'd rather leave. I've done so many times before. Just remember I love you ok?" She had those same black, pain filled tears again. The same ones he had wiped away in the forest and replaced with a smile, but this time. As many tears as he wiped away they continued to come.
Leon smirked a little and said "at least you think so. My brother didn't want to live with me so he begged Dimitri to adopt him. Kirova technically adopted me when I was 10 but wouldn't sign the papers till I was in high school because she wanted me to come here." He rolled his eyes. "My family situation is complicated."
Sarah shrugged. "Well my father raped my sister for years, so i think we are in the boat." She said and hugged him tighter from behind.

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