Helsing Academy [Inactive]

"Well... that depends. I'm here for romance like in the stories but... it seems I'm only a good friend. " Ira looked up at the teacher and adjustedher shirt to cover herself. She opened her note book and began drawing.
Ara didn't answer any questions, but did her work silently. She grinned and laughed louder than anyone when the boy went out for a smoke. She wished she had the guts to do that. This boy was interesting. As she stood up at the end of class, she grabbed her things and hurried out, followed by other students. "How'd you get away with that?" She grinned as she passed Leon.
Aurora smirked, which soon turned into laughter. The whole situation was just so funny. She stood and wiped her eyes and made her way to the head of the class and slapped her paper on the teachers desk. "In all honesty is there a point to this class? I'm leaving. Works done and I have detailed notes. Thanks for the laugh. "She gathered her things and skipped out the classroom, the bell rang shortly afterwards so she assumed no harm was done. She was in her own little world when she ran right into the back of Leon.

Abel sighed,"Hopeless romantic, huh?"He asked. "You shouldn't sell yourself short, you're beautiful."He said with a wink before standing with the rest of the class and exitting soon after, a heavy sigh escaping his mouth as a migraine set in.
Leon looked at her and said "I have my ways. Lets just say they can't kick me out and they know that." He glanced at his schedule and rolled his eyes. "Great. Have religious study right now." He turned to look at Aurora. "Hey genius," he said in a playful way. "Great move calling that teacher out like that. She's probably one of the bitchiest teachers in the school." He looked around but when he didn't see Ira, he was concerned. She always met with him after class. "Hey girls, have you seen Ira?"
"She was flirting with Abel."Aurora pointed out. She smiled and playfully nudged Leon,"Great walk out. I don't think anyone had a reason to stay after you left. You have quite the amount of followers , ya know."She said.
Arabella nodded, smiling at this other girl. The girl seemed pretty nice. "I've heard you throw quite the party." She grinned and turned away, glancing at her schedule.
Ira ran to the restroom. She sighed and suddenly felt sick. Or maybe she was embarrassed? Was she blushing? Ira put make up over her cheeks to hide the red tint. Luckily she had choir next and didn't have to face any guys. Ira may have been a banshee but she could sing better then half the girls in her group. She walked throughthe halls and tried to avoid being spotted by Leon.
Abel spotted Ira and walked up behind her."Boo,"He said, walking beside her. He mentally kicked himself for his actions but outwardly he smiled.
Leon looked at her and said "yeah but their annoyingly suffocating me but whatever. Nothing I can do about it." He then looked at Arabella and replied "yeah, beer weed, you name it. The headmistress is aware but doesn't care. She acts like she doesn't know but my parties last all night and only the coolest of the cool can come. You two should come this Saturday." He then saw Ira and said "I got to go." He ran over and grabbed her wrist. "Hey. You didn't meet with me after class. What's wrong?" He looked at Abel and had a hurt expression but quickly hid it. "I have to go. Religious studies. I don't even know why I keep signing up for this class." He walked off.
Abel frowned,"I think your boyfriend is mad at you...."He said, raising an eyebrow at Ira.

Aurora scowled as he disappeared into the crowd."And there he goes. Off to Ira."She said. She was jealous and proudly so. Not that she had any interest in him in that sort of way, but its wasn't everyday that she got the chance to talk to someone who was as smart as her and a rebel all in one. A sigh escaped her mouth, at least she ws invited to the party Saturday, and therefore finally experiencing what it was like to be around people who were considered 'cool'.
Ira jumped and looked at both the boys. "Oh um... i-i have to go to..." she felt so awkward all the sudden. She watched Leon leave and sighed feeling a bit defeated. "Um... did you need something Abel? I have choir next so I'd better hurry..." she looked down to hid the blush burning through her make up.
"She's a lucky girl," Arabella says to Aurora, talking about Ira. She then procedes to the choir room.
Leon walked into his religious study class and talked with a couple of his friends. The headmistress was the teacher for the class which made it worst. Every year, when they were picking classes for next year, she would force him to take this class. He grunted a little. It pissed him off but he couldn't tell anyone of that fact. The headmistress smirked and said "its so nice of you to join us, Leon."
"Nahh, just thought the company would be appreciated. You seem a bit....off. "He said feeling a stab of annoyance but feigned it off as hurt."I guess you need some alone time, huh."He looked down for good measure, but put on a small hurt smile and walked off."See ya,"He said. He turned away quickly, his warm choclate brown eyes glowing with a red tinge. His mouth also felt weird as his k9s grew slightly. He licked his lips and calmed his heart rate; he would have to skip soon or else he would risk transforming and killing people.

Aurora shrugged and followed suit."She's friendzoned just like the rest of them."She said, making note to not include herself as one of the irrational girls in the Leon fanclub.
Arabella laughed a little, "That's true, I'm Arabella by the way." She arrived at the choir room.
Leon frowned. He knew he needed to tell Ira about his parents and closest friend before it was too late but he was afraid. He didn't want to lose Ira though. He's loved her more than anyone but he has to friendzone her or she might end up with the same fate. He looked down in deep thought. The headmistress yelled "Leon!!!" He quickly looked up and everyone chuckled. "Bout time you came back to us. I called your name four times." Leon looked away and said apologetically "I'm sorry, mistress."
"Aurora,"She said before pausing in front of the choir room."Wait...I don't have choir.."She said. "Oh shit!"She took off in a sprint down the hall towards the general direction of where the religous studies course would be held. She arrived in the room out of breath and very unfashionably late.
The headmistress looked at her and said "Late. Do you have a late slip!?" Leon looked at her and said "don't worry. Its only the first day." The headmistress growled but then said "very well. Sit in the seat beside Leon." Leon glanced up at her. He went back to looking out the window, day dreaming while teacher talked about the story of Cain and Abel. He had heard this story so many times. He hated this class with a blinding passion. Why did it even exist?
Ira talked to the choir director for a moment. They seemed to have gotten into and argument that resulted it Ira storming off. She stepped out side and looked at the sun. She sat on the steps and looked away.
Aurora bit her lip and did as she was told. She tuned out the lecture on the story of Cain and Abel and focused on Leon, who looked like he really didn't like this class.She then leaned back and sighed,"Everyone is unbelievably dishonest with themselves..."She muttered.
Leon saw Ira sitting outside and he said "I'm going for a smoke." He hurried out of the class. When he got outside, he lit a cigarette. He breathed out smoke, sitting beside Ira without saying a word. He looked into the distance. He finally said "I think it's time I tell you the truth but you can't tell anyone."
Ira looked over at him. "When have i ever told your secrets? I'm your clostest friend remember... nnothing more..." she sighed and stole his cigarette from his lips taking a puff of it. "So what's on you mind today?" She asked leaning back to get comfortable.
"Your my closest friend and I care deeply about you. I just... my parents are dead." He knew everyone thought his parents were still alive and he was living happily in a wealthy family, getting whatever he wanted. "The reason I can't date you is because you remind me of my best friend who I was in love with. She's dead too."
Ira shook her head. "So the rumours are true... I'm just another girl in the Leon fanclub. Look I'm sorry about your friend and your family but right now i have my own sh*t to deal with ok! " She gave him back his cigarette and rushed back to class.
He stood up and called after her but knew it was too late. He finished his cigarette and went back to class. He sat in his desk next to Aurora. He sighed, laying his head on the table. He wanted to tell her but he couldn't. He frowned.

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