Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Aurora couldn't help but smirk,"Flawlessly flawed. But still barely acceptable." She said, shaking her head in disappointment.

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Dimitri made eye contact with Leon and said "stay after class with me. We need to talk." Leon nodded slowly. "Yes, Dimitri." Dimitri narrowed his eyes at him and said "how many times have I told you not to call you by my first name. The least you can do is show some respect." Leon shrugged. Dimitri rolled his eyes and continued class.
She eyed the contact between the two and shrugged; they seem fond of each other. Aurora sighed and rolled over onto her back on the table." Hey, Achilles. Do you have an Achilles heel?"She asked quizzically.

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Leon let out a light sigh and said "I'm going to guidance to get my mental issues checked." Dimitri chuckled, nodded. "Understandable," he replied. He watched Leon walk out of the room. Of course Leon wasn't going to guidance. He needed fresh air. He needed somewhere to go to hide and calm himself.
Achilles leaned over to Aurora and said " do you really want to know?" he said smiling. He looked at Leon who was leaving the class " who is that any ways" he asked Aurora.
Zea walked to her new classes. The Drama class, in which was filled with students of all kinds, showing off their abilities and such, Zea just picked an empty seat and sat in it. Her blush fading as she let her long hair fall behind her back. The odd circuitry in her eyes flickered about as she rotated her eyes around the room.
"Leon,"She said, sighing exaggeratedly and pretending to swoon. She grinned." All teachers despise him, guys wanna be like him and girls cling to him."She explained," Never really understood it. Like he seems a bit.....off." She said, frowning slightly." Anywayyy, yes. I'm sure I wanna know. Ya know, just in case we're partners in gym. That way I know where to aim my attacks."A playful grin lit up her face.

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Ira got another text and jumped out of his lap. "She's here!! I'm sorry i have to go!" She kissed him quickly and ran off towards the school.

Sarah held her books close as she walked into drama class. "Um... I'm the new transfer..."
Abel frowned and sighed as she ran off, feeling abandoned in a way. He gathered his clothes and slipped them back on and was straightening his belt when he arrived back at the school.

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Dimitri looked over at her and said "hello." Leon walked back into the drama and said "alright. I'm chill. Honest this time." Dimitri rolled his eyes and asked "you sure?" Leon laughed as he sat down but then his eyes met with Sarah. He asked "who's that? I know everyone in this school..."
Sarah looked over at Leon with a glare. "So you are mister popular? I have heard a lot about you... how dare you hurt her! You bastard! " She hissed then turned to the teacher. "It's nice meeting you mr?" She paused asking for his name.
Aurora glanced lazily at the happenings and sat up, sitting in a chair next to Achilles, moving from the table." Oh, we've got a fiesty one. This should be interesting," She said

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Dimitri looked at her and said "Belikov. Mr. Belikov." Leon looked down and said matter of factly "if your talking about Ira then I didn't hurt her. I love her so much but I can't go out with her for private reasons I'm not aloud to discuss. She doesn't need me anymore, anyways." Dimitri let out a sigh of relief when Leon didn't tell her.
Zea continued to sit there, her face slammed on the desk, and her hands quivering. "What am I even doing here?" She questioned, her bright blue hues flickering about.
Aurora turned to the girl beside her."That my friend is unknown, but right now its for drama. And I'd say this is as dramatic as it can get."She said

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Zea slightly jumped at the sudden voice aside her. "Oh, well... Durr. I guess." She murmured, her Circuitry in her eyes flickering brightly. "ahh.. Sorry, they're bright, aren't they?" She grunted, rubbing her eyes, as the brightness then faded to a nice glow.
"Nah, mine get pretty bright too,"Her eyes began to glow brightly, shifting through various neon colors and pretty much any color you could think of along with it."What I get for being a hybrid."

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Sophie walked into the classroom, curiously. She asked "is this drama?" Dimitri nodded. She was holding a painting. She handed it to him. "The seniors painted this over the summer." Dimitri was happy to get the gift from the cute softmore girl. She stepped back, blushing hard. "I'm sorry... for disturbing your class I mean." She hurried out of the class. Dimitri said "yeah, we have things done for us by the art students. Their usually seniors."
"Oh thats interesting. I'm Zea. I'm basically a Bio mechanical being that will make your day a living hell." She smiled, watching the colors dance in the girls eyes.
Sarah bowed her head and turned to Leon with a smirk. "If you love her so much why don't you actually get to know her? She trusts you so much but you never really asked her about her home life did you? did you know about her father? Her mother?" She smirked and sat down behind him.
Achilles sniffed up. What disgusting smells that humans had. Then there were the wonderful scents, a demon, 3 vampires, a phoenix, a metal monster of some sorts...... and wait the scent of a Dragon?

Lilith ( I renamed my character by the way to avoid confusion) walked by the class room and stood around the corner a little only poking her head around. "Um... H-Hello, is this Drama class" she said shyly.
"Because those aren't things you should ask. I know I wouldn't answer if someone asked me that. I'm not legally aloud to anyways. I want to tell her my secrets but I can't if she won't tell me hers. She wants space though so I'll give her space." The bell then rang and he got up. "Time. For. Lunch." He simply said. He stretched and said "talk to me after school, Dimitri. I'm starving." He walked out.
"Aurora,"She said, offering her hand to Zea."Succubus. Vampire. You know, just your everyday parasitic seductress." Aurora made an attempt to be'sexy' , putting her leg on the table and running her hand over the smooth skin, making sure not to let her skirt run up too far. Of course she failed her attempt which ended in her burst of laughter." I'm much better at that when in my true form,"She grinned cheekily, turning as another girl entered." Well here's another exquisite creature I've yet to see on a regular basis."She nudged Achilles," Okay, Mr.Cat. Use your sniffer, what is she?"

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