Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Sarah growled. She ran after him until Ira stopped them. "Hey... can we have lunch together like usual... I'm feeling better now." She looked at Sarah who let out a sigh and left.
Leon looked at her and said "yeah. I need to speak with you anyways." He walked ahead of her. He was keeping his distance and seemed too afraid to get close to her but he also kept his cool.
Abel wandered into the school, heading to lunch. His headache had returned along with the uneasiness from earlier.

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"I'm sorry Leon... i want you to trust me just as much as i trust you... so... I'm coming clean. I'll tell you everything. .. i didn't before because i always knew you had your own problems. I didn't want you to worry about mine." She said and followed after him.
Achilles got up from his desk. " A dragon... A creature that is so rare that not one has been seen in several millennium, but yet here one is" he grunted walking down to the lunch hall.

Lilith squeaked a little seeing that everyone was leaving and she ran off to the lunch room hoping no one would ask her why she was so late. She ran to the lunch room seeing that she was one of the first people there. She sighed slightly and sat down at a table at the far wall, taking out her own lunch she had prepared rather than having what the cafeteria offered.
"Oho," Aurora skipped up besides him."So Achilles, since you know what everyone else is, what are you exactly? Probably not a neko, I hope."

Abel entered the cafeteria, watching as people entered in after him. He perched himself in the corner at a table, his eyes glowing red through the shadows.

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He found a table away from everybody. It was definitely something that he didn't want anyone else to hear. He let out a deep sigh and said "I don't know where to start so I'll start from where my lie begins. When I was 10 years old, my parents, my closest friend, and I were all in a car accident. A drunk driver on the wrong side of the road totaled our car. When I opened my eyes, I saw my best friend badly wounded. She was covered in blood but alive. I reached out to her and tried to scream but I couldn't. I was drowning in my own blood. My best friend took her last breath and so did I. When I woke, I was covered in bandages. Dimitri was there for me and so was the headmistress. They were friends with my parents. The doctors told me my parents were killed instantly in the car crash and that my friend died before the ambulance could get there. I was the lucky one. Since that day, I've wondered why I was spared. I wish I died with them. When headmistress finally adopted me, she forced me to promise never to tell anyone. I was forced to lie that my parents were still alive and I was some rich kid. I have many reasons why I can't date you." He took her by the hands and said "I love you so much that it hurts when I see you with Abel but I love you so much that I want you to be happy." He kissed her cheek gently before standing up. "I'm going to get lunch..."
Ira didn't feel like eating and stayed seated. "When you come back it'll be my turn..." she sighed nervously andlooked away as she waited.
He came back moments later and said "alright, speak." He smiled softly at her. He was shocked that he even confessed that he was in love with her but hoped she didn't bring it up.
He felt a growl rip from his chest, causing the majority of the of creatures look at him warily while the humans seemed confused. Abel pushed away from the table and walked out, his silhouette blurring slightly. He took off at a sprint as soon as he hit the hallway, stripping off his clothes and leaving them behind across the hall. He leaped out the door, transforming midair. He kept going, deep into the woods until he came upon a waterfall. He paced furiously; steam exiting his nostrils as he tried to calm his raging thoughts.'I knew better! Maintain your good image, nothing more or less. Don't get attached. Don't get involved. God I'm an idiot!' He thought furiously.

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Achilles looked at her. " You asked if I had an Achilles heel before and my true form is just that, so as for what I am, I think I'll leave it to mystery" he said smirking. He entered the cafeteria and stopped as soon as he hit the door frame. "Dog....." He growled in a low voice. "There's a damn mut in this room, or rather.... there was a mut in this room" he said growling, his eyes glowing through his sunglasses. He managed to calm himself. "why don't sit with me" he said turning to Aurora smiling
She paused before smiling back."Sure, "She said sitting at a table, which was abnormal for her since she was a more sit-on-the-table/any-available spot kinda gal. She maneuvered her legs so she had one tucked beneath her and the other was bent."Not a dog person I take it,"She stated, lacing her fingers together and resting them along with her chin on her knee.

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Ira straightened up.

"Well, I'm a banshee... which plays an important part later on so remember that. My father was a rich man... we were well off and had no problems... he lost his job to a girl who was also a banshee. He saw her in my eyes and would come to my room at night... mom ddidn'tfind out until i aactually got the guts to stab him and run away. They found me on the streets a few years later. Mom insisted he had changed because of this new child. She was going to be the successful one and help make all my failures go away. Dad didn't want the child in the first place and continued to 'see' me at night. The only reason he kept mom around was he knew I'dleave otherwise. when mom had sarah... the new transfer. They hoped she was a banshee. Just like me. You could sat it was his type. Instead she was a bird. A freakin Phoenix. They soon decided that she wwouldn't be good enough to take my place and sent her off. " Ira looked up at him and smiled." I finally became independent when i met you... that is why I'd always hang out with you... you took me away from it. Anyway i ended up head over heels for you... just like all the other girls. Everytime they swooned over you." She smirked tryingnot to cry or be emotional. "I've dealt with them a lot longer then you being jealous over Abel. So after all that... i have a job. You know that video game store a little ways down the street? Yep that's me... i didn'twant to seem uncool so i never told anyone. It's actually really sad. All my paycheck goes to my mother. Sometimes if i deny her she tells me im not worthy of love... so that caused my cutting problem." She lifted her sleeve to show him the deep scars on her arms. "I think thats all... for now anyway..." she strugged sitting back.
Leon looked at her with concern in his eyes. "I'm sorry for everything. I didn't realize how you felt about me. I feel so stupid." He smirked and told her "I always felt like you were like a little sister to me. A sister that I fell madly in love with. I suppressed my feelings for you because of a lot of... personal problems. I mean the headmistress wants me to focus on graduating, this being my last year and all. She knows I'm popular but she says I need to focus on my studies more now." He rolled his eyes.
He got up and grabbed some lunch for the himself and Aurora. He smiled at her " No I'm not really a fan of dogs" He said. He looked up at her deciding to give her a hint on what he was "A beast that is disgusting to man, A mutant of such, A goat but not a goat, a Lion but not a Lion, a Snake but not a Snake, Can you guess what I am?" he said smiling.
Ira smiled. " I'm sorry i never told you. It's not that i never trusted you... but you can imagine how something like this could earn me a lot of pitty. I'm strongenough to take but some people think I'm so fragile. Sarah is my sister but please don't tell. If the wrong people found out it could put us both at risk if my father." She said and stole a bite of his food. "I'm glad we can get back to normal... but i want you to get to know Abel. I know you'dkill him if he hurts me but... i feel like he's holding somethingback..."
"Sounds like some Percy Jackson type shizz,."Aurora said, picking at her food."Chimera?"She guessed, going through her mental catalog of 'mythical' creatures she'd learned about through the years."So what's your power....s?"She asked, phrasing it awkwardly. Aurora pushed her food around on her plate, not really hungry for human food.

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"I won't as long as you don't tell anyone about who I am." He then stopped and looked at her. He smiled softly and asked "so are you and Abel officially a thing now?" He let out a light laugh and said "I will kill him but shouldn't you be sitting with him?"
He laughed a little "Correct he said, I'm a Chimera, except the average chimera has a lions head, a snake tail, a goats head, and the wings of a bird but I'm yet to grow a goats head and my wings" he said quite embarrassed at his lack of being 'Average'.
"I don'tknow where he is... besides we nneeded to talk. He maybe my boyfriend but he could never dream of pulling me away from you. Seriously though will you help me find him?" She asked looking around.
Abel had settled down, lying in a patch of sun, sulking. 'People are so cruel. Humans and other alike. Foolish of me to think other wise.'He sighed. The uneasiness had stopped but was soon replaced with awkwardness. What kind of expression should he wear when they next meet? Should he pretend he didn't see? But his clothes were scattering the hall, she was bound to know. Maybe he should just stay in this form for the next century, wouldn't be the first time. He huffed and rolled over on his back, bearing his stomach and prominent rib bones.

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Aurora tilted her head, dark honey blonde waves falling over her shoulder." Cool."She said."I'm not exactly 'average' in my species' either." She pointed out.

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Leon nodded and said "yeah. I don't see him in the cafeteria." He walked with her outside of the cafe and saw his clothes scattered down the hall. "Come on. We need to find him!'

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