Helsing Academy [Inactive]

(I don't know what to do now... Abel left and Leon is in trouble xc) 
Ira looked down at Abel who had completely ditched her in anger. She stood however and brushed herself off as she followed close behind.

(Hey wolf were you still making a student to chat with Sarah?)
Abel brushed his tail against her thigh, his way of saying that his anger wasn't towards her.He veered to the left, towards the dorms. He looked back at her," I have no intention of going to that meeting. You're welcome to join me."

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Ira looked over at him and stopped. She wasn't like this. She always took the punishment but now... she bit her lip weighing her options as the group left her. A smirk spread across her lips and she snuck off with him towards the dorms. "So... where are we going this time?" She asked looking back every few minutes to make sure no one saw.
When they got to the headmistress's office, she noticed some students were missing. She decided she would speak with them later. "Leon, you are suspended until further notice. Saturday, were having a meeting to discuss whether or not we will kick you out. You lost control of your anger and we won't tolerate that at this school. I don't care about your other habits but I don't want anymore fighting from you. You severely injured that girl. You could've killed her. I don't care about your personal problems. You have to learn to let it go." Leon looked at her with hatred. "I have a party Saturday. We had an agreement!" The headmistress laughed coldly and said "well you should've thought about that before you attempted to kill another student." Leon walked out, slamming the door as he went. Sophie winced. The headmistress sat down but then said "you two both have a week of detention. You are dismissed." Sophie nodded slowly and said "I'm very sorry..." She scurried out of the room in tears. She was afraid of what just happened and she was afraid of Leon's temper.
Rataskal showed up to school - his first day! - and noticed , that the head mistress was pissed off at a student "excuzze me , but what I izzz the problem?" Cocking his head to the left and then the right , and then noticed he could sense Leons anger , and started shaking "he izzznt going to hurt me , Izzz he?" And as he watched him leave , he stopped shaking "ratazzzkal reporting for zzzchool , headmizztrizz."
Achilles looked at the Head Mistress. "With all due respect mam, you know of the war between both Chimeras and Hell Hounds, so you should understand why I would attack one on site, seeing as my family was killed by Hell Hounds" he said.

Lilith walked down the hall hearing all the commotion, she was suppose to be in a special education class designated for those monsters with... Special needs. She walked down around the corner and peeked her head into the headmistresses office shyly. "E-Excuse m-m-me, Umm... C-Could you perhaps give me directions to the special Education Class" she said very shyly.
Sarah looked up from her phone. She was in the office for hitting some kid for getting insulated when she called him a fool. She looked over at the commotion outside then spotted Leon and a unusuallylarge insect. She decided to go check it out and snuck out of the office. She poked the bug looking thing curiously.
Rataskl poked back "izz thizz a greeting or zomething?" And then keeps tapping his foot , meaning he's a mixture of annoyed and scared and nervous. "Zzo , who are you? I am ratazzkl"
Sarah jumped when he poked back. "No... i was trying to get your attention. Um I'm Sarah. .." she said blinking a bit in shock.
The headmistress nodded and said "yes I understand that but don't bring your wars into my school. This is a peaceful school. Once you graduate, you won't be my business and can kill each other all you want. But while your here, you won't fight. This is your first warning." She looked at the girl and said "Achilles, can you show her the way?"

Leon was leaning against some lockers. It was obvious that was pissed but not only that but he was muttering something. He covered his face with his long hair.

Ayame walked in with his little sister and the headmistress rolled her eyes. "What now?" Ayame was shocked at how cruel she was but Sai quickly said "umm... its just that we just transferred here." She had a thick Japanese accents. Ayame smiled a little at the headmistress. The headmistress said "Achilles, also show these two ladies around the school." Ayame seemed offended and he quickly said "I'm a guy..." The headmistress didn't seem to care at this point.
"I'm not much of a dog fan, or a lover of ancient species for that matter, but I'll do as you wish" He said. Walking off to show these people around.
Aurora was wandering around; playing tricks as usual. She was really just looking for entertainment, which she found in the form of an unsuspecting human boy. As a succubus, and a half breed at that, her true form was a ten times more attractive version of herself. Of course, she didn't exactly need to release her true form, but being in her human form was suffocating. Her hair grew and changed from multi blonde waves to a deep amber color; it fell in soft curls around her face. Her once almond shaped eyes became catlike and began shifting colors, her slightly freckled tan complexion becoming flawless with a natural glow to it, her full lips becoming naturally tinged a 'just bitten' red.

Aurora eyed her prey, their gazes locking and his fate being sealed. She led him into a corner and that's when the feasting started. She wasn't one for full on contact, but she was however, a huge tease. She would get within in centimetres of his lips, stealing his spirit energy in the form of a dully glowing blue smoke that transferred from his parted lips to hers, before sneaking away. Aurora continued this process for a few more seconds before erasing his memory and sending him on his way with a major hangover/buzz. She strutted down the hallway, a habit, when she came across Achilles and a few others." Hey guys,'"She greeted with a smile.

"My dorm. I need a change of clothes, then maybe we'll go explore."Abel suggested, pausing at a door and looking over a Ira for help.

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Ira giggled and opened the door. "So why did he attack like that? Did you really make him that angry?" She asked and opened his dorm. She blushed and didn't walk in. "I've never been in a guys dorm... exept Leon's..."
He led her up some stairs and down a hall. Abel opened the door and was back in his human form, quickly covering himself up with a pair of basketball shorts lying around."Well don't be a vamp, come on in."

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Ira looke away nervously. "I'm not a vampire! I.. I'm just nervous. " she said and smoothed out her skirt as she slowly walked in. She sat on his bed and flipped all of her hair over her right shoulder.
Ayame smiled softly and said "hey..." He had a very girly voice and was very attractive. Sai stayed close to him and asked "where are we going?"
Sarah saw leon from the corner of her eye. She bit farwell to the new transfer. Sarah poked him and gently moved his hair. "Hey Mr popular."
Leon stared at her with hatred and anger in his eyes. He stood up and walked away. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. He was about to lose everything he worked hard for... Even Ira. He stopped and whispered "Ira..." He bit his bottom lip not sure how to tell her the news. He decided to text her: I need to talk to you about the meeting. Its serious in my case, not so much for you guys.
Sarah turned. "She's with dog boy... She told me so i wouldn't worry. She turned her phone off so... I'm the best thing you've got." Sarah looked away but walked over to him again. "Look i may not like you but... i can tell you need someone thats not a swooning girl." Sarah suddenly hugged him. She hugged him tightly and refused to let go. Sarah nuzzled into his shirt enjoying the scent of his cologne.
Leon was shocked at first but then held her close to him. He didn't understand why she was being nice to him but he was happy. He whispered "can we go to my room? I really don't want anyone to hear what I'm about to tell you."
Sarah looked up at him. "Fine but if you try anything funny your getting hit." She warned but smiled and walked to his room as she held onto him.
He smiled and said "I'm more trustworthy then when I first came here." When they got to his room, he let her in and closed the door after her. He opened a window and lit a cigarette. "I'm getting kicked out..."
Sarah sat on his bed. She shook her head and crossed her arms. "Eh... that doesn't surprise me. Why do you care so much? No more school? Thought you'd be happy but without all the girls then..." Sarah looked away and sighed. "What'll you do?"
"Right now I'm suspended but I have a meeting Saturday to discuss my 'future' but I'll probably skip it." He looked at her with sad eyes and said "its not about the girls. I will be so happy without them. I've made myself into something here. I've worked my add off go gain peoples respect and all that will be gone. Even Ira..." He breathed out smoke. "Plus, this isn't just my school. This is my home. I don't have anywhere to go if I get kicked out. Everyone else has families to go to but I will have to live on the streets."
"You could never lose Ira. She loves you to much. Not everyone has a family to go to.... and not everyone live in the dorms... It was a rule that my adoptive parents had to get me an apartment. You could stay with me. If you wanted..." Sarah shrugged slightly. "It would keep you close to Ira... she stays there on the weekends." Sarah looked up at him with a soft smile.

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