Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Sarah looked up at him. "Why? I called you a jerk and hate your guts. This doesn't mean anything to me." She sat up knowing she was lieing to herself. She trusted him to. 
Ira was terrified. She had never let it go... it was the only thing that wasn't made to please someone else. "I can't. I'm scared." She admitted and tried to pull away from him.
He didn't budge." Don't be. I won't hurt you. Ever." He said seriously." Or may the hounds of hell come and drown me in the river Styx." His lips quirked up in a bitter smile.

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"I can't just forget... i don't know how to let it go." She looked from him taking her head away from his hands. she stood and cried softly to herself. "You can't fix something that is already broken.
Abel frowned."Sure you can. It might not be as good as it once was but at least it will be original and more......flawed." He said." Then don't forget. Move on to a brighter future."

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"Are you going to give me that brighter future? " she asked looking back at him. She moved closer and eventually dove into his arm hugging him. She hid her face in his neck as her crying slowed.
Leon chuckled and said "maybe that's all it takes. Can I tell you something? I mean you can't tell anyone or I'll be thrown out of the school without a second thought." He smiled as he pulled her back down onto the bed and playfully got on top of her. He grinned at how defenseless she was against him.
Sarah yelped when he trapped her. She looked away from him trying to hid the blush. "Let go! I'll scream!" She warned trying to trick him. She know no one was in the halls though.
"I don't believe you." He kissed her before she could attempt to scream. His beautiful, long black hair trickled down, tickling her cheeks as it rained upon her.
Sarah widened her eye's. She would have struggled but deep down she knew she wanted this. She didn't mind his hair and found it's length attractive. She clenched his sheets as she regrettablely kissed him back.
He smirked and said "that's better." He rolled off her laughing. It was so fun teasing her like this. "You know, I've gone years thinking about how much I should have died with my parents. How I shouldn't have survived that crash." He started to talk about the car accident he was in when he was 10 and right after he got out of the hospital, Kirova came to see him with Dimitri. Apparently, they were friends with his mom. She made him sign a contract saying when he gets to High School, he will go to the school with no questions asked. He will become her son but the one thing he had to do was never tell anyone because she would be looked down upon. He laughed a little at the memories and told her how abusive the foster families he went to were. In the end, tears started to slip down his cheeks.
Sarah sat and listened. she could understand some parts, but on others she couldn't even imagine going through such a thing. when he ended she looked other at him. The whole story she looked down. Imagining what he said in her head and letting the image appear on the floor. She moved his hair away from his face and lightly brushed away his tears. she hated herself for staying but she couldn't help it. She hated his very being but under his popular jerkiness side was something she liked. " I can't even imagine what that must have been like... I won't try to either. I won't feed you lies like the other girls and say I understand. Truthfully I don't... I never will. I'm happy you trusted me with that, and I won't tell anyone but... never kiss me again! I never agreed to it!"
Abel grinned." Only if you allow me to." He kissed her lips lightly and hugged her.

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Leon laughed and said "fine. I'll only kiss me if you ask me to but I know you liked it." He kissed her cheek before getting out of his bed. "So you see my predicament?"
Ira smirked softly. Her tears had officially ended and she wiped off the black tracks they left on her cheeks. She took a deep breath and pulled a mirror out of her purse. "The tears ruined my make up! Why didn't you tell me how bad i looked?!" She complained and got a napkin. She wet the end with her tongue and wiped away the remaining eyeliner to carefully replace it. "Can't believe you! " She huffed angrily and swiped lips gloss over her lips. "Well today has been very eventful... I'm sure you want some alone time... Besides Sarah said Leon needed me." She watched his reaction carefully as she said that. 
"Did not!" She growled at him angrily. She looked away and took a deep breath to calm her anger slowly. "I won't ask you to kiss me either! Why do you even like me? I have shown you nothing but hate!" She said seeming like she was trying to convince herself more then him.
Leon was laughing at her response. The way she reacted to him was cute but he kept it to himself. He crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall. "Go out with me," he said without thinking about it. He watched her reaction. It wasn't a request.
"What?! No! Did you not just hear me?!" Sarah looked at him slightly dumbfounded. She took a pause then straightened up to leave. "I'm done with your games! Forget you!" She growled and attempted to leave.
He got in front of the door and said "you see, when I like a girl I don't let her get away from me. Why do you think I kept your sister so close to me all this time?" He smirked at her.
Abels smile faded," You're always stunning." He explained." And go do what you need to do."He heaved a sigh and released his hold on her.

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Sarah crossed her arms. "I don't care! Not every girl can be handed to you pretty boy!" She turned her back on him and lookedfor another escape. 
Ira pouted and hugged him. "Don't be so upset! I love you." She nuzzled into his neck and sighed.
"I won't let you leave because I could feel your body react to mine when I kissed you. Your just lying to yourself." He approached her and told her "I like you because you intrigue me. Your different from the other girls. Plus, you don't worship me. That's your best quality. I hate it when girls treat me like a God."
Sarah turned quickly and slapped him across the face. Her nails taking skin with them as she bolted for the door."exactly now let me go! I ddon't worship you that's bad!"
He was shocked that she hit him. He ran out of his room and yelled "Sarah!" When she didn't come back, he punched his door saying "damn it!!!"
Sarah panted heavily as she ran to her apartment. It was only a few minutes away and she ran the whole distence. She locked the door behind her and slid down the door. (is the day over yet? Or can it be? Their next encounter will be at breakfast.)

The next morning, he went downstairs for breakfast. He sighed as he sat alone. He was picking at his breakfast. When girls tried to hit on him, he actually shrugged them off. They got bored and walked off. He was exhausted. He didn't get much sleep last night because all he could think about was Sarah. He grunted.
Sarah walked in the cafeteria. Her hair was in pigtails and she had her reading glasses on making her looked like a cute nerd. She sat by herself since she didn't know very many people and watched as a few cheerleaders that were flirting with Leon approach her. She cracked lame jokes at eachother using Sarah as the victim. Sarah couldn't draw attention to herself or Leon might see her but that didn't settle the erge to slap every single one.

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