Helsing Academy [Inactive]

He sighed lightly and replied "my whole life is here though." He flicked his cigarette out the window and walked over to her. "I fell in love with Ira since the moment I saw her. But, I knew better than to treat her like the other girls. I was happy when we became close. So happy that I didn't want to ruin it with dating and stuff." He laid on the bed. "What bothered me most was I couldn't tell her the truth. I was constantly lying to her. I think Kirova knows I finally told her and is kicking me out because of that. That was the agreement in the contract..."
"You hurt her even more by not going out with her. Do you even realize that she tried to kill her one weekend because she thought she wasn't good enough for you? She loves you so much and is tearing herself apart over you. You don't even see it." Sarah shook her head. "Now she finally moved on, but you're the only thing that is keeping her away from dog boy. I think you need to move on to. " She stood and shook a bit before getting violently sick all over the floor. She fell to her knees and choked.
"Sarah!" Leon ran over to her side. He knew he acted like an ass. He hated how much he made her suffer. He brushed the hair out of her face as he rested his hand on her forehead. "Are you OK?" He looked at her with kind, soft eyes. All of his problems were now gone and it was all about her.
Sarah shoved him away. Her eyes a firey red when she looked at him. "No! This shouldn't be happening!" Sarah yelled out in pain as she began clawing off her own skin. She sreached again but this time it sounded like a bird.
"Sarah... Relax." He leaned in and kissed her deeply, hoping to relax her. He knew it was against school rules to transform on campus so he had to relax her. He didn't want her to have the same fate as him.
Sarah blushed but it seemed to calm her down. Her skin was very hot though and she still had to change but it was slowing. She closed her eyes and let her body go fall limp in his arms. "I... I'm sorry i have to leave!" She said and scrambled to her feet.
He looked down and said "I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that but..." He laid on the bed without another word. He let her leave.
(Never said she left)

Sarah watched as her skin healed. She was amazed that he could do that. Then again she hadn't changed in forever. "I... i didn't mean to change... i take medicine to stop it but..." She walked over and laid next to him nervously.
(Well she said she had to go)

"Kirova has her rules but being new here, you probably don't know them." He rolled onto his side so he could look at her. "I would hate for you to end up like me... Especially being this your first day and all."
Achilles looked at the pair. "To the special Education room first, the humans think its for those with learning disabilities but really its for those who need help controlling controlling their powers" he stated. Lilith shyly followed behind them. "After I take her there, I show you guys all around campus, just don't go turning dog on me, I only hate Hell Hounds but I'm not a fan of their relatives either... Were Wolf" he said calmly.
Rataskal "help! I've been forgotten" and laughs raucously , in his signature buzz "but really , where izz it I zzzhal go? What clazz izz good for a creature such azzz me?" Slightly tapping his foot for some reason , and also trying not to stare , because he has been told he is too creepy.
Sai told him "were not fans of them either but here we are. Two werewolves walking with a chimera." Ayame chuckled and said "we don't transform very often. You know, this is our third school so we rather not get kicked out again." He sighed in annoyance, glaring at Sai.

The headmistress told him "I'll sign you up for all demon courses and glamour you so the humans will only see you as another human. Don't want to freak them out too much."
Sarah smiled softly. " It would be bad if i transformed here... but i have to... do you want to see sometime? I'm just a Phoenix but..."
Aurora skipped up, still in her true form and grinned toothily."Hey Achilles, whats the damage? Did the Headmistress expel you on your first day?" She asked, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

Abel chuckled," What a cute reaction,"He said, stepping onto his bed and laying down, his body curled around hers .

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Ira blushed deeply at his comment. "Cute? " she said looking down at him. She touched his hair and laughed a bit. "Um... thanks a guess. "
"That was a compliment." Abel said, he pulled her down on top of him and cradled her to his chest." But of course you're beautiful as well."He kissed her forehead.

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Ira blushed but cuddled against him. "Why thank you. Your pretty handsome yourself. " she giggled softly and looked up at him. Her eyes looking deep in his as she blushed softly. "So why did you run off like that... and why did you thing I'd have a happy ending without you? "
His smile faded," I was.....angry..."He said, looking away from her. Abel absentmindedly stroked her back, hoping to change the topic.

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Ira pressed on. "Why? Who mad you angry?" She asked looking at him. His hand gliding across her back gave her chills but she tried her best to ignore it.
"Leon and you...At first. Then just when we were patching things up that damn cat showed up."A growl rumbled in his chest." And I'm not particularly good at handling my anger..."He sighed and looked deep into her eyes." I wouldn't forgive myself if I hurt you."

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"You'rejjealous of me and leon?" She asked with a pained look in her eyes. She moved away from him and sat up with a sigh. "I wish saw things the way you did... I was stupid. I am stupid. He causes me pain everyday and he can't see it." Ira lifted her sleeves and showed him the cuts on her arms. "He made me feel like i wasn't good enough... for anyone... but you... i think you are the only thing that stopped me from doing it again.
His breath hitched and he took her arm in his trembling fingers. Abel was selfish, rude, apathetic towards other peoples emotions, immature and power hungry. When he'd came to this school a week ago, all he cared about was fitting in and possibly making his way to the top and cruising through the next two years. But then he'd gotten involved, breaking rule number one. And then he'd developed 'feelings', breaking rule two. He even thought about distancing himself emotionally until all this blew over but now, hot tears rolled down his cheek. A strong urge to protect came over him , full blast. He sat up and placed feathery kisses on the length of her arm, almost as if kissing away the pain. And then he was angry, the uneasiness from earlier strengthening his anger." Please........... Please tell me you don't still love him.........Any one who dares to make you feel this way does not deserve you, any bullshit reasoning aside. "His brown eyes ablaze as he gazed at her,"Not good enough? Too good is more like it. He is so stupid!"He growled.

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Ira watched him. She didn't think anyone could care so much about her. She looked away from him feeling embarrassed. "I'm not... I'm good enough... not even for and T'm shocked at how you have even kept me this long." She pulled away her arm and pulled th sleevedown to hide hershame. "Even my father threw me away after a while... I thought he loved me.... I thought they both did... I'm sorry that i always run to Leon. I just want to be good enough!" Ira suddenly broke out into tears. She turned away not letting him see her this way. She was crying that of a banshee. The black tinted water streaming down her face.
Leon chuckled and said "of course. If I knew how to control my demon self, I would show you but right now, I can only transform when I'm furious. And even then, I fight against it. The headmistress is teaching me how to control myself and to relax when I transform." He smiled softly and confessed "for some reason, I feel like I can trust you."
He moved her hands out of her face and kissed her tears."The only men you've encountered up til now were incredibly foolish and cruel....So I beg of you. Open your mind and heart and free it of those emotions and experiences that have caused you such hatred for men and yourself; allow me to treasure you and help you value yourself. So depend on me. Lean on me. See only me. And be happy."His voice was nothing but a whisper, but his words were clear as day.

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