Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Zea just sighed, her long hair flowing over her eyes. Such contempt built up inside of her as well. No friends wanted to see her like this since she left the Hotel. Because you know, things got outta hand. "Will we have to introduce our abilities? My head's gonna go through the roof..."
Ira completely ditched Leon. Sheran out to the forest where they had kissed and looked around. "Abel! Where are you Abel?!" She called looking around. She touched to rock that she had left him on and sighed. "Abel please..." she said softly and looked around.
Leon followed behind her and leaned against a tree. He gave them their space, knowing they would need it but if there was a problem, he could step in. He watched her closely.
He had dozed off to sleep when the sound of someone calling his name stirred him. He grumbled, rolling onto his feet and stretching. Abel shook his fur and spikes out and yawned loudly. He followed the voice and padded into the clearing he'd been to before with Ira, grimacing inwardly when he saw her. A battle struck up in his mind, and yet again he knew he would probably regret this.'C'mon, a pretty girl like you shouldn't look so distressed over someone like me. Especially since you've finally got your happy ending,'He said, keeping his distance, unsure of where their relationship stood since he was majorly instinctive and tended to blow up without getting to the bottom of things.

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Ira turned to the hellhound and smiled. "It's not a happy ending if my prince leaves me. I was so scared you had used me... I'm sorry i ran off i won't do it again!" She said and ran over to him. She hugged him tightly causing his spikes to stab her arms. "Can Leon hear you to? Or are you just in my mind?" She asked and looked back at Leon. "Oh um... this is Abel's other form."
'Now he can,'He said, smoothing his spikes down.'Its fine. You seem....... lighter, As if you're aren't weighed down by anything. Before you looked so sad it hurt to watch.'He said, sitting back down, his red eyed gaze falling on Leon.

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"For the first time i let a lot of things go. They are still there but... anyway why did you just run off like that? You worried me so much i thought you were angry!" She said and kissed his head. She sighed looking down. "I just found you... i don't want to let you go so soon."
Abel chuckled," If only you knew..."He whispered, memories of how he had fled into the forest after growling and nearly transforming in the cafeteria came flooding back in.

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Ira smiled softly at him and kissed his muzzle gently. "Will you at least howl or something next time..." she sighed and sat on the ground. She leaned against the rock and reached her arms for him to join her.
'Howl? What am I, a werewolf?'He scoffed, licking her face none the less.

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"Well you're in the same family right? Excuse me for not reading up on your species likeca total stalker." She joked and pet him happily.
"Not quite, I'm a demon. Werewolves are oversized dogs who have too much power,'' He said bitterly, growling softly. Abel nuzzled her hand and nipped her fingers slightly.

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"Right... I'll remember that next time. Is there somthing you can do to tell me?" She asked playing with him a bit. She rested a finger on his nose and tried to be faster at pulling it away.
Leon chuckled a little. He ran a hand through his hair. He didn't move toward them. He looked at the two together. He, instead, walked away from them. He was just going to English so they could have their privacy. It was then that he saw a girl. He growled, his eyes red as he slammed the girl to the ground. He sat on top of her. He saw the art student that came into his drama class. She was crying in fear. He grunted and told her "I'm sorry. I thought you a were a threat to my Ira." He was showing his possessive side toward Ira but he didn't care. Sophie said "I saw you and your friend run off and it seemed serious. I wanted to see what was wrong..." His eyes narrowed but then he helped her up off the ground. "You should get out of here."
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Achilles got up from the table after he ate. " I have some things to do, I'll see you around" He said walking off. He went down to the front of the building and went outside Damn Mut He thought to himself. He walked towards the forest and saw a Girl hugging the 'Dog'. " Hey you, stupid mut" he said trying to get Abel's attention. " Your a threat to my kind, A mortal enemy if you prefer, so I'm going to kill you now" He said taking off his sunglasses as his eyes lit up.
Ira turned to the voice. "Stupid? He didn't do anything to you!" She snapped holding onto Abel. She just wanted a moment alone was that so hard?
When Leon saw this, he slipped a knife from his boot and stepped in front of Abel with incredible speed. "If you are going to attack him, your going to have to go through me." His fangs sharpened, his eyes turning blood red. He seemed to be fighting against his demon form instead of actually letting it flow through him. It was as if he didn't know how to use his demon abilities yet, even though he was a senior.
Achilles laughed "Fine then Demon" he said running at him with incredible speed, kicking the knife out of his hand. He then punching him in the gut with a strong blow and he started laughing "Pathetic Demon" he said.
Sophie came running out from the trees and jumped on his back. She bit his shoulder in self defense. Leon looked up to see Sophie attacking him. The headmistress walked out of the shadows and said "no fighting on campus. Leon!!!" He stepped back in fright. She walked over to him and slapped him hard. "You escaped the infirmary and went to class despite how I told you not to. Now your off fighting! You have possibly broken every rule since this morning." Leon shook his head, smirking at her. He said coldly "no. I haven't been drinking today." The headmistress ran her hand through his hair and said "I can always cut your beautiful hair off." Leon backed off, shaking his head. "Absolutely not!" She looked at all of them and said "my office! All of you! Now!" She walked off. Sophie remained on Achilles back but her teeth were no longer in his shoulder.
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Abel had bristled up and was slightly annoyed when everyone seemed to step in. He heard growling and soon realized it was coming from him. He quieted down, shaking Ira off gently and walked towards the school, glaring at the boy who had attacked.'Next time then, pussy...cat' He said gruffly, chuckling darkly. Abel wasn't the best of person when he was angry and he was well aware so he carefully kept his distance from anyone and everyone so as not to hurt the wrong person.

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Aurora had followed Achilles out, watching from a tree. She shook her head and dropped down besides him."First day and you're already busted for fighting, that's a shame." She said." Have fun," She smiled.

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Leon stayed beside the headmistress. She had her arm around him, whispering with each other. Sophie followed shortly behind. She looked at Achilles and asked "am I the only one suspicious of their relationship. They seem way too close." She narrowed her eyes as she watched them.

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