Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Leon looked up and got up. He walked over to them and said "hey!" They blushed when they saw him and one girl hugged his arm but he slipped out of her grasp. "Leave her alone or you'll have me to deal with." He looked away so he didn't have to look at Sarah. He walked off.
Sarah growled and walked after him. "Hey! What the hell was that?!" She yelled at him from down the hall. She ran after him and grabbed his arm looking into his eyes.
"What was what? You hate me right..." He tried to pull away. "Look I didn't get much sleep last night and have training with Kirova so I have to go."
Sarah pushed him against the lockers and glared at hhim. "You lier! I couldn't sleep because i was thinking about you! I know you did the same!" Sarah yelled at him and suddenly kissed his lips. When she pulledaway she sighed. "Fine. Go if uyou want to." She turned and walked back towards the cafeteria.
He asked her again "go out with me..." He smirked as he watched her closely. He ran a hand through his hair. "I told you that when I like someone, I'm not going to let them go. Reason why I've kept Ira so close to me."
Sarah stopped and turned her head. "Well I'm not Ira!" She growled and continued to walk. Why did he keep mentioning Ira? If he wantedher so bad maybe he should bother her. Sarah could careless about him keeping her close.
Leon was caught off guard but turned around and walked out of the dorm. He lit a cigarette as he started walking to the main building. "I won't let her leave me so easily." He texted Ira, telling her needed to speak with her and to meet him outside of Kirova's office.
Ira sighed softly and kissed Abel. She left immediately and met up with leon. "Hey..." she said feeling mixed emotions about how she felt and what able said. She didn't hug him as usual and kept her distence.
"Hey. I won't be in class today. I'm suspended for attempted murder on a student and I have a meeting with Kirova this Saturday to discuss whether or not I'm going to be expelled. Oh and tell your sister that I'm sorry but I won't leave her alone until she says yes." He smirked a little.
"Yes to what?" Ira asked and tilted her head. She crossed her arms and shifted waiting for an answer. "My sister is stubborn you know... and she hates you. You should just give up now." She said having the sudden feeling she knew what he asked her.
"Nope. I might have run you into another guy's arms but I know she likes me and I won't let her leave. She's not like you. She intrigues me. Plus, she doesn't worship me like I'm some annoying God. But at the same time, she does like me." He sighed and Kirova came out of the room. "Being suspended means no interaction with anyone!!! You need to learn how to control your temper and if she's the one who's making you lose your temper, you shouldn't even look at her! Is she?" Leon was silent but then finally replied "she is..."
Ira suddenly seemed hurt. She wrote something on a slip of paper and slipped it into Leon's pocket when she hugged him. She was sure to let him know it was in there before she left.


' As much as i hate this... I want you to be happy. Sarah is ditching today. She will be at her apartment most likely in the pool.

(Location and room #)

Good luck'
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Leon read the note quickly before walking into the headmistresses office. She talked to him softly before he was able to leave. He walked towards his form but sneaked out the back. He started to run toward Sarahs dorm. He got to her room panting. He knocked on the door. "Its me."
Go Sarah! " Call two guys in the pool. They were from her orchestra class and were watching her stand on the edge of the hot tub that connected with the pool. She wore a striped blue and white bikini on and she seemed to be singing.

"So if i cry would you always be right here by my side~

I try so hard to look like I'm older then my age,

I wear mascarato cconceal the fact im in rage~" She turned to see Leon and winked at him when she sang the next verse.

"I promise you... I'll be a good girl from now on~"
Leon walked into the pool room, panting. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "There you are. I followed your singing. Pretty good by the way." He chuckled. "Your sister told me where'd you be. She looked hurt but oh well. Oh and the headmistress just wanted to talk to me." He smirked. "I'm a free man!"
Sarah turned away from him and dove into the water. When she arose she gave him a glare. "Why are you here? Go after Ira!" She growled then returned to mesding with the guys.
"Well I'm not yours either." She hissed back and slipped out of his grasp. It was easy since the pool water made her body slippery. Sarah turned to guys again who didn't seem to care about Leons presents.
"Your sister told me that your stubborn but I am too. I love you and I'm not ready to leave you." He slipped off his shirt, his pants, his socks, and his shoes so that he was only in his boxers. He had an amazing body that any guy would die for. He dived into the water. When he came up, he was face to face with her. He looked at her and told her "kiss me."
Sarah gasped slightly in shock. She swallowed hard and looked down at his lips. As much as she wanted to... She knew if she did this sshe'd be reacting just like the other girls. Except she hated him. "No. You don't own me! Now if you'll excuse me." She swam away him and sat up on the edge of the pool. She laughed softly as she watchedthe guys.
"Stop running away from me. You do this whenever you don't want to admit to something." He started doing the back float as he was in deep thought. "I risked getting expelled for leaving campus without telling anyone only to be turned down, again. Maybe I assumed again..." He was looking at the ceiling with sad eyes.
He stayed silent as he floated. He finally got out of the water. His long hair looked shinier than ever when it was wet." He waited a few minutes before he slipped on his clothes. "Guess this was a waste of my time." He crumbled Ira's note to him and said "good bye. There's no way she's going to let me stay at the school so this will probably be the last time you see me." He left without another word. He didn't seem angry. He didn't even seem hurt. He seemed to have other things on his mind than worrying about the fact that he will never be loved. But he did say "guess Kirova was right. No one really would like me for me because of my defensive personality and my refusal to get close to anyone."
Soon after he left a Phoenix flew infront of him. It bowed it's head slightly before taking off. A soft breathy voice whispered in the wind. "Follow me..."

He followed the phoenix curious where it was taking him. He knew Sarah was a phoenix but he somehow doubted it was her. She did tell him she hated him after all. He was giving up. His depression was taking over and he was letting it.

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