Helsing Academy [Inactive]

"S-Sure." He took one more sip of his beer before handing it to one of the guys." He held her close to him and started dancing with her. He smelled strongly of alcohol and weed.
Rebecca smirked and looked up at him. "Do you like me Leon?" She asked and leaned up close to him. She licked his lips and glared at Sarah who was watching the two.
"I'm sorry. I don't think I can possibly be hurt anymore. Thanks for the dance." He walked away from her and grabbed another beer.
Rebecca smirked again. "Don't worry. My plan is already in motion." She said as she watched Sarah run out.

Sarah tried her hardest not to cry but the sudden cloth covering her mouth caught her off gaurd. Everything slowly went black but she knew she wasn't in the dorms anymore.
Abel pushed his way through the ground of drunken teenagers, scowling as he passed by overly touchy females who were too desperate for attention. He spotted Ira and grinned, however he got distracted by the joint passed to him. He paused and took a hit and coughed as he was sent into a super clear and dizzyingly amazing high. He took a few more big hits and grabbed a beer on his way to Iras side. Through his wooziness he still understood that something was very wrong.

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Ira looked around for Sarah but only found Abel. She blinked and smelled the weed. "Great your drunk and high to." She groaned and yelped when a guys hand found it's way up her skirt. "Hands off!" She hissed and looked back at Abel.
Leon noticed that Sarah was missing. He was looking around curiously. He found Ira and Abel. He hurried over to them and asked "hey guys. Have you seen Sarah? I mean I had a quick dance with Rebecca and when I turned around, she was gone." He seemed really worried. He knew nothing truly bad could happened considering she was the one person who wasn't either drunk, high, or both but he wanted to make sure she was OK.
Ira looked at him. "I was wondering the same. Why did you leave her alone? You know how drunk high school boys are! Look at yourself! " she hissed. "Look at both of you. This is why i never come to your parties and this is why I'm disgustedby you both!" Ira shook her head and left slamming the door behind her. She lookef aaround outside and found Sarah in an alley way blood cover her legs and bruises took over her face. "Sarah!" Ira screamed and hugged her sister careful not to harm her. "Sarah I'm so sorry. I should have been there! I shouldn't have trusted Leon! All he seems to do ishurt people." She cried softly and watched her sister.
Leon had followed her out of his dorm but when he saw Sarah, he gasped. "Sarah..." His eyes turned blood red as he started to transform. When he finished transforming, he looked like this:

I will rip to shreds whoever did this to her. Give me their name or face... It was obvious he had never transformed before because he was having trouble controlling himself.
Sarah was to weak to even move. The drug still in effect. Ira glared at Leon. "Instead of being heartless and leaving her AGAIN why don't you help me!" She growled angrily. "You already left her to do your own thing once! Look where it got her!" She turned and tried to make sure Sarah was ok.
Leon growled angrily and pounced on Ira. He went for her throat but immediately stopped when he heard "Leon!!!" Kirova was walking over to the two of them. Leon was furious but his animal instincts were taking over. "First of all, you didn't come to the meeting." She stuck him with a needle and he wimpered in pain but slowly started to turn back into his human form. "Secondly, your officially out of this school." Leon laid on the ground beside Ira. His eyes lacked emotion as he stared at the sky. Kirova was already gone. Leon's scars on his wrists were actually visible for once. He never showed them to anyone because he didn't want anyone to know he suffered from chronic depression and had to take anti depressants for it.
Ira looked down at him. She saw his wrists and touched them gently. "Leon... i thought we didn't keep secrets." She looked down now stuck with two motionless bodies. "Abel!" She called out still crying as she just laid on the dirty ground.
He got up and walked over to Sarah. He picked her up and whispered "I'm sorry I let my anger get the best of me. Its my fault your like this. I should have never walked away from you. Please..." He carried her to the infirmary, not caring that he got blood on his shirt.
Sarah looked up at him. "L-Leon... don't leave me... p-please. " she managed before falling back into an unconscious state. She loved him. She knew she did. Unfortunately she was to weak to tell him.
"I'll never leave you. Not again," he said softly. He knew she couldn't hear him anymore but he didn't care. He walked into the infirmary and laid her on the bed. He let the nurse look after her but didn't leave her side. He kept his hand interlocked with hers.
It was hours before Sarah awoke again she was sore and it hurt to move. Her hand was warm though and when she saw a male. Regardless of who it was she freaked. Sarah jerked away.Her hand slipped out of his and she caused the IV in her hand to yank out. She yelped in pain and held her hand shaking in fear."Where am i?! What's happening! " she asked frantically looking around.
Leon said "shh, calm down. Your in the infirmary. I brought you. Ira and I saw you covered in blood. I lost my temper and almost killed Ira but Kirova found us just in time. She didn't care for you though. Or she didn't see you. I don't know but I feel as though she just wanted to see me." He sighed deeply.
Sarah relaxed slightly. "Leon... You shouldn't be here. They want me to stay away... They did awful things! They... They left me in dirt when they were pleasef." Sarah began crying softly. She still leaned away from Leon though.
"Who did this?" He demanded. He had his fist clenched. Now that he was kicked out of the school, he could pretty much do anything he wanted to until they physically threw him out. He would hunt them down.
"I don't know them... but i can see them... and a girl... she warned me to stay away. .. that you were hers." Sarah moved closer and eventually hugged Leon tightly.
He kissed her deeply and asked "can I move in with you?" He smiled softly. He was happy to be with her at this moment. "I want to be with you for eternity."
Sarah pulled back from his kiss immediately seeming scared. "Please... don't do that again... i see them when i look at you." She said and looked away still trembling. "Eternityis a long time... i will only die to be reborn. "
"Well I don't have a place to live anymore and I will need to do a lot of convincing to get the headmistress to let me back in sooo..." He smirked.
Sarah nodded. "Alright but... promise me... you will never leave my side at one of your paries..." She said and took his hand into hers. She turned over his hand and raised it up to her lips kissing his scars. "Your not alone anymore... you don't have to do this..." her tears burned his scars but made them disappear. "I'll know if you do it again.
He held her close to him. He didn't want to be alone. He spent so long alone that he hated. He frowned. He kissed her nose. "Not all of that was from me. Some are from car accidents. "Please... I don't want to be alone anymore.". Tears stung his eyes.

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