Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Sarah swallowed. "You don't have to be... I love and that... proves that you don't have to be alone anymore. I'll be strong for you. I'll love you. I'll accept you."She hhesitated. She closed her eyes a took a deep breath before she kissed him. This kiss was deeper and longer then ever before. It was real. At first she held back afraid of seeing those men again but when she opened her eyes... she only saw the man she wanted to be with for all eternity.
He wrapped his arms around her waist. He loved her more than anyone. Even more than Ira. He wanted to be with her and only her. Dimitri walked in, forcing Leon to reluctantly pull away. "I packed some of your stuff..." He frowned as he looked upon the two of them. Leon said "I'll be back. Don't worry."
Sarah looked at him then looked away. She stood and looked at her bloody clothes. "I'll leave you guys to talk." She turned and smiled gently at Leon before she slowly left.
Leon talked with Dimitri quietly before walking out with handcuffs on. Dimitri has handcuffed him and said that if he tried anything, he will be sent to jail. He whimpered a little. Everyone who was returning from his party watched as he walked to the dorm with Dimitri.
Leon what's gong on?! You promised not to leave me." She begged and stood in front of him. She had tears running down her face and glared at Dimitri. "Why are you taking him?! He's the only one protecting me! I got raped by 6 different men and you take away the only person protecting me from him! This school sure the hell hasn't done anything! It's one thing to expel him. It's another to take something from a bunch a pissed off kids who may had each oth but have one thing in common. "

Rebecca stepped forward. All of the cheerleadersjoined her. "It would be a good idea to just start a riot and somehow Leon got lost in the crowd..." She hinted with a smirk and looked at eeveryone behind her.
Leon growled at her and said "if I find out you had something to do with this, I will do more than just wipe that smirk off your face. Sarah..." He gestured her to be close to him.
Sarah locked eyes with Rebecca. She began panting and she eyes turned a furious red. "You..." Rebecca looked as innocent as ever. "What's the matter? Cat gotyour tongue. " she asked with a smirk. Sarah suddenly trembled at those words. "You did this!" Sarah hissed and walked over leaving Leon. Sarah gave Rebecca a well ddeserved punch in the face then it started. A riot broke out and Leon's sight on Sarah vanished into the crown.
Leon was screaming "Sarah!" He broke out of the handcuffs and left Dimitri. He went through the crowd but someone elbowed him in the face. He hit the ground hard. He screamed "Sarah!!"
Sarah turned hearing her name. A lot of studentstransformed knowing not all of them could be expelled. Sarah ran towards the voice keeping low until she ran nose to nose whith a growling dog. Sarah immediately shifted but it was to late and she was bit in her left wing. She screechedloudly as her eagal like cries echoed tthroughoutthe main hall.
Leon slowly got up and started pushing past people. He punched the dog off her but the dog countered and jumped him. "What the hell is going on here!!" Everyonr turned to see Kirova. Dimitri seemed to have called the headmistress.
Sarah looked up. She moved her limp wing a bit to see how bad it was. She paused with everyone else and moved over to Leon. It seemed No one was stepping forward.
Kirova demanded "who started this?" When no one said anything, Leon spoke up saying "I did." He slowly got up. "I thought it would be fun before I left but it got chaotic." He grinned.
Sarah looked at him. He was only digging himself deeper and she couldn't allow that. "He lies! I threw the first hit!" She said shifting back to a human. She did nothing to cover her exposed body and looked around as the guys gawked. "I started it because you were arresting the only person who was protectingme after i was raped. "
kirova looked at him and asked "is that true?" Leon looked down and finally stood up. He stood in front of Sarah. "touch her and I rip your hands off..." He growled a little at Kirova. Everyone looked between them, afraid of what was going to happen. Kirova smiled slightly and said "do you really love her?" Leon nodded slowly. She chuckled and said for everyone to hear "Leon has lied to everyone. His parents died when he was ten and I'm his mother. Dimitri is his actual uncle. The reason he gets away with so much is because he lives at this school but no more playing favorites. He will live at this school like anyone else and if he breaks a school rule he will recieve the same punishment as everyone else. Is that clear?" Leon nodded, happy Kirova told the truth. She walked away with Dimitri.
Sarah looked at him confused. "She let out your past...but i thought. " sarah looked away and held her bleeding arm. "I should go home. " sarah said softly and left. She was confused and cold. Right now the only thing on her mind was a hot bath.
"Sarah!" He grabbed her arm. He said "at the end of the day... She's still my mom. She's the only one I've got. If I'm happy, she's happy and I'm happy with you and only you and Rebecca." He turned to Rebecca and sais "stop being such a b*tch."
Sarah looked at Rebecca who gave her a glare. "Heed my warning. " She said and promptly left. Sarah turned leave again growling.
"I don't want to be alone. Everyone I loved has walked out of my life except you... I can't do this anymore. You convinced me not to kill myself and yet, here you are. Walking away..." He was stressed and depressed and he just wanted to live a normal high school life. He started walking away. People stepped out of his way.
Sarah turned. She rolled her eyes and rushed after him. "Do you really think i'm leaving you? After everything you'restill so stupid? " she hit the back of hhis head. "Excuse me for wanting to take hot bath in the comfort of my own home! Excuse me for thinking you wouldn't want a buch of guys staring at my naked body! Excuse me for having an injured arm and hoping that mutt didn't have poison in it's teeth! Now i don't know about you but those seem like pretty good reasons to leave. And no i was not leaving you so before you jump to conclusions. Open your eyes! Now I'd rather not be considered a nudist so if you'll excuse me!" She turned and stormed off clearly pissed.
Leon went to his dorm without another word. He started unpacking what little stuff was packed. The next few days, he didn't go to class. People would constantly come pounding at his door but he would only grunt at them and then go back to bed. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.
Sarah had enough. She stormed into his door and banged on the door angrily. "Leon you're the worst boyfriend ever! Do you realize how much I'veworried about you! I thought you got kidnapped! If you're going to be anti socialthe least you could do is pay attention to me! Thanks to your inactivity guys think im available and have been flirting with me. " Sarah growled loudly."I want your aattention ok? I admit it! I need you Leon... i feel so alone now... we promised eachother that we'd never do this. So why are you? " She sighed and sat on the floor saddly. She looked down and hugged her knees hoping he'd yell at her open the door do something other than grunt like he did to everyone else.
He got off his bed and looked at her with a cold gaze. He hadn't shaved in the past few days so he was getting a little rough. He went into the bathroom and washed his face. Dimitri walked in the room and said "Hey Sarah... You know of the accident right? Todays the day. You going to do it, Leon? Or are you going to man up and be with your girlfriend like your mom would want." Leon walked out of the bathroom and sat on his bed. "You know I've got rid of everything that reminded me of my parents because it was too hard. Well I found the box. Either of you want it?" Dimitri chuckled and said "here ya go kiddo." He handed him a small box. Leon glared at him. "I know you hate your birthday cause its the aniversary of their death but I figured I'd give you that." Leon put the box on his dresser without looking at it. Dimitri sighed.
"You can't do this to yourself. You don't even realize that you're hurting more then yourself." She stood and crossed her arms. "You fought so hard to get me and now I'vefallen for you... thinking you were different. If you don't get your a*s cleaned up and ready to go out with me tonight... don't expect me to come knocking at your door again. " She kissed his cheek trying to give him hope then she left to start her classes.
Dimitri tried to help Leon clean up but he was eventually kicked out. He went to class. Leon decided to take a hot shower which he hasn't taken in days. He sighed as he shaved after his shower. He trimmed the ends of his hair but didn't cut too much. He let out a sigh as he put his hair up in a pony tail. He laid back in his bed.
After school Sarah returned to his dorm. She lazily walked in and laid on his bed as soon as he answered. "I've missed you. I think everyone has but..." she sat up and took his hand into hers making him sit then lay down to allow her to cuddle next to him. "I'm sorry about this... but you can't just dwell on the past."

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