Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Sarah flinched and gasped at his cold hands. She looked into his eyes the whole time. She shivered and arched her back letting his hand follow the smooth curve of her body.She leaned up letting her lips hover under his as she felt goosebumps on her arm. "I don't mind the cold..." She said softly in almost a whisper before she laid back. Just as he reached the desired location she quickly removed the phone from the top of the shirt and flipped over holding it close."Was it not you who said i ccould help myself to anything? I need to know you're not cheating right?" She asked and looked back at him. "Besides, if i return it you won't have a reason to sensually caress my skin." She said. The skin on her back beggingto be touched by his cold hands as she shivered again.
His hands lightly caressed her arms. "I belong to you... That will never change." He smiled as he kissed down her neck. "I will never cheat on you. That much I do promise." Someone knocked on the door and he looked up. "Its me, Mr. Belikov." Leon looked at her and said "come in. Its unlocked." He slipped off of Sarah reluctantly. Dimitri walked into the room and showed him a dead cat. Leon gasped as soon as he saw the cat. Dimitri asked "look familiar?" Leon demanded "who would do this?" Dimitri chuckled and said "who else? Your little fan club. I just thought I'd let you know that someone has threatened to take your life if you don't leave this school for good." He leaned against the wall.
Sarah sat up quickly and pulled Leon's shirt down to cover half of her thighs. She couldn't help but feel extremely awkward now... in front of a teacher... who could clearly see the events that took place here. She slowly stood and gathered her clothes rushing into the bathroom. With his phone still being held close to her chest. She rushed to put her clothes on and left the bathroom. "Well I'll text you the details. Can't have you standing me up... but for insurance. " She tossed her phone on the bed next to him. The cute Japanese panda facing up and she smiled. "Take it off I'll kill you." She hissed and wondered out into the hall.
Dimitri looked at Leon with a disapproving look. "Stop playing with girl's emotions! You don't want it to happen again..." Leon shook his head and told him "this one is a keeper. She's not going anywhere. You can trust me this time." Dimitri chuckled and told him "this is why someone wants you dead." He left without another word. Leon clenched his fists.
Sarah looked around a bit she texted her pwn phon whichseemed rather strange to her. The panda phone (heh xD )

Suddenly rang. Pain by three days grace sounded off indicating a text. 'What youre favorite thing in the world?'
Leon picked up the phone and sighed. "Going to have to corrupt her and make her listen to better music." He read the text.
(Dx jerk!)

Sarah returned home and changed into a fluffy layered tool skirt and a tee shirt that matched its lilac color.
(Hey. That was Leon talking not me. I personally like Three Days Grace...)

Leon turned on his stereo and his favorite Japanese metal band 'Blood Stain Child'. He was wearing a Metallica band shirt and black leather skinny jeans. He had his hair in a pony tail to keep it out of his face. He smiled softly. "Wait... she never gave me her second birthday present." He called her.
( xD right on. He's still gonna get it though! )

Sarah answered and listened to the song on the background. "Interesting..." she muttered and hung up on him for fun. She stuck her tongue out and looked at his present. She frowned slight unsure of if he'd like it or not.
He rolled his eyes and left his dorm without another word. He smiled softly. People stepped out of his way as he walked by them. It seemed they were giving him space now that it was known among everyone that the two were dating.
When he got outside her apartment room, he knocked on the door. "Its me..." He said softly. He was now wearing headphones listening to his metal. "Can I come in?" He asked.
Sarah lazily opened the door. She returned to her seat on the couch and sipped on a frozen drink. "It's about time! I thought you didn't love me anymore. " She teased with a smile and held out her hand. " my phone?" She askes looking at him.
He handed it to her and the panda case was now a skull and cross bones case. The ringtone was even changed to Metallica's Nothing Else Matters. "Here ya go."
Sarah lost him smile. "Where is the case?!" She growled angrily and set her drink down. She hid his phone back in her shirt and tore off the other case. "Give me the panda!" She demanded crossing her arms.
"I threw it away..." He shrugged but then laughed and handed it to her. "Here ya go... But don't try to corrupt me. Pandas are cute when their tearing you into pieces."
"Love you too..." He kissed her deeply. He sat on his bed and said "what happened? Yesterday, people treated me like a God. Now everyone treats me like I have the plague."
"Are you complaining? You've been gone so your friends don't really have anyone to hang with. All the girls know you're in love. And you lied to the whole school..." she looked away.
Sarah walked over and sat in his lap. She had her knees on either side of him and she played whit his hair. "Don't make me seduce you again... Don't think about that. This is your birthday... be happy." She said and let him hold her close. She rested her head on his shoulder. "Are your hands still cold?" She asked looking up at him.
(Sorry for the lack of posting, my WiFi is crappy.)

Abel had been pushed around in all the confusion, unsure of where Ira was or if he was even needed by her. He had heard her scream in the distance but when he had finally pushed his way through the crowd, the riot broke out. Now it was a few days later and he still hadn't been in contact with her.

Abel paced angrily through his dorm, Animal I have Become by Three Days Grace blasting through the room, a permanent scowl on his face. He ran his hands through his already messy hair, growling in distress." Ira........" He whimpered. When left to his own device he always thought the worst.

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Sarah sighed and moved away from him. "You always do this to yourself. I'm trying to make you forget everything bad but you keep bringing it up!" She crossed her arms in a pout.

Ira had tears streaming down her cheeks she hadn't seen Abel in days and feared he didn't want her anymore. She had finally found the courage to come to his door. She trembled abit scared that sshe'd just get the door slammed in her face and knocked looking down. She crossed her arms and sniffled softly.

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