Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Sarah gasped softly but pushed him away. "I thought i made it better after... " She paused and moved away from him even more.
He pulled her back on him and asked "where do you think your going? Your mine remember?" He smirked as he ran his hands down her side.
Sarah pushed him onto his back and sat comfortablely on him. "You said you hated your birthday again. That mean you can't claim me as your prize anymore. You gave me away." She whispered and slipped off of him standing.
Abel glanced at the door and grudgingly approached it. He swung it opened and stood there in all his bed headed, half naked, distressed looking glory." Ira...." In his mind, this was a dream, and with it being a'dream' he could do whatever he pleased. Tears rolled silently down his face although he still had a scowl plastered on his face." Took you long enough." He said gruffly. Abel roughly jerked her into the room and slammed the door loudly behind her before pushing her up against the door, his breathing labored as he placed his arms on either side of her face. "I'm sorry....So sorry I couldn't be there for you when you needed me."He said tenderly." But don't you ever walk away from me."He growled, but even though he seemed angry there was a deep sorrow that resonated in his eyes.

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"Your not my prize. Your my angel and I don't want to taint you with my darkness." He smirked and pushed her against the wall. He started kissing her. "Damn it. I love you so much. Your lips feel so nice against mine."
Ira yelped softly. She didn'tdare speak back. She nodded submissively to him and trembled even more. "It won't happen again... i promise." She said timidly and looked down at his bare chest. The heat from him made her hot and nervous as she began to sweat making her body glisten. 
Sarah smiled and kissed him back. "Then let me take you to heaven." She whispered softly at him and jumped up in his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him teasingly.
He held her, kissing her back every time she kissed him. He smiled softly. She felt so nice against him. He hadn't seen Ira in so long but for some reason, he didn't care. It was as if she didn't exist when he was with Sarah. He was falling deeper and deeper in love. It hurt so much. It made his heart pound against his rib cage.
"Good," He whispered into her neck. A tear dropped from his chin and onto her shoulder, and steam rose from it. He kissed the spot as an apology and grazed his teeth up to her neck where he placed tender kisses along her collarbone. Abel growled softly as he looked up at her, "I love you..." The words were soft and barely audible.

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Sarah suddenly stopped. she pulled out of his arms and laid on her bed. "I still have your phone" she said and shifted onto her stomach. Her warm skin taunting him. Craving to be stroked by his hands again.
"I know." He got on top of her kissing her. "You going to give it back anytime soon or are you going to keep it?" He grinned at her. He didn't seem to care anymore.
Ira gasped at the slight burn. She looked down at him and heard his growl causing her to freeze. "what are you doing?" She asked breathlessly and slowly tried to move away from him. She was scared but extremely attracted by his anger. She like his possessive nature. 
"Depends on what you do." She licked at his lips turned away again to tease him. "What will you give me for it?" She asked and clenched the sheets a bit.
He whispered to her "me..." He bit her ear gently. He was running his hands all over her body. He seemed to have liked ever inch of her body and was enjoying touching her.
Sarah began to shiver under his cold hands. "I thought i already had you?" She asked but slowly removed his phone and returned it to him.
'Thank you." He teasingly got off her and said "your so obedient." He laughed a little as he started to go through her things. He seemed to be teasing her.
Sarah huffed and got up. "I got you." She smirked and let him explore. She had nothing to hide from him. All he found was clothing and picture. A few things in her closet clearly never worn and ment for ssomeone special. When he found a box of letters Sarah quickly took them away. "This is off limits." She said and returned to the bed.
He narrowed his eyes at her and asked curiously "what are you hiding from me? You know I don't like to be lied to." He smirked devilishly at her.
"I'm not lieing. I'm just not telling you." She said. Her expression was dead serious. She held the box of letters protectively.
He kissed her deeply and said "as long as your not cheating on me, then OK. I mean that'd be pathetic. I don't even think we've been official for a day yet."
Sarah looked away. "I'm not cheating... i never wrote him back..." she opened the box and handed him a letter. It was a rather intense and disturbing love letter going in depth on what he wanted to do with her.
Kai stood out in the grass by himself staring up at the stars with his blank expression but he didn't really seem like he was looking for any reason or felt anything. He was just watching the sky. He saw that some of the people were heading to their dorms but Kai stood there alone just sort of ignoring the rest of the world. Only a slight feeling of lonely ness and wanting some form of communication.
He read it and asked "why did you keep it and who wrote it?" He lit a cigarette after opening a window. He leaned against the window sill. "I don't know if this is a love letter or considered sexual assault." He breathed out smoke.

Sophie saw a strange boy standing in the open in the beautiful night sky. She sat down slowly, careful not to disturb him. She started to sketch him. He looked so peaceful but at the same time, lonely. It was as if he was holding such emptiness inside of him that was in need of closeness. She smiled a little.
Sarah put the box away and looked at him. " I'd consider it both... i know who wrote it but it's best if you didn't. " she said and walked over to the couch cuddling with a pillow.
Aurora left the school building and wandered outside. She sped up, practically sprinting before throwing herself to the ground and staring up at the sky in restless boredom. It took a few moments to realize that she wasn't alone. She rolled over to face the guy and girl, a few blades of grass tumbling out of her dark amber colored hair."Who are you guys?" She asked curiously.

Abel smirked and suddenly she was in his arms. He carried her to his bed and threw her down before hovering over top of her. He laid his head on her chest, his fingertips stroking her sides." You know......You really drive me crazy.....First you pile me into the same lot as that ass Leon, then you call for me, then there's no contact for days." His voice was tense." And now you're acting afraid when we all know that you secretly love it when I'm like this." He laughed harshly," What a fearful, dishonest, and breathtakingly beautiful woman you are."Abel breathed, looking up at her. He pushed himself up, hovering over top her."Now that I've got you, I'm not letting you go."He said with a sadistic smirk.

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"Why cause you know I'll kill him for even thinking of touching you?" He smirked and kissed her cheek. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Sophie yelped, quickly standing up. She saw Aurora and stumbled back. She dropped her sketchbook and ran off. She was caught and she knew it. She was running away as usual. She couldn't help it. She was scared.
She frowned, crawling over to the fallen sketch book."Am I that scary?"Aurora pondered aloud, studying the sketch book.

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