Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Ira looked down at the ringing phone. She looked back up at him and sighed. "I don't think you'd allow me to answer. " she took her phone out and tossed it across the room. She gave him a sudden push to get him on his back and she climbed on top of him. 
The girl laughed. "Well you're just gonna have to deal... I'm the only one who knows where she is. I want you to be more careful with my daughter. This is the second time something bad has happened. Make it a third and you'll never see her again. " she turned and began to walk off.
Kai looked down at Aurora and spoke "I do not feel lonely. Your directions are obsolete." Then he turned towards Sophia and replied to her as well "I'm incapable of appearing peaceful..." Kai turned away from both of them and started wandering off. He didn't know why he was leaving because he was slightly lonely...so why was he leaving?
Leon frowned and walked off. He felt light headed and short of breath. It was then that he collapsed. Cops ran over to him. "Call an ambulance."

Sophie said "Wait!! I mean do you want to hang out sometime." She watched him.
When he awoke in the hospital Sarah was holding his hand tightly. "Leon!" She kissed his hand gently and looked at him.
Leon woke up screaming "mom!!!" He looked around and saw Sarah. He grunted. The doctor said "from what I've examined, he has ptsd and I would like to put him on some medication. He also had a panic attack. Something must have triggered a bad memory."
Abel grinned wickedly," You assumed correctly." He said, raising a quizzical eyebrow at her display of dominance." Not sure if I should enjoy this or teach you a lesson on who pushes who down in this relatioe."He said with a small chuckle.
Kai stopped and turned back to Sophie. He looked down at her "Please define...hang out...will you comply?" He said to her looking into her eyes emotionlessly.
"Well, I only bite a little. But not strangers.." She said a bit awkwardly. Aurora glanced at the guy."Him, peaceful? More like someone pushed his off button and he just so happened to be looking up. The guys a robot." She stated with a scoff.
Ira leaned down. She licked his cheek and whispered. "Punish me..." she smirked and slipped off him. Her eyes fashed a ghostly color and stayed on her hands and knees. She gave him a challenging look letting him know she was looking to be wrestled with. He was starting to get soft... and she couldn't allow that.
Sophie smiled a little and said "I don't know... Going out like to dinner or something. You look so lonely."

Leon looked at the ceiling and a few girls walked into the room. "Hey, cutie pie. Heard you panicked and passed out?"
Sarah glared at them. "Go away!" She demanded and returned her attention to Leon. She kissed him gently and sat back in her chair. "I love you..."
Kai was stoic at best and still looked down at Sophia "Processing...I do not require food...I am incapable of appearing lonely. Are you perhaps confused?...Awaiting further commands..." He paused looking strait forward.
He chuckled darkly, grabbing her thighs and pulling her legs out from under her. He forced them apart , trailing his tongue up from the top of her skirt til he was hovering over her, and pressed down with his hips, pinning her down with his body weight. He growled softly as he shifted his weight slightly, his heart rate picking up speed. "So.....cruel."He sighed in frustration." You have no idea to what extent of insanity you drive me."
Leon kissed Sarahs nose before glancing at the girls. "What are you doing?" He demanded. He was very defensive and protective. The girls rolled their eyes. "How pathetic..."

Sophie frowned a little and said "Oh I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anytthing." She hurried off blushing.
Ira hit the ground and groaned. "Then do something about it!" She shoved him down and put her foot on his shoulder forcing him down. Ira stood and put a foot on his back. 
Sarah smiled at him. "I'm sorry i gave you a scare." She held his hand and refused to let it go. "How do you feel?"
Kai caught up to Sofia and just stayed beside her keeping up 'Emotional appearance...smile' he looked over at her and smiled. He wasn't sure why he was doing this. "I do not require food...but I can run,jog, and run." He said without his breathe disturbing his speech.
Abel growled loudly, the last of his control snapping. Ira was pinned down in seconds , the remainder of what little she was wearing disappeared at some point in those seconds. He glared down at her, his eyes glowing red."Be careful what you wish for," He said, smirking before he had his way with her.

A few hours later, he was on his back panting and staring up at his ceiling from the floor. "Damn."Was all he said.

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Ira laid only a few feet away. She was exhaustedand half of her body was numb. She looked over at him as she took slow deep breaths trying to calm her pounding heartbeat. She didn't have the breath to speak and just laid there for a moment. "Remind me...never... to doubt my place again." She finally breathed out and tried to sit up only to fail.
The corners of his lips tilted up in a smirk."Damn right." He said. He stood and stretched, each and every muscle could be seen and he could care less about his lack of clothing. His bones popped and cracked as he realigned himself. Abel scooped her up in his arms and laid her on the bed. Quite frankly, he could go another two or three rounds but he took in consideration for Ira. The room was muggy with pheromones and body heat, making Abel sticky and uncomfortable , so he cranked up the AC before climbing into bed with Ira. He gingerly ran his fingertips down her side to rest his hand on her hip.

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Ira gasped and tensed when he picked her up. Her body was still warm and she shivered to the sudden cool air. When he laid next to her she pressed herself against him to keep warm. "You weren't like this when i met you... what changed?" She asked looking dow at his hand. She wondered if he'd growl if she moved it. She had several love bites now and his hand wasn't helping.
He sighed and held her close to him and stroked her hair instead of her sides." I've always been like this. Its just I normally don't show it." He said.

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Ira smiled a bit. "What made you show it to me?" She asked letting her fingertips run across his lips softly. "What if i wouldn't have liked it?"

(Does he still think it's a dream?)
"Anything can happen in a dream..."He said sleepily with a content smile on his face." Maybe when I wake up I should go see the real Ira."

(Yup :-) )

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Ira sat up at his words. "A... dream?" She asked and pondered the thought. Did Abel really think all that was a dream? "You should sleep... I have to get back before curfew. " She leaned down and teasingly brought her lips to his but didn't kiss him. "See you tomorrow. " she said and grabbed her skirt and jacket. The torn tank on the floor was ruined now so she let him deal with it. Ira left to her dorm and sighed. She was interested in seeing how he acted tomorrow. Especially if he thoughtthat was a dream.

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