Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Abel moved to complain about her leaving but she was gone. He grumbled and flopped back onto the bed and drifted off to sleep.

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All night all she could dream about was Abel. She was in a sweat when she awoke was panting heavily. He had to come now. She needed him and was ready to drag his ass if she had to. The best thing about it was he thought it was a dream. She couldn't wait to see his face when she tells him otherwise. Ira stood and took a shower getting ready for him. She used small amounts of make up to cover the marks and she had to change the sheets.
Abel tossed and turned all night, an uneasy ominous feeling coming over him. He jumped awake, covered in sweat. "What the......" His phone was ringing. Abel looked at the foreign number and frowned before answering it.

" Hello?" He said.

"Bout time you answered your phone, little brother." A taunting voice came from the other line. Abel's heart rate skyrocketed and he fell to a heap on the floor.

" Raphael......." He whispered." Why are you just now contacting me? "

"No reason. Just wondering where my beloved brother has run off to....and what new toys you've acquired."

Abel growled ferociously, so loud and menacing it echoed throughout the entire dorm and shook the walls."I swear on the river Styx , if you follow me and screw with the life I have right now........Let's just say you won't be able to walk away with a simple scar." He said, jaw clenched as Ira flashed through his mind.

Raphael returned the growl back with full strength at the mention of the nasty deep scar that ran from his right shoulder and curled down to his left hip and onto his abdomen. He brought himself to bark out a harsh laugh."Holy shit, bro. You're in love? We'll see about that...." He disconnected.

Abel threw his phone across the room where it crashed against the wall. He stood up restlessly, pacing back and forth before pausing at the wall and promptly burying his fist in it."Dammit,!"

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Ira sighed. "Why isn't he here?" She pouted and looked at the door. She tried calling him for the third time but no answer. She finally decided to go see him again and brought herself to his door. "Abel?" She asked softly as she knocked on the door. She fixed her hair quickly and adjusted her top.
Abel swung the door open, an icy glare that melted only slightly when he saw Ira." So you finally came." He said with a twitch of his lips. He moved away from the door and plopped down on the floor and craned his head back and stared at the ceiling in frustration.

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"I feel like shit but I always do. I hate going to sleep cause all I see is my best friend covered in blood. Her last words ringing through my ears. I hate it because I know I'll never see her beautiful face again. She was my first love." He chuckled and said "it sounds so stupid I know. I haven't told this to anyone." He was laughing at how stupid he felt. He was running his hand through his hair, stressed.
Ira walked in and closed the door behind her. "Are you angry with me?" She asked getting on the floor next to him. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Did you miss me?" 
Sarah smiled. "You never forget your first love..." she said softly and squeezed his hand slightly. "You were mine..."
He heaved a sigh." I'm sorry... I'm not mad at you and I missed you so much I even dreamt about you."He said. Abel forced a smile, deciding its better to hide the whole thing about his brother from her."But don't get me wrong , I was super pissed at you earlier, but that dream got all the stress out."

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Sophie smiled softly and said "you looked so lonely so I figured I'd invite you to get something to eat but its getting late. I have to get back to my dorm." She brushed some loose hair behind her ear.

Leon kissed her deeply. "I love you. I really do." A beautiful girl walked through the door. "Hey, Leon." Leon looked at her and said "ah, shit. Hey Lizzie. How are things?" She laughed coldly and said "who is she? I heard you had a new plaything but wasn't expecting this." Leon smiled softly and said "Sarah, I'd like you to meet my ex girlfriend Elizabeth." Elizabeth laughed and asked "you still playing with that skank, Ira." Everyone in school knew of Elizabeth's and Leon's relationship back when they were freshman. No one understood what brought them together but people assumed that it was because Leon had the guts to ask her out but half way through softmore year, she walked out on him. They hadn't spoken since.
Ira suddenly became interested. "Really now? What was it like? What did you do?" She asked trying to hide a smirk. She got in his lap and locked her hands with his. 
Sarah looked at the girl. "I'm not a plaything!" She growled and decided best to completely ignore her. She turned back to Leon and sighed softly. She rested her head on their entwined hands.
Elizabeth smirked and said "I'm bored. Bye..." She left without another word. When she got back to the school, she got to a quiet place. She started to sing a very sad lullaby song that her mother used to sing her to sleep. She hit every note and it was so peaceful.

Leon smiled at her and said apologetically "sorry about that. She's still mad but she walked out on me." He chuckled.
Abel was caught off guard; blushing, he looked away."N-nothing...."He cleared his throat,"Just s-stuff that guys dream about.... "

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Ira smiled and leaned into him. "Tell me... if you're going to be dreaming about me... i think i deserve to know." She pressed on completely loving this. "Was it one of those dreams you wished could happen in the real world?" She asked.

Sarah sighed. "I guess I'll have to get used to it... i can't really stop it." She said and let his hand go and leaned back with a yawn.
Raphael stepped out of the taxi and removed his bags from the trunk. He looked up at the school and grinned wickedly." So this is where you're hiding, Abel.."He said. Later, after the whole admission process and after he dropped his stuff off at his new dorm room, he went to explore. He earned the attention from quite a few people, which he ignored. Unlike his brother, he didn't care to play into people or become popular, he did what he wanted. Raphael passed by a room and paused, hearing someone singing. He poked his head in and listened.

Abel smirked and nodded," Hell yes, except if it were to really happen, I would have prolonged it for a couple more hours." He said, kissing her cheek.

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Ira turned his head to see her torn tank top. "I don't think i could've handled that. Oh, and it wasn't a dream." She wiped off make up from her neck to show a few love bites. She stood and watched his reaction.
"Well... freshman year, there was a beautiful girl whom everyone was scared of because of her violent tendency so I asked her. Simple as that." He smiled softly.

Elizabeth soon finished and let out a light sigh. She sensed someone and spun around to see a strange boy listening to her sing. "Who are you?" She demanded. She was in a ready position in case she needed to fight him.
Sarah looked away. "I didn't ask for details..." she sighed and shifted in the chair. She rubbed her eyes to stay awake and stretched.
Raphael chuckled," Why so defensive?" He asked leaning in the doorway." You have a lovely voice, by the way."

Abel covered his face in his hands." Oh no..........I was acting sooo needy yesterday......."He said, his voice muffled. He peeked through his fingers."I'm sorry....."

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"No secrets, right?" He winked at her before stretching and saying "as much as I hate to say this but I'm tired and I want to sleep."

Elizabeth looked at him shocked. "I haven't seen you around before... you new or something?" She had a harsh tone with him but it was also mixed with curiosity. "Most people leave me alone. Obviously you didn't get the message."
Ira giggled softly. "I was to... I couldn't stop dreaming about it... I expected you to vistit me this morning... i thought i could convince you to do it again... now you seem ashamed of it... I've never felt so alive until then! I saw you... the real you.... you made me feel like nothing could touch me! You were so... possessive. " she smiled and got on her knees again. She held out her arms for him to come to her. 
Sarah looked up. "Yeah... i should go... i don't want to set the hospital on fire..." she stood and kissed his lips softly. "Love you." She smiled tenderly and turned leaving.
Abel smile softly, pulling her over to him and pinning her down."I'm possessive, rude, selfish and arrogant. In all honesty I try not to show this side to avoid being out casted...and about this morning." He scowled,"I got an unexpected call.."

Raphael smirked,"I try not to be grouped in with 'most people'. And why would they be afraid of a beautiful creature such as yourself? I personally would be drawn to you."He said with a shrug.

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He smiled as he slowly fell asleep. He needed sleep but knew he would just dream of her again.

"My violent tendencies. Apparently its not OK to scream at random people to get away from you." She shrugged. She didn't seem to be wearing the school uniform everyone was supposed to wear. She was wearing a cute black laced dress with combat boots.
Ira smiled and touched his cheek. "I don't mind...i think the reason I've gotten hurt so much.... i wonder off to much. Keep me on a leash and maybe I'll finally get my happy ending." She kissed him gently and nuzzled into his neck. "Who was it? They obviously made you angry."
He smirked," Its also not OK to cuss your teacher out and kick down the door. Guess I learn things that hard way." Raphael said, taking note of her appearance with an appreciative smirk.

Abel breathed in the scent of shampoo and placed his hands on her hips," My brother....."He said distastefully.

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Elizabeth laughed. She had a really nice laugh. "We should hang out then." She handed him her number and said "text me sometime..." She walked past him. People stepped out of her way when she walked past them.

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