Helsing Academy [Inactive]

The beautiful bird flew gracefully. It landed in the woods. When he got there Sarah shivered as the wind hit her bare skin. She had the same eyes as the Phoenix and she plucked a few feathers letting them turn to ash on the ground. She hugged her knees to hide her body from him and let her now dry hair cover most of her face. "I thought you wouldn't give up? You're one weak stubborn man if so." She teased trying to make him angry.

She let some forest birds drop a blanket over her and she stood to wrap it securely around her. "I had faith in you... I guess i was wrong yo think that... I should have listened to my head. You left like you never even cared. I knew you lied to me. So have a nice life and what not." Sarah smiled a bit and walked off.
"I wasn't planning on giving up but I have so limited time at this school... I knew I was wrong. I knew you'd love me. I love you. I really do and not because your Iras sister. Because you are your own person. Because you don't need to rely on anyone. Because your not like any girl I've met. I would have tried harder but I know my plan once I get kicked out of the school so I don't have long."
"And what's your plan? To get me to be your girlfriend so you can leave me? Or you just wanted my body before you left? You have only known me for two days. You don't love me. You can't. " She said and approached him. "Now. Kiss me." She said looking up into his eyes.
He walked over to her and kissed her deeply before pulling away slightly and whispering "I was going to do what should have happened a long time ago. I should've died in that car accident. I'm sorry." He walked off and said "In going home."
Sarah froze. He couldn't die... She needed him... she wanted him. "If I go out with you will you still do it?" She blurted out without thinking first. She looked at him hoping he would stop because she couldn't move.
"Maybe.., maybe not. I've planned to do it way before I met you. I've planned it since I woke up in the hospital after being in a coma. But..." Heapproached her and went to kiss her but hesitated. He was very somber at the moment and it was only slightly uncomfortable.
Sarah let tears fall down her cheeks. She refused to cry but still couldn't stop the leaking tears. "I will kill myself. You kill yourself and so shall I. " She said and moved away from him. "You wouldn'tkill me would you?" She asked looking down at tthe ground.
He chuckled and said "I don't have much option now do I? Why do you want me to live so badly? I want to take up on your offer..." He looked at her seriously.
"No. You forced me to make a decision because you rejected the offer. You die I die. That's the deal." She said simply and turned quiet proud of herself.
He let out a deep sigh and said "damn it." He pulled her close to him as he kissed her. He finally pulled away from her and said "I should go."
"You should gi... but are you going to?" She leaned inti him and softly whispered. "No." Sarah pulled back again and started walking home. "I think you should dry that hair before you get a cold." She said and looked back at him before continuing on.
"Concerned about my immune system much?" He smirked. "Bye." He started to walk away. He was afraid of what was going to happen but kept a brave face.
"I guess you really don't want a girlfriend huh?" She asked trying to make him ponder his decision. She didn'teven bother to look back but added. "You never know when you will get another chance like this but your choice." She began walking home again.
"Come to my party Saturday... Then you will see." He walked back to the school. He smiled a little, running a hand through his hair. He slipped into his dorm without being noticed by anyone.
Sarah hesitated. She stood at the door wearing jeans and a simple tank top. She say people just walk right in and she sighed. She hated big crowds and it seemed like the dancing in there was already becoming" close". She shook her head. This so wasn't her scene. Sarah liked to party but not with a bunch of grabby drunk strangers. She turned to leave and crossed her arms over her chest.
Leon saw her as he was walking toward the dorm. "Where you going?" He had a 6 pack of beer in his right hand and a paper bag in his left. He kissed her deeply and said "the thing you need to do is relax." He brought her into his room and sat on the bed. Someone was passing a joint around. When Leon got it, he took a big hit. It was some really good weed. He passed it to Sarah. "It won't hurt you to try it." He smiled softly at her as he opened his beer.
Sarah rolled her eyes and passed it on. "I thought you wouldn't kiss me unless i told you to?" She asked and looked up at the people dancing. She felt very uncomfortable and nervous all at once. A sigh slipped her lips. She was relaxed... at least she thought she was. What she did know was she wanted to stay completely aware of everything.
"Well I changed my mind." Some girls came over to them and tried to flirt with him but he held Sarah close to him. They realized that he and Sarah were a couple and walked away. Leon looked around and sighed. "Iras not here as usual. Whatever. I still have you." He smirked as he kissed her lips
"No you don't. I'm leaving." Sarah stood and pushed her way through the crowd only to open the door to her sister. "Ira?!" She asked but Ira promptly ignored, hugged leon then forced her to the dance group. "I don't dance." Sarah growled crossing her arms.
Leon smiled and went over to Ira, dancing alongside her. "What are you doing here? You never come to my parties." He grinned a little at her.
"I figured since this maybe the last time i see you then..." Ira paused and didn't finish. Sarah saw a chance to ditch but failed when Ira pulled her in between her and Leon. "Dance. I know you can." Ira encouraged but Sarah seemed to still need another nudge.
Sarah turned his back on him. "I can do this. I just don't want to. Not with you." She began dancing with her sister instead.
"As you wish..." Some guys gave him a bottle of beer and he took it without thinking. He followed them off. They were laughing about some stuff.
The siblings danced together and talked about Leon until the song was over. Sarah sat on his bed and decided to be anti social. Rebecca spotted Leon without that Sarah girl and jumped at the chance. She walked up to him and played with his hair a bit. "Hey... wanna dance?" She asked taking his hand and pulling him closer.

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