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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

So here is the second revision of my idea...will post more changes when I am home from work tonight and get some feedback on the stuff listed below.

My break ends in about 30 minutes so I am off to wait at the next stop but I can do some quick posts and responses on my phone till bout 5pm est.


Name: Gwendolyn Koshechkin (Mother never took father's name but father took hers)

Alias/Title: Princess Gwen / Baby Gwen

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Weight: 104 lbs

Height: 5"6'

Race: Sin of Lust

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance: Picture above

Gear: A purse, a taser, a can of pepper spray, some kind of silk dress or gown or skirt outfit, her phone, her credit cards and wallet.

Affiliation: The Kremlin Hotel

Rank: Princess

Crush: hmm will need to see if anyone wants to have her crush on them or vice versa

Likes: Cheese, cute heroic guys, anime, dresses and skirts,

Dislikes: Bullies, perverts, murderers, thieves

Fears: Aracniphobic, bugs, webs, guns (Figured she shot a friend by accident when a kid playing cops and robbers)

Personality: more will come but think innocent cute bleeding heart caretaker spit fire and curious

History: ha haven't thought of it too much

Fighting Style: She is more worried about keeping people alive and taking the hits than fighting....she is not skilled in any martial arts, any style, and is horrible at getting out of grapples.

Crimes Committed/Achievements: None surprisingly

Abilities: Able to heal people through her exchanging her fluids...aka spit or blood...she gets tired doing so though and many get mixed feelings when she kisses someone to make sure she can heal them. She is also a fast healer and can regrow limbs....just not her head.

Strengths: very seductive, persuasive, very attractive, Kind heart, dancer, singer, healer.

Weaknesses: very weak and fragile, Trouble magnet, target to get to her mother and father, heavy objects, not skilled fighter, ect ect.

The Gifted and how she gained powers along with contracts:

Gwen would follow the examples of her older siblings, her mother, and their friends...

Learning how to flirt and use her figure to get what she wanted....

This was also a major issue due to when she was 10 she would lure boys of the same age to convince them to play cops and robbers or other such things. She got herself tied up and played damsel a lot to the point where they started using toy guns and such. When she was about 11, they mistakenly took one of her sisters real guns as a toy and when the kid pretended to shoot at Gwen's leg pretending to urge on the other playing the mafia guard....he really shot her.

Gwen started crying and screaming...she felt herself start to lose control and blacked out. Months later she woke up unaware of her mother working with Satan to get a mutual agreement....

She heard his daughter was hurt during a battle against hunters trying to kill her to the point of almost death and she needed a place to heal....

Therefore Hanna agreed if she could heal her daughter gwen she would let the demon live and merge with Gwen....This made Gwen a gift and half demon technically due to the two merging their life essence....

Gwen still grew up a normal mafia princess life but she tended to be a bit more seductive than most and it was unknown why she did this. The thing about turning people on with seduction was lust and that is exactly what that demon who merged with Gwen was.

Lust is able to heal most through the use of fluids and liquids aka spit, blood and so forth. The issue is her power will only increase a certain amount from being seductive and lustful....she in turn uses the carbs and fats that Gwen gets from food and converts those to energy to use her gifts....

This makes Gwen not get a healthy source of food and keep her weight low at sickening anorexic hour glass figure. Gwen and lust still have no idea that they are two people that became one. Only Satan and Hanna knows of this pact and Hanna's husband still has no clue Gwen is a gifted for merging with a demon when in an unconscious state.



Hanna Koshechkin


She would be married to an ex bodyguard who is Italian and he took her last name.

She would be mainly focused on lust which has lots of fade to blacks due to her editing videos and selling them online

She would run clubs or playboy houses for the city

her group would be very military and be focused on doing hits for clients inside the shadows

She would only allow her daughter to sing, dance, or waitress on people or else

Made a pact with the devil to keep her daughter alive by allowing a demon that was dying to use Gwen as a vessel to heal itself in...this is what gave Gwen her split personality at times when she blacks out.
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Kaylin said:
So here is the second revision of my idea...will post more changes when I am home from work tonight and get some feedback on the stuff listed below.
My break ends in about 30 minutes so I am off to wait at the next stop but I can do some quick posts and responses on my phone till bout 5pm est.


Name: Gwendolyn Koshechkin (Mother never took father's name but father took hers)

Alias/Title: Princess Gwen / Baby Gwen

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Weight: 104 lbs

Height: 5"6'

Race: Gifted Human

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance: Picture above

Gear: A purse, a taser, a can of pepper spray, some kind of silk dress or gown or skirt outfit, her phone, her credit cards and wallet.

Affiliation: The Kremlin Hotel

Rank: Princess

Crush: hmm will need to see if anyone wants to have her crush on them or vice versa

Likes: Cheese, cute heroic guys, anime, dresses and skirts,

Dislikes: Bullies, perverts, murderers, thieves

Fears: Aracniphobic, bugs, webs, guns (Figured she shot a friend by accident when a kid playing cops and robbers)

Personality: more will come but think innocent cute bleeding heart caretaker spit fire and curious

History: ha haven't thought of it too much

Fighting Style: She is more worried about keeping people alive and taking the hits than fighting....she is not skilled in any martial arts, any style, and is horrible at getting out of grapples.

Crimes Committed/Achievements: None surprisingly

Abilities: Able to heal people through her exchanging her fluids...aka spit or blood...she gets tired doing so though and many get mixed feelings when she kisses someone to make sure she can heal them. She is also a fast healer and can regrow limbs....just not her head.

Strengths: very seductive, persuasive, very attractive, Kind heart, dancer, singer, healer.

Weaknesses: very weak and fragile, Trouble magnet, target to get to her mother and father, heavy objects, not skilled fighter, ect ect.

The Gifted and how she gained powers along with contracts:

Gwen would follow the examples of her older siblings, her mother, and their friends...learning how to flirt and use her figure to get what she wanted....this was also a major issue due to when she was 10 she would lure boys of the same age to convince them to play cops and robbers or other such things. She got herself tied up and played damsel a lot to the point where they started using toy guns and such. When she was about 11, they mistakenly took one of her sisters real guns as a toy and when the kid pretended to shoot at Gwen's leg pretending to urge on the other playing the mafia guard....he really shot her. Gwen started crying and screaming...she felt herself start to lose control and blacked out. Months later she woke up unaware of her mother working with Satan to get a mutual agreement....She heard his daughter was hurt during a battle against hunters trying to kill her to the point of almost death and she needed a place to heal....therefore Hanna agreed if she could heal her daughter gwen she would let the demon live and merge with Gwen....This made Gwen a gift and half demon technically due to the two merging their life essence....Gwen still grew up a normal mafia princess life but she tended to be a bit more seductive than most and it was unknown why she did this. The thing about turning people on with seduction was lust and that is exactly what that demon who merged with Gwen was. Lust is able to heal most through the use of fluids and liquids aka spit, blood and so forth. The issue is her power will only increase a certain amount from being seductive and lustful....she in turn uses the carbs and fats that Gwen gets from food and converts those to energy to use her gifts....this makes Gwen not get a healthy source of food and keep her weight low at sickening anorexic hour glass figure. Gwen and lust still have no idea that they are two people that became one. Only Satan and Hanna knows of this pact and Hanna's husband still has no clue Gwen is a gifted for merging with a demon when in an unconscious state.



Hanna Koshechkin


She would be married to an ex bodyguard who is Italian and he took her last name.

She would be mainly focused on lust which has lots of fade to blacks due to her editing videos and selling them online

She would run clubs or playboy houses for the city

her group would be very military and be focused on doing hits for clients inside the shadows

She would only allow her daughter to sing, dance, or waitress on people or else

Made a pact with the devil to keep her daughter alive by allowing a demon that was dying to use Gwen as a vessel to heal itself in...this is what gave Gwen her split personality at times when she blacks out.
Not a..big problem. But could you reformat your sheet? Spaces the paragraphs and things out a bit? I'm unable to read it how it currently is.

femjapanriceball said:
And right in front of Elizabeth...... xD poor girl
And as thin as hospital sheets are, there might as well of not been one. Rofl.
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Mitchs98 said:
Not a..big problem. But could you reformat your sheet? Spaces the paragraphs and things out a bit? I'm unable to read it how it currently is.
And as thin as hospital sheets are, there might as well of not been one. Rofl.
xD At least Bismarck apologized afterwards.....
Kaylin said:
So here is the second revision of my idea...will post more changes when I am home from work tonight and get some feedback on the stuff listed below.
My break ends in about 30 minutes so I am off to wait at the next stop but I can do some quick posts and responses on my phone till bout 5pm est.


Name: Gwendolyn Koshechkin (Mother never took father's name but father took hers)

Alias/Title: Princess Gwen / Baby Gwen

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Weight: 104 lbs

Height: 5"6'

Race: Gifted Human

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance: Picture above

Gear: A purse, a taser, a can of pepper spray, some kind of silk dress or gown or skirt outfit, her phone, her credit cards and wallet.

Affiliation: The Kremlin Hotel

Rank: Princess

Crush: hmm will need to see if anyone wants to have her crush on them or vice versa

Likes: Cheese, cute heroic guys, anime, dresses and skirts,

Dislikes: Bullies, perverts, murderers, thieves

Fears: Aracniphobic, bugs, webs, guns (Figured she shot a friend by accident when a kid playing cops and robbers)

Personality: more will come but think innocent cute bleeding heart caretaker spit fire and curious

History: ha haven't thought of it too much

Fighting Style: She is more worried about keeping people alive and taking the hits than fighting....she is not skilled in any martial arts, any style, and is horrible at getting out of grapples.

Crimes Committed/Achievements: None surprisingly

Abilities: Able to heal people through her exchanging her fluids...aka spit or blood...she gets tired doing so though and many get mixed feelings when she kisses someone to make sure she can heal them. She is also a fast healer and can regrow limbs....just not her head.

Strengths: very seductive, persuasive, very attractive, Kind heart, dancer, singer, healer.

Weaknesses: very weak and fragile, Trouble magnet, target to get to her mother and father, heavy objects, not skilled fighter, ect ect.

The Gifted and how she gained powers along with contracts:

Gwen would follow the examples of her older siblings, her mother, and their friends...

Learning how to flirt and use her figure to get what she wanted....

This was also a major issue due to when she was 10 she would lure boys of the same age to convince them to play cops and robbers or other such things. She got herself tied up and played damsel a lot to the point where they started using toy guns and such. When she was about 11, they mistakenly took one of her sisters real guns as a toy and when the kid pretended to shoot at Gwen's leg pretending to urge on the other playing the mafia guard....he really shot her.

Gwen started crying and screaming...she felt herself start to lose control and blacked out. Months later she woke up unaware of her mother working with Satan to get a mutual agreement....

She heard his daughter was hurt during a battle against hunters trying to kill her to the point of almost death and she needed a place to heal....

Therefore Hanna agreed if she could heal her daughter gwen she would let the demon live and merge with Gwen....This made Gwen a gift and half demon technically due to the two merging their life essence....

Gwen still grew up a normal mafia princess life but she tended to be a bit more seductive than most and it was unknown why she did this. The thing about turning people on with seduction was lust and that is exactly what that demon who merged with Gwen was.

Lust is able to heal most through the use of fluids and liquids aka spit, blood and so forth. The issue is her power will only increase a certain amount from being seductive and lustful....she in turn uses the carbs and fats that Gwen gets from food and converts those to energy to use her gifts....

This makes Gwen not get a healthy source of food and keep her weight low at sickening anorexic hour glass figure. Gwen and lust still have no idea that they are two people that became one. Only Satan and Hanna knows of this pact and Hanna's husband still has no clue Gwen is a gifted for merging with a demon when in an unconscious state.



Hanna Koshechkin


She would be married to an ex bodyguard who is Italian and he took her last name.

She would be mainly focused on lust which has lots of fade to blacks due to her editing videos and selling them online

She would run clubs or playboy houses for the city

her group would be very military and be focused on doing hits for clients inside the shadows

She would only allow her daughter to sing, dance, or waitress on people or else

Made a pact with the devil to keep her daughter alive by allowing a demon that was dying to use Gwen as a vessel to heal itself in...this is what gave Gwen her split personality at times when she blacks out.
Alright. Now I can read it. She wouldn't be considered a gifted human, rather the Sin of Lust. She would literally be the emodiment of that Sin. I'm not entirely sure how it would work with the Demon of Lust being inside her, that part @Sinister Clown will have to comment on. I would of said any involvement with Satan would be null...but nevermind since Gwen is 20. *shrug*. Other than that everything looks good so far.
Yeah was trying to come up with a reason that was very well thought out on how she became a gifted or another kind of race that has powers
Drakerus said:
Hybrid humans exist right?
Yes. I play a bunny hybrid and twin cat hybrids myself :P .

Kaylin said:
Yeah was trying to come up with a reason that was very well thought out on how she became a gifted or another kind of race that has powers
Seems legit. Just change her race to Sin of Lust, however.

Kaylin needs you to look her revised sheet over. Drakerus was asking if he could work at Ciri's shop. I said yes but it was currently closed for the IC day until you timeskipped to the next.
OMG.... Holy cow. Really Bismarck? "educational" Holy shit I can't get over that. It's too much. Oh god my heart.
femjapanriceball said:
"B-besides.....er.....it was probably very educational....." Bismarck muttered bashfully, not sure what he was saying. ".......Y-you know........first part of the reproductive system........" His face went even redder. "...............Sorry..........that probably didn't help......d-d-don't kill me....." Well, that was certainly the end of the line for his brain, which had officially hit overdrive. He passed out in Maria's arms, his eyes nothing but two spirals. Everything was literally fuzzy to him, partially because his glasses were still on the chair. A nurse entered the room.
"Sorry, I just wanted to see if everything was okay....I've heard a lot of.....er......noise from this room." The unconscious Bismarck's nose began to bleed. "But......ah.....if everything is fine, I'll just leave!" She exited, a confused look on her face.
I..I have no words. Holy shit. Just. Wow. Lmfao.
So out of work. Going to be free to work more in my char as soon as I grab some dinner. Anyone got any input or ideas on what I posted so far

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