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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

ScarlettRose16 said:

Sometimes it's better to be alone. No one can hurt you
Katrina Lynn

View attachment 226910

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Katrina Lynn

  • Name: Katrina Lynn (call her Kat, she will rip your head off)

    Alias/Title: Demon, Heartless

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Weight: 136

    Height: 5'7

    Race: Human

People don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions ruined
Katrina Lynn

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@Sinister Clown let me know if I need to change anything
Accepted (If I haven't already, just making sure.)
Hm... Any murderer characters up for getting hunted down by Kai in the near future? I'd like to interact with someone.
ResonantStorm said:
Hm... Any murderer characters up for getting hunted down by Kai in the near future? I'd like to interact with someone.
Lol not really murderer, but Emmanuel have been stealing IDs so there's something to do. Okay, he might do some killing on occasion.

You can try the Bunny Parade. Closed, but with things being made (cinnamon scones), Alicia could unlock the door.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](Anybody open for interaction? >_< Please?!!! Hitsu's all lonely)

I was gonna come out and slap you for causing a big fire but you teleported away and passed out.
You could've.. . idk. . . .come out right now and maybe take him inside then slap him :>

or just leave em there
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]You could've.. . idk. . . .come out right now and maybe take him inside then slap him :>
or just leave em there

You teleported to some random location, any cause I had to come slap you is gone since I wouldn't be able to find you.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]It was only a street over. . .and the building are on fire, with black flames -which is inextinguishable.

There, ya big baby.
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]@Chibii
Reply maybe?


I'm so busy man...

Busy eating pringles.

Busy sleeping

Busy watch ani-

Alright fine xD
Mitchs98 said:
(NOW I will reply. Had catch up posts to write elsewhere, lol.)

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

While Maria watched and listened to the two talk she was busy stringing lights, not on the shelves, but instead around Elizabeth. Of course, Elizabeth didn't like this at all but the first thing to get tied up was her arms. She frowned the entire time she was basically turned into a living Christmas tree for the amusement of her sister. When Timentes entered she offered a wave to accompany Bismarck's greeting before setting back to work carefully stringing Elizabeth up. Her only input to give on the matter would either be fish or one of Saedor's books, and seeing as both ideas were shot down she didn't have much else to do. Well other than actually do her job of stringing the shelves instead of her sister, of course. Her attention was soon brought back to her actual job instead of the 'game' she was playing with her sister. "Mhm, I'll be right back." Maria replied accompanied by a nod before heading downstairs and rifling through the boxes that contained candy and such. Meanwhile Elizabeth had managed to struggle into a standing position and walked over to stand between Bismarck and Peter. Lights were strung tight all over her body, including tying her ears down in a rather painful manner. "C-can one of you help me..." She asked them nervously, obviously embarrassed by the entire situation. Shortly after Maria came back up with the box of items in tow, noticing the scene she couldn't help but snicker and giggle to herself as she restocked the shelf.
Bismarck: *sigh* If I had a nickel for all the things I have to do.....now....untying Miss Elizabeth....
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck: *sigh* If I had a nickel for all the things I have to do.....now....untying Miss Elizabeth....
xD . I got the idea, cause like, who HASN'T done that to someone at-least once in their life? lol.
@femjapanriceball :o I WAS RIGHT ABOUT YOUR AVATAR BEING FRUITS BASKET :o . I just read your signature for the first time, lmao.
femjapanriceball said:
xD Shigure is my favorite character
Shigure is the only character I remember by name, it's been several years since I've read it despite owning the first two volumes in hardback form :P .
ResonantStorm said:
Kai wandered around town, not really going anywhere, just being propelled along by the tidal wave of people surging through the street, his head down, trench coat collar up to protect his face from the biting cold. Raising his head he squinted at a bright pink cafe that a few people seemed to have entered- unlikely they had alcohol, but still... Food was good, and the shop looked popular at least.
Wandering into the warm shop amongst the crowd of people seeking to get it I'd the cold, Kai immediately noticed the various bunny cages around the room- poor creatures. He stood awkwardly for a moment, looking around the room, before deciding on a table in the far corner, where he'd be able to observe anyone coming in. You could never be too careful.

@TripTripleTimes @Mitchs98 @Lilah Tunth

(I apologise if I'm interrupting anything)
I uh, should mention, the doors were locked :P
Nuh-uh. Alicia unlocked them. right...?

TripTripleTimes said:
"I'm glad the scorne is to your liking," Alicia smiles. She is at the entrence unlocking the entrance for any customers who wishes to wander in. With that done, Alicia returns to Sandra.

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