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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

morpheusing said:


Ariel Tiamoto



The Sin of Lust







149.5 lbs




one of the seven deadly sins






Ariel carries 3 pocket knives, 1 syringe, and a few "drugs." Very rarely does she carry a gun.


Ariel is not pat of any gangs at the moment. She tends to work alone, but there are occasions where she will work with others. She gets together with the other sins on a more consistent basis.




Anyone who has something she wants








-not getting what she wants






Ariel is very cunning and witty. it is very hard to outsmart her. She tends to get what she wants on a regular basis. She is very, well for a lack of better words, she's a slut. If you know him, she's slept with him. It could be your uncle, your father, your brother, your own damn child. Hell, if your a guy, she's probably slept with you too. Well, you know if your a woman, she might have slept with you too, but probably not. She is one of the wealthiest people in hell city. She is very friendly and tends to lend money to people she can trust, except for Greed, because for some reason Greed always wants more.

Ariel can also be ruthless at times. She has never been one to hold back her anger. She will stop at no extent to help the people that she trusts.


Ariel was brought up in a very normal environment. She was brought up in the omega half of Hell city, before the "fall." She was 10 when the fall happened, and it was terrifying for her. Her parents were killed in the fall, and she was left to her uncle. Her uncle was not much of a parent. He was mostly drunk or out partying. When she was sixteen she took a job at the local strip club, as a way to pay for the bills. One night, while she was at work, their was a heist at the strip club. The last thing she remembered was being grabbed by one of the men, before she remembered waking up on the floor. As she got up, she noticed a mark on her wrist that looked like " ?? " She never understood what it meant, but she had strange "abilities" after that night. After a year and a day had passed, she

got a note describing her abilities and notifying her that she had become the seventh deadly sin. She then found and became good friends with pride, another sin. She then became a criminal, picking up jobs here and there, avoiding gangs for the most part, and staying in touch with the other sins.

Fighting Style

Ariel uses hand to hand combat the most, with the rare exception of gun usage.

Crimes Committed/Achievements

+numerous accounts of aggravated assault

+numerous small felonies

+12 accounts of drug possession

+13 accounts of personal crimes


Has the ability to suck the life and/or youth out of someone by gently grabbing them by their temples. In essence, Ariel is able to take away somebody else's life in order for her to remain looking young and beautiful.

A WILD DREAM : Has the ability to cause auditory hallucinations. In essence she is able to talk to your subconscious and cause you to see things that aren't actually there.


+Ariel is extremely flexible

+Has cat like reflexes

+For her petite frame, she is very skilled at combat


-Ariel's petite frame frame is also a weakness, since she does not wear armor

-Ariel is not extremely fast at combat

-she is hyperactive and tends to pass out unexpectedly


The last person left the RP.
Mitchs98 said:
Closer to afternoon now, methinks. Like. 12 PM-ish.
damn, imma wait to make my intro post for when it's darker, that way my character isn't complaining about the sun right away :D
Wyatt said:
Johnathan was growing tired of being inside and decided to go outside to tend to his amazingly still alive garden. The plants seemed to like him and would lean towarda him as he walked past. He was inspecting the plants to make sure that there weren't any bugs eating his plants. When he looked up he sae someone not dressed appropriately for the weather and decided to call out to him. "Hello sir, would you like a jacket or something to stay warm?" He thought he would offer because that was the saint thing to do.
Wyatt said:
Don't know if you saw I replied to your post
Oh that's right sorry I forgot about that, I'll reply when I get the chance

Also @Colt556 assuming that Vita just didn't bother replying I'll probably also have James go ahead and take on the case himself.
Well I may take a while because I have a few things to do so if you want to make a reply feel free to do it
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Well I may take a while because I have a few things to do so if you want to make a reply feel free to do it

Alright, let's just say she noped the fuck out of there then.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Hitsugya felt the slight urge to kill this girl on the spot but carrying all of This random Junk was bullshit! A Small smirk formed on his lips as He ran back at her, grabbing onto her arm and teleporting out of There. He'd already gotten 4 grand from That music store He destroyed So surely That mondy coule go to...Whoever This girl was "Here's 2 grand. This appartement is already rented and it's got all You need. Now. I have other matters to attend. And remember That I Will kill You if You tell anyone about me helping You." He explained in a Stern, death threatening, tone before leaving the building.
Good riddance. He'd wasted So Much time, not like He didn't have enouvh time. That girl saw his black flames but it's not like That'd matter. Now He has to go and maje réservations. Perbaps He could come acros one of the other 7 sins.

@Anyone (Sorry! I was't getting motifs and I didn't want to hold You up)

Or he could run into a Sinister Clown with the intent to see just how strong a Sin could be..
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Perbaps :3 That night have to wait until tomorrow

Most likely xD I don't think I'll finish the CS until tomorrow anyways xD
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Perbaps :3 That night have to wait until tomorrow

So like, what apartment is she in now? Your apartment or some other one?
Okay I tried drawing Bismarck:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.5fba78f3b1301e2ecf9124fab2054d04.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105407" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.5fba78f3b1301e2ecf9124fab2054d04.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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