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Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck took a few deep breaths, closing his eyes. ".....Sorry," he said quietly, looking at the people who were pretty much holding him back from completely attacking the girl. His eyes softened; she was probably just as scared as him. He looked over at Maria, wincing. He really shouldn't have put so much pressure on his bad leg. "I.....I'm fine....." he muttered softly, trying to prevent the tears from falling down his face. He had to be strong. For everyone that he had lost. "I just.....lost someone important to me to someone who used that same exact excuse. I....I trusted him and he......" Bismarck's fists clenched. Then the girl he had yelled at spoke; his face reddened in embarrassment. "N-no, I should be the one to apologize. I shouldn't have yelled like that....it....it was wrong to just...snap at you like that."


((Get the Killers moving yay))

Then, right outside Emmanuel and Ciri's door, a commotion could be heard. A small gang of Killers had completely surrounded a small freshman girl. They closed in on her slowly; the girl backed away, bumping into the door. She breathed a sigh of relief and moved to open it. Locked. "No, no, no! Is someone in there?! Help! Heeeelp! I don't wanna—oof!" She let out a squeal as she was punched to the ground. The guy who had done so got in closer, aiming his knife at her throat....

@femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Mitchs98 [/size][/font][/center]
Maria and Elizabeth

Maria sighed heavily. So she was right..though it was fairly obvious. How could Chaka just lie to his best friend and kill his cousin? Maria would never understand it, nor would she ever forgive him. She'd make sure Chaka would die, slowly and painfully. He'd pay for killing Sierra and causing Bismarck so much pain. "Come on, sit down and rest until they heal your leg okay?" She told him in a soothing voice, carefully leading him back to the chair he was sitting on prior. She glanced over to Haruka and Lilac and shrugged. She then motioned Luna over, "Can you please help him now?" She asked. She paid minimal attention to the conversation at hand, much more concerned about Bismarck. If those two wanted to talk so be it. She did pay attention to him referencing 'his kind'. Though she had no clue what he meant, and decided not to pry. She trusted Haruka, he'd brought her sister back unharmed and even brought in new members for the group. Elizabeth of course knew..though she too trusted Haruka.

If he thought Lilac could be trusted, then she'd go with it. Soon enough their conversation ended and Haruka moved to comfort Opi. No sooner than he had did the vent squeak, causing her gaze to shift to the vent. Haruka himself hopped up and started trying to get at whatever was in there. When he did Elizabeth moved to sit beside Opi, she noticed her giggling and decided to make conversation. "
What do you think is in there?" She asked nervously.
Mitchs98 said:
Maria and ElizabethMaria sighed heavily. So she was right..though it was fairly obvious. How could Chaka just lie to his best friend and kill his cousin? Maria would never understand it, nor would she ever forgive him. She'd make sure Chaka would die, slowly and painfully. He'd pay for killing Sierra and causing Bismarck so much pain. "Come on, sit down and rest until they heal your leg okay?" She told him in a soothing voice, carefully leading him back to the chair he was sitting on prior. She glanced over to Haruka and Lilac and shrugged. She then motioned Luna over, "Can you please help him now?" She asked. She paid minimal attention to the conversation at hand, much more concerned about Bismarck. If those two wanted to talk so be it. She did pay attention to him referencing 'his kind'. Though she had no clue what he meant, and decided not to pry. She trusted Haruka, he'd brought her sister back unharmed and even brought in new members for the group. Elizabeth of course knew..though she too trusted Haruka.

If he thought Lilac could be trusted, then she'd go with it. Soon enough their conversation ended and Haruka moved to comfort Opi. No sooner than he had did the vent squeak, causing her gaze to shift to the vent. Haruka himself hopped up and started trying to get at whatever was in there. When he did Elizabeth moved to sit beside Opi, she noticed her giggling and decided to make conversation. "
What do you think is in there?" She asked nervously.


Opal uncupped her mouth and looked at Elizabeth, she shrugged " It could be anything. An animal, survivor..." She leaned in and looked at Haruka and then back at Liz and whispered. "Or a killer." She moved back to her normal position and gave a comforting smile, sensing the nervousness in her voice. " Don't worry Liz, you just have to look on the bright side. If it's an animal, we eat it. Survivor, another helping hand. And if it's a killer, we've got it handled. I'm just more worried about Haruka getting pulled into the vent." She smiled even more at Liz, hoping to make her feel a bit better. Opal knew it was a scary situation they were all in, so she wanted to make anyone she could comfortable, like Haruka had done for her. "I'm sure we'll be fine.."

"I hope." She thought crossing her fingers and looking back at Haruka. "I hope." @femjapanriceball @Crimson Night @Silver Wolf
Haruka started pulling with the tendril once it wrapped around her ankle "HAHA I GOT HE-....is she biting....SHES FUCKING BITING IT." he doesn't know why he's so determined to win this vent battle but he does know that he refuses to lose something as dumb as a vent battle

@femjapanriceball @Crimson Night @Silver Wolf
@Crimson Night[/URL] @Silver Wolf


Elizabeth nodded slowly. Opi was probably right..it was probably just a rat or something. She refused to believe it was killer though. But even if it was Opi was right, between all of them they could easily take them down. She smiled back at her slightly before sighing. "
Yeah. I guess you're right. We'll be fine..it's probably not a killer...if its a person they're probably just a survivor hiding or something.." She replied. It was kind of sad that someone younger than herself was calmer than she was. Though, she was glad she was. The last thing they needed was two overly nervous people in the group.


She hissed when he started pulling her back, but didn't have time to be mad. Instead, she looked for anything she could do to avoid the situation. She tried implanting her claws into the sides of the vent, but all that did was hurt her nails. Then she tried simply pushing herself forward, but the vents were too slippery, and she ended up falling over. What was she to do? She figured it would honestly not even be worth it to use her energy on a fight she clearly wasn't meant to win, she she just flopped down and let it happen. Not like these guys were gonna kill her; look at them!

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
Bismarck nodded at Haruka's suggestion, somewhat grateful about it, to be honest, and accepted Maria's help as he limped back to the chair he was sitting in. Then he heard a bunch of banging from the vent. And something came out. He blinked. This cat seemed familiar....

"Uh......hi?" he muttered, looking at her for a minute or two. He thought he had a personal connection to a cat. And not like a cat girl, like Maria and Elizabeth. An actual cat. He definitely had spent way too much time around the Joneses. Which wasn't a bad thing.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana @Shnuydude @Crimson Night @Silver Wolf @Helm Dexter
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Kazehana said:
SerenaShe hissed when he started pulling her back, but didn't have time to be mad. Instead, she looked for anything she could do to avoid the situation. She tried implanting her claws into the sides of the vent, but all that did was hurt her nails. Then she tried simply pushing herself forward, but the vents were too slippery, and she ended up falling over. What was she to do? She figured it would honestly not even be worth it to use her energy on a fight she clearly wasn't meant to win, she she just flopped down and let it happen. Not like these guys were gonna kill her; look at them!

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
Haruka pulled The no longer struggling cat up to him, he pulled the cat out of the vent and stood up with it "I got it" he looked at the cat in his arms "and now I'm holding a random cat...oh well" he started absent mindedly petting the cat. "So what do we do with her...at least I think it's a her" Haruka was one of those people that called cats she's and dogs he's before he knew the actual gender. He walked back up to the vent and stuck the grater back onto it.

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Kazehana
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Serena was very indignant to be handled like that, but decided against doing anything to the boy. She could have started clawing, biting, and hissing right then and there, but she figured that wouldn't bode well for her. Plus he was petting her, so...

It was time for her to play coy until she figured out how to get out of such a degrading situation. They had to sleep sometime, right? Then she could make her escape Well, given that they weren't smart enough to post guards throughout the night. She briefly looked up at the boy that had taken and degraded her, almost instantly recognizing him. Well great, there goes that plan. Time to think of something else.

His latter comment unsettled her, as she didn't know what he was thinking at the moment. Wait, weren't they low on food? Well this could easily go poorly for her. So she had a shiny new plan to set into motion. Almost instantly after she had the realization, she started purring in the boy's arms, rubbing her head against him affectionately. If they had an attachment to her, they wouldn't even consider using her for meat! Haha! Psychology wasn't a total waste of time!

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
Shnuydude said:
Haruka pulled The no longer struggling cat up to him, he pulled the cat out of the vent and stood up with it "I got it" he looked at the cat in his arms "and now I'm holding a random cat...oh well" he started absent mindedly petting the cat. "So what do we do with her...at least I think it's a her" Haruka was one of those people that called cats she's and dogs he's before he knew the actual gender. He walked back up to the vent and stuck the grater back onto it.
@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Kazehana
Kazehana said:
SerenaSerena was very indignant to be handled like that, but decided against doing anything to the boy. She could have started clawing, biting, and hissing right then and there, but she figured that wouldn't bode well for her. Plus he was petting her, so...

It was time for her to play coy until she figured out how to get out of such a degrading situation. They had to sleep sometime, right? Then she could make her escape Well, given that they weren't smart enough to post guards throughout the night. She briefly looked up at the boy that had taken and degraded her, almost instantly recognizing him. Well great, there goes that plan. Time to think of something else.

His latter comment unsettled her, as she didn't know what he was thinking at the moment. Wait, weren't they low on food? Well this could easily go poorly for her. So she had a shiny new plan to set into motion. Almost instantly after she had the realization, she started purring in the boy's arms, rubbing her head against him affectionately. If they had an attachment to her, they wouldn't even consider using her for meat! Haha! Psychology wasn't a total waste of time!

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
Bismarck looked at the cat. He was very much of a cat person, so he immediately felt the urge to hug her. Eventually, he just followed his heart, limped over to Haruka, a petted the cat's head. "Aw.....look at this little kitty....." he said, hugging her. He was quite unaware that he, the student council secretary, wasn't really acting as dignified as he normally did at club meetings. The many faces of Bismarck. "I wonder how she got in here....poor thing..."

@Crimson Night @Helm Dexter @Mitchs98 @Silver Wolf

Lilac Dubois

A slight chill ran down Lilac's spine as he pointed out her being surprised, but the redness in her eyes did not waver. Casually walking away, the demon seemed to help another troubled member of the group. After the little chat they had, she pulled herself back together. Was he acting nice to manipulate her? Well, Lilac would make sure she wouldn't fall for it again. Lilac looked up at the group members. There was Haruka, the small girl who looked rather sad, the boy who screamed at Lilac, the cat lady who gave out commands, her sister and the healing twins. She wondered what each of their powers were. The easiest ones to guess would probably be Haruka's and the nekos', for she already knew their species. She did a bit of research on demons a while back and quite a few of them had darkness manipulation, fire manipulation, necromancy and enhanced senses, speed or strength. Moving on to the cat twins, nekos were usually just cats in human form with claws. Before she could continue guessing the group members' powers, a squeaking sound was heard through the vents. Lilac had completely forgotten about the suspicious sounds she heard earlier. Immediately, Haruka jumped into the vents and started to struggle and scream about something biting him. Was he really losing to someone who was in an enclosed space and barely able to move? With a hint of a bloodthirsty-filled aura, Lilac was ready to attack the unknown enemy who had yet to lose in this "vent fight". Knowing these people, they would probably demand for their slip and trust them after little information acquired from them, for that was exactly what they did with Lilac herself. They might have been strong, but they didn't know how to kill. Soon after, her eyes fell upon a cat. A cat. This cat was either the work of someone's powers, someone's pet, or an actual someone. Lilac was rather fond of cats and over time gained a slight weakness for the ones who weren't too annoying, but this only brought down her murderous intent ever so slightly. Lilac could speak out and tell them not to trust it, for it was probably a shape-shifter or a neko also, but honestly, she had a better reason for trusting the cat than being friends with these people. She stared at the cat with a lollipop in her mouth waiting for something to happen next, other than members of the group fondling and cuddling with it.

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Shnuydude @Helm Dexter @Kazehana
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Kazehana said:
SerenaSerena was very indignant to be handled like that, but decided against doing anything to the boy. She could have started clawing, biting, and hissing right then and there, but she figured that wouldn't bode well for her. Plus he was petting her, so...

It was time for her to play coy until she figured out how to get out of such a degrading situation. They had to sleep sometime, right? Then she could make her escape Well, given that they weren't smart enough to post guards throughout the night. She briefly looked up at the boy that had taken and degraded her, almost instantly recognizing him. Well great, there goes that plan. Time to think of something else.

His latter comment unsettled her, as she didn't know what he was thinking at the moment. Wait, weren't they low on food? Well this could easily go poorly for her. So she had a shiny new plan to set into motion. Almost instantly after she had the realization, she started purring in the boy's arms, rubbing her head against him affectionately. If they had an attachment to her, they wouldn't even consider using her for meat! Haha! Psychology wasn't a total waste of time!

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
Haruka wondered why The cat fought him but then submitted so fast, that and when he asked what to do with it, the cat stopped and almost immediately started rubbing on him... This cat isn't a cat. He smiled actually a bit amused that this cat person was so bad at imitating and actual cat, Haruka never really liked cats too much, they always scratched him and wanted nothing to do with him. He's guessing Maria and Liz were different since They were only part cat. He looked around the room and caught lilac staring at the cat. She must have realized it too, he winked at lilac, hopefully she would undersrand....after winking Haruka realized that she might think he's flirting.....why am I so awkward when I'm not serious he thinks to himself.

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana

Lilac Dubois

Lilac looked up at the winking Haruka. She assumed he didn't want her to say anything about this cat, but he did look like he was being a bit flirtatious at the same time. Lilac's eyes stayed the same old light purple, suggesting that she did not feel anything by his actions, including anger. But, not many people would catch on to her eye color by this small amount of time spent with them. Her master on the other hand caught on after an hour of being with Lilac. Her stare would focus on Haruka as she reminded herself not to fall for his kind attitude. She then looked at the cat. Haruka's gesture indicated that he probably wanted Lilac to play dumb, most likely to see what this cat has to offer. But, she wouldn't hesitate to eliminate it if it tried to attack. For now, all she could do was agree with him and sit tight.

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Shnuydude @Helm Dexter @Kazehana
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Okay so she could handle Haruka, but now Bismark was being all lovey and this was getting weird. Perhaps it would have been less weird if she didn't know who they were, but the fact of the matter was, she did. She squirmed a little bit, very much done with this whole holding nonsense. But she didn't get the chance to leave his arms, which frustrated her more. But this wasn't the time to assert her indigence. So she started purring and nuzzling into his chest. She took a few glances around the room during the time, trying to gain her bearings while also giving him attention. There appeared to be no discernible way out of the room without hands, which vexed her. Was she really going to sit there being cute for them? Probably. Unfortunately, she was enjoying this, and she wasn't going to chance the low probability that she would be able to get out. No matter, she could just live with them for a while,right? If anything, she could just stay for the free protection the group mentality provided. And all she had to do was whore herself out. Perfect! Well maybe not so perfect, but she wasn't going to say no to their attention.

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
Luna walked over to Bismarck and said, "It is cute. But I think there might be more important things, like healing you," she said as she tried to get Bismarck to agree to her using healing magic.

Lunarin walked over as well and grinned. He liked cats too. His grin was honest and it made him look not as threatening. He even did his best to give off a friendly aura. "I could hold the cat while Luna heals you, Bismarck."

Shnuydude said:
Haruka wondered why The cat fought him but then submitted so fast, that and when he asked what to do with it, the cat stopped and almost immediately started rubbing on him... This cat isn't a cat. He smiled actually a bit amused that this cat person was so bad at imitating and actual cat, Haruka never really liked cats too much, they always scratched him and wanted nothing to do with him. He's guessing Maria and Liz were different since They were only part cat. He looked around the room and caught lilac staring at the cat. She must have realized it too, he winked at lilac, hopefully she would undersrand....after winking Haruka realized that she might think he's flirting.....why am I so awkward when I'm not serious he thinks to himself.
@femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball
Bismarck chuckled when the cat struggled to get away, only to nuzzle him. "Awwww......what a sweetheart," he said cheerfully, continuing to pet her.....and still being completely oblivious to how weird this probably looked. Then Luna and Lunarin walked over to him, talking about healing him. He was in a very good mood, so he nodded and handed the cat to Lunarin. He loved cats (probably because of Maria), but he really needed to be on his feet again. ".....Right. I can't stay like this any longer, after all....especially not here."

@Mitchs98 @Helm Dexter
(Why Maria? When did I interact with her again? It's been hard to follow the RP because of all the stuff I need to keep track of happening when I'm gone at school.)

"Thank you," Lunarin said with a nice smile then petted the cat wherever cats enjoyed being petted.

"Alright, where are your injuries and describe how you got them in detail," Luna said as she pulled her leather gloves off. "And sit down too."


She wasn't sure how to feel about being handed off like that to some strange man she'd never seen before. This was fine, right? She could do this, yes? Well she was about to find out. It turned out that he didn't really know how to pet a cat, meaning that she was going to have to do more work here. Great. She pushed her head under where he was petting her, trying to get him to pet her head instead. It was, after all, the best place for that sort of thing. Not that he knew that. She wondered how long she would have to keep this up, especially with amateurs like this guy. Nevertheless, she was going to be cute for as long as it took.

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
Kazehana said:
SerenaShe wasn't sure how to feel about being handed off like that to some strange man she'd never seen before. This was fine, right? She could do this, yes? Well she was about to find out. It turned out that he didn't really know how to pet a cat, meaning that she was going to have to do more work here. Great. She pushed her head under where he was petting her, trying to get him to pet her head instead. It was, after all, the best place for that sort of thing. Not that he knew that. She wondered how long she would have to keep this up, especially with amateurs like this guy. Nevertheless, she was going to be cute for as long as it took.

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
(He said that he petted where cats would enjoy it, then again. Cats are VERY quirky. @femjapanriceball
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After having successfully scared the crap out of several students, and taking what little food they had Chaka felt much better."Hmm I fell bad for them and all but it would be way worse for them if I hadn't eaten they're food. I mean really I could of really messed them up." Chaka had made his way back into the school and looked around. It seemed to have quited down quite a bit."Is eveyone dead already, " Chaka asked himself as he stood in the hallway alone."HEY IS ANYONE STILL ALIVE!!!" Chaka roared so loudly that he doubted anyone in the school didn't hear him.

@femjapanriceball @Mitchs98 @Silver Wolf @Kazehana @Shnuydude @Helm Dexter @Crimson Night
Kazehana said:
SerenaShe hissed when he started pulling her back, but didn't have time to be mad. Instead, she looked for anything she could do to avoid the situation. She tried implanting her claws into the sides of the vent, but all that did was hurt her nails. Then she tried simply pushing herself forward, but the vents were too slippery, and she ended up falling over. What was she to do? She figured it would honestly not even be worth it to use her energy on a fight she clearly wasn't meant to win, she she just flopped down and let it happen. Not like these guys were gonna kill her; look at them!

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck nodded at Haruka's suggestion, somewhat grateful about it, to be honest, and accepted Maria's help as he limped back to the chair he was sitting in. Then he heard a bunch of banging from the vent. And something came out. He blinked. This cat seemed familiar....
"Uh......hi?" he muttered, looking at her for a minute or two. He thought he had a personal connection to a cat. And not like a cat girl, like Maria and Elizabeth. An actual cat. He definitely had spent way too much time around the Joneses. Which wasn't a bad thing.

@femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck chuckled when the cat struggled to get away, only to nuzzle him. "Awwww......what a sweetheart," he said cheerfully, continuing to pet her.....and still being completely oblivious to how weird this probably looked. Then Luna and Lunarin walked over to him, talking about healing him. He was in a very good mood, so he nodded and handed the cat to Lunarin. He loved cats (probably because of Maria), but he really needed to be on his feet again. ".....Right. I can't stay like this any longer, after all....especially not here."
femjapanriceball said:
((She's a cat girl and Bismarck happens to be dating her. He's saying he probably likes cats cuz he's attracted to her.))
Bismarck sat down, wincing. "E-Er...okay....first a Killer girl stabbed me in the leg," he said, pointing at his right leg, where some of the bone was sticking out of the injury. She had managed to get that deep. "Then someone else shot me in the arm." He motioned at his left arm.

Maria and Elizabeth

Maria listened to the conversation between Luna and Bismarck, nodding to herself ever so often as they spoke. It was probably a good thing they'd met Luna, she'd make the healing process go much faster. She looked over to the cat everyone seemed so fond of ever so often. Something seemed..off..about it but she couldn't quite figure out what. It made little sense that it just immediately started being nice and compliant when it was trying to get away previously. Oh well. She figured it was probably nothing...if it was some kind of familiar or something they could easily dispatch it. She was more concerned of Bismarck, she hadn't noticed how bad his leg injury actually was. "
Well. I was going to disinfect it then wrap it up." She replied before shrugging. "It was the best I could do, really." She added.

Elizabeth meanwhile walked over to the cat Lunarin was holding, gently petting it. It was probably a bit weird for a half cat person to be petting a cat, but she didn't care. It might be a bit bias considering, but cats were nice.
Mitchs98 said:
Maria and Elizabeth
Maria listened to the conversation between Luna and Bismarck, nodding to herself ever so often as they spoke. It was probably a good thing they'd met Luna, she'd make the healing process go much faster. She looked over to the cat everyone seemed so fond of ever so often. Something seemed..off..about it but she couldn't quite figure out what. It made little sense that it just immediately started being nice and compliant when it was trying to get away previously. Oh well. She figured it was probably nothing...if it was some kind of familiar or something they could easily dispatch it. She was more concerned of Bismarck, she hadn't noticed how bad his leg injury actually was. "
Well. I was going to disinfect it then wrap it up." She replied before shrugging. "It was the best I could do, really." She added.

Elizabeth meanwhile walked over to the cat Lunarin was holding, gently petting it. It was probably a bit weird for a half cat person to be petting a cat, but she didn't care. It might be a bit bias considering, but cats were nice.
"It's fine," Luna said as she began cleaning Bismarck's wounds after taking the clothing around them off. "Not everyone can keep a clear mind in the middle of this. We already know some people have gone insane." Luna began mixing up various herbs into a mortar and pestle and rubbed the paste on Bismarck. After about a minute, she cleaned the paste off and began applying healing magic, closing up the wounds.

"I won't be able to heal the one with bone sticking out completely, and the shot wound doesn't have a projectile in it. If it were a gun, it would be bad to keep the bullet in because most bullets are made of lead, a deadly poison that can affect someone in the brain. I can seal up the bone and tissue, but they will still need time to heal internally, so it isn't a good idea to keep him moving much, I can heal it so the bone doesn't pierce the tissue and the wound isn't exposed, but that's about it," Luna said as she wrapped a bandage around Bismarck's leg.


Lunarin petted the cat then looked at Elizabeth and smiled. "Well hello. Come here to see the cat?" He then petted the cat how it wanted to be petted for a while. "Say, what's your name?"

@femjapanriceball @Kazehana
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@Helm Dexter[/URL] @Crimson Night

Maria and Elizabeth

Maria nodded and watched as Luna dressed Bismarcks' wounds. She felt kinda useless, but Luna did have healing magic. If anything she could kill to help them survive when need be. Added natural survival instinct, she guessed. She felt a tinge of guilt for murdering the one that shot them, but really he attacked first and would of killed them. "
Yeah..I intended on removing the bullet it if it was lodged. I was referring to his leg." She replied. "Thanks a lot though, I appreciate it. I'm sure Bismarck does too." She told her before quickly asking "If it's not too much trouble could you look at my wound to?" Gesturing to her left shoulder as she did so.

Elizabeth looked up at Lunarin and nodded. "
Y-yeah. I like cats. Th-they're really soft." She replied. Soon enough he asked what her name was. She could of sworn she told him alongside the rest back at the cafeteria..oh well. "I'm Elizabeth. That's my sister Maria. You can call me Liz if you want though.." She replied, gesturing to Maria as she introduced her before returning her hand to the cat and gently scratching its back.
"Yeah, come over here and we'll do that in private since it's your shoulder," Luna said as she walked towards a cot that could be surrounded with curtains. "Oh brother of mine, when you're done with the cat, grab some medicines before we consider leaving."


"Yes sister," Lunarin said as he petted the cat. Then he turned his attention to Elizabeth and said, "Ah. Liz, what a nice name." Then Lunarin continued petting the cat. He then picked it up by the scruff of its neck so that if it tried to escape or fight back, it would be quite difficult.

"Hey, can you show us your real form and who you belong to? I want to stop thinking you're a killer. Also, change to your real form now, try to escape and I'm going to hunt you down, that's not a warning or empty threat," Lunarin said as he switched his presence and face to intimidating.

@femjapanriceball @Kazehana
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Kazehana said:
SerenaShe hissed when he started pulling her back, but didn't have time to be mad. Instead, she looked for anything she could do to avoid the situation. She tried implanting her claws into the sides of the vent, but all that did was hurt her nails. Then she tried simply pushing herself forward, but the vents were too slippery, and she ended up falling over. What was she to do? She figured it would honestly not even be worth it to use her energy on a fight she clearly wasn't meant to win, she she just flopped down and let it happen. Not like these guys were gonna kill her; look at them!

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]

@Kazehana[/URL] @Shnuydude @Crimson Night @Silver Wolf [/color][/font][/CENTER]

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