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Realistic or Modern Heat of the Moment [ Anime ]

Zero Gravity





You, as a pretty average person, are loving your life. There's warm weather, you have a job, you're supporting yourself, or...maybe you're not. You live in the small town of Kurusano, which is lively and bundling with people on vacation and tourists. Kurusano is a very strange and bright city, and the people here are strange enough to drag enough outsiders in to fund their city. Something has happened though, and words breaks through that the government has fallen. Chaos begins to unfold, as now, the law enforcement isn't being paid, they're gone. Murder, robbery, gangs being set together, all of it is happening. Ten years later, people are learning to cope. They avoid the streets the gang own, open up their own black market businesses, pawn off people they've kidnapped, and sometimes worse. Electricity is basically gone, but people are learning how to grow their own food and find shelter in the places where the gangs haven't taken over, or been destroyed completely. How will you survive?


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Hayate walked the street, his dark brown eyes lacking emotion or any luster. He looked almost tired as he casually strolled down the cracked and dimly-lit street, one hand in his dark coat that matched the rest of him so perfectly. He did look nonchalant, but in fact, he was holding his switchblade carefully. If anything did happen, he wanted to be prepared. Dark brown eyes shifted between the homeless people who sulked in the shadows of alleys. There was also the groups of men and the occasional women who sat in groups smoking and being quite loud. Of course, there was also the occasional man hassling a woman, which he made no move to stop. It was none of his business, he had no interest in having some random guy on his ass for helping a chick go free.


[ Get ready to roleplay everyone! ]

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Takano Kira

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3639c326_TakanoKira.jpg.43728c211b328b13ac9a8d8a6514001b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62535" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3639c326_TakanoKira.jpg.43728c211b328b13ac9a8d8a6514001b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

At this very moment, Takano Kira is cooped up in an old shack in which a family resided the night before. The young boy had taken a liking to the families bonds, they seemed to love each other. The mother, the father, and the daughter all looked to be very close with one another. They had all been sitting together around a small, three legged, table when Kira snuck into their home in search for, what he would call it, prey. The thirteen year-old boy slaughtered all three of them, of course, the father put up a good fight but...keeping your gun on safety in this time and day isn't a good idea. Kira laughed the entire time as he dismembered each one of them. Ragged yet entertained laughs escaped his lungs as he ripped them apart, hanging each of their body parts up on the wall -just as he did his parents at the age of eight- in order to create a magnificent piece of art.

"Heh, heh, heh. What is it?" The boy stared into the little girls pale, emotionless eyes as her head rested on the wall. Her arms and legs could be seen scattered around in different areas of the living room.

"Kekekeke y-you look indifferent? Why? What's wrong?" Kira took a knife and jabbed it between the girls eyes with a loud laugh, "Death! Is- It's- What more could you ask for!?"

Who knows how many times this stunt has been pulled by the boy...too many times to count. Kira stands there, covered in the blood of innocent lives, with bombs strapped around his torso and knives tied to his belt. This kid...is indeed...freaking weird.




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the world was dark. this was not new information; simply a passing thought born from the musing mind of a man who had nothing. the palette of life had taken a desolate shade of greys, reds, and blacks a whole decade ago, the only pleasure or friendly consistency in the world being the ever-standing dress of decay and ruin that the world wore so well. it was, in it's own twisted way, poetic: a still-breathing, ever working piece of art that swore and quelled, yet never quite fell. it could nearly bring a man to tears. not this man, of course, but perhaps a better one. perhaps one who had known the world before it turned to hell. jun took a drag of his cigarette,exhaled, watched the smoke curl into the sky and dissipate like the frosted breath of a dead man. all about this city, this life, this situation, screamed "god has forsaken us." an understandable action, if all humans were like the scum and leeches and trash that occupied this prison town devoid of law. even children had taken to painting the grounds and walls and sky with wet and warm claret, and the kindest of men to sullying the purity of others with the roughness of unwanted touch and the white of their lust. disgusting. but, alas, such was the way of his home.

this was the world he lived in, more familiar than familial bonds and the warmth of a mother's teat, but even more than that,
it was the city he had come to love.
"Where the fuck is that brat?!" A rather plump, red faced man screamed as he darted out of his building, slit like eyes travelling around the area to find the so called 'brat'. "Fuckin' bitch... Steal off me again and you'll be six feet under! Y'hear?!" He growled. The eyes of passing people barely batted at the outburst from the middle aged man; these screaming sessions seemed to be happening more and more nowadays, so much so that they'd hear the same yells and realise the time of day. And the thief? It was no more than Kuri Nakashima.

The girl was currently sat cross legged on a nearby roof as she watched the man on the streets with amusement. "Idiot." She mused with a grin, tossing the bread she had stolen hand to hand. Not that she was hungry at the moment; it was more or less to piss the old coot off, and boy did it. She watched as he stormed back into the 'store' and giggled under her breath before laying backwards, resting the loaf of bread against her stomach as she stared up into the sky above her. It was dark, as always, so nothing new there. "... Now I'm bored." The teen sighed with a pout, glancing towards her rabbit friend. "You got anything, bud?" She raised a brow, staring into the one button eye for a good few minutes before staring into the sky yet again. "Of course not..."
Takano Kira

Kira ripped his dagger from between the girls eyes with a laugh, blood covered the kid's face as he placed the silver weapon to his belt and staggered out of the house. The boy is almost never around society, the people give him an eager urge for more and more blood. As of right now, he wanders around on the desolate part of town in which people have mainly deserted for safety. Why there was a family still there...who knows? They could've been in search of new land...more...civilized places? Kira wiped the drying blood from his face with a smirk as he then began walking in the direction of town. "People...kekeke~ Wonder what I'll find..." The boy practically sang this as he moved like a drunkard. Every now and then he would twirl on his heel and launch his hands into the air with a loud yell.

Once he made it into town his bright red eyes shot open as the smell of the people hit his nostrils. The sight of him would probably scare people off, which it did. Mothers and fathers guided their children and themselves out of the boy's path. For who would want to approach a bloody, weapon loaded child.

He had no money. Food was the only thing he could think of right now, and he would get some...whether he has to kill or not. You could say that taking the lives of others is his hobby.

The Vermin Spires, they were a mystical and mysterious Kingdom of the Realm. The landscape was majestic, yet fearsome enough to ward off many Hordes who would try to raid the coffers of the Kingdom. And it was close enough to the Remnants of the Empire to allow the shattered kingdoms to engage in commerce with each others. Even in these Dark Times, when the forces of evil reigned over the realm, the Vermin Spires remained as somewhat of a beacon of hope to those who were brave enough to serve its realm.

And an out of character description of the Vermin Spires would be simple. It was a monolithic collection of trash and scrap-parts that overlooked the edge of the sewer system that once flowed through Kurusano, that hosted many of the rats that moved into the city proper. The putrid stench of the area, tended to keep most at bay, others tended to not go due the beasts that gathered within its walls. As such, the kingdom provided a nice home to Lord Edwin Farraday, Sovereign of the Vermin Spires. Or well, Eddy when he was out of character. Such as at this particular moment, when he was farming.

Currently, the man was in one of the gardening rooms, a room that was established by moldy and soggy cardboard boxes, that functioned as ceilings. Of course, every now and again, there was a distinctive drip that landed upon the remnants of rusted signs that served as the floorboards of the Gardens. He was quite glad he was able to scavenge that gas-mask in his adventures in the realm, as the Vermin Spires were not kind to those with functioning olfactory glands. Resting upon a shelf of a fairly rotted out bookshelf, that creaked every time Eddy touched it, was an opaque glass container with a noticeable crack that was a fishbowl.

Inside was moist dirt where the grub worms were grown and watched after in. Eddy reached in as he pulled out a grub-worm with his gloved hand. It was a fairly plump one, ready for market. Eddy returned the grub back into the bowl and retrieved a rusty bucket. He quickly poured in the contents of the goldfish bowl, and a small container of night crawlers into the bucket.

Now with his collection, he exited it, and entered the open area of rubbish, which was filled with rats skittering up through trash-bags that were broken in several places. There were a few pups of a mongrel breed running around playing with each other. And, waiting patiently just outside the chamber was one of the older defenders of Vermin Spires. The mutt Seymour stuck out his tongue, drooling as tilting his head staring at Lord Edwin expectantly.

Upon a board was a series of leashes. Eddy grabbed one of the leashes currently available and attached it to the makeshift collar that was around Seymour. "Verily, due to the fear of the merchant class! We shall enter the Empire's Remnants with a small stockpile of food, and engage in barter and trade!" And with that Eddy took Seymour and the bucket, and descended down the spire, passing even more garbage and critters.

As he made it down, he approached the shopping cart with the crude sign which merely stated, 'BUGS' that was attached to its front. Inside were buckets of insects that were grown enough to sell at the Empire. The bugs wriggled and writhed within the containers, perhaps acting according to their nature, or somehow knowing their fate.

No matter, Lord Edwin Farraday had business to engage in, and with that he took his shopping cart, and one of his noble beasts and wandered towards the Remnants of the Empire. Although, he did not notice that another runt of a dog decided to tag along, instead of guarding and staying within the domain. But that would not be of a concern, what mattered was engaging in proper commerce with the people of Kurosana.
A mighty engine roared to life, bathing the insides of an unknown garage in a harsh, white light. Purring like a big cat in heat, the pickup truck eased its way out of the garage and into the street. Behind the truck, the garage's door closed itself, and the garage was once again as silent as the grave.

The pickup truck sped down the road, passing long-since cannibalized husks of broken-down cars and anonymous piles of rubble, refuse, and vegetation reclaiming the roads. Most motor vehicles couldn't take the myriad potholes and bumps in the roads nowadays, but this truck's shocks were built with such conditions in mind.

Within this truck was Karahara Saejima, a man on a mission. The HAM radio in his little "bunker" was good for talking to people in the safe zones, but it was also good for scanning for refugees. When the disaster struck, the people of Kurusano either fled or stayed. Those that fled eventually reached the refugee camps and government-controlled areas where society still thrived. Those that didn't either made a living off scavenging the ruins of their homes-- or made a living off the scavengers. The whole town had gone to hell with the loss of its civilization, and it was now a playground for petty thugs and idiots. Almost everyone there was completely irredeemable-- almost everyone.

Saejima knew there were at least some people who could be brought around. Who knows why they were still here; maybe they're too poor or too stubborn to find their own way out. Regardless, they'd need help and they'd need it soon. Saejima had exactly what these people needed, and exactly where they were.

And so, Saejima sped off through the crumbling streets of Kurusano-- his ultimate destination, the ruins of a small restaurant that used to be called the Lucky Platter, was still some distance away. Saejima mindlessly drummed his fingers on the truck's steering wheel as he kept an eye out for his destination.

It was quite dark in the streets of Kurusano and the rusted, dim lights did little to illuminate the obscenities committed in the alleys below. The streets were not bustling but there were the usual tenants: beggars, drug addicts, drunkards. These streets was usually a good place to pick off a wallet or two, as drunkards made very easy targets. Tonight, though, the people seemed to be unusually cautious about where they left their money. Perhaps thieves such as herself had frequented the same joint one too many times. She would have to hunt elsewhere next time. She would've very much preferred to starve the night but she knew returning empty-handed would only exacerbate her worsening relationship with her sister. Hardly motivated for the job, Yuuri discreetly watched the passersby from an unlit alley, growing impatient as time passed.

Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of a man, who seemed oddly nonchalant for someone who was walking alone on the streets of a dangerous town. His tired, casual stride distinguished him from other lone pedestrians who scurried aside with lowered heads. Perhaps he was some naive journalist from another place- easy prey. Yuuri began to tail the man, desperate to steal and confident that she could manage a confrontation if necessary.

@Zero Gravity
All of the sudden, it seemed like the world had come to life. From the window of the building she was currently resting upon, a voice began to speak up. "Mommy, mommy! There's a strange boy outside! He's all red!" Kuri's brow rose, as did her body. The bread fell on to the rough surface of the rooftop, but she ignored that fact for now. Everyone in town was strange, let's face it; since the collapse of the government, the majority of people snapped and just got completely messed up, so why was this boy so special?

"Guard the bread." The red haired girl told her rabbit before crawling over to the edge of the roof. From there, she moved to lay on her stomach and lifted her top half, supporting herself with her elbows as she peered on to the streets below. True to that child's word, there was a strange boy down below. He appeared to be in some drunken mindset at the moment, and it caused Kuri to roll her eyes. Another alcoholic, it seemed. But at least there was something amusing to watch now.

She propped her jaw on to the palm of her hand, smirking at the young boy. Of course, he most likely couldn't see her, so that just added to the fun; if she wanted to mess with him, that was.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Takano Kira

Kira's eyes darted around as he walked through town, a large, pointy grin slapped across his face as his tongue hung slightly from his mouth. "Uwaaaah~ Look at'em...it's fun...it's fun, it's fun." Slowly lifting his hands, the boy pulled on his hair as he studied the civilization. Suddenly he turned around to face a plump, angry looking, old man who seemed to be selling bread and other goods. Kira approached him with a glare, yes, his demeanor changed within the instant his body turned to gaze upon the cherry for a human. Pointing down at one of the buns, Kira grew eager; the urge to rip the man apart grew immensely the longer he stared up at him. He laughed like a maniac under his breath and placed his hand over one of his eyes, throwing his head back. "What'll I do? What do I do?" Looking back at the man who was noticeably spooked out now, "What'll you do?" His voice sounded as though he was excited to the highest levels, soft yet scratchy growls escaping his lungs as he speaks. Going into his blood-drunken state here in the middle of town would be a bad idea...for him and the people both. He would end up being sought out by others. People who would look down horribly on his hellish action will seek him out, a crave for his head on a stick. Sadly enough, Kira couldn't control himself. The boy began to pull his dagger from the belt around his waist, a sinister laugh escaping from between his lips. The plump man could be seen backing away as terror manifested his gaze. "P-put that thing away! O-o-oi! Somebody!" The man ran from his cart and darted down the road as people began to scatter. Kira was successfully amused...but it could be better. The young boy stabbed a loaf of bread and swept some apples up in his hand before pacing down the streets of town and disappearing into a back alley.

@Leaf Fi


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the quick movement of a body, but he didn't pull out his switchblade, oh no, not yet. Probably some petty thief looking for his money, in which case, he had practically none. He continued his casual stroll, dark brown eyes shifting every now and then to look at the figure who was following him. He was now clenching his switchblade instead of lightly fondling it. He didn't take kindly to pickpockets or thieves, especially ones who made themselves too obvious.

Looks like she didn't need to start anything; that young boy was messed up in the head. The amused smirk on her face soon vanished as the young black haired boy made his way to her prime stealing spot. Unfortunately for her, the conversation that played out was barely audible, but that didn't matter; she was pissed. Crazy boy scared off the plump owner and made off with her own rightful goods. Her. Key point there.

A growl escaped her throat as she jumped on to her feet, watching the boy leave for a moment before darting to where her rabbit and bread lay. Kuri snatched the rabbit, shoving the off-white toy between the belt that secured her skirt up before grabbing the loaf and placing it securely in the crook of her arm. With that, the red head chased after the boy from the roof tops, making sure to leap to the lower ones every so often so the jump to the ground wouldn't be so damaging. Eventually, she got low enough to actually hit the ground, and landed with a thud on her feet, just at the entrance of the back alley. "Fuck." Well, so much for a sneaky approach.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Takano Kira

Kira stopped the very instant he heard a thud behind him, turning his head with a large, ravenous grin. The hair that usually covered his face drooped, revealing his crazy like expression as his head tilted back. Staring at the girl, a breathy laugh escaped his lungs. "What'll I do? What'll I do? It's fun...it's fun, it's fun, it's fun." The boy turned, dropping the food that had once rested in his arms. All that was left in his grasp was the bloody blade in which a loaf of bread still resided; impaled it was. Kira waved the dagger back and forth, "You want some? Think it'll be fun? It'll be fun!" He took a large bite of the dry comestible and swallowed with a laugh. The blood that stained his skin and clothes was beginning to flake off in some parts, other parts were just merely dyed the crimson color. Suddenly Kira's expression went dark as he dropped his head as well as his arm in which the breaded knife was gripped firmly. The loaf slid from the blade to the ground as the boy's shoulders began to noticeably shiver...he was laughing. No, his laugh couldn't be heard until he suddenly shot his head back and let out a deathly holler. Don't worry, Kira isn't always like this...but most of the time, yes. He's normally just walking around, twirling his favorite bombs and different weapons around his fingers as he wanders around places that might benefit him later on. Benefit as in...blood baths and happy families in which he craves to hang their insides up on the wall or present them to others on a golden platter.

Kira took a ragged step towards the girl as his arms dangle in front of him,
"Neee~ neee~...did you know? A persons blood will shoot out really far if you stab them just right? Especially the heart..." they were limp as though he had lost all feeling in them. Keep in mind that this is about his second time coming into town. Normally, the child will murder a family and just eat whatever is in their homes...and when it gets too rough...he'll eat whatever's left of his victims. That has only happened once though...he puked it all up afterwards so yeah...poor kid. Kind of.

@Leaf Fi
Everything the girl was thinking could be summed up in one, simple sentence; "What the actual fuck was wrong with this kid". Several emotions ran through her mind as she simply stared at him with a blank, narrow eyed expression, the main, of course, being her confusion. She had seen kids messed up in the head plenty of times, but this guy? He took the fuckin' biscuit for crazy guy of the year. And with crazy people, terror naturally kicks in, because God knows what's running through their heads. Especially when they scream with laughter and say random shit whilst covered in blood... Not pointing any fingers... Thankfully though, the fear never lasted long, and it was immediately replaced with the anger from before.

"Okay, you little shit, you're gettin' on my last nerve." Kuri pinched the bridge of her nose, the other arm resting on her hip, only momentarily though. The hand travelled down to her knee high boots, and from there she unsheathed the dagger from it's resting place, resting it against her leg. She wasn't going to attack the creepy boy- he wasn't one of the pervs on the streets nor was he one of the faces from that group of assholes- but it was more for self defense. "You're messed up here-" she moved her free, daggerless hand to her temple, "And I got the memo, so it you could quit it, it would be real fuckin' sweet. Got me? Good." Kuri then indicated to the knife she held, glancing down at the blade before back at creepy kid. "Stabbing someone in the heart isn't entertaining enough either, you gotta prolong the suffering. Dying words are the most important, after all, but now I'm getting side tracked. Point is, that shitty place you stole from? Mine. All mine. So don't you dare steal from there again. I'm letting ya go with a warning, so no stabby stabby from either me or you." Was he even getting all this? Kuri paused to wonder, but shook the thought off. If he didn't, then she'd show him the consequences. Pretty simple.

@Suzmaki Arakai
Takano Kira

Kira was in lala land as the girl spoke, he was twirling the dagger between his fingers as he staggered side to side as one of his arms continued to dangle by his side, swaying with every step he took. Suddenly, when the girl spoke up in demand, the boy positioned the blade in his hand and darted forward with a loud, scratchy laugh. He began swinging the blade around in crazy motions, he's obviously had experience but so has this girl. She dodge pretty much every swing he took, so, with a growing smile, Kira ripped another blade from his belt and began to use it as well. This is like some world of warcraft/mafia shit right here. One of the more dangerous parts of this fight would be that he carries bombs...bombs...So if one of them were to fall the wrong way...it'll be a magnificent work of art. Their body parts would be splattered all around the alley...

At one point, Kira made an attempt to slide between the girls legs in order to stab her from behind...will he make it?

@Leaf Fi

((Wow... O.o it's intense!))
Karahara Saejima drove on through the somewhat-abandoned streets away from the marketplace, oblivious to any goings-on regardless of how pertinent they were to his mission statement. He didn't give much mind to the unusual prevalence of criminals in this city, all things considered.

Japanese culture has always put a strong focus on the community, and post-Kurusano is no different. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima-- time and time again, the people of Japan would put aside their own selfishness and fear to find safety from whatever disaster struck-- together. Almost immediately after the disaster, people worked to help one another. The now-unemployed SDF and nearby foreign military bases did their level best to dispel the unrest that ensued the disaster, and Japan rather cleanly settled back down to something close to a comfortable lifestyle.

Ten years after the disaster, people had, without the prevalence of electricity and easy fixes to day-to-day problems, become even closer to one another. The easiest word to describe what Kurusano was now is "commune". Pretty much the only troublemakers are either desperate refugees or the confused remnants of pre-disaster criminal groups, still desperate to eke out a power hold in a world that has no place for them. Presumably, things were exponentially worse in other lands, where the culture was different. Such was the unfortunate fate of the foreigners.

Saejima drove on, happily ignorant of the state of society. In his mind, the happy community of Kurusano was pure anarchy, and nothing would change that. He was just a few blocks from the Lucky Platter now, and briefly breathed a sigh of relief that he would reach his destination safely.

Yuuri was observing the man from afar, completely unaware that he had spotted her. She did however, see a slight movement at his wrists. What was he doing? Fiddling with a toy in his pocket? Or perhaps, coins? Yuuri gave a silent cheer of victory as she scurried to hide against another wall. Her eyes continued to watch the man, especially his pockets. She had been shadowing him for some time and now they were walking in a quieter part of town, away from the public eye. Taking the chance, Yuuri surreptitiously emerged from the shadows and approached the man. She showed no ill intent, but she was getting ready to "coincidentally" bump into him.
"Sumi Yamada"

Sumi managed to keep a straight face as she left the bar, passing through the exit with a lilting amount of grace usually associated with a ghost. And that's exactly how she wanted to be remembered, as a ghost barely touching the surface. She had some extra cash now from the money stolen from some of the unsuspecting men who were conveniently seated close enough towards her corner of the room as she sipped her drink. She even paid for it to seem courteous. With some extra cash and small trinkets in her pockets, as well as a small dagger and a deck of cards, she felt more alive and better about herself. She'd be lying if she had said her thievery has nothing to do with the adrenaline rush that accompanied it. She managed to slip down some small roads and avoid most of the people scuttling around.

She went to a nearby bench and sat, realizing that her aunt would be suspicious if she went back to the shop so soon. She needed to waste some time, maybe go to another bar, one of the lesser known ones where no one would recognize her. Then the smell hit her: smoke. She hadn't had a cigarette in about a month, and luxury she had sworn to give up but couldn't really fully commit to abandoning. It was then she realized another figure by her, obviously smoking but silent enough for her not to notice him. Curiously, she turned to him.
"Do you have another cigarette? I haven't had one in so long, it'd be really nice."


jun exhaled again, the curl a tail of whitish grey before it fell and faded. there was, admittedly, not much to say. all the occurrences he had seen thus far were nothing atypical, and, excluding the drying blood beneath his fingernails, there was nothing to report. watanabe hotaru, age 53, orphanage owner convicted with the trafficking of young children. an easy enough job, considering she was a lonely widow with the libido of a dog in heat. a single night of empty affection, and her meager life was his for the taking. the reward bought him a couple packs, and a few more ink cartriges for his backup. a highly profitable day, he believed. taking another long drag before he tossed the butt to the ground, grinding it beneath his boot. he froze slightly at a voice, the question hovering in the air for what seemed, to him, to be an eternity. slipping a hand into his pocket, he pulled out a pack and tossed it to the woman's hands. "keep 'em," he muttered, averting his gaze to the dusty, blood-stained pavement.


It was true that in many parts of the country, most of them really, things had long resumed a degree of normalcy. After all, no great disaster had come, no cataclysmic event such as waves that tore the land apart or atomic detonations, an everpresent fear, or even any kind of foreign invasion. A fallen government is a troubling situation indeed, but even in the worst of cases some manner of provisional administration is set up within the week. Gourikioh had exchanged letters with many acquaintances from the sumo world who invited him to Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka and other major cities to be part of their stables and return to a more civilized world, but he had respectfully declined all invitations on the matter.

Those who sought answers found that the massive man felt quite at home in his birthplace, even in its current state as an abandoned hellhole left to the dregs of society. Kurusano had never exactly been a center of culture. Even when things were good it was a small, backwoods town that got by primarily on tourism for being a peaceful location away from the hustle and bustle of major population centers. The past decade had only exacerbated the bad and brought nothing good, but it suited Gourikioh Masakatsu just fine. He felt staying there and helping the people with their lives was his calling, and the dangers of the town provided him with a strangely ideal testing ground for his martial art.

He reflected upon all this as he oversaw his pupils train. Half a dozen young men, some he had picked off the streets, others had been brought there by their families, most of them problem children now channeling their vigor into making something worthwhile of themselves. Be it practicing their strikes against an unforgiving wooden pole, thick as a log, training their muscles by performing paired exercises where they acted as weights for one another or even something as simple as repeating sumo stomps over and over, the boys earnestly put their heart and soul into it and worked themselves to the bone. Associating with their oyakata had been a turning point in their lives and they put every fiber of their being into perfecting the way of life he had taught them.

The man's presence was good for Kurusano itself. In a town where people seemed content to debase themselves and sink as low as they could, he as a representative of Japan's oldest institution and traditions made people believe that not everything had to be miserable in their lives. He brought with him decorum, education and stability, he brought people hope. The very area about his stable was proof. While other parts of town were filthy, covered in graffiti and waste and in a perpetual state of disrepair, him and his pupils had taken great care to turn it into the most presentable part of town and regularly cleaned the place up. Any gangsters that had opposed this had given up after the Burning Core incident.

With its lovingly cared for trees and other plant life, the area around the stable was a haven to any seeking peace and comfort, and many well-meaning citizens visited at almost all hours of the day. Sometimes people dropped by just to bring food or tokens of gratitude but challengers were also welcome, appreciated even, just as long as they showed the proper respect. But nothing of the sort had happened for a while. In fact, things had grown comparatively quite dull. And while Gourikioh was thankful, he was also getting a bit stir-crazy. Perhaps he'd head off to town later.
Okay. Kuri was not expecting this, not at all. Her speech had also gone to waste, which was annoying, but that would be a matter for another time as her life was sorta on the line here. With each wild swing of his knife, she would be able to dodge no problem, but everyone grew tired at some point, right? She prayed it was going to be the other, but then a second knife came to join the party.

"Are you kidding me?!" The teen hissed. Just as she had left the rest of her weapons back at her place too... It really wasn't her day. "Quit it! I'm not.. Trying... To hurt you, jackass!" She spat with every avoidance from the boy's blade. Just when things couldn't have gotten any worse, the raven haired boy slid between her legs, and Kuri's eyes widened. Dammit! She couldn't lose here! Without even hesitating for a moment, the girl tossed the harden exterior of the loaf to where she assumed his head was to stun him before placing all her weight on the ball of her left foot. Her right leg lifted from the ground, and with a screech the red head spun around in a roundhouse kick aimed for the other's head. Thankfully, the knives hadn't yet pierced her skin, so she could force her full strength into the attack without worry.

@Suzumaki Arakai

(( Sorry for the late response! I fell asleep >n < ))
Takano Kira

Kira was just about to make it behind the girl when suddenly he took a knock and kick to the back of the head. The knives in which he was holding were now lying on the ground, only one of them blood stained -must be a favorite-.

The boy's vision grew blurry and he lifted himself a little and sat in an Indian style position, rubbing the back of his skull in confusion. Looking up slightly, he could make out...a person? "Huh?" Fear overtook him slightly as he then made an attempt to get up and run but as soon as he did, the kid's body locked up and he tumbled towards the ground in a dark abyss.

Yeah, he's out like a sleeping baby now. Blood could be seen slowly seeping from the area in which the girl landed a nice, hard punt. At first glance, Kira would look like a dirty, broken, rag for a person due to the dry gore covering his person. The first thing to come to someone's mind would probably be, "How could you do such a thing to a kid?" But that doesn't need to be the case.

@Leaf Fi
With gentle pants, Kuri completed the kick with a successful 360 to her original position. Her foot stung a little from the impact, but the pain was so mild that she could easily block it out. The girl only bothered to turn around once a gentle thud was heard, her poison green orbs rolling. "See? Running is fruit- Huh." The raven haired individual was a few feet away with his cheek pressed against the ground, eyes shut. A small trickle of blood could be seen, beginning the painting of crimson that would soon cover the ground as a pillow for the boy. If it wasn't for that blood, it would've looked like he was in a peaceful sleeping state.

Kuri just stood and observed for a minute or two, making sure he wasn't tricking her, before slowly heading to where the boy's head rested. A frown pulled her lips downwards, and she leaned over a little, both of her hands on her hips. "... Idiot." She declared with a sigh, tapping him with the front of her shoe. "Taking on someone older than you... Shoulda been more prepared, hmm?" It was highly unlikely that he could even hear Kuri babble pointlessly, but hey, it was the first 'conversation' with a human she had in a long time, cut her some slack.

She shifted to move to her knees and began to check his pockets for any money- nothing was there, unfortunately- and then begun to slide his fingers down his sides. She brushed against something... Strange. "What the...?" Cautiously, she lifted the fabric of the shirt upwards and saw something... Weird. It looked to be homemade, so inspecting it wouldn't be wise. Carefully, she pushed his shirt back to its original position and moved towards his knives, placing them in her pockets.

"You're real lucky kid, y'know that?" The red haired girl began once more in a bored tone. "I'm gonna help you, but only this once. You're gonna owe me, 'cause fuck knows what you're capable of." Carefully, Kuri then lifted the boy and made his limp arms wrap around her neck before she picked him up in a piggyback style and left the alley.

~*Time Skip*~

Kuri was now in the small shack she called home, sitting in an old, wobbly stool in the corner of the toom, idly playing with her rabbit. In the other corner lay the 'sleeping' boy on a makeshift futon, any weapon he held on his body now on a table in front of the girl. Around various limps was a blue, blood splattered rope, holding him down on the bed; Kuri wasn't an idiot, after all. He couldn't move even if he tried.

@Suzumaki Arakai

(( Sorry for the late reply! My friend rang me from his holiday and we chatted for a good while ^^;; ))
Takano Kira

The young, lifeless boy lay there in a darkened trance as the back of his head throbbed with an irritating pain. He began to feel light as he rose to consciousness. Opening his eyes once but soon squeezing them tight once again at the bright light that seemed to burn his peepers as thought they were telling him, "Just stay asleep man...seriously."

After several attempts, he adjusted to the light and made an effort to sit up...but he couldn't. Why was that? The boy looked around and noticed that he was a shabby shack for a home. His eyes grew wide as he then began to struggle under the pressure of the rope,
"W-what? W-where am I?!" His voice grew louder, "Let me go!" Damn kid, calm your ass down.

Kira glanced over at the girl who was sitting in the corner of the room with a bunny and clenched his teeth,
"You, you, you! Let me go." He now spoke in a soft, hellish manner as he imagined himself ripping the girl to shreds. No, the boy is no longer in a drunken state of mind...just angry due to the swelling pain in the back of his noggin and the fact that he feels naked without his weapons.

@Leaf Fi

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