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Realistic or Modern Heat of the Moment [ Anime ]

Kuri's gaze flickered over towards the boy once more once he began to yell out, snickering to herself. "Lookie, lookie! He's finally up, Moko!" She giggled to her toy rabbit in glee, hugging it to her chest before grinning at the boy. "You know, you're not too nice to someone who's saved your life." The girl pointed out as she took one of his knives-the blood covered one, to be exact- and inspected the blade idly, tapping the top of the blade with the tip of her finger. "Nee, nee!~ Should I teach you some manners? Show you how far blood can go? Paint the walls with yours?" The first part of the sentence was a complete playful mock of the boy earlier, complete with her jumping to her feet. The last part though... That was different. Her eyes hooded, a blank expression on her face as her tone dropped to a low, husky growl.

The girl set her bunny rabbit down on the chair she was previously resting at, and slowly, playfully marched to the futon. The expression on her face was unchanged; she just stared down at him blankly for a moment or two before a malicious grin slowly crept on to her mouth. "Should I, hmmm?~" Just keep in mind that Kuri wasn't being serious at all; she was simply toying with him at the moment to make him afraid. After all, if you're afraid of someone, you'll listen twice as hard, yeah? That was her reasoning anyways.

Told ya she was a bit of a bitch.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Takano Kira

The young boy watched as the girl approached his, hatred filled his glare as he clenched his teeth together. You could see him slightly grinding the pearly whites as she got closer, practically in arms reach. Of course though, Kira couldn't do anything about it since he was tied down like a rag doll. As the girl began to speak in a manner of sick humor just as himself, a loud, excited laugh rang through the room as it escaped the boy's alveolus, "You! You! I'm n- Paint the walls with my blood!" His laugh grew into a low chuckle, "Let me live through it long enough to see." Suddenly the boy's stomach began to growl, his face was now bland and somewhat chibified. Averting the girl's gaze, he would send a small scratch to his cheek but...he's a little tied down at the moment. "N-nee, nee..." Not another words escaped his mouth as he then stared at the girl with a slightly embarrassed expression. Seriously? He kills families for a living and hangs their body parts up on walls but...blushes when his stomach growls?

@Leaf Fi
Okay, that was not the reaction she wanted. Thoroughly disappointed, Kuri dropped the act with a pout, sending a glare back at the boy strapped down. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You're supposed ta be beggin' for your life right now!" She complained in a huff with an angry stamp of her foot. In this state, she was probably acting the same age as the raven haired male in front of her, but hey, she was pissed off. Well, that, and Kira wasn't the most mature of teens either... But that's getting sidetracked.

The girl was about to continue her complaining once a rumble from the boy's stomach sounded around the room, and she blinked before glancing back down at his meek expression. 'Oh my god, he is too fucking adorable.' Kuri squealed inwardly as she leaned at the waist again with a giggle. "Hungry, eeeeh?~" She teased gently, resting her hands behind her back. "Lucky for you, I got that bread from earlier back~." With a playful singsong tone, the red head studied the boy's face for a moment. With him in his current state, perhaps he'd finally listen? "I'll give ya some and let ya go, seeing I'm so nice, but..." She brought one her hands forward and poked the tip of his nose with a wink. "You gotta be a good boy and not attack me. Got it?~ After all, it's the least you could do since I saved your little tooshie. We gotta deal?"

@Suzumaki Arakai
Karahara Saejima slowed down, as the throngs of people filling the streets became too much to simply drive through. Though he was near his destination, he didn't want to spoil his day by accidentally running someone down. Sure enough, the Lucky Platter came into view shortly, and Saejima quietly parked in front of it.

As the truck's engine wound down, Saejima snatched his toolbox from the passenger seat with practiced efficiency. In one swift motion trained by dozens of paranoid hours before the disaster, he opened the door, threw himself out of it, closed the door, locked it, and was through the threshold of the Lucky Platter.

The Lucky Platter was unusually dark, today. Under normal circumstances, the store was lit by whatever was available. Candles, electric lanterns were commonly used in the first few years, but ever since the owner managed to rig up a solar panel generator, they've been using legitimate lightbulbs and electric ovens. Since then, the Lucky Platter had been doing excellently, and several stores had copied them. Buying a solar panel rig from Tokyo or Osaka was quite expensive, but the convenience brought on by it was unmatched. Unfortunately, the solar panel generator had malfunctioned, warranting a call to Saejima. Electrical engineers were, unsurprisingly, a rare commodity in a small town like Kurusano, and so Saejima found plenty of work these days.

The owner of the Lucky Platter, a wizened old woman by the name of Yuuka Shimei, greeted Saejima warmly as he passed through the shop's curtained threshold.

"Hoi, Karahara!" Shimei said, beckoning him through the door on the other side of the shop's counter. "The generator is just up these stairs!"

Saejima said nothing, as he and Shimei moved through the counter, up the stairs, and up onto the building's roof. Hooked up to a network of thick cables and power outlets was a crude generator. Hooked up to that was a complex solar panel and hybrid combustion engine assembly, that converted collected solar energy into power for the generator. It was an unwieldy solution for a simple problem, but it worked. Presently, the generator was off.

Shimei dutifully opened a maintenance panel on the generator's side, and beckoned for Saejima to look closer at it.

"I honestly don't know what happened to it!" said Shimei, wiping her brow with clear exasperation. "It just up and sputtered out!"

Saejima again said nothing, and peered into the generator's innards intensely. There was an uncomfortable pause, as Shimei desperately tried to fill the rather sudden lull in the conversation that never was. After what seemed like an eternity, Saejima reached into the generator's innards, and ripped something unpleasant, organic, and very unfortunate from the generator's gears and, with little gravitas, turned the generator back on. With a sputtering, coughing judder, the generator reactivated without incident, and power surged through the network of cables and wires. Saejima looked to Shimei, and very slightly smiled.

"Rat got stuck in the gears, nothing else was broken." Said Saejima, with all the sincerity of a man used to finding mutilated vermin. "Generator's warm, so one probably tried to nest in there overnight. Check the generator every day before starting it, and you should be fine."

Shimei breathed a deep sigh of relief, and gave Saejima a warm hug. "Oh, thank you! You've been a real big help these days, Karahara-- I'll be sure to have little Majima come down to the garage with your payment, okay? Hey, while you're here, how's about I give you a meal-- on the house!"

Saejima gave Shimei an unusually bitter glare, and roundly refused her offer. "I'm already going to get your payment, I'm not taking more than what's due. Thank you for the offer, though."

With little other fanfare, Shimei led Saejima back down through the shop and out to the truck. As Saejima drove away, Shimei happily waved him off.

Saejima drove on, and briefly considered his day plans. The garage still needed... Saejima paused. The garage didn't need anything now. It was fully stocked, secured, and there were no major undertakings that needed finishing there. Saejima was well and truly free! Surprised at the fact that, in this day and age, he had a day off, Saejima was briefly gobsmacked. He could do anything he wanted...

Kurusano was always known for its natural beauty, even after the disaster. Serenity filling his heart, Saejima opted to drive down to the stable of none other than Higashi Masakatsu. He'd been down there a few times before the disaster, solely to practice his survival skills "innawoods", and found the impeccably-maintained forestry nearby to be impossibly serene. For a sumo academy, it was the most beautiful sight in Kurusano. Saejima drove off in the direction of the stable, his mind already clearing itself.

It was a surprisingly short drive to the stable, as Saejima just barely remembered the way. Backroads, detours, and outright cutting across empty lots was enough to reduce his travel time exponentially, and Saejima was a mere five city blocks away from the entrance to the stable before long.

Saejima exited the truck with a light-hearted gait. Already, the decorations and herbology of Higashi Masakatsu's home was working its magic on him. Saejima blankly gawked at the nigh-endless plantlife in front of him, and, for the first time today, felt unstressed.

"Sumi Yamada"

The young woman almost gave up hope. He left the question hanging for a heavy amount of time, and it made her feel almost embarrassed to have asked for one. However, the worst thing that could happen was him saying "no", or him trying to kill her. But she liked to think mildly kindly of fellow smokers. Smoking was something that relieved stress, but could also be dangerous. It had a way of attaching itself to you like a loyal dog until you had no choice but to accept it and its scented affection. She shifted her position on the bench, facing forward in a calm manner as if she had never asked him. She was about to leave when a packet of cigarettes fell into her hands. She faltered, surprised. Gingerly, she opened the neat box and took out a cigarette. Putting it to her lips, she proceeded to pull an unused lighter from her pockets, one of the many tiny trinkets she had taken from the bar. She lit the cigarette, instantly feeling much better.

She found herself not wanting to keep the box despite him telling her to. One tiny thing was okay, but taking an entire pack would be brutal. It was also because he was giving them to her and she had a hard time swallowing any niceness without thinking there was another reason behind it.
"I just wanted one," she managed to say, placing the box on the bench next to her, an indication that she would leave it behind if he did not take it back. She inhaled, exhaled, watched the smoke curl in front of her and dissipate. Her tone got a bit quieter, softer. "Thank you though." A couple minutes passed. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing out here? Unusual spot to smoke." She was feeling bolder than usual because of the cigarette in her hand.


the man was prepared to leave, having thought that the entire pack would be a good price for the return of his precious solitude. his ulterior motives were heavily lacking, considering he wanted nothing more than to return to his self-induced isolation, and perhaps light another before getting something to drink and heading off for the night. he had nothing against this woman, truly, excluding the fact she was a but minor tear in the cloth of his plans. he raised a brow, face a mask devoid of expression as she returned the cigarettes. sure, it was understandable for apprehension, considering the dangers of simply accepting any form of kindess, though he didn't expect it to be returned so promptly. he said nothing, however, and simply gripped the box, withdrawing another. he wasn't sure why he was still there whole minutes later, considering it would have simple to just turn without another form of acknowledgement. him staying so long provided entryway for questions, and he wanted nothing to do with that. he obliged nonetheless, though, sighing a cloud before he answered. "s'nice here. don't think it's too strange, s'where i normally smoke." his eyes flickered towards the sky, following the glow of embers and the trails of grey. he could see the stars well, and interruptions were rare. one could even call it a haven, truly.
"Sumi Yamada"

But Sumi did consider it strange. There were places people went to smoke, certain streets where cigarette buds littered the ground because of its popularity. However, she wasn't going to mock his own spot in front of him. It would be rude as well as completely pointless. She saw him look up, as if examining the sky. She leaned back in her spot and tried to find what he was looking at. She didn't see it. The sky looked the same as it always did to her, maybe a bit clearer, but that was it. This only increased her confusion, but she wasn't that fazed. He was a stranger and she honestly didn't care about what he thought or did as long as it didn't negatively affect her. She exhaled another trail of smoke, watching it curl into the air. Smoking was beautiful to her, not the sky.

While the students dutifully carried out their exercises, repeating what they had done hundreds of thousans of times before, Gourikoh prepared to leave for a walk. He could trust his students to not slack off, and his presence wouldn't be needed till after lunch, where the day's sparring would take place. Things were looking up. Perhaps soon him and his students could step outside the small town, spread the word of their sumo style. Ah, that was still but a dream. For now, he'd just enjoy a nice walk out, and hopefully not run into any trouble.

Just as he stepped outside the door, however, he saw a visitor approaching. Mister Karahara found little work in this particular area, but enjoyed the wilderness and so he came from time to time, not to mention everyone had use for people who could lift hundreds of pounds with some ease. Strangely for the man, who had earned a reputation of being something of a grouch, he was openly smiling and seemed quite relaxed. Well, let it never be said Gourikioh Masakatsu had been rude to a guest in his stable.

As the mechanic approached, the sumotori poked his head inside to ask for someone to hand him some tea for a guest. That someone was, as usual, the youngest trainee, who dilligently abandoned his drills and ran to the kitchen to fetch some still warm brew, the same Higashi and all his recruits drank, made from the local plantlife. It was a very strong, very bitter drink, and was usually refused by all visitors, many of which believed it was some sort of health concoction by its intense smell alone. Those who accepted tended to abandon it after a single, quick sip.

This, combined with the sumotori's fortitude, was how no one had ever figured out that the tea actually had fairly potent narcotic properties. The massive wrestlers, all of them naturally big boned and their bodies toughened by constant training, could just process it with no ill effects just as long as they didn't drink too much. Since it was shared between all of them, that had never happened. Smaller, less resistant people felt slightly nauseous with just a sip. A cupful was bound to have quite spectacular an effect, just no one outside the stable had ever been able to stomach as much.

By the time Mister Karahara made it to the door, Gourikioh held such a cupful, nice and warm, in his hands. Smiling, he gave the older man a respectful bow and offered him the sumo's brew. "Pleased to see you once more, Mister Karahara. What brings you to our stable? Please, come in, have some tea". Just as he did so, another citizen came running by. Miss Yamada, unlike Mister Karahara, was usually a bundle of joy. Also unlike Mister Yamada, she looked downright distressed, and though she was trying to say something, she could only babble incoherently.

Things were quite strange today. Still holding out the cup to the survivalist, the coach placed one of his massive hands on the woman's shoulders, and asked her very politely to stop, take a few deep breaths, and tell him what was wrong. He was quite used to people coming to him or his boys for help with dangerous situations. With no real law enforcement to speak of in town, a group of well-meaning strongmen was the next best thing. The woman did as instructed and finally spat it out. "THERE WERE TWO KIDS FIGHTING WITH KNIVES! ONE OF THEM DRAGGED THE OTHER OFF!".

God bless her soul, this was so common almost no one would've bothered to make a fuss about it. She went on about how they both looked wild and one was caked in blood but lost the fight and how she'd seen everything because she'd always been really, really good at hiding since it was the only thing she and her brothers played. All of it very loudly. Gourikioh had heard enough. It wasn't his problem and most wouldn't have cared, but he still remembered a better world, where these things were not acceptable. He wanted to help.

"Yes, of course, please take me to them, I'll do what I can to help miss", he declared, taking off his hamhock hand from Miss Yamada's shoulder and forming a scarily large fist at face height. Even though she knew he was only being intense, Miss Yamada felt uncomfortable staring at the business end of that hand, a bit obviously so. He turned to Mister Karahara. "Ah, I'm afraid I must leave. But please, make yourself at home, enjoy your tea. Of course...you do have a vehicle, do you not? We could get there so much faster with your help".
Saejima was snapped out of his awe-induced stupor by Gourikioh's sudden demonstration of sacred hospitality. Eyeing Gourikioh with deep suspicion, Saejima took the tea from him, and was just about to head into the temple when Miss Yamada showed up.

Taking advantage of Miss Yamada's story being very distracting, Saejima downed the cup of tea without any hint of enjoyment, blocking his nose and ignoring the undeniable bitter taste. As the last of the foul tea passed his gullet, Saejima let out a deep sigh, and listened to what Gourikioh had to offer. Apparently, an incident was occurring, and these two people needed Saejima's help to get them there. Grunting inelegantly, Saejima crossed his arms and handed the empty cup of tea to Gourikioh.

"That's right. My truck's strong enough to bust through a damn wall, and I've built it durable enough to keep on driving after. You need to get somewhere real fast, I can do it. We'll discuss prices when I know where we're going, okay? C'mon, follow me."

Saejima worked his way back down the prodigious stairs of the sumo dojo, and irritably stepped back into his truck. With an uneventful brum, the truck started up. Saejima patiently waited for Miss Yamada and Gourikioh to get into the truck, and bluntly asked for information.

"Where to?" said Saejima.

it was a sick sort of pleasure when one reveled in not being understood. naturally, of course, jun had not thought she would understand. there was a tranquility in finding a soulless spot in a tumultuous world. besides, it was a nice spot to draw. within the pockets of the beaten fabric of his denim, there was paper. on that paper, there were sketches. withdrawing a blank piece, he grabbed his lighter, and charred a fraction of the sheet black. he nearly lamented the lack of his precious charcoals, which cost him two weeks' hard work. his trade was expensive, though, with so much crude beauty in the world, how could he say no?

After the stable's youngest apprentice took the cup of tea back inside, surprised at the fact that it was empty for once, the panicky woman and the massive sumotori climbed into the survivalist's truck, the latter with some mild difficulty. He had never been a fan of cars, trucks, buses, planes, ships, anywhere that was somewhat enclosed. He was smaller than the average rikishi, but his girth was still significant and made such places rather uncomfortable, especially when he was squashing himself into a corner to make sure the lady had a more enjoyable ride. He just hoped the ride wasn't particularly bumpy. Miss Yamada had calmed down a bit now that she had not one but two reliable people to help, and provided simple, accurate directions to a small shack near the outskirts of the town, where she had seen the teen girl drag the little boy to. With a good vehicle, it shouldn't take long for them to make it there.
As Saejima politely listened to Miss Yamada's directions, the tea struck him like a gold brick wrapped around a lemon. The effects were subtle, but devastating and instantaneous. His eyes dilated, his fingers wrapped white-knuckled tightly around the steering wheel, and his feet struggled to find purchase on the gas pedal. High as a kite on the fourth of July, Saejima put the pedal to the metal and screamed off, through the brush and vaguely towards the location of Takano Kira and Kuri Nakashima.

Driving over terrain as rough as possible, the truck shook like a dog in a thunderstorm but utterly failed to suffer any ill effects. If need be, the truck could drive through hell itself. Though the ride wasn't comfortable by any stretch, it was not going to stop any time soon. With reinforced shocks, a rudimentary roll cage welded over the windshield, and doors reinforced with scrap metal, Saejima's truck was an unstoppable juggernaut. Huffing, roaring, and shaking, the truck sped across Kurusano like a force of nature. Driven by Saejima in his current state, it might as well have been one.

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