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Heart within the beast

It probably took Rhea a good few hours before Rhea seemed to stop crying, though she sat a bit dazed before she finally tired to make herself get up. She felt weak mostly from shock, but none the less she had to get up and continue on. The men where gone, and her and Hikaru were probably cold and tired, there was no sense in staying to wait for more things to hurt her. Hikaru here to protect her or not. "Le..." She stopped a moment when her voice came out of her mouth, it was harsh from crying and fear, "Lets go home.." She said, barely over a whisper.
Hikaru stood up immediately, literally sticking to her side. He was right next to her legs and waist as she attempted to stand up. He remained there for her to lean on the entire way home. He kept a slow-steady pace as they went home, he wasn't going to push her any faster than she could manage.

At the top of one of the buildings a pair of talons scraped against the concrete. It's eyes were practically glaring at the scene that was going on beneath it. The falcon heavily ruffled its feathers before taking off again.
When they got back, Rhea had immediately opened the closet that she put her shoes in and pulled out a first aid kit. Setting it down on the table, she sat on the couch and began to take care of her wounds in a surprisingly expert fashion. Rhea did not really say much, she was pretty quiet most of the way home and while sitting down and taking care of her wounds. She shivered when she felt a draft and looked at her window, she seemed to stare at the windows for a long moment, her eyes a bit glazed over still from the attack. Her brain could hardly function from the shock, but she knew she never opened her window.

"Someone broke into the house... is that how you got out?" She asked the dog.
Crap, hadn't thought of that when heading out. Hikaru tilted his head to the side slightly, rubbing her hand gently shortly after. He wanted to let her know it was okay, that nothing had happened when she was out. He couldn't speak to her like this, but he could at least let her know that she was safe here.
Rhea seemed to make a face of fear anyway, thinking about someone easily getting into the house. Getting up, the girl closed the window and locked it again. "You probably ended up scarring them away... But I guess.. if you hand not come when you had..." Rhea couched on the ground a bit and teared up more, "But out of everything you could do... you found me..." She said through teary breaths.
Hikaru slowly made his way over to the poor girl, resting his muzzle over her shoulder. He wrapped his head around behind her, closing his eyes as he tried to calm her down. He only knew how to be there, and let her know that he was not going to leave. He had been a predator his entire life, being hunted by someone else was something alien, something he didn't understand. Those men were lucky he had stopped where he had tonight, if Rhea had not been present they likely would have lost their lives.
After a few moments Rhea spoke quietly, "I want to read... I know its late.... but I really want to read." Reading would calm her, give her mind something to do. Rhea had started to pet Hikaru slowly in soothing motions for herself. She just needed to keep herself together. She was alive and Hikaru did not run away... she had nothing stolen, and she did not get terribly hurt. There was so much that could have gone wrong, so many things that could have gone for the worse... but it did not, maybe her luck was not as bad as she originally thought.
Hikaru's ears perked up when she mentioned reading. He ran over to the shelf and quickly grabbed something happy. He trotted back over and dropped it next to her, once again resting his muzzle on her shoulder. The clock was somewhere past one, but that wasn't important right now. What mattered was that Rhea managed to calm down, or tomorrow could be very bad.
Rhea smiled at how quick the dogs reaction was to her request. Gently she picked up the book and herself and moved to the couch, patting the couch neck to her for the dog to join her. She doubted she would sleep tonight, but for once she will skip school and go to work in the evening. She did not want or really need to go to school. She thought about calling the police, but she was afraid of what Hikaru's consequences would be for hurting the humans... self defense of her or not.
Hikaru jumped up onto the furniture beside her, curling up as so not to crowd her to the edge. Part of him was afraid that those men would go to the police or animal control, or something similar. But it was only a small part, for he had made damn sure they felt fear before they ran away. He sighed as he let his head rest on his paws right next to Rhea's lap. He eyed her now-bandaged cuts and other injuries. As much as he was glad she hadn't been hurt more, they still made him cringe inside that she had been hurt at all.
Rhea read for a few hours in her usual whisper. She seemed to stay calm for the most part, and her voice remained the usual even tone she had every day. Her thoughts strayed from the reading a few times, but she always she come back within a few second. She soon fell asleep in the middle of reading, her body far to tired to keep herself awake any longer.
Hikaru watched as she fell asleep in the middle of reading, it was past 3:30 in the morning when she finally stopped. He waited a few minutes as her breathing became steady, before standing up . . . as a man. The two-legged figure gently pulled away the book and picked Rhea up. He slowly carried her into the bedroom and pulled the sheets over her, making sure she was settled before melting back into the dog she knew. He lay down at the edge of the bed, not wanting to disturb her any more than he already had. She might wonder what had happened in the morning, but it was important she got a good night, or morning, of rest.
When Rhea woke up it was already mid afternoon, well past school hours, in fact school seemed to be just getting out. She yawned and stretched, sitting up and looking around. She was in her room, the last thing she remembered however was reading on the couch. She did not remember dragging herself to bed last night... his was not the first time such things had been happening to her. She was starting to wounder if she was having blackouts in her memory at night. Slowly Rhea got out of bed, she needed to take care of herself and get ready for work. Rhea walked quickly to the kitchen to start some food int he microwave.
Hikaru had been keeping vigil most of the night, finally letting himself fall asleep come the sunrise. His ears twitched slightly, but he did not get up as Rhea got up and walked to the kitchen. His tail twitched, a dream of some sort perhaps.
Rhea peaked into her room to look at Hikaru, he was sleeping quietly next to her bed. She smiled softly at the dog, she owed the dog her life, he probably saved it last night. Silently she decide that she should get him a treat for him while she was out... something special maybe. Quietly Rhea left for work trying to leave without waking the dog, plans to go shopping a bit later to thank him.
Hikaru didn't open his eyes till about thirty minutes after Rhea had left. He looked around and slowly stood up, looking at the bed and then the clock. She hadn't left that long ago, good. That meant she had gotten some decent sleep. He stretched out and yawned, something within him felt . . . relaxed. Maybe it was because he hadn't felt that adrenaline rush for so long. It had been so long since he . . . hunted like that. As much as it felt refreshing, he did not wish for it to occur again. Rhea did not need to relive anything close to that experience in the near future or ever again for that matter.
When Rhea had come home that night, she opened the door quietly like usual and called softly to Hikaru, "I am home Hikaru." She had a bag with her today when she got in the door.
Hikaru bounded over to the door as soon as he heard it open. He ran around her, looking up at her afterwards, glad that she was back safely and not any worse for wear. He rubbed his muzzle along her side like he usually did, his own welcome home​ as it were.
Rhea smiled, "You seem happy today." She commented to the happy dog. Gently she took out of the bad a large piece of dried meat. "I got you something a thank you for your help yesterday, I though you might like it." She handed it to him with one of her hands gently.
Hikaru sniffed her hand gingerly before lapping up the meat quickly. He gave a short bark as he rubbed his head up against her hand, moving along her arm. He backed up and gave a short bark, he was in fact happy. A small part of him had been worried she might come into trouble on the way back . . .
Rhea smiled a bit more and then pulled out a second thing, "I also go this doll.... but I you don't seem like the type to play with toys... but I thought something slightly more permanent then just a piece of meat might be better..." She said, she had put a bit of thought into it.
Hikaru sniffed the doll a few times and grabbed it with his mouth. Truthfully, he wouldn't really use it . . . but he knew Rhea was one of the most frugal people around. She had been willing to get him something that could remain around the house in gratitude. That meant more to him than the doll itself. He set it down on his blanket next to the couch, barking to her after his mouth was free.
Rhea smiled an actual smiled, "I am glad you seem to like it. I know it is a bit silly." gingerly, Rhea reached out to HIkaru and gave him a tight hug, "Thank you so much for being there for me yesterday... I don't know what I would have done." She said quietly.
Hikaru let out a small *woof* before wrapping his head further around her in a make-shift hug. She felt so small right now, so--vulnerable. What would have happened last night if he had fallen asleep or chosen to ignore her absence? What would have happened if there had been no way out of the house? He quietly pushed those thoughts away, they were not necessary now. What mattered was that she was safe, and that last night had gone no worse than it did.
"Tomorrow... do you want to go to the park or something in the morning?" She asked the dog, scratching his ears gently.

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