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Heart within the beast

(No no he is noooot :P )

The door was closed locked, the man did it purposely So Hikaru could not get in. Rhea's voice could be heard on the other side of the door, mostly questions of asking who he was. There was a shatter of glass on the other side of the door.
Hikaru slammed his shoulder into the door from his run, hoping it would be enough, but it held firm. He dashed against it multiple times, clawing and bashing at it . . . It was no good. A dog could not break down this door, it simply lacked the physique to do so . . . Hikaru snarled through his teeth, and his transformation occurred. Fur melted into his body, becoming skin, the course fur around his muzzle peeled back into shaggy black hair, his front legs shifted into arms. Human arms. As the rest of his body took on the form of a man. He kicked the door once. Twice. Then there was a sick crunching sound as the doorknob was torn clean off and the third kick sent it flying open.
When the door opened, the man was hanging over Rhea, but his head was bleeding. Rhea had used the picture frame of her brother and her to slam over the man's head. Rhea starred at the door way, her eyes full of tears. The man also looked to see who/what had come through the door. Quickly he stood up, surprised to see another man there. "Who are you?" He demanded.
The man did not answer, he simply rushed forward and grabbed the man by his throat. He didn't stop his momentum, but kept going until his target, his prey collided with the wall. He didn't stop there, bringing his knee up with a yell and nailing his prey in the chest. A crack was heard as the ribs hit started to fracture. The man fell to the ground, grabbing his side, but even then the wolf-man didn't stop. His ears were pulled back within his hair, and his tail was bristled. He straddled the man, punching him repeatedly. His ribs. His joints. His face. When the man was covered in his own blood and was whimpering from the constant pain, the beast-kin lifted him up by his shirt. Being well over six feet tall, this pulled the man several inches off the ground. He opened his mouth, it was a deep voice, right now completely overtaken by pure rage.

"All right you sick freak. As undeserving as it is, I'm going to give you one chance to continue your existence. You leave here, you never come back. I don't care where you go, but you never return to this city again. And if you so much as look at Rhea funny I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth and end YOUR PITIFUL EXCUSE FOR A LIFE!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME PREY!?!"

As his voice rose, he pulled the man closer, his eyes boring into the other man's own.
The man seemed to cower in fear, though he was hurt so badly he was not sure if he was even able to pay attention correctly. He nodded frantically not wanting to get hurt anymore.

Rhea watched, though she was not sure where the man came from. She moved far away from the both of them, moving herself into a corner The man before her was so tall and scary... but he was protecting her. She heard him call her name.. how did he know her name? He had ears and a tail, much like Hikaru. Rhea looked to her broken door, expecting the dog to come though it. Where was HIkaru? Who was this man?
The beast-kin walked up to the entrance of Rhea's bedroom, and threw the man across the hall where he landed with a loud *thump*.

"I left you legs intact. Get out before I change my mind."

The man shakily pushed himself to his feet and moved out of their sight. It was only a few moments later before the door could be heard opening then slammed shut. The beast-kin slowly took in a deep breath and let it out, his ears returning to their upright position. He turned around, his eyes locking on Rhea. She was cowering in the corner . . . not this again. It had been bad enough last time when she had recognized the creature who went so violent.

"Rhea, are you injured?"

The rage was gone from his voice, replaced by something much softer
"N-no... I don't think so.." She answered almost immediately. She had been attacked to many times... but save both times. She was breathing a bit hard, she did not look to be ready to run, nor did she look ready to give the new stranger a hug. "How... Who are you?" She asked quietly, though her voice was shaking a bit.
The beast kin let out a deep sigh as he took a few steps forward

"I'm not surprised . . . I didn't really think you'd recognize me in this form."

One of his hands went up to his head, rubbing one of his ears between two fingers as he spoke.

"Well . . . there isn't any subtle or easy way to say this, so I'll just put it bluntly. I'm Hikaru."
Rhea watched as he rubbed his ears. Gently she leaned foreword a bit. It was still a bit dark in the room, quickly she got up and turned on the light so she could see. "You... your Hikaru?" She asked, seeing a bit of resemblance between the dog and man standing before her. "Your... a werewolf? Just like Sage said." Rhea asked a bit. She still had tears running down her face, and she was still shaking, but she seem to have a stance of curiosity more then anything.
"Not exactly . . ."

He leaned forward an offered his hand

"Why don't we head into the living room? We're going to have to talk for quite some time most likely . . ."

Well, at least she didn't seem overly afraid of him. That was honestly more than he had hoped for if he ever had to reveal his true nature to her like this.
Rhea seemed to eye Hikaru's extended hand. She was a little scared... but somthing was telling her to take it. Everything would be ok. Rhea reached out for his hand and was going to take it before she heard sirens outside her apartment suddenly. There were several voices of cops walking into the house. "Someone... called the police..." She said quietly.
Hikaru took one look at Rhea before he fell on all fours, fur pouring out of his body within the span of a few seconds. He was back in his dog form, his eyes locking with hers. If they found out what he was, it would be a shoot-first, ask-later situation.
Rhea was surprised when Hikaru just transformed the way he did, though she should not have been. The next several hours consisted of Rhea being asked endless questions. She tried her best to answer them, telling the police that Hikaru had saved her after the man has broken into the house. They said he was a smart dog since he did not eat the poisoned meat the man left, however they would be able to find him. After they had left, it was very late at night. Rhea felt exhausted...
Hikaru stayed next to Rhea through the whole process. He didn't know if his presence would help calm her down anymore, but he could at least hope to try. When they left, he looked out the window for a few minutes to make sure they had really left. As he walked to the couch, he shifted again, seamlessly moving from four legs to two without breaking stride. His gaze went back to Rhea

"It's late, but you probably have a million questions right now. I'll answer if you ask."
"I don't know it my brain is really functioning to that level." She said tiredly. "Who are you?" she asked from where she was sitting. Rhea seemed no longer all that emotionally there. She had a scare again like she did two nights ago, and now she was talking to something she was not sure what... he was. Hes been living with her the whole time?
He let out a sigh

"Well, if I had to start somewhere . . . My birth-name is Kurogan. I am a beast-kin, one blessed by mother gaia to hold a form of the wilds. Specifically, a black wolf."

He walked over and pulled a blanket over her

"I know you're stressed right now. Why don't you try to sleep, and we'll talk come morning. I know it's a lot to take in at once . . . but please believe me when I say I'll keep you safe."
"I... believe you..." Rhea said quietly. "You've done it before.." She said a bit tired. "Kurogan..." She repeated. laying down quietly, Rhea seemed to watch Kurogan with sleepy eyes for a very long time before she did eventually fall back asleep.
Kurogan watched her as he sat beside the couch, leaning back against it after she fell asleep. He took in another deep breath and let it out, trying to calm his mind.

"Well, come morning there's going to be a lot of explaining to do . . ."

He shifted back into the black wolf that Rhea had known for the last month, the senses of that form far more useful for night-watching than his bipedal one. He slowly closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable sunrise
When Rhea woke she sat up and looked around the room. She felt cramped and tense, the last few days have been nothing short of horrible luck. Looking over the side of the couch she saw Hikaru on his blanket like normal. "Hikaru?" She called to the dog. "Or I guess.. Kurogan?" She asked.
Kurgan's eyes opened as soon as he picked up her voice. He walked over, shifting just as he had done the night before.

"You're awake, how do you feel?"

The fact that she had used his birth-name meant she hadn't dismissed what happened last night. He had said he would give her answers, and he fully intended to.
"Groggy..." She said, watching Kurgan carefully. She was not sure what to think, he was very tall for one thing. But he spoke softly to her, nothing that sounded like he was going to hurt her. In fact he has done nothing but protect her... but why would he hide? It was kind of like he was lying. "Are you hungry?" She asked finally after she probably stared at him for a good uncomfortable moment.
"I am, but it can wait."

He sat down across from her, not sure exactly how to continue a conversation. There were times he had cursed his lack of speaking ability in a dog form, but now that he actually could use speech, he somewhat missed not having to. She was . . . curious? Maybe? He couldn't tell from her eyes alone.

"I'll make some tea, hold on."

He made his way over to the kitchen, setting a pot to boil
Rhea smiled, "Sage and my brother use to say I can't use the stove because they were always afraid I would burn the kitchen down." She told him, she sat up and brushed her hair slowly with her fingers, she was not even sure where to began with the questions. The poor guy looked a lot more awkward then she did. "Umm... why... why are you here?" She asked finally.
Kurogan let out a sigh as he came back over. He offered her a cup that smelled . . . natural. He hoped it would help her relax.

"You know how you found me in that pet store a little over a month ago? Well, the old man there found me a couple months before that. I had to leave the forest, and was injured at the time. He found me as a wolf and nursed me back to health. It was much easier to simply remain in my primal form and play the part of a dog than tell him what I actually was. Then . . . well you came and picked me up. You know the rest from that point."

He took a sip of the tea he had as well.
"Why did you not leave... when you were better... you could have so easily..." She said, listening closely. Taking a quick sip of tea she let it calm her, though she was not very skittish at the moment, just tired. Funny how she was more concerned with the how and why then the what and who.

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