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Heart within the beast

"I could have. But . . ."

He looked down at his hands

"I couldn't go back to the forest where I grew up, and beast-kin aren't truly accepted in normal society. Even if I did escape, I had nowhere to go . . . not until you came."
(Sorry I went to the store xD )

"So... I am the only place you have left?" She asked quietly, Rhea felt herself playing with the handles on her cup. She thought about his words, trying to decipher everything.
"Well . . . I guess that's up to you to decide."

Kurogan looked back up, directly into her eyes

"You just found out yesterday that the "dog" you've been taking care of is actually a beast-kin. He's been hiding it from you the entire time you've known him . . . I wouldn't blame you in the least if you wanted me gone."
Rhea looked away, her usual problem with making eye contact with people. "I am confused... and a bit hurt to being lied too... but I don't want you gone... Whats a beast-kin?" She asked finally, moving into the technical questions. She took another quick sip of her tea.
Kurogan was a bit taken aback when she asked him what a beast-kin was. Though he was glad she didn't want him to leave.

"You . . . really don't know? I thought all humans knew about and reviled us."

He rested his forehead against his hand as he spoke.

"As I said last night, we are blessed by mother gaia with a form of the wilds. Each of us carries traits of the form, and may take it fully at will. I myself am gifted with the form of a black wolf."
"I see... does really everyone know about it?" Rhea asked, looking up at Kurogan, "Sorry I don't know.... can I ask why you can't go home?" She said, putting the cup down on the table, Rhea pulled her knees to her and then wrapped the blanket around her.
Kurogan was silent for several minutes. Even if he hadn't, the tension in the air would have made it seem significantly longer.

"I'm sorry Rhea. I know I said I'd answer your questions, but that is an intensely personal matter. Suffice to say, heading back into that forest would be like me walking to my grave."

He pulled his hand away from his face, looking back up at her.

"It's best if you don't know about it . . ."
"Oh... Ok. Sorry... I did not mean to pry." Rhea said a bit sadly. "So you hid because you were scared of me?" She asked next.
"Well . . . not you exactly. I was more afraid of what society at large might do if my true nature was known. As I spent more time with you . . . I guess I was afraid. You'd come to accept me as "Hikaru", and always at the back of my mind was a sinking feeling. What if she finds out who you truly are? I didn't have the courage to tell it to your face, and you had to find out in the worst way possible."

Kurogan leaned back against the wall. He had been sitting on the floor this entire time. She didn't want him to leave . . . but what would she tell other people? What did she want him to do from now on? He had questions of his own . . .
"You seem more sad then relived... usually when a secret is reviled some people feel better." Rhea said quietly, observing Kurogan as he leaned on the wall. He looked like he just wanted to disappear. He looked much more scared then she was... not that she really felt scared at this point... just confused.
"I'm not sad, more . . . anxious I guess. What happens next? What do you and I do now that you know?"

He had no right to complain whatever happened next . . . he had been the one to hide from her. Still . . . she had let him feel--complete. Like he had somewhere he belonged.
"I guess... I figure out how to feed you. I can't believe I've been feeding you dog food.... I bet you hated that... Oh maybe I should find a proper bed for you... Sleeping on the floor must have been awlful." Rhea started to make the list out loud. She hopped off the couch to get a piece of paper, "I saved up a lot of money since Sage left me meals... I feel like i've been a horrible owner... Oh man.." Rhea was starting to make worried faces, she bet she was being a horrible owner.
"Wait, wait--"

Kurogan shook his hand a few times as if to visualize what he was saying

"That's​ what you're worried about?"
Rhea hugged the paper to her before blinking at Kurogan, "Should.. I not worry about it?" She asked quietly.
Kurogan let out a deep sigh. She just wanted to keep things the way they had been it seemed. A smile actually broke his face when he thought about it. She had just been worried that he hadn't been happy during his stay with her . . .

"No. Don't worry about it . . . although I admit it would be nice to eat something besides dog food."
Rhea smiled when Kurogan did, "Umm.. well I can't cook very well... well not at all actually... but there are some left overs... Sage is a really good cook." Rhea tried to ease Kurogan a bit, though his presence still made her a bit nervous, she was sure she would get use to it. It was more just different then scary.
"Actually . . . I can cook relatively well. As long as you'll let me."

He was no master chef, but he had learned how to at least put together meat and vegetables into something presentable and edible. He stood up finally, his full height coming to bear
"Ah... well... I don't have much in the way of... food." Rhea said looking up at him, "You're... really tall." Rhea said staring at him.
"You wouldn't be the first to tell me that . . ."

He walked over beside and past Rhea

"I'll try and put something together for now. It's the least I can do . . ."

Under the kitchen light, it was much easier to see the muscles beneath his skin. He looked . . . tough. Like he'd had to go through a lot during his life. There were a few scars here and there, very easy to see without any kind of shirt.
Kurgan turned around to look at her

"Does it bother you? I can try and find something if it does."

True enough, he had avoided going into the bathroom or her bedroom as much as possible during the month she thought he was just a dog. Of course she would feel a tad embarrassed looking at him now.
"Umm... well if that is you... I can get use to it..." She mumbled, "I just... don't see guys... often... or never..."
Kurogan sighed

"I was going to say that list you were making earlier could be shortened to only one thing . . . but I guess it should be two. One: Stock up on ingredients. Two: get some clothes in my size."

He looked back over at her from the stove. A few vegetables were boiling in it

"Of course the second option isn't really necessary if you can't afford it . . ."
"No, I'll be just fine without."

He up to her before he continued speaking

"I'm more concerned about you. Are you sure you're okay after last night?"

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