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Heart within the beast

Hikaru let out another short woof, his ears perking up in the process. He wagged his tail happily before pulling his head away and gently nudging her toward the kitchen. She hadn't eaten yet, and he didn't know if she'd gotten something before leaving.
"Ok ok..." She said quietly, she opened the fridge and picked out a meal, before putting it into the microwave. Gently she also filled Hikaru's own bowl. "Maybe we should go to that dog park I was thinking about that one time..."
Hikaru wagged his tail slightly, rubbing against her side a she talked. He gave out another short bark at her mention of the park. Wherever she wanted to go was fine. As long as the two of them got out of the house.
The night pretty much like any other, Rhea read and then went to bed, but when she had gotten up in the morning, she seemed vividly excited. She got up and did her morning duties around the house before she finished her meal and then put on her shoes. In no time she was ready to go, "Are you ready to go Hikaru?" Rhea asked the black dog. She was not sure how he was going to react with other dogs, but she was excited to see.
Hikaru cleaned out his bowl before making his way to the front door happily nuzzling Rhea's side. She seemed uppity, much happier than usual. He was glad to see her this way, after what had happened a couple of days back she could use a great deal of glee. He'd thought about hijacking the phone again more than once . . . His tail wagged happily as he looked up at Rhea, it was time to go.
Rhea was still pretty skittish, but she was trying her hardest to move on and not let it bother her. She had Hikaru to worry about, and herself to take care of. If she let something like that keep her scared... then she would only be hurting herself more. Rhea gently hooded Hikaru to the leash before standing up and walking out of her apartment and locking the door behind her.

When she turned around, she saw the creepy man she had seen a month earlier when she first gotten Hikaru. He was just staring at her from the mail boxes. Shivering a bit, Rhea pulled on Hikaru's leashed gently to leave the area, not really wanting to stick around.
Hikaru followed Rhea's gaze when she shivered. It was that same man from when he had first arrived at this apartment. If he tried anything . . . Hikaru felt the tug on his leash, turning and choosing to follow Rhea, the door was safely locked behind her. He kept right by her side, not budging from that distance until they were a decent distance from the house. Once they were, he started to have a happier bounce in his walk, and he would occasionally bark up at Rhea as they walked towards this park she had found
When they did reached the park there were several people with their dogs around the park, just ask Rhea was hoping would happen. Opening the gate to the park, Rhea was already starting to get a bunch of strange looks form people around the area. Hikaru was a large, kind of intimidating dog. "I guess I should tell you to play nice with the other dogs?" She told Hikaru, taking the leash off his collar.
Hikaru's eyes connected with hers briefly, something he hadn't done in a while, before taking a few steps out. Something that could only be described as--odd--happened. About three or four dogs approached Hikaru, all of them were from a breed like husky or great dane. A breed that could be traced to the wild as a true hunter or survivor. They all sniffed each other for around a minute before Hikaru rubbed his muzzle against each of theirs . . . and they were off. Almost like a Shepard leading a flock.
Rhea gasped a bit when Hikaru took off. She had never really see anything like that, the best way you would really explain it was if it was a pack of wolves and their leader. Rhea seemed to walk into the pen more, enjoying watching Hikaru run with the other dogs. It was not long until a man approached her. "Excuse me... what kind of dog is that? I've never seen such a breed." He asked with a smile.

Rhea looked up at the man, he did not really seem harmful but she shy'd away from him a bit anyway.
"I don't know... I am not much of a dog person... Don't get me wrong! I love him very much, but I just don't know much about dogs."
They ran around, play-batted at each other, and continued their romp around the park. Once again, it seemed to be reminiscent of wolves playing in the wild.

Up above the park, a gold-feathered falcon continued its vigil as it had for the last several weeks. Something of a glint lay in its eye as Hikaru played with the other dogs.
Rhea smiled at Hikaru seemed to play, it was the first time she had really see him interact with something other then herself. The man beside her seem to ask her a few more questions of Rhea about Hikaru, mostly how she even came about finding such a wild dog.She answered the questions honestly but still was not sure she was even giving him answer he was looking for.
(Going out to eat with family. Won't be back until much later this evening)

Hikaru left the "pack" that had been formed after some time, trotting back over to Rhea's side. He gave a short bark and rubbed her hand before looking up at the man questioning her. He seemed polite, at the very least
(Okie! Message me when you get back so I know when to reply :) )

"Wow, may I pet him?" The man asked Rhea.

Rhea looked down at Hikaru, then gently rubbed his ears,
"Sure if you would like." She said.

Slowly the man reached for Hikaru, trying to bed his muzzle.
Hikaru closed his eyes and lifted his head as Rhea rubbed his ears. He looked at the man as he questioned Rhea. When he reached over, Hikaru sniffed his hand experimentally, but did not resist as he ran his hand over the corse fur on his muzzle. He was very different from Rhea, but seemed the all right sort.
Rhea smiled and was relived when HIkaru just let him touch him. It made her feel so much better to know what she saw in Hikaru days ago was not him. The man seem to start gushing more about Hikaru to Rhea. The guy seemed to be a true dog love. Rhea listened to him patiently talk about his own dogs around the park, which was one of the great Danes and a few of the smaller dogs around. Rhea gently continue to pet Hikaru as she listened to the man talk, not really saying much in the way back to him.
Hikaru sat obediently next to Rhea as the man spoke, though after an hour or so he gave a short woof to Rhea. They'd been out for quite some time now, so it might be time to start heading out soon . . . He was still slightly worried about her traveling after dark in the current state.
Rhea looked up a bit when Hikaru nudged her. Politely, Rhea excused herself from the man, telling him it was much past time for her to start heading home. After that he leashed Hikaru and left with him to return home. She was a bit paranoid, constantly looking over her shoulder and around her, but for the most part made it home with no incident. When Rhea opened the door, she let Hikaru off the leash and let out a long breath, "That guy was so talkative... he was very enthusiastic about you." Rhea said laughing a bit.
Hikaru let out a happy bark in response, wagging his tail as they made it inside. He had indeed been enthusiastic, not necessarily a bad trait. He rubbed his muzzle against her side like usual walking up to the kitchen and letting out another bark.
"Are you hungry? I am a bit myself." Rhea said quietly, walking into the kitchen with Hikaru, quickly she served him some food while she herself started to make her own. Thinking about what to do for the rest of the night. She needed to study a bit... but after that, perhaps reading.
Hikaru rubbed alongside her leg as she fixed up, eating some of his food as he tended to. His tail was wagging happily. Today had been a good day. Rhea had gotten some good sleep, the dog park had been more than what he hoped for, and now the evening looked like it was going to end as normal without any kind of abnormality.
When things where said and done and the came come to a close, Rhea went to lay down in bed the night was still for many hours before the window opened just a crack and a large piece of raw meat fell from the seal.
Hikaru was lying beside the couch as usual, keeping his silent vigil. His ears twitched slightly as the window cracked, and then again when he heard the *plop* of meat. He stood up and shook himself awake, looking at what had just dropped in. He eyed the window, looking to see if there was anything beyond it. He walked over slowly, giving the slab a sniff but not touching it. Whatever had dropped this in clearly wanted to try and get on his good side . . .
(Lol... such a smart doggie... :P )

It was not to many long before moments later before the door opened and a man sprinted from the door to the back of the house, the door Rhea was in shutting loudly. The next thing that came from the room was Rhea's scream. Hikaru could smell the man's scent and it was similar to the neighbor that had always seem to creep around Rhea's house.
(Well he's not just any old doggie :3)

Or . . . a distraction. That scent--it was the same man who had been watching her and staying around her house. He was actually going to go this far?! Hikaru practically bounded through the house into Rhea's room--

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