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Heart within the beast

Hikaru laid his head down, locking his eyes with her before closing them. He wrapped himself a little tighter around her, he would listen for as long as she needed.
(Wah forgot to reply >.<)

Rhea did not have much else to talk about it, but she was to get a bit cold, but she pet the head of the dog gently, much like she did when she was sick.
"I might need to give you a bath when we get home." She said as a second thought.
(It's k, we all forget sometimes ^^)

Hikaru sniffed her a few times, noticing how wet she still was. He stood up, shaking himself a little more before pushing her up slightly with his muzzle. His tail wagged a little bit as he motioned back to the road. They needed to get back home before she froze.
Rhea smiled and got up before she started to walk back home with the dog. For once she completely forgot to lease him again.
Hikaru happily stayed by her side the entire way home, regardless of the leash. He nudged her every once in a while along the way, sniffing to make sure that she wasn't losing health.
Rhea and Hikaru got home in no time and Rhea went to go take a hot shower. The next few weeks went by quickly with nothing out of the ordinary for Rhea herself. She would go to school, work then home, where she would study then Read to Hikaru. She seem to start to eat a bit healthier only because Sage had left so many cooked meals in Rhea's freezer so the girl would not stave to death. Because of the cooked meals Rhea also was able to save a bit of money from the food she no longer needed to buy.

It was a late evening a Rhea had still not came back home from work yet. She usually came home no later then 9pm, but it was 15 minutes past 10 and she had still not shown up home.
Hikaru happily spent the next few weeks with the normal routine. He was glad that Rhea was eating properly, he had Sage to thank for that. Come 9:00, Hikaru looked over at the door, watching to see if she would arrive. Ten minutes after, he was pacing. Thirty minutes after, he was checking the fridge and the table to see if she had written down anything about staying out later. One hour after, he was looking out through the windows and anxiously pacing around the house. One hour and fifteen minutes after . . . he was done. One of the windows was opened with a pair of hands, then Hikaru leapt out. He sniffed around, searching for her scent.
Rhea did have a scent and it followed down a path in a few excluded areas. A fresher sent finally caught Hikaru's nose, but it reared off a different direction then home. A few other scents were mingled with that one, there was a lot of fear as well.
Hikaru growled behind his teeth as he picked up the other scents. The smell of fear was permeating the trail, and it most definitely belonged to Rhea. He dashed along the trail, slowing down every now and then to make sure that he remained on the trail. She was afraid right now, and if anyone had hurt her . . . his lips curled back into a snarl as he ran along the scent trail
After a while, Rhea's sent split off from the groups, it went behind some building. Behind the building there were several dark spots. Hikaru finally hear a bit of quiet sobbing coming from in between two large dumpsters.
Hikaru growled as the scents split off. So much of him wanted to follow the trail away from Rhea, to hurt those who had taken her from her normal course. But her well-being was more important. Just finding her, was more important. He dashed along the singular trail, his ears perking up as he heard the quiet sobs. They were not very loud, and originated from a high-pitched voice. It was difficult to tell between the gasps that were between them, but he was rather certain . . . He made his way around one of the dumpsters, coming to the gap between them.
Rhea was on the ground between the dumpsters, she he actually held her breath and she was curled up in a ball, covering her head. She was hurt a little, a feel scratches and bruises but nothing bad. She seemed to be holding her breath and was not looking up. She was afraid they had found her and were about to hurt her again.
Hikaru's ears stopped being pulled back against his head, and his fur unbristled. He walked gingerly over to Rhea, a short and soft *woof* escaping him as he came closer. His giant muzzled rested over her arm and on top of her shoulder. He pushed aside his anger for now, that was not what she needed to see.
Rhea seemed the flinch when she heard the wolf and shy away from touch at first, but when she felt the soft touch of Hikaru she looked up and opened her eyes, "Hikaru?" She asked quietly. The black dog was a blur to her in her teary eyes. Gingerly Rhea reached out for the dog and wrapped her arms around him, she started to cry a bit louder.
Hikaru let out another small woof and pushed forward into some kind of make-shift hug. His muzzle went over her shoulder and curled around her slightly. He maneuvered his body in such a way that it would block her from the rest of the alley, as well as the elements. A small outtake of breath escaped Hikaru. At the very least, she didn't seem to be hurt very much, mostly frightened
Rhea shook as she held on to Hikaru and she held on to him as tight as she could. She was too scared to move or speak really.

It was not loud till voices had appeared in the alleyway. Rhea seemed to take a deep breath a hold it, the small gang of three people who had hurt her earlier were still looking for her.
Hikaru's ears did not miss the approaching footsteps. His nose did not miss the vile stench that he had found with Rhea's earlier. And his skin did not miss Rhea tensing as they came into the vicinity. He pushed one paw against Rhea, pulling away from her grip as he came into plain view. His ears were pulled back once more, the fur around his neck bristled up like some wild animal, and his lips curled back into a menacing snarl. He was pulled back on his hind legs, his front low to the ground as a deep, throaty growl escaped him. It echoed around the walls and against the metal, seemingly something that should not belong to a creature that spent his time in a household. His eyes were focused on the three in front of him. It was time that THEY felt what it was like to be prey . . .
The guys who had appeared around to corner looked pretty scared, they seemed to be mumbling between themselves if the thing was some kind of beast or wolf. One of them actually took off running while the other two stayed to look at the dog longer, though they seemed rather weary of it. "Don't let them hurt me again..." Rhea said, covering her head with her arms again.
When Rhea said those words, any trace of a house-pet dog completely vanished. Hikaru became a black blur as he charged the man on the right with a feral sound escaping him, ramming the man right in his ribcage. The man fell flat on his back as all the air whooshed out of his lungs and he lay stunned for a few seconds. That was more than enough time for Hikaru to turn around and jump on the other man's back, who had had no time to react. Hikaru's jaws opened and clamped down on the man's collar bone. The sounds of his scream mixed with a sickening *crunch* as the bone broke beneath the jaws of the massive beast. Hikaru ripped his head away, taking out a large chunk of flesh as well as a few bits of bone. As the man turned and ran, clutching his shoulder, Hikaru stepped on top of the other one that was just regaining his breath. Hikaru's claws extended, breaking through the man's shirt and drawing blood as he stepped forward, his face only an inch from the man's face. The sound that Hikaru made, was unlike anything that would have been heard by city dwellers. It was a bark, but infused with so much raw, feral ferocity that it sent fear into every living thing nearby. Hikaru dragged himself off the man, drawing more blood with his claws as he did so. He backed up into his first appearance, the same throaty growl echoing throughout the area. The man wasted no more time in getting up and running for his life.

When the sounds of their footsteps and screams had faded, Hikaru let his lips cover his blood-soaked fangs, his ears perk back up, and turned towards Rhea.
Rhea's eyes were a bit wide, fearful. The dog she had just seen was not anything she had seen before... something much much scarier. He had chanced so suddenly. "H-Hikaru?" She asked a bit fearful the dog may hurt her as well. She did not want to see anyone get hurt... She was glad Hikaru did not get hurt... She was still scared, unsure if it was the same dog she had spent the last month with.
Hikaru slowly walked up to her, letting out a small whine as he pushed his head against her hand. This was not something he wished for her to see, but he did not wish for her to be hurt either. He slowly rubbed his muzzled along her hand and forearm, continuing to whine as if he wished to say ​don't leave me
(Sorry~! Today I was at a Marathon DnD Game. We literally played all day... from 11am to 6am xD . Best game ever xD .)

Rhea was still terrified, not particularly of Hikaru... but of everything that had happened. She was not expecting to suddenly be attacked out of no where, or to be chased down or hurt. Let alone for Hikaru to show up out of no where and turn into something so much scarier then the gentle creature that had been staying at her house for almost a month. Softly Rhea touched Hikaru's ears and gently scratched them. Hikaru did not seem hostile to her at all... only to the people that attacked her. He was protecting her.
"Thank you..." She said quietly.
(TOTALLY worth it then ^^)

Hikaru let out another small whine as he licked a few of the small cuts she had sustained. He counted his lucky stars that she hadn't been hurt more than this. He then pushing his muzzled under her arm. He tried to push her up gently. They needed to leave here, to get home. SHE needed to get home.
(Yeah I felt like a champion the whole game xD Rogue kept failing his trap sense... after he led me straight into a trap 3 times in a row, I just ran ahead and set all the traps off dodging them like a boss... The the rest of the party just followed the safe path haha xD )

Rhea did not seem to want to move, she held onto Hikaru tightly. She continued to cry quietly, she felt like her legs where jello and her mind was not working correctly. She wanted her brother right now. She was not sure if this sort of thing would have happened if he was with her still. Rhea had use to feel like she had rather good luck, but ever since her brother passed on it is like the world was trying to pull her down. It stung a little when Hikaru licked the small cuts on her arms and legs, some where scratches from running and others were from the men trying to grab her and her pulling away. Rhea continued to not move, she needed calm down, come into a right mind.
After his nudging proved unsuccessful, Hikaru let out a small sigh. She was in no shape to be going anywhere, if her crying was anything to go by. If it came down to absolute necessity he could . . . no. She'd had enough shock for one evening, that was the LAST thing she needed to see right now. He instead lay down beside her, essentially playing the part of the big teddy bear. He would not leave her, he would not hurt her, and he would not let ANYTHING disturb her right now.

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