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Heart within the beast

Rhea was surprised when he handed back half of what she had saved, she thought a dog as big and well trained at Hiakru would cost so much more then what she had even gotten. "Really?" She asked, "Well that is good... I just wanted to make sure I paid for him properly." Rhea said with a smile.
"I told you to take as much time as you needed, but it is appreciate young miss."

The old man offered her a sincere smile at her

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Hikaru looked up at Rhea, eyeing the old man briefly. He had always been slow, but he had been fair while Hikaru was with him, and also seemed to genuinely care about the animals in his care as well as his customers.
"No not really... I thought you might like to know how we are doing as well. That is all. If your busy, I guess we can take our leave." Rhea said with a smiled, she ran her hands through Hikaru's head.
"I'm glad to know the two of you are doing well, young miss. Don't hesitate to visit again."

He offered another smile at her. Hikaru closed his eyes as Rhea ran a head through the fur on his head. He let out a short *woof* before looking up at Rhea
"I sure will." Rhea said with a smiled, before waving at the shop keeper and leaving. Walking out of the shop Rhea smiled at Hikaru, "There, you got to see an old friend and I have payed for you. So now we are not in debt anymore. Not that you can call that much of a debt." She said.
The old man waved as they left. Hikaru looked up at Rhea as she spoke, his tail wagging happily as they walked along. The old man seemed to be doing well, and Rhea hopefully wasn't in as much dire straits with cash as he had originally thought. He nuzzled against her for a moment as they walked, wondering what was next for the day
"Since Sage had been cooking food and left things for me to eat, I have not had to buy food for myself..." She said, gently caressing Hikaru's ears, "I found this dog park... I think it might be good for you to go play with other dogs..." Rhea said happily, "We have not had time to go to places like that... so maybe today we can." She said.
Hikaru barked happily, rubbing his muzzle along her side for a little bit before walking slightly in front of her. He turned his head back, barking again as if to say come on
Rhea smiled a bit when Hikaru tugged on the leash again, he was wanting to take her somewhere again. Complying to his wishes, Rhea followed Hikaru.
Hikaru wagged his tail happily and trotted at a decent pace. Not too fast, not too slow. His destination wasn't that far off. It was a riverbank. The water was fairly clear, while grass stretched all the way up the hillside. There were a few trees here and there, and once you left the road it almost seemed to be disconnected from the city.
When Rhea had gotten to the new area, she did not say much, but her eyes glowed with a curtain joy. "You were a feral dog before you got sold to me... I bet that is why you know all these places you take me too sometimes." She said quietly. Rhea leaned down and quickly undid the leash so that Hikaru could walk or run around freely.
Hikaru practically bounded along the river bank for a minute or so, quickly returning to Rhea so that she wouldn't worry. He was also worried about leaving her alone. He gave a happy bark as he trotted along beneath the trees and along the riverbank.

The bird from before lay in the tops of the nearby forest, eyeing both Hikaru and Rhea with its gaze. It seemed to ruffle its feathers in indignation as it continued to watch.
Rhea smiled as he ran around the area, she liked when he ran because he looked like he was actually enjoying himself. She was always fearing he was board just sitting around while she reads or studies. Rhea leaned down next to the water and gently slide her hand into the cool depths. The water tickled her hands and it went around her wrist to continue on down stream. She thought the sound of the water was a beautiful one, the wind also provided a happy sound to her.
Hikaru trotted around, before coming up next to Rhea. He nuzzled against her side, looking into her eyes. He dipped his paw into the water, as if testing its temperature.
Rhea smiled before she lifted her hand up and splashed water across Hikaru's large head. She laughed a bit at his reaction, it was a pleasant laugh.
Hikaru jerked back as the water splashed over his face. He shook himself to get it off. A mischievous glint came into his eye as he butted Rhea lightly into the river, pushing up to her thighs in the water
"Heey!" Rhea said, laughing a bit, "You could have let me take my shoes off!" She breathed, before splashing the dog again. She moved a bit move into the water, she would need to make sure she dried properly when she got home so she did not get sick again, but for now she thought it would be good to play.
Hikaru just flat-out jumped into the water, creating a massive splash as he landed. Water dripped off of his pelt like a wet sponge as he leapt onto Rhea. He barked happily jumping around in the water
Rhea laughed, but was slightly surprised when Hikaru jumped on her, his weight pulled her completely underwater. When she sat up, she was coughing a bit, but still laughing.
Hikaru half-jumped, half-trudged his way to the shore. Once there, he shook himself, water splattering absolutely everywhere from his thick black pelt. He stood panting as he looked at Rhea, sitting down as he waited for her to leave the water
Rhea was completely wet, though she was lucky the water was not cold, but it was not warm either. When she finally trudged out of the water, she sat down, wet and all. She could not shake herself dry like Hikaru does.
Hikaru sat down next to her, wrapping his body around her. His fur was mostly dry, and even where it wasn't it would be warmer than her clothing. He offered a short *woof* as he looked up to her.
Rhea smiled and leaned heavily on Hikaru, but something heavier weighed on her heart. She missed Roen, she missed her brother so much. "I miss my brother so much." She told the dog, "I can't believe... he has been dead for almost 4 months now..."
Hikaru let out a whine and looked into her eyes. His muzzle rubbed against her face gently. Four months? That means it hadn't been that long since the pain began . . .
She rubbed his muzzle in return, Hikaru had been with her for a month and a half now, almost two months. Rhea looked like she wanted to cry, but she told herself she would not cry anymore. Roen would scold her. "Sage was there a lot for me when he died, but she suddenly had to move to the other side of the city. That was a Month after my brother passed. Roen use to be a doctor, he ran a children's hospital." She said quietly.

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