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Heart within the beast

"Yeah ok, now I don't feel safe with you with that dog anymore..." Sage said after that moment. "I am coming with you whether the dog want it or not... I think he is brain washing you...Maybe he is an alien, or a werewolf." Sage said, walking to put things back in her bags.

Rhea smiled a bit but also got ready, calling Hikaru to her when they were ready to go. Rhea enjoyed walking with Hikaru because he never pulled or fell behind and walked at her pace. Sage talked most of the time with Rhea slightly interjecting. Unlike Rhea Sage could be a bit of a jabber jaw, sarcastic, flirtatious and even a bit abusive and blunt. Rhea never seemed to take anything she said to heart though.

When the day was out, Sage had to take a different bus home since she lived on the other side of the city.
"I'll come back in a month or so to check on your... Try and eat a bit more." She told Rhea before glancing at the dog again, glaring at it a bit and then turning to get on the bus.

Rhea sighed, she liked Sage, but she was so energetic and she tended to ware Rhea out.
"There is still a bit of time till dark.... I wounder if there is anything we can do..." Rhea thought out loud.
A werewolf? Well, to be fair she wasn't too far from the truth there. As they walked around the city, Hikaru kept his eyes open around them. He also learned a few things. One: This Sage character was very chatty. Two: He/She was very . . . abrasive. Three: Rhea had clearly known him/her for a long time, as she took nothing Sage said to her heart, or at least didn't appear to.

Hikaru sat obediently beside Rhea as Sage got on the bus. He returned Sage's glare back at him/her before looking up at Rhea. Anything to do . . . The sky was colored a series of violets and crimsons right now, and Hikaru suddenly pulled on the leash Rhea was holding. It was only a gentle tug, and he didn't go off running, seemingly to say ​follow me
When Hikaru pulled on the leash, Rhea looked down at him. His eye's spoke to her like they usually did. So she took a few steps foreword, giving him the lead. Following behind him quietly.
Hikaru lead her away from the city, up into the park. From there, he trotted up a large hill, that barely cleared the trees around. From that vantage point, one could see the entirety of the sky as the sun fell into the horizon. A brilliant mixture of orange, violet, and red hues made their mark against the slim clouds and the skyline. He sat down, crossing his paws as it fell. He would leave before it became completely dark, but for now this needed to be witnessed.
Rhea followed, trying to keep up. He had large paws and moved quickly, but Hikaru was polite as well, slowing do when she needed it. When they got up to the top Rhea gasped a bit. It was a view most could not see in such a large city. "It is breathtaking to say the least.." Rhea whispered. She sat next to Hikaru and gently ran one of her hands through his fur on his back. Where would he even know of a place like this? "I saw something like this once before. With my brother. Thank you for showing me." She said, voicing her amazement.
Her brother? Was that "Roen"? Was that the young man in those pictures? Hikaru laid his head down as Rhea ran her hand through his fur. He just sat like that for many minutes. When the sun was nothing but a sliver on the horizon, he stood up rubbing his muzzle against Rhea's arm and shoulder
Rhea did not really say much more after Hikaru laid his head down. She watched the sun set, her mind wondering to places she had forgotten. She was bought back from such frivolous memories when Hikaru suddenly stood up. Rhea looked at Hikaru, then back at the sun, it had nearly disappeared. She took this as it was time to go home.

Standing up, Rhea quietly walked back with Hikaru home. She was still a bit deep in thought. So many memories were brought up with Sage and a lot of them involved her brother. She was surprised Sage did not ask about her parents. Maybe she finally understood about her parents. Anyway... Sage showing up every now and again would be good. Maybe she should give her a key. She had just moved into the apartments and had not really thought about giving anyone a key to the place.

When they arrived home, Rhea went through her normal just getting home routine and then went to lay on the couch, feeling a bit warn out from all the walking and emotional turn over.
Hikaru followed Rhea as per the norm, checking the surrounding area as it grew darker. He watched as Rhea collapsed onto the couch, seemingly worn out. Could she not make it to the bed? Hikaru disappeared from the side room for a moment, heading into the back of the apartment. When he returned, he was clutching a thick, folded blanket in his maw, which he dropped of at the edge of the couch.
Rhea smiled at Hikaru and pulled the blanket from him, gently rubbing him on the snout. "I was going read, sorry I was hogging the couch. Its not time to sleep yet." She said, sitting up and picking up one of the books from the coffee table. "First is to study a bit. Then we can read a bit in the new book."
Hikaru let out a contented *woof* before settling down beside the couch. She had taken the day off thus far, of course she would allocate some time to study. Hikaru shut his eyes to let her work, his ears perked for any unusual noise that might occur.
When Hikaru did not sit on the couch net to her and on the floor, Rhea leaned down and laid on the couch while she studied. Sadly she fell asleep half way through studying. To tired to really stay awake, but it was a good day and a nice break from all the work. It was a good break from a lot of things in her opinion, but back to the grind in the morning.
Hikaru opened his eyes when the sound of pages turning and pencil scratching stopped. He raised his head and looked at her, slowly standing up so not to wake her. Her breathing was soft and steady, fast asleep. Two human hands slowly pulled the book and notepad away from her, making sure she didn't awaken. Then the figure they belonged to unfolded the large blanket and laid it on top of her. She shifted slightly as it was pulled up to her neck, but did not awaken.

"You push yourself too hard . . ."

The figure whispered under his breath before disappearing, replaced by the same wolven form known as "Hikaru". He laid back down where he was initially, quickly falling asleep.
(Okie time to play the sick card xD )

When Rhea did wake up she sat up slowly and looked around. Dang it she fell asleep on the couch again. Looking around she saw her note book and book where moved again. She must really be pushing herself if she could never remember putting her stuff elsewhere. Unlike the first few weeks when she use to trip on Hikaru, she was now more aware that he was usually right under here from where she slept. Because of this, she was easy to avoid the large dog. Getting up she preformed her morning tasks like feeding Hikaru and herself. She quickly informed Hikaru of the daily activities that would happen such as her working late and an apology for not reading last night.

The week went by for what seemed rather peacefully but Rhea seemed to start to eat a bit less and not be able to concentrate as often. Even with her sluggish attitude Rhea still tried to perform her daily activities. It did not seem as bad at first, but Rhea was starting to get frustrated with herself not being able to complete simple actives while studying. Rhea had been trying to brush it off as a cold, but unbeknownst to her was actually the flu. It was after work when she got home she wondered into the house taking off her shoes and throwing them in the closet like normal,
"I am home Hikaru..." She said quietly. She always felt out of breath, standing up Rhea used the wall to help her up before she looked up to see the black dog.
Rhea's sluggishness did not go unnoticed by Hikaru. As the week wore on, he often tried to nudge her into sitting down, or even trying to get her to rest sooner. Of course, she was stubborn in this regard, refusing to just lie down and get better. When she walked in, Hikaru was immediately in the entryway and sniffed her a few times. He could smell it, she was definitely down with something more serious than a cold. He brushed alongside her legs, staying next to her as she leaned against the wall. If she fell, he would be there as a support. He also gently nudged her in the direction of the bedroom, hopefully she would get it.
Hikaru kept pestering her to go lay down, but she had fallen behind on her school work because she had been sleeping a bit more. She also picked up his food bowl and water dish, filling up both for him. After she was done she sat down on the couch like normal, pulling out the usual study materials. She immediately set to work trying to catch up on what she had been slacking on the coming week, but as per usual she felt fuzzy headed and was having a hard time concentrating.
Hikaru walked beside her, ignoring the food and water put down as she went to continue her studies. He was stuck sitting beside the couch, but enough was enough. He walked over to the coffee table she was using, pushing his snout underneath the book cover, and flipping it shut. He walked around and gently started butting her legs with his head in the direction of the bedroom.
"Hikaru... Calm down some, I am ok... I need to study..." Rhea said, gently rubbing Hikaru's ears. Rhea wrapped her arms around his large neck and gave the dog a hug before leaning over and reopening the book. "We'll sleep in a few hours. After we've read." She said quietly.
Hikaru enjoyed her hugs, but gave out a snort when she reopened the book. He flipped it shut with his snout again, this time putting both massive paws over it, making it rather difficult for her to open it again. His eyes locked with hers as he gave a small wine, something he almost never did.
Rhea frowned and made a complicated face. She needed to get work done... "Hikaru... please can I have my book back?" She asked, trying to remove his large paw over the cover. Leaning over made her feel a bit dizzy, her head spun a bit.
Hikaru supported pushed up against her frame with his head, sitting her upright. He did pull back after her hands were pushed away from the book, but started nudging her in the direction of the bedroom again with his head. He was pushing harder now, such that her legs actually slid down the couch with his force.
"I have so much to do..." Rhea said tiredly. When Hikaru pushed her harder however, she could not really fight back. Getting up Rhea decided she could just get up early and finish what she needs to get done. She had work in the evening again tomorrow. Rhea felt pretty cold and dizzy, and if felt like a bit of a struggle to get back to her bedroom, but she eventually laid down. She stared at the dog from her pillow, wondering why he was so bent on her going to bed... it was just a cold and would pass on its own.
Hikaru gave her gentle nudges all the way to the bedroom until she laid down. When she finally did and looked over at him, his eyes locked with hers for a moment. Concern, worry, it was rather evident. He pushed his snout to her forehead, sniffing a few times before backing up and trotting out. He gathered two things. One: he knocked the phone out of it's charging station, pushing it in the kitchen. Then, he grabbed a pencil from the coffee table she had been working on. He struggled to remember the number, but finally got it. He held the pencil in his mouth and started pushing the buttons on the phone. When the dial was finished and started ringing, he pushed the phone across the floor into the bedroom, pushing it up beside the bed. He had just dialed Sage's number.

( xD )
When Sage answer the phone, she heard several clicks and bangs until Rhea's voice entered, "Hello?" Rhea had taken the phone, a bit of question in her eyes.

"Hello....? Rhea?" Sage asked, "Is everything ok?"

"Oh Sage...." Rhea eyed the dog before answering, "Sorry to call you so late.. it was an accident, Hikaru dialed the phone..."

There was a long silence on the other side,

"All the buses are done for the night... but I will be over tomorrow morning." She said after a few long moments.

"N-no you don't need to make the trip... I am fine."
Rhea said quietly.

"Look your dog is possessed or something because he is not a... dog. So something is up. I'll be there in the morning. Go to bed." and with that Sage hung up the phone.

Rhea looked at Hikaru before putting the phone down on the table and letting out a long trouble sigh,
"I am going to be a burden on Sage now..." Rhea's fever started to spike when she closed her eyes. She was more dazed, kind of refusing to sleep. Rhea stared at the picture on her table with glazed over and unconcentrated eyes.

(Sage says.... wtf...
xD )
(You have no idea how long I've been holding onto that xD )

Hikaru sat there watching as she spoke to Sage. He almost seemed to have a contended look when Rhea mentioned "making a trip". Someone was going to come and look out for her. When she looked over with the glazed look, he did something different than usual. Rather than head out to the blanket beside the couch, he jumped up on the bed beside her, settling down as a source of warmth hopefully. If he could help her recover, he would.
(Hahaha Well now Sage is SUPER suspicious of him. Rhea is kind of like..." this can't be normal... or is it? I don't know anything about dogs..." xD )

Rhea eventually closed her eyes, she had one of her hands on his ear. She always liked to play with them because they were very soft and cute. When she fell asleep, Rhea's breathing was not soft like it normally was when she slept, but was tired and harsh. Her fever spiked and she broke out into a cold sweat. Sometimes she would wake up, usually falling back asleep immediately. When she did wake up, she was dazed and did not really coherent.

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