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Heart within the beast

Every time she woke up, Hikaru looked over at her. Finally, he waited until she was in about as deep a sleep as could be expected. He slowly shuffled away from her, making sure not to disturb her before leaving the room. The sounds of running water could be heard from the kitchen for a few minutes. when next Rhea would wake, she would fine a bowl of cool water, complete with a wet washcloth on her forehead. There was also a pitcher of gatorade on the table next to the bed. Hikaru was back where he had been before they were there.
Rhea woke up a few more times, mumbling things at times. When she woke up with the washcloth on her forehead she rolled over a bit and pulled it off her head, mumbling more, "Roen... I am not sick... stop worrying..." As per usual she fell asleep right after she woke up, having found the side of Hikaru. The wash cloth helped her a bit, making her cooler and helping her stay asleep longer.
Hikaru kept his vigil all night. Staying by her side, and replacing the cloth when needed. When morning came he slowly raised his head and looked at Rhea, hoping she had gotten better over the course of her fitful sleep.
Rhea slept a bit better as the night dragged on. Though she did not get up early like she wanted to, she seemed to be in a deeper sleep. It was mid morning when the door opened and then shut again. "Rhea?" the familiar voice called.

Sage had helped herself into the house again, picking the lock for a second time. She had brought over more stuff for breakfast,
"Huh... is she not home?" Sage asked out loud, placing some stuff on the counter.
Hikaru's ears perked up at the front door being opened. He jumped off the bed, running out into the kitchen to meet Sage. He locked eyes with her and gave a short bark before moving his head in a deliberate manner towards the bedroom.
Sage yawned and followed Hikaru into the bedroom. When she saw Rhea with the wash cloth she could only guess. Picking up the phone on the bedside table she dialed a number and put the phone to her ear before pressing her hand to Rhea's forehead. Rhea had a pretty high fever...

"Hello? Yes this is a friend of Rhea... She needs off work, I might have to take her to the emergency room because of sickness. She won't be attending work for a bit...... Of course. I will. Thank you." Sage said to the phone before hanging it up and dialing another number. Getting up, Sage left the room to the kitchen again, leaving Rhea in bed with the wash cloth on her forehead.
Hikaru let out something of a sigh. Or what could have been considered a sigh for a dog, as Sage left to the kitchen with the phone. She was doing what he couldn't, which gave some comfort to his mind. With Sage in the kitchen making calls, he returned to Rhea's side as he had over the course of the night. It was the only thing he knew he could do in the current state.
Sage did a few choirs around the house and cleaned it up. She had cooked breakfast and had also left to get medications and a few other things. When she was back she set up a few things on her table, including a glass of water and some of the juice. After that Sage wondered into the back of the room, opening the drawer and getting some pajamas. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Sage sighed and looked at the dog. "Hikaru was it? I don't know what you are... But I will let you know I am watching you." Sage looked at Rhea sleeping for a moment before she pulled off the towel on her head and then put it on the edge of the bowl, "But thanks for calling me... shes pretty sick right now. Don't let her out of bed in less she is going to the bathroom..."

After that Sage grind and got onto the bed, hovering over Rhea before she slid a hand across the girls cheek. The sudden touch made Rhea open her eyes,
"Sage?" She asked, recognizing the blue haired girl.

"They say a kiss from your true love will wake the sleeping princess..." Sage said in a bit of a seductive tone. Sage had to jump away from Rhea when she shoot up from where she was laying so that their heads did not collide. "N-No! S-Sage..." Rhea said, she seemed to swoon a bit from being dizzy after sitting up so suddenly. Sage could only laugh, holding a hand over her mouth while she got off Rhea.

After that Sage handed Rhea the clothing,
"Ok listen closely, You need to get dressed into these pajamas. Stop sleeping in your cloths. You also sweat so I want you to take a cool shower, not a hot one. After that you will sit back down in bed and eat, take some medication and sip a full glass of water before you will lay down and go back to sleep again. Don't try any of that 'I am not sick' crap because you have a outrageous fever of 108 degrees. Which is a very dangerous fever and you know. If it does not go down by tonight I am taking you to the emergency room... but I know you can't pay for that bill... so we will try and avoid that for as long as possible..." Sage seemed a bit harsh at first, but by the end of her spiel she seemed to have softened a bit. "Now up, go shower and get dressed." She commanded, getting off the bed.

Rhea gently caught Sage's shirt before she got off,
"What about work.... Sage if I don't work I can't pay for anything... I can't afford to miss work."

"Then you should have taken care of this before you got this bad..." Sage said rather bluntly, looking back at the girl, "I already called them and told them you are not coming in for a few days. I called the school as well. I called my mother and told her I will be staying over a bit, and my own school for as far as they know I am sick too. Rhea I suggest you do what I told you or I will get mean and say things that will make you hurt." Sage said seriously, bushing off Rhea.

"Sage... What am I going to do...?" Rhea asked, moving to sit off the side of the bed.

Sage sighed and turned at the door way to look at Rhea, she leaned on the frame and crossed her arms,
"For starters, get better. When you are tried of punishing and pushing yourself, then you can accept my help. Of course if that is not good enough Maybe you can even crawl back to your parents and ask for forgiveness."

Rhea physically flinched when Sage said that.
"I told you I will get mean. Do what I said, before your breakfast is too cold." Sage said again before getting standing off the door frame and actually leaving the room.

Rhea sighed and stood up a bit weakly and made her way to the bathroom. When she came back she sat in the bed and hugged Hikaru,
"Sorry to make you worry." she told him, petting his ears a bit.
(Going to pick up my brother now. It's a five to six hour trip, and we're doing there and BACK again. So around 10 to 12 hours. I probably won't be on again until tomorrow)

Hikaru narrowed his eyes somewhat at Sage's statement of watching him. He stayed on the bed while the conversation went on, staying right beside Rhea the whole time. Sage did one other thing he could never do: tell Rhea to stop pushing herself and just sit down . . . though it brought up some interesting information. Beg her parents? What had occurred that would warrant such a thing? Hikaru shook his head while Rhea was in the shower. Maybe he would find out more over the course of the day, but Rhea's health took priority. He rubbed his muzzle against her as she pet him and hugged him. He did make sure that she lay down in the bed, at which point he proceeded to lie down on her legs that were beneath the covers. She wouldn't be going anywhere without his say-so.
(Okie dokie, You have a fun trip! Be safe! Driven from Alabama to Florida before from Enterprise to Spring Hill. That is about a 6 hour trip... It is not a fun trip. xD )

Rhea at quietly ate and took the medication, sipping the water slowly as told by Sage.
"Why does she always have to say mean things?... shes so mean to those she cares about... I guess she has always been like that. Partly why I don't take offense anymore." Rhea said to Hikaru.

"Rhea stop talking to the rug. I don't want him knowing my weaknesses." Sage said, turning into the room with a smaller cup with what looked like water. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Rhea looked like she was scowling a bit. "Sage he is not a rug..."

Sage grinned and handed her the glass.
"Drink it."

Rhea took a sip and then made a sour face,
"Its bitter..." she said, before drinking the rest of it quickly.

Sage took the glass from her and nodded,
"Yeah, it should help. I have a lot of stuff to try and avoid going to the doctors. Now go back to bed, I am going to be in the living room so call if you need anything." Sage said, getting up and leaving. Then she looked around the corner again, "Drink half a glass of water every time you wake up."

Rhea laid down and closed her eyes, wishing Hikaru would get off her legs because he was heavy.

Sage went into the other room and actually started to do the homework that Rhea had been trying to complete days before.
(baaaaaaaaaaack . . . and going to bed after this -_- *is le zombie*)

Hikaru stayed on Rhea's legs for a few minutes, until he was sure she wouldn't try to get up. After that time, he moved beside her, just trying to help her sleep. With a fever like that, there wasn't much to do besides take in healthy substances and rest it off. He rubbed along her head gently, trying to make her feel better if he could.
(Welcome Back!)

Rhea held our her hands for Hikaru and slid her hands through his fur until she fell back asleep. Rhea slept through most of the day, Sage coming often to wake her up and make her drink something or take some medication, Sage also periodically checked her fever. Some where to the end of the day Sage was pleased to see the fever go down. The night was much the same, Rhea sleeping like she was suppose too. Sage was also planing on spending the night the next few nights and made a small bed by the couch.
Hikaru spent most of the day by Rhea's side, occasionally leaving when she had drifted off to sleep. He would go and visit his own dishes briefly, or check on what Sage was doing. So she was spending the night, unforeseen but not unwanted. He sniffed her makeshift bed a few times before heading back to Rhea's side. He did not want to be away from her when she woke up.
Sage was very aware of Hikaru, watching the dog. Sage for the most part read a few book here and there, but was bored out of her mind just laying around a house with no T.V. or internet. The next few days went much like the first day. Sage feed Rhea, took care of her and commanded her around.

Rhea slept a lot, mostly because she was finally forced too. She would always wake up every now and again and sleep again when Hikaru was around. After the next three days passed, Sage had allowed Rhea to sit up in the living room while eating to stretch her legs.

"Are you feeling better at all?" Sage asked the give, handing her a bowl of soup.

"Much better thanks to you and Hikaru." Rhea said smiling.
Hikaru did not err in his activities over the course of three days. He was almost always by Rhea's side, whether she was asleep or trying to. When not, he was around the house, generally in the vicinity of Sage to see what she was doing. Even with Rhea now in the living room, he was still next to her, sitting down next to the couch. He nuzzled her side when she mentioned how much better she was feeling.
Rhea smiled and held Hikaru but let go to eat when and drink when Sage served her food.

"Ok well... I am going to go home tonight... and I think you can go back to school, but try not to push yourself to hard... get proper sleep and if you feel sick take care of it, don't ignore it." Sage scolded.

"I know..." Rhea said quietly.

"If you knew this wouldn't have happened. If you really want to follow your brother, then do what ha would do..." Sage said a bit warmly.
Hikaru stayed next to Rhea as she spoke with Sage. Then . . . he did something he hadn't before. He walked over to Sage and locked eyes with her for a moment. Right before he rubbed his muzzle along her side, the same way he did with Rhea. It was almost like he wanted to say thank you
Rhea was slow getting back into her routine, but Sage while she was there had literally left a months worth of meals in her fridge and freezer. Rhea started to read to Hikaru again and she manage get enough money to pay off her normal bills. It was a few weeks later on the weekend when Rhea told Hikaru that they would be going somewhere different from normal, that she had to run an errand. When she was done getting ready, she reached for an envelope that she had kept in her room.

"Ok, ready to go?" Rhea asked Hikaru, retrieving his leash.
Somewhere different. Hikaru wondered what sort of place she had in mind. Rhea almost never went anywhere outside of her regular routine. He walked up to Rhea as she grabbed his leash, rubbing his muzzle against her sides as he usually did before looking up at her.


Over the last few days, something had routinely visited a telephone pole outside Rhea's apartment. A falcon, with goldenrod feathers and piercing red eyes. It continued to gaze through the windows of her abode, watching.
Rhea smiled, leashing Hikaru and opening the door. Closing behind her she locked the door behind her and began her way down the road into town. "I think you might like going here and seeing an old friend..." Rhea said warmly.
Hikaru trotted along happily beside her, keeping his pace even as normal. An old friend? Was it Sage? He looked up at her every now and then, seeing her smile as she spoke. It was good when she smiled.
They stopped at the pet store eventually, the one that Rhea had gotten Hikaru at. Opening the store door, Rhea peaked her head into the building, "Hello?" She called quietly.
(sorry for the delay again . . . made a skelly that literally took an hour to put together)

Hikaru barked happily when he recognized the shop. It was where he had first met Rhea, and was very glad to have done so. At her voice, the old man who ran the place came up to the front.

"Ah! Miss Rhea, how good to see you again!"

He came from behind the counter to speak with her

"I trust everything is well?"

His eyes darted over to the massive dog beside her.
(nah don't worry, i've been forgetting to check xD )

"Yes... everything has gone wonderfully..." She said happily. "I wanted to give you then." Rhea said, handing the shop keeper an envelope.

"It took me a few months to get... but this is about 200 dollars... it should pay for Hikaru. I think." Rhea said timidly.
The old man was shocked for a minute as he opened the envelope slowly, taking it behind the counter and counting. The was a small *ching* of the cash register before he handed her back the envelope.

"Young miss, that is more than enough. You've given him a home, and from what I can tell, happiness. Half of that is plenty."

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