Harris Boarding School of Shifters

Cherys smiled at the boy and shook her head. "No, it's fine. I haven't really eaten or looked around the school today so I might leave you guys pretty quickly before it gets late.."
"really? but you just got here." she tried to comunicate with her eyes. she wanted to talk to both of them, she wanted to be good friends with Cherys, and though things might be even more awkward if she left. ive never really hung out with a guy. what do i do if she leaves? i dont wanna get all depressing and upset him again.
she blushed a little, "jeez. maybe you should go Cherys, we could hang out another time. this guy seems to like making me feel awkward."
Takes hand back "so precious" walks over to Cherys and takes her by the arm " it is over yonder we shall skip there" starts to skip
Aria is stunned a moment, but follows to make sure Cherys is ok.

((perhaps we should wait before we leave inkling too far behind))
((Sorry, my post didnt work yesterday))

Cherys looked from Aria to Koa with a slightly amused look on her face. Whatever was going on, they didn't seem to want her there at the moment. But Cherys was fine with that, she didn't feel comfortable staying with the way things seemed to be heading from her point of view. Under normal circumstances, Cherys wouldn't have tolerated the actions of the boy, but since Aria seemed to like him, she went along with it, skipping and laughing.

Leocadie startled awake, surprised to see the sky had darkened considerably since he had fallen asleep. He stumbled from the lean-to and stretched his cramped body, then made his way back inside. He started down the staircase to the cafeteria.
After a brief two minutes of skipping the were at the pool. He stretched is arms out symbolizing the pool. "Here we are isnt it wonderful." walks over to the edge of the pool
[suppose I just jump in?]

Navan had his hands full with the bags he was carrying, and he was struggling to find his room. He glanced at the slip of paper he'd been given and finally made it. Once he got his things in order, the light haired boy wondered if he had a roommate, but perhaps he would find out later on in the day. Now, he figured he might as well meet some people. Navan walked out of his room, looking up and down the hallway with a confused expression.

Where do I even start?

((Ditto to that ^^))

Candace pulled up to the school and parked her Kia Soul beside the front office. "Oh joy of joys, I'm back again." She sighed before exiting the car. She thought as she popped her trunk to unload her suitcases. She stacked some bags on top of each other and made her way to the student office. Once there she got her school packet with all her information and room number, 710. Candace headed toward the dorms with her arms piled full of luggage and made her way to her room. Some how she managed to unlock the door without dropping everything. Once there, she didn't bother to unpack but instead left immediately in search of food. Candace turned on her i-pod and headed to the cafeteria. Florence and the Machine's "Shake it Out" was playing in her head as she walked down the hallway.
((Yeah, nothing important is really happening, everyone's really just messing around until class officially starts tomorrow.

It's going sort of slow. :b))

Cherys smirked, it was a nice place. "Uh, maybe a little later. I should go eat and find my classes so I don't get lost tomorrow. But I'll come make after a while..." she said a little uncertainly and a little guilty. "If you wouldn't mind...?"
"Have fun you two," Cherys said in a singsongy tune and strode out of the pool area. from there, she went in search of the cafeteria, not quite sure where it was but thinking it wouldn't be too hard to find.

Leocadie's eyes scanned the cafeteria, taking in all the faces. He was disappointed to see just how few there were that he recognized from his past years. But he got over it quickly, making friends had never been a problem for Leo.

((I do't know what to do with Tori..EllaMae hasn't replied inna while....:b))
Smiles "No dont jump Aria" pushes her into the water "OH NO! Dont worry ill save you!" he jumps into the water and puts her up on his shoulders
"oh jeez! now my clothes are soaked!" she pouts "now im gonna be dripping water all the back to my room." her ears and tail pop out in her frustration. "and now my fur is wet." she tries not to laugh.
"but i left my towel in my room!" she says in a fake whiny voice. her ears point outward in an odd manner to indicate she is trying to fake a bad mood.
Smiles at her "You can use mine i don't mind if i get in trouble for being wet." swims around with her on his shoulders.
"i wanna swim too." she leans back and falls into the water behind him. she resurfaces and tries to do a movie star hair flip.
"oh shut yer trap" she smirks just before her hair flops back in her face. she searches the pockets of her soaked hoodie and finds a hair tie and ties back her hair.
Stays down in the water to see if he can make you freak out. He takes his animal form and wraps a tentacle around her leg not pulling her down just around her leg.

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