Harris Boarding School of Shifters

Aria turned extremely red, "um welll maybe i will eat later i think i should find my classes...." she rambled nervously before running off. jeez what was that? why cant i stop smiling, im not used to this! she groaned in frustration before going to her room to change. once she is in fresh dry clothes she wanders the halls of the school wondering why her first instinct was to run. she hoped Koa wasnt upset. she frowned
Aria wandered back to her room when she realized she hadnt givin his towel back. she grabbed it, dryed it with her hairdryer and made her way to the cafe. she expected he would be there since she mentioned food earlier.
Leocadie walked into the cafeteria, his full of food. There weren't many students currently eating there, the majority must be in their rooms getting ready for tomorrow. He went to an empty table and sat, looking around at the others curiously.

Cherys eventually found all her classes and grew bored with exploring. She went back to her room and crawled up on the bed, not bothering to change from her day clothes. She stared at the apple in her hand. She had been too involved in finding rooms to eat, and now she didn't feel hungry. She pushed it away and pulled the blanket to her chin. She wasn't exactly tired, but she stayed where she was, staring at the wall.

Torren shifted uncomfortably and pulled at his sleeves. "Er, it was nice meeting you, but I gotta go.." he said, then walked off before she could answer. His stress had grown the further they went through the school, and it had suddenly become overwhelming. He didn't want to be at this school, but it was much too late now. He was stuck. He burst into the dark outside, breathing in the cool evening air. Overtime, he calmed though it didn't disappear entirely. He had a feeling it never would.
Jackie wandered around the school hallways...A bit unsure of what to do or where to go at this particular point. She looked at a booklet. "Umm...?" she seemed puzzled.
Aria returned the towl to Koa and decided to wander around some more. she didnt really have anything better to do anyway
Candace walked to the cafeteria. She filled her tray with somehing that looked edible and turned around to find a seat. She saw a guy who looked familiar from last year and headed over to sit with him. "Hey," Candace said with a smile. "Your name is Leo right?" She asked conversationally.
Ava finally pulled up to the school in her Maybach Landaulet. She was completely mortified she had to drive herself, but it's not like her shofer could stay there in live in the car. So it was either she drove herself, or she had to live without her car until she came back home. She got her suitcases out of the back and walked to the office. She got her keys and schedule and looked at a piece of paper that had her roommate on it. "Rosalind Faire huh? She's a grade below me, but she's at least she's close to my age. I think her brother is in my grade though," she said to herself as she looked for her room. When Ava got there she walked in and put her stuff by the bed. She then laid down and put her earbuds in and closed her eyes.
Jackie saw Aria wandering around and she couldn't help but go over and ask what exactly is going on at this point of the day. "Excuse me? Where's the office for my schedule? I'm new here and sorta lost." she tried not to look like an idiot asking such questions.
Leo broke away from his stare to look over at the girl that had approached him. He grinned and nodded slowly, looking at her with tilted head and slightly squinted eyes. "Yep, I'm Leo. I think I've seen you but I don't really remember your name..." he laughed softly and shrugged, "I have a terrible memory, especially when it comes to remembering names."
Ava decided to go get something to eat. The food wasn't as good as she was used to, but it was ok. She walked to the cafeteria and just got whatever meat they had available then. As she went through the line she made her tail, ears, and sharp teeth appear. She looked for a place to sit and saw Leo, an old friend of hers. She walked over and sat down next to him. "Hey there sexy." Ava smirked.

((I thought it would be cool if she already knew someone there. If you don't want to do that then just have it be that she's being flirty xD ))
((No it's cool, I wanted him to have friends. :b))

Leo turned his attention from the girl to the new voice, slightly confused at first. Once recognizing it, his eyes glinted in amusement. "Avaa! Hey!" he smiled brightly, "Thank god, I thought all of you had left me here alone with the new kids."
"You know I couldn't leave!" Ava punched him lightly on the arm. Her tail swished back and forth behind her. "It's sad this is your last year here though. What am I supposed to do without you?" She gave him a fake pouty face.
Leo scoffed then grinned. "I think you'll be alright without me, just remember I'm not missing anything about this place once I'm gone, including you," he teased, "But if it hurts too much without me here, you can skip your last year and come with me." It was nearly impossible for him to be serious when talking to anyone, especially people he had known for ages.
"I think it will just be too much sadness to bear when you're gone. I might just have to take you up on that offer." Ava was only partly joking. She had a small crush on Leo, but she always brushed it aside. "So what exactly are you doing when you get out of here?"
Ten year olds Emily and Dahlia Snow wandered the halls of their new school, hands clasped together for fear of separation. They crossed the campus to the cafeteria and unlatched themselves from one another long enough for Dahlia to reach up and push open the heavy door. They'd gotten a decent tour around campus, but hadn't been inside the lunchroom before. Now they were amazed at all the lines to get different types of food and all the other students walking around greeting each other or talking like they'd been friends all their lives. Emily looked at her quiet twin with a smile, "Maybe we'll make new friends, too!" she said happily. Dahlia didn't reply other than a small nod. Emily sniffed the air, taking in all the aromas while trying to decide what to eat.

It was then that the smell of food made Emily's animal instinct kick in and a cute fluffy tail appeared on her backside, followed by a set of small white rabbit ears. Emily smiled a little when she realized what happened. She looked at her sister, surprised that Dahlia's rabbit features hadn't made an appearance as well. Emily was used to them popping up whenever she was hungry or doing something that involved athletics or exercise, and rather than worry about it she just remembered she was surrounded by bigger kids who probably had the same problem controlling their shifting as she did. Dahlia, on the other hand, was embarrassed of her animal form and tried her hardest to hide it. She pouted a bit at Emily's ears and reached up to grab them, making cute noises as she attempted to push them back into Emily's head. "Put them away, silly!" she said. While it was rare to hear Dahlia speak, her voice was identical to her twins as their appearance. In fact, the only way to tell them apart was that they liked different clothing.

Both girls had their strawberry blonde hair put into twin braids today, but Emily wore cute pink shorts, sandals, and a white top while Dahlia wore blue jean capris, a black shirt and black tennis shoes. Once the quieter twin had given up removing her sister's ears, they walked to the end of the line, eventually got some food, and went to sit down together at an empty table, taking in all their surroundings with smiles.

Aria turns towards the girl. "oh sure. right this way! whats your name?" she lead the way towards the office.

((this RP picked up all of a sudden. fun! :3 ))
((im waiting on someone too. here, in Lost in Paradise and in 3 other RPs im the only one whos this active! bummer!))
((the adventure time one right? i checked it out but it wasnt what i expected so i decided not to join.))
He watches Aria as she meets up with some of her older friends and he smiles then finishes meal. After this he didn't want to ruin anything so he just left to go for a walk outside
Leo laughed and mussed his hair, thinking for a moment. "Well I mean I should probably go to college...but I'm not exactly the college-student type. " he smiled crookedly. "I guess I just want to travel and chill and just figure out where I want my life to go, then decide the big stuff from there." he shrugged. "I'm not much of a planner." he leaned back in his chair, turning towards her. "What about you? What are you gonna do?"
"Well I've already been excepted into Julliard. But I'm not sure if I want to go. At least not as soon as I get out of here." She sighed. "I'm still not quite sure what to do."

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