Harris Boarding School of Shifters

After about a minute he stood up again his eyes completely black and surrounded from red because he had been crying as he looked at the cat girl and down at the girls "I would say many things now but not infront of them" he glared at her
"Oh so you're going to make fun of them and then worry about what they would hear? That makes loads of sense." She glared right back at him.
"Make fun of them? I was stating facts did you even look at them ,the quality of fur, it was perfect. Now the tiger eating rabbit is true and im aware your part human." drifting his gaze at the chicken on her plate
"Well that's not what it sounded like. It sounded like you were making fun of them. Try to be more clear on that next time." She continued eating.
Leo watched the scene unfold with slight confusion. Not being one to deal well with conflict, he stood up from his seat. "Well, I'm getting kinda tired, so, see you guys tomorrow.." he tossed his mostly empty tray in the garbage and walked briskly from the room.
"White Bengal. Now if you'll excuse me, I still need to go unpack." She got up and threw her trash away then walked out of the room. Leo wasn't too far ahead of her. "Hey Leo! Wait up!" She quickly ran to catch up to him.
Leo turned, saw it was Ava, and waved. "Uh, hey.." he grinned sheepishly and shrugged, "Just gettin' kinna awkward in there. Time for me to go." He wasn't sure why he felt the need to explain himself.
"Yeah sorry about that. I just kind of felt that I needed to defend those girls." Ava's ears went back a little and she smiled shyly. "You know how protective I can get."
Faith noticed everyone leave, rather awkwardly she might say. she finished her apple spice tea and left the cafateria. she hoped the little bunny girls were ok. she had a soft spot for children.
(Im usually okay with being the mean guy but not this one especially if its being mean to small children even if their not small its messing with my mind people)
(Okay if you say so)

Walks over and gets himself i nice leafy salad and sits down at the table. He turns one of his arms into a long tentacle and wraps it around several leafs of lettuce and places it into his mouth.
Faith sighed as she walked the hallways. children should not have to watch people fight. children should shown smiles and warmth. Faith smiled to herself, remembering all the time she spent with her mother as a child.
Leo smiled. "No need to apologize, it's cool. It wasn't even a big deal, really.." he looked at the ground for a few moments, that back to Ava. "But anyway, standing up for someone that can't defend themselves, especially someone you don't know, that's gotta take some confidence. It's a good thing. I like that..." he ran his fingers through his hair. 'It's not something I'm very good at it...I guess I kinda admire it." he laughed quietly.
Emily and Dahlia, feeling a little awkward from all the yelling, had slipped outside while the argument was going on and were now sitting together outside under a tree.

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