Harris Boarding School of Shifters

After shoving the last bit of his food he started for his first class and saw a very thin red head. He sat down behind her and said "Hello"
Faith jumped when she heard a voice behind her. "u-um hello" she said quietly.

Aria managed to find her class somehow, and sat down. she didnt recognize anyone, which made sense since she had only met Cherys, who was younger then her, and Koa. she hoped she could make some friends with the people in class.

((just for refrence, Faith is 15, in tenth grad and Aria 17 11th. the age thing is from weird birthdays))
"i didnt fit in at my old school." she figeted. "this is my second year here. i um, i dont exactly fit in here either." she mumbled.
He cocks his head to the side in confusion "Why don't you fit in here." He turns one of his arms into an octopus tentacle. "You can change to can't you."
((Since there's not many students, I think everyone will have the same teachers for each subject, so the interactions keep up and no ones secluded.

But they can still pick their classes.))

Torren grabbed a mug of coffee from the line and an orange. He sat down at an empty table, struggling to keep his eyes open. When he thought about it, he wasn't even hungry, really, just exhausted. He began eating anyway, then slowly began slumping closer to the table. Just before his face hit the surface, he jerked awake. Tori sat up and wiped at his eyes, blushing lightly. Taking a large drink a caffiene, he stood. Maybe the cafeteria wasn't such a good place to stay.

Cherys forced herself to eat a bowl of cereal. She ate slowly, trying to put off class for as long as possible. She wondered where Aria and the boy from yesterday were.

Leo hadn't yet heard the second bell, but he grudgingly decided it was time to get up. He very slowly lifting himself from the bed and let out a roaring yawn. He took a quick shower in attempt to become more awake, which had little effect. He changed into the first clothes he found and dragged himself through the door.

((If everyone agrees? Or separate classes?))
(that would probably be for the best. i agree.)

Faith frowned. "yes, but thats not what i meant." she replied in almost a whisper.
((sounds good to me.)) Ava was just coming back from her room with her messenger bag when Lro walked out of his room. "Hey L-" She stopped in mid sentence and started laughing.
"n-no im fine" she shifted around. she wasnt used to talking to people. "i dont talk to people very much. im sorry." she said seeing him frown. she hoped she hadnt upset him. he was, in fact a bit intimidating. she had a small build and he was muscular so she felt tiny in comparison.
"Heyy..." Leo yawned again, blinking sleep from his eyes. 'Whaaat? What are you laughing at? It's too early for this.." he whined, jokingly glaring at her.

Torren decided it was time to go to class, although he didn't like going so early, the second bell hadn't even rang yet. He found the room easy enough, though there were few students inside. Harris seemed to have much less students than he remembered from his previous years. But he hadn't really paid attention then. He sat in the first available seat, still forcing himself to keep his eyes open.

Cherys stared at the empty bowl in front of her, knowing that this meant she could put off going to class no longer. She could probably think of thousands more excuses, but convinced herself it was better to get it over with. Maybe afterward she would find out what it was like outside the school. And maybe class wouldn't turn out so bad..
"Are you sure your feeling all right?" She was so small he felt like he would break her if he even touched her. "If you feel sick at all just tell me"
Ava kept laughing but managed to speak a little. "I think...you...forgot something." She pointed at where he should have been wearing pants and continued laughing.
"its fine really" she managed a small smile. "im rather weak, so people ask me that a lot." though the weather was warm, she wore a light long sleeve shirt and denim capris.

Aria glanced over and realized that Koa actually WAS in her class. he appeared to be speaking with someone. the girl looked rather fragile, but had beautiful long red hair.
Leo looked down and smacked himself in the face. "It's too early for this.." he growled, "...boxers could pass as shorts, right?" But he returned to his room anyway, pulling on a pair of jeans. He came back out shortly after, slightly irritated, with himself and the day. "Better?..."

Cherys stood in the doorway, looking around the classroom at the faces. She noticed Aria and waved quickly, then walked over and took an empty seat near her. "Morning." she said cheerily.
Ava stopped laughing. "I knew you weren't a morning person, but how many times are you going to forget your pants? I thought you would have learned by now." She smiled at him. "Come on let's get to class."
"Pants...shouldn't be necessary. If I want to go pants-less it shouldn't be a big deal," Leo muttered sleepily, following her to the class.

Cherys looked around the room curiously. "I was really dreading come here before, but now I don't think it will be so bad..." she mused, looking back to Aria and smiling. "I think this place will be a lot better than my old school."
"those two seem to be good friends." Faith was a bit jealous.

"me too, then again i was homeschooled." Aria noticed Koa and the little red haired girl looking in her direction. "good morning" she said with a polite wave.
Koa waved back to her and looked back at the red head seeing she didn't wave. He carefully lifted up her arm and waved for her and placed it down "Sorry if i hurt you." He hung his head
'I wouldn't want any other girl to see you pants-less. That's not going to happen as long as I'm around.' "So you think everyone should be able go pants-less? That would be interesting. I bet all you guys would like that." Ava laughed sweetly.

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